The EYE-deal Genshin Impact Tier List

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in my most recent video i had the random idea of making a tier list based on gentian impact character's eye designs and a lot of you wanted to see it so here we are now this at first glance looks like a normal tier list right well it's actually not because i'm doing this within my drawing program so i full capability to zoom around i can grab a color well okay i won't draw that big if i wanted to i could literally write whatever i want on the screen not that you need to know but the reason i'm doing this is because apparently to make your own deer list on the website you have to link your twitter and it gives them authorization to post stuff on your account and i just don't trust that so i made my own tier this year i'm sure we're gonna run into some issues of our own like if we put a bunch of these in the same tier eventually it's gonna fill up and then it doesn't automatically expand but that's a problem for me not you but this does allow us to get nice and close when we're analyzing the eyes of different characters which is much better than the website where you would just be stuck at this view now i'm sure everyone's going to feel differently about this but as we're going through judging these designs i don't think i'm going to take in consideration anything around the eye like arutaki ido here you know he's got this makeup on i don't think we're going to take that into consideration we are just going to be looking at the eye itself so more specifically the iris and pupil we will also not be factoring in how it relates to their whole design how it fits their personality any of that it's literally just the design of the eye and of course our tears are i've seen better all right pretty nice design really like them i love them and my favorites so let's just jump straight in with albedo down here in the top left okay so this i i like the color i do like the color there's not too much going on here we do have a bit of a circular design going around like that that's that's kind of nice a little bit of a darker area around the pupil but i mean there's nothing too special and i mean come on these are like anime aesthetic eyes we're talking about here so you get you get some really nice stuff we may end up moving some of these around at the end but for now i think i'm going to put him in pretty nice design as we do some more of these that might end up going down to just all right but we'll see next up we have amber and i mean they're amber colored eyes so you can't really knock off points for that but like i said we're not taking any of that into consideration so they're kind of just a singular colored eye as such i feel like all i can really do is put amber into all right because i mean there's nothing too special there now unfortunately for artaki ido a lot of his design around his eye does come from the makeup but not even including that the eyes themselves aren't that bad either that's kind of a flame color where it's a gradient from yellow to a darker red so it's still pretty nice and i guess since i did just say it's pretty nice i'm going to put it in the pretty nice tier and again subject to change later but for now that's where he's going now what's kind of funny here is barbara and jean ended up right above and below each other and they do pretty much have the same eyes however i think jeans look a little bit nicer as we have the darker color that swoops in a little bit more so barbara will be lower than jean here and it falls into the same kind of thing as amber where there's nothing too special about it so i'm going to be putting barbara in the all right dear with beta we only have one eye to study though i mean i do like what's going on here we have a bit of a lighter pinkish color maybe maroon magenta a little bit darker colored on top with some yellow and a little bit of orange now i do like beto's eyes however once again in comparison to some of the other characters i don't think they're quite at the top therefore beta was also going to be going into the pretty nice design tier for the first time ever in one of my tier lists i think bennett will not be going in the lowest tier just due to bad luck i do actually really like his eyes they're a very nice green emerald color and before you say in the comments yes this is all preference this is completely biased because literally everyone will make a different tier list for this so while i'm sure some of you will disagree i i think i think i gotta put bennett in the really like them tear is there a ton going on in his eyes well maybe not there's not even that much of a gradient per se but the color is just so nice and i don't know it's just i really like them so they have to go there also is it just me or after staring at their eyes only for so long it almost feels like the image is the same i copy and paste it and that it just it just starts looking weird i can't really explain it chung yoon is up next and i mean i i like his eyes because i like the gradient the color is nice it's very nice there's also these little lines coming out from where the pupil is along the iris and i think that that looks pretty cool no pun intended because cheongyun is a cryo character but i think he's also going to be going into the i really like them tyr there's not too much to say with d luke he just looks like he's dead inside relatable so yes these eyes fit his character design very well but we're not taking that into consideration so i've seen better diona was kind of interesting because i guess i've never really looked at her eyes that closely since i don't really care for using her but i do like the color here kind of a greenish blue seafoam green if you will up into a dark teal or just kind of a dark blue with almost a yellow or lime green in the bottom and when i saw that i actually really liked it so i mean it's got to go in the really light tier then we have eula and weld the whole reason for this tier list kind of stems from eula for the most part it's a goldish color that fades up into a purple which is just a really nice gradient so eula will also be going into the really like them now there's a lot going into the really like and none going into favorites or i love them because i think what might end up happening is as we move these up we're gonna get a lot of them stuck up in these tiers and then from those we can pick which ones we like even more and then move them up to the top and kind of do it that way unfortunately officials eyes to me aren't anything that impressive they're nice green color don't get me wrong but there's not that much going on so i'm going to put her up in the all right here at least you could tell she's alive on like a certain character down here but beyond that there's not too much there gany's eyes are pretty nice this her eye just reminds me of sunset maybe not an actual sunset but in any program where they have a sunset themed thing this is the color scheme that you get it's like that dark purples into a lighter purple with some reds and orange yellow color it's just it's a sunset so if someone has a sunset in their eye i mean i really like that that's pretty cool also i i apologize if i'm moving this all over where like you can't even see it because you know uh it is just an art program so i'm just whipping this thing around like crazy i feel like this is a really scuffed to your list because of how i'm doing it but uh just bear with me moving on to goro i like the color the color's nice beyond the color there's not that much and if the color's nice but that's about it then i think i'm going to put it in all right though i do feel kind of bad because that is a really nice color then we have who tau one of the few characters maybe even the only character whose pupil is different and it's literally a flower how many characters can you say have a literal flower in their eye i feel it's only fair to put her up in the really like them category and we have a problem forming because a lot of them are ending up in this category and we still have a lot to go and we don't have enough room to put them all there but now we're up to jean i hope it's kind of funny how just looking at all of the designs of only the eyes you can kind of tell who every character is but yes i'm fairly certain this is jean and i already said i like jean's eyes more than barbara's so by default she's going up into the pretty nice design because once again i do like the color i do like the design even though there's not that much to it and honestly wait the eyes kind of look like her alternate skin where you know it's a very light blue on the bottom and then a kind of darker blue on top i think that's how her alternate skin looks i could be completely mistaken and if so just disregard what i just said but again there's not too much in terms of the design so we're just gonna leave it in that tier kazuha is coming up next and there's once again not too much to see here there's some crimsony colors and crimsony colors kazuha is going to have to go in the all right here kaya on the other hand i did forget about this he has a slightly different shaped pupil and you can't really tell here because it's so pixelated but this pupil if i'm not mistaken is supposed to kind of be a star design kind of like the primo gems and i believe all the characters that came from the name of the place that was destroyed many years ago it starts with a k yeah that place i think all of them have this star-shaped pupil which is kind of interesting it is also a pretty nice color i think kai is going to be taking his place in the really like them tear though i don't think he would go any higher than that i could be wrong i hope i don't change that later i do really like that color though that that's just that's it's a nice color ayuka how's it going ayuka you have some grayishy blue eyes i mean that's kind of cool again i guess that's kind of a pun because she's a cryo character why do i keep doing this but i will say not that much going on here it's just grayish i mean i suppose there's that bit of blue in the pupil but in terms of the overall ranking she has to go up in the all right dear i'm not gonna lie the i've seen better tier might need to be renamed let me just uh change this real quick okay all right there we go that looks so weird when it's written like that so the i've seen better has now turned into dead inside i'm sure you can guess who else is gonna be joining d luke in that tier next up is the character that has eluded me on every single account since the release of the game it's ka-chang and specifically for that reason i want to rank her low but that's not how this dear list works so i can't do that putting aside my saltiness for a moment i do enjoy the color of the eyes and she has a uniquely shaped pupil that all scores bonus points so in terms of her ranking i i'm gonna put her up in the i really like them because i do that's that's just how this works so cle we have a reddish design you know some lightness down here that's cool awesome nice uh again nothing too crazy going on though so it's just all right kokomi is one of the is she the only character with no pupil what would she look like with a p hold on hold on okay i uh i tried giving kokumi pupils just to see what it would look like i mean it doesn't look terrible it's also kind of hard to judge what it would look like in this kind of context when we only have the eyes to look at but let's just take those away again uh yeah she looks kind of lifeless and i do like the grady i think you know i'm gonna put her in pretty nice design fight me well well don't actually but you know what i mean cujosara with the golden eyes what are we in here this is kind of cool that you know they're literally a golden color except that there's nothing else going on so it's just all right lisa on the other hand has some very emerald colored eyes pretty nice i must say but bennett had better green eyes because there's a lot more life and depth to bennett's eyes compared to lisa's so lisa is just going to go on all right as well because again there's not too much going on there mona i really like her eye design because it's kind of like a rainbowish color so you know what i'm not even gonna put her in they really like them tears she's going right up into i love them and once we go back later and kind of finalize things that might even change more ning wang has red eyes and i don't know if many people know this but if you zoom in really close on her eyes you can kind of just make out a bit of a dollar sign her eyes are all right i don't really know what else to say she's not dead inside so i can't really put her down there so they're just they're all right and now we have a problem because the all right deer has filled up wait who is this what character is this oh this is noelle okay completely forgot about her um i'm gonna be honest i'm not the biggest fan of this color it's kind of a very muted gold kind of goes along with the geo color theme so i get it it makes sense but like i said we're not factoring in the character's whole design elements anything like that okay um well here's the thing i think we're we're gonna have to once again edit the name of dead inside because i need a tier right below all right and you know adding a whole tier would take me a little while because it's not an actual tier list it's just made in my drawing program so i'm just i'm just gonna make up this really cool new tier just came up with it myself definitely wasn't here before you're crazy and well i'm so sorry noel but i mean this is all just personal preference at the end of the day so i've seen better and you know what you know what no i changed my mind official i've seen better get down there kazuha i've seen better get down there oh we're gonna we're gonna start making people mad here clee you are dangerously close to falling down there as well i do like the color of kudosa so she'll be staying here at least lisa lisa you know what you know what i you know what i said to lisa i said you know the color of lisa's eyes is really nice but look at bennett i've seen better though it is hard to move her down to the i've seen better because i do really like that color so i think she will be staying there nigguan wrong i hate to do this to you but you see i i've seen better chung yoon you can move up a tier dionna you can move up a tier yula oh no we're gonna move everyone up aren't we you yula move up a tear gun you yeah you can move up who taos i like the pupil but but the color gradient isn't my favorite or rather there's not too much of a gradient and i know you don't want the eyes to be like extremely busy in terms of the design but i think hootha is going to be staying here kaya will be staying here and kuching will also stay here okay well look at that we have more room now chi-chi surprisingly her eyes don't look like she's dead i mean i guess i guess a little because the pupils more muted in terms of the color but not that much more than any other character however i do like the color that we're working with here i'm realizing this tier list is making less and less sense in terms of comparing one character to another because i mean look at this we have chichi here i like the color but besides that there's not that much going on move down to i don't i don't know like kujozara i like the color but there's not that much going on but they're in different tiers though honestly comparing these two i would rank chi-chi's higher because ironically enough there looks to be more life in the eyes and it's kind of a longer gradient i see three main colors in kujo sorry but i see four colors in chi chi's again don't think too much into all of this it's it's just a stupid and i mean stupid dear list it's just for fun this one pains me because it's the writing shogun it's a herself however looking at just her eye design we have two main colors with you know a few others scattered about but they're not my favorite they're all right i do like the color but i think she's going to find a home in just all right i am sorry right in shogun but at least now you know that this isn't complete bias just based on what characters i like because writing shogun would definitely be in the top tier if it were razor what do we what do we got here we got we got red we got some darker red we got that's about it razer is riding the line between all right and i've seen better i suppose i should also clarify now i've seen better doesn't mean it's a bad design a lot of these do fit the characters that they're with it's just that in terms of what i like they're the lowest sorry razer i think i'm gonna put you down in the i've seen better i could make an argument for just all right but i'm gonna leave it like this rosaria again with very unique eyes because they're much more elongated than everyone else's but because of that there's not as much space for design personal preferences i've seen better saiyu they're they're kind of dull there's not much life in there which again makes sense for the character but uh i don't care saiyu's going in i've seen better shen ha the rainbow eyes the i mean these gotta go up there there's no denying these have to go at least into i love them maybe even my favorites but we'll pick from the top ones later for the top tier oh you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do something at the end of the video so everyone who's watching now you're gonna know that i'm doing this but the people who just skip to the end because it's a tier list so you can just get to the end they're not gonna know this at the end of the video i'm just gonna scramble these all around to completely screw up the order and that's how we're gonna end the video so once this is done we'll we'll get my actual opinions and then i'll just completely mess it up so everyone who skips to the end will not know what i actually put them in and they'll be very confused because i'll put like the ones that like the least at the top and you know we'll make it fun so any comments you see if goddess is stupid why would you put d luke in the top tier when his eyes are so empty now you know but moving on we have sucrose up next and i mean these honestly these look like they should be amber's eyes amber's eyes are i guess a little more amber colored overall but this there's more of a gradient here and it kind of blends into a bit of a reddish color which could be the fire i mean these these are amber's eyes sucrose stole amber's eyes they're all right oh wait but if they're better than amber can they just go in all right i wouldn't rank them higher because yes i like the great i think i think that's what it is i like the gradient in sucrose's eyes however they're lacking more life and when i say life like look at this if i were to take a brush here and let's just say put in some more reflections around the eye you could see well i kind of messed that one up but it just gives it more life they look more lively the more reflections you add the more lively it looks so while i do like the gradient because there's less life she's gonna go up into just all right child tartaglia he's looking nice and dead inside cool color and for once it's not actually cryo character so i could say that without it being a pun although it is actually a cool color because blue purple and green are cool colors so it still kind of works as an unintended fun but besides that i've seen better oh oh i almost i almost just threw him off the whole tier list okay yeah yeah i've i've seen better now we're running out of room in the i've seen better dear and spoiler alert i don't think that's gonna be everyone in the i've seen better tier so uh-oh toma thomas got green eyes so if we have green eyes we have to compare to bennett because bennett is the golden standard for green eyes right now i would say there's a little less life in tomah's eyes when compared to bennett though the color is pretty similar so basically what i'm working with here is a softer looking eye with similar colors not as vibrant though so oh this makes no sense wouldn't that then go down into the pretty nice design but i feel like i just want to put him in all right this makes no sense this tier list actually makes no sense you know what i'm making a revision goro i like the color of your eyes it's going up into pretty nice design and then toma i'm gonna bring you over to fill in the slot that we just moved away all right all right i like that i like that so far you know what no new revision aika going into the pretty nice design i know her eyes are just kind of gray but the fact that i think she's pretty much the only character with gray eyes and it is a cool color haha i need to stop i'm gonna put her in pretty nice which means sucrose you can move over to fill in that gap very nicely right there that's good venti here's the deal okay venti i think i want to say pretty cool but i've said that too many times i think it's pretty unique we'll go with that you have this greenish color kind of the animal color almost dendro color going up into a deep blue i kind of like it however it's almost jarring to look at just because of how different these two colors are honestly his eye looks like a poke ball am i am i wrong look at this you have this you have the the you know the center of the poke ball the top and the bottom his eyes are literally poke balls they're like they're they're venti balls oh wait no no don't nope that's wrong that sounds so wrong so i feel some people would put him up until they love them or even favorite and you know what i don't blame you for me i'm only going to put them up in the really like them because while it's a very nice design we know two different colors contrastings i mean it's very unique they're not my favorite simply because of how contrasting they are jean ling it's a respectable goldish color i feel she has much larger pupils than most of the other characters which you know another point for uniqueness but honestly let's look at this for a moment we have four characters with kind of similar eye colors and again we're not factoring in makeup so we're only looking at the eyes themselves so if i had to rank these four alone i feel like shincho would be kind of lower shin yan i would like more if this gradient was a little bit smoother and if there was a bit more life in the eyes so then it's up to xiao and john ling these are kind of hard to separate just because they have different aspects that are both kind of nice but also there's nothing entirely too unique about them even though i know i just said that her eyes were unique because of the big people i'm contradicting myself everywhere in this video it should be nothing new so i'm gonna i'm gonna try to squish down all of these because uh we gotta make room for shincho that should be just enough room for shincho to squeeze in there shin yan would go up into the all right though i mean i don't know i feel like shin yan would also go into the i've seen better i don't have room for this but we we can make do and squeeze shiny on in there and jion ling can go into the all right and ciao i i feel like showers just above jean ling for me so he'll be taking a place in pretty nice design yai miko it's a it's a nice purple there's some life in there with this little glowing bit around the reflection but okay let's see let's see compared to ryden shogun because they're both purple right who wins this i almost feel like yai mika wins this honestly but that's still kind of hard you know what you know what i think yay miko does win this yay miko goes into pretty nice design who the heck are you oh you're uh you're yanfey right those are kind of nice it's a nice greenish color when you only have young face eyes here they look very strange because the pupil is like non-existent it's very rare is it rare hold on uh okay maybe not it's not it's not very rare it's just interesting to see the pupil lighter color than the rest of the eye for the most part she looks very bored though however i do like the colors i know where i want to put this i think you know what you know what i'm gonna do we're gonna make some more changes because i like to change my mind every two minutes or even more frequently kokumi going up into the really like them chichi really like them i want to move goro up because i do really like that color but there's nothing else going on in these eyes so goro has to stay there jean could move up realistically because her eyes are i guess they're not entirely unique but i do like them i'm gonna leave her here for now we're gonna condense these down it's funny the more i look at some of these eyes the more i like them or the more i don't like them which is why this keeps changing plus you know we're kind of running out of space yon faye really like or just pretty nice where do i feel like she fits better i feel like if she had more of a pupil i would like them more so i'm just going to put them in pretty nice while i'm adjusting all of these leave a comment down below i know it's very random are you watching any animes right now if so what are you watching definitely not asking because i got sucked into another anime i would i wouldn't have never couldn't be me and if you're not watching one right now what was the last one that you watched very random i know leave that comment though let me know i'm curious satiate my curiosity and potentially find other people who enjoy the same enemies that you enjoy it's a win-win yohimia yanfei you're you're on fiat no you and jin i'm an idiot okay well i mean that wasn't a surprise to anyone yo mia yoon jin and zhang li i can tell you right now these two there's nothing too special going on zhang li would be above them because he's got more special stuff going on i feel like because of the precedent that i've sent yunjin has to go in the i've seen better because there's just it's just it's one it's one color basically it's two colors yes i mean there's a lot more than two colors obviously but overall you get two colors so i've seen better yoy mia uh you're joining me where you me i've seen better or all right i've seen better all right i'm trying to compare her to the other ones we've put in just to see what feels better i mean okay look at this look at this compared to sucrose it's kind of the same color scheme but when you compare these two sets of eyes together sucrose wins easily so yoymie is going into the i've seen better because well it's right there i've seen better and zhong li is last i think i'm gonna put zhang li into the pretty nice because they are very unique it's a nice gradient there's some unique elements around the i pupil i know eyes not really but i pretend that i do so this is the tier list as it stands now time to make some changes because obviously the top tier is completely empty at the moment so out of the eyes that we have up here shenha is going into one of my favorites for sure even i think daion is going up there which i would not have guessed before i started this whole tier list mona is going to go up as well and i feel like chung yoo needs to his eyes are kind of simple so i could see if some people don't agree because when you have something like venti obviously these look more i don't know no i don't know it's preference you know what it's preference if you disagree you disagree i have a problem though because i want to move all these up you know what because these were at the top these are my favorites i mean that's just a good way to look at it right they were in the highest tier so they're just going to become the favorites but then what do we love oh no the tier list is going to shambles yonfe you're moving up come on come on up you're going to the really like where do we go with i love them though bennett i do really like i don't know that i go with love maybe though because i keep comparing all the other eyes to them basically so you know what there you go bennett enjoy being in one of the top spots kaya you can go up there too who tells staying here because like i said there's not much of a gradient going on kokami if you had a pupil you'd probably go higher but because your eyes look very void of life you're gonna be staying there even though i do like them kaching screw you for not coming to any of my accounts venti like i said they're too contrasting chichi no it's since i'm hesitating at all i'm not moving them up and then yon faye i'm just i'm no she's good that's where she's staying jean i'm going to move up into really like because i feel like i should do i need to move goro just for no for the color alone i can't even though that's why chichi is here this is this is so pointless this this is it i think this is my tier list that's it that's it right yeah sure why not so this is my official tier list okay i'm gonna save this i'm gonna export that as a picture for myself okay there we go so now this is my completed tier list right but what we're gonna do like i said is mess it up all right you get you guys ready for some acting and there we have it this is the completed tier list for the eyes of characters for all of those who just skipped right to the end hello welcome you missed the whole video you might want to you might want to go back and watch it because i guarantee you you did miss some things that are kind of important for everyone that watched all the way through i appreciate you this was a very random and stupid dear list to make but those are the fun ones that's what i enjoy doing i am never going to make a tier list based on how useful or meta a character is because that's boring and hundreds of other people do it it only leads to arguments i hate saying this but if you are not already subscribed feel free to go hit that subscribe button because you know we're getting kind of close to that 100 000 milestone and that'd be kind of insane to hit with all of that out of the way though i am not going to waste any more of your time so i hope you enjoyed this and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 154,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin, genshin impact, genshin impact tier list, tier list, genshin tier list, genshin tier list 2.5, genshin tier list 2.6, genshin tier list 2.7, genshin tier list eyes, genshin eye tier list, genshin impact ranked, genshin characters tier list, genshin characters ranked, genshin whos the best character, genshin best character, genshin design tier list, genshin character tier list, genshin character ranking, genshin all characters, genshin impact tier list java, Java
Id: vWDsDyv2rf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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