Why Sub DPS Are The Strongest Characters In Genshin Impact

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hey everyone just a heads up before you start the video I just want to let you know that throughout the video if I sound kind of bad I apologize to that I think I got sick when I came home from my trip and I thought it wouldn't sound as bad but then after I recorded and edited the Audio I realized it does sound kind of bad I'm sorry about that I'll make sure to wait until I'm a bit better before I record the next one but yeah bear with me and I hope it doesn't stop you from enjoying the video alongside the various elements and weapon types can't cheat impact's roster is sectioned into three categories based on the role characters it's supposed to fulfill in active combat we have main DPS also referred to Vice technical term on-field DPS then sub DPS or all field DPS and finally supports early on there was a small bit of consideration for the tank class while a Noel Jong Li and others giving off the impression that you would need someone who could soak up damage to their team of course that's not really necessary thanks to our access to Shields and healing either way the remaining three classes have been integrated quite well into General team building but saying their Equity is uniform would be false empirically speaking sub DPS students have performed significantly better than either main DPS or supports to the point where I think we should talk about why they're so popular and successful today we'll be taking a deeper look into the strongest class in Kenshin impact to start let's distinguish the role of each class as they do have a tendency to overlap with each other based on their definition main TPS AKA on fielders as they suggests are intended to be your active damage dealer that is they're the one who will be taking the most field time during any given rotation most of the time what distinguishes a main DPS from a sub DPS is whether or not the character has to be on the field to contribute meaningful damage for example who tells guy to afterlife provides you with a massive attack buff and spear Soother is a single instance pyro screen nuke that you ideally want to use after guide to afterlife but to take full advantage of the attack buff gutan needs to remain on field and attack as the modifies their charge attack animation to be much faster furthermore if she were to switch out she will lose the attack buff altogether this makes hutal explicitly a main DPS unit an example of a sub DPS character would be saddening Global attacks summons her friend golub that functions autonomously while pyronado instantiates a fiery Beyblade that orbits around you even if shending is not the active character while she can be used on field it's not obligatory thus freeing up the main party slot for someone else thus making her a sub DPS hence why the more technical term is called all field DPS because she can be used off-field so what separates a sub DPS from its support after all the measure of a support character is usually determined by how much they contribute to your party's efficiency in the damage department for instance Kosovo has Tade for the amazing Elemental damage boost he provides for his team applicably there really isn't but in my opinion if the character's individual output doesn't reach as far as that of a main damage dealer then they would be a support not sub DPS so someone like zhongni despite shredding nearby enemy resistance with this Jade Shield is purely a support whereas someone like Shinto offers a ton of damage to the reactions and honestly his own base numbers now that we've established that let's talk about the sub DPS class in more detail as stated before the key difference between a main and sub DPS is whether or not you can make use to their abilities without having to be the active character unlike other gotchas where you usually have a front line consisting of multiple parties genshin allows for only one person to be up front at a time even so they need to rotate between party members is critical for your success in combat namely through utilization of reactions as well as your character synergizing off one another directly or indirectly due to the inability to use all party members at the same time ideally the less time a unit needs to be on field to do their job the better which is why main DPS units are at a disadvantage since they inherently eat up a lot of field time the point is for them to compensate by having significantly higher possible damage output than ever sub DPS or supports but funnily enough at times it doesn't feel like there is any difference for the most part the only thing a sub DPS misses out on is their Auto attacks which they weren't going to be doing anyway because their scaling is likely configured in some different form in my recent video on the top 10 strongest characters you may have noticed that many of them happen to be able to execute their combos all field or with minimal Field Time four of the best 4 star characters in the game singtel assignment sucrose and facial are only so because their skills and bursts retain their effects even after they swap out on top of being very effective considering their Rarity overall the less intrusive or disruptive of characters in applying the moveset the more likely they are to be evaluated higher than those who are to elaborate let's take a look at the tier list on genshin tajiji as a disclaimer I'm fully aware this tier list is not very factually accurate I wouldn't call it only a tier 0 unit anymore compared to the days of version 1. and the fact that sucrose is in the middle is just disrespectful that being said we're not really looking at the units up top we're looking at the ones down low you'll find there's a pretty big number of main DPS or support units who are in mid or low tier like racer ninguang yanfei Klee D Luke and such objectively they're usable characters countless times are bringing D Luke into spiral Abyss because I feel like it and he accomplishes what's required of it but the reason they're put so low is because the competition for being DPS and support is way more stringent this is only one slot they can realistically make use of having to on fielders in one party Cuts both of their effectiveness in half such as any time spent using hotel is time wasted on Sino for the sake of argument supports are also the same way generally it's not recommended to have more than one since you lose out on too much DPS for it to be worth whatever utility they provide as all of Genji's combat consists of hack and slash attacking everything in sight with virtually no regard for timing or defense it's been over two years and we still have yet to see a single Mission deviating away from that like a test of endurance therefore having say TT and Noel on the same team would be excessive sub DPS characters are rated higher on average for the sheer fact that they're the only one among the three classes where you can theoretically have as many as you want and that's exactly what players do thanks to their low maintenance almost all of the best team comps consist of one on Fielder and three all fielders the ride and national team isn't no worthy case of this in this context writing Shogun is your main DPS spend in easier support and seem to understanding all your sub DPS what makes this party so efficient is that Shinto and Shen Ling's Elemental bursts gained more power from Shogun Elemental skill while Bennett powers of sandling and Shogun Spurs to deal optimal damage then we have the taser team comprising for all fielders well at least for one of them the one I use Right Now features yaimiko sucrose official and Shinto since all them can use their important stuff without needing to be on stage I just default to sucrose as my odd fielder for a lack of a better option the recent Dental parties also employ many sub DPS units typically three or in some cases four sub DPS aggravate parties make use of Niko official badal or anyone who can apply rapid amounts of Electro in a short period of time while Bloom teams even specific ones like those that use nilo have nahida sinto and kokumi or Barbara gameplay wise it's just better for the characters damaging abilities to persist even when swapping out as that prevents them from being directly compared to each other like hayoimiya til Luke and CLI will be constantly living in hotel Shadow because they don't do the same amount of damage as her or how kotzing and zaina will never come close to shogun's damage output whereas special and meet gold don't even have to worry about it since they're not competing for the same spot the accessibility is what makes sub DPS units so powerful it's easy to access their potential and more often Fisher Community teams soup teams aggravate over Vape hyper care teams Etc meanwhile cutsin is only effective in aggravate teams ayaka is only usable in freeze comps although granted Aya capfries is still one of the best teams to this day whereas diona can be used to freeze to melt or potentially physical damage support then again that might be a bad example seen as how ayaka is one of the best characters in the game and ionus not a sub DPS but you get what I mean you'll find yourself using sub dps's in a lot more situations consequently making them more attractive to zika not only for what we have right now but what we might have in the future their accessibility also allows them more resilience in the advancing meta gotcha games are notorious surrendering characters obsolete after only a few months or even a few weeks power creep obviously varies in scale from one game to the next but something I do appreciate about Kenshin is how slow it power crease mind you there still is power creep to some extent should you look at the early big names in the carry Department delucaudson it's all clean and so on were overshadowed by ayaka Shogun hotel and wander though that isn't to say you can't use a former group whatsoever but that's my point Tailwind units may not be as wide the use as it used to be but they don't completely follow their relevance even as new units enter the pool one exception to this is of course sub DPS how much of this has to do with the characters themselves being unintentionally overpowered or their off-field precedence doesn't really matter the four sub dps4 stars have consistently maintained their position from the start of Genji to now and have ironically surpassed version 1 5 Stars not just in strength but also value due to their pension for assimilating whatever is trending at the time one that I think deserves an in-depth look at this is sucrose sucrose initially began as a rather underwhelming animal character according to public opinion but that may have been a result of venti being the first feature five star when the game first came out as well as Gene supposedly carrying a lot more value from a 5 star rating furthermore the usage of transformative reactions like swirl was in commonplace until after substantial Buffs to them in version 1.6 to the point where as you get closer to the 7 to 900 Mark the damage boost is double what it used to be sucrose's identity is inextricably tied to Elemental Mastery both past the talents increase her and or her team's Elemental Mastery but at the time it wasn't seen as a high value stat like it is today this was only made worse as causal was brought in prompting many to draw comparisons between him and sucrose as further reason to Raiders so poorly entering version 2 the evolution of team building Concepts found that sucrose was arguably far better than other animal 5 Stars besides kasaha to the point where it goes so far as to say she's number two even ahead of venti she found gainful employment in many different formations like melt overvape child fireworks freeze teams and of course taser having one of the most powerful taster parties in the game her combination of area coverage crowd control damage amplification high amounts of animal application by virtue of being a catalyst user battery and reaction shading led to everyone's perceptions of her gradually improving over the course of time granted circumstantial events were a big help to that like the aforementioned Boston 1.6 but what allowed have a second lease on life was how effective she was without occupying your main party slot and that goes to the other four star outfielders as well most if not all of what makes official ascending and seem so overpowered wouldn't be the case if their effects disappeared upon switching out like if shingles rain swords but only Echo his attacks not the active character or if shanley's pyronado expired the moment you swapped to someone else there is a far higher likelihood of Hotel becoming relevant before signing since even if there's a new power DPS on the Block shangling doesn't have to play musical chairs with them she can just sit in one of the other spots the only way you'll see official get forced out of relevance is if there are two or more Electro units who are official but infinitely better we've already seen this happen with shincho and yellow when the latter was scheduled for release players are trying to figure out whether she would eclipse the former or if it was worth pulling for her if she was merely a more expensive version of him but they soon realized that you could have balled on the same team and they just so happened to get along famously if anything players would be more than happy to have a second shangling imagine if you had two pyronatos at once in in other words there's a lower probability of sub DPA students getting power prepped unless there's a jump in performance for new units high enough to be both best and slot and disincentivize them to use up the other two or three spots because there's another new unit that also does the same job but better given empirical data that's not going to happen for another two years or so moreover there's a higher probability of sub DPS units getting indirectly buffed whenever there's a new team or function that's all the rage the difference in usability makes it pragmatically more beneficial to go after and invest in characters who can apply their pressure without being the active character so I guess in a way when it comes to genjin it's always better to be the bridesmaid never the bride since everyone has eyes on the first place winner and not the runner-up letting the runner-up be more successful in the long term having said all that I feel like one negative consequence of sub DPS units having so much agency is that it stifles diversity in practice all your needs can be met with the same handful of characters which I alluded to in my problem with 4 star studio where characters that are more Niche like Goro Sara Yun Xin Hazel and Candice I aren't as well then clearly because the official xincho and sucrose to name a few however if they were to combat sub dps's monopolizing party slots by making new supports or all fielders be just as strong that can accelerate power creep as well again I'm speaking for the average player obviously some of you may have a special attachment to kale and prefer to use her over nahida or if you want to use shinobu over official but for the average person especially if they're free to play player spending their finite Primo gems and resources on a character that works in less situations is not worthwhile is that a good or bad thing though it's bad that you don't get many opportunities for those Nations to shine begging the question why I blocked them in the first place but it's good that we have these all-purpose characters who we can rely on to handle the game's more challenging content the low investment floor alleviates the pressure to chase after every character given how expensive it can be to pull for even one five star unit so it's all based on perspective even for a spender like me who has every character I still find myself using the same tried and true party like double Hydro Plus or ayaka freeze not really experimenting with more Rogue strategies like manoji or nilo Bloom because there's nothing pressuring you into doing so other than self-imposed goals and In fairness ganshin's player base is passionate enough to dive into units just to the fun of it so I may be alone in my stance on this I feel like the best way to address this issue without having to explicitly buff or Nerf anyone is to narrow the safety margin of her parties so that if they want to bring along the Swiss army knife characters the party will be deficient in some way like in the case of balloon teams giving you need three elements Hydro dendro and Electro it may not be wise to bring visual for your Electro slot since you need some form of healing so shinobu's ability to supplement that gives her more leverage in this scenario still very specific mind you just food for thought I had but what do you guys think do you believe sub DPS students have too much control over team building and that main TPS and supports give you some love or you contend with how it is now feel free to share in the comments down below for now if you enjoyed the video please leave a like And subscribe it really helps me out also follow me on Twitter at vars ferm join my Discord server and check out my other discussion videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I'll see you again soon in the next one take care [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 141,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact game, genshin game, genshin best character, genshin sub dps, genshin impact sub dps, genshin impact dps, genshin impact best dps characters, sub dps, sub dps characters, genshin impact class, genshin impact fischl, genshin impact xingqiu, genshin impact xiangling, genshin impact sucrose
Id: jgHV93ATFA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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