Why Spongebob Has Been Driven to Madness - Spongebob Squarepants [Theory]

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[Music] it's Friday the 13th again and you all know what that means I'm covering more Sponge Bob Squarepants the show of absolute terror whether it be planked in the attritional rapid force psychologically manipulative war mastermind of breakdown or Patrick who suffers from trauma induced anxiety triggered spontaneously duplicate of multi intellectual dissociative identity disorder paranoid schizophrenia and chronic delusions of a mental multiverse this show has demonstrated to me that it has a lot to unpack so in an attempt to use insanity to take this as far as I seriously can today we are dissecting spongebob himself and how he's clinically insane hello I'm the theorized ER and Spongebob Squarepants himself a lot like Squidward Tentacles but only in the moments where Squidward acts crazy spongebob is always crazy hopping around like a maniac brain turned to absolute mush et Cie Squidward however when something goes very wrong or he simply cannot take it anymore he freaks out starts laughing like a crazy person and giggling like spongebob he quite literally acts exactly like SpongeBob and Patrick in his moments of pure rage and intolerance of their stupidity no normal person acts like this 24/7 but it's understandable if someone is under extreme stress to go sort of hilariously insane thanks to my extensive theories we know why Patrick does this and we literally see in the show why Squidward sometimes does it but spongebob is the only one without an origin of his carefree bliss if you've watched the third and final part of my Patrick Theory trilogy you may have an idea of where I'm taking this Patrick I diagnosed with hundreds of multiplying split personalities and severely chronic delusions as stated in my previous videos some of this confusion and terror rubs off on the people around him including spongebob spongebob was silly as a child I'm sure you can all find evidence for that but that's normal for all kids SpongeBob's problem is that he's not changed his problem is that he's been driven past those occasional outbursts that Squidward has those manic ridiculous laughing fits he has sometimes albeit rarely Squidward's driven so far like in the magic conch episode that his eyes grow wide and he gives in to the madness like the idiot friends around him but spongebob acts like this all the time it's his mind's failsafe after giving up on sanity ignorant bliss spongebob still has many normal moments but when Patrick could get stupid spongebob immediately snaps into this mode not only around Patrick though spongebob also randomly will snap into it as a part of his general personality it's leaking through it's become second nature for him to have these unruly snaps of ridiculousness it's certainly nothing like what Patrick's got going on but it's still something spongebob is an immature child it's like he's reverted to childhood by going too far with Patrick hanging out too much giving this mentally ill echinoderms friend at the cost of his own sanity SpongeBob's family doesn't second-guess it this is a problem because it means spongebob had a little something before he met Patrick a crack in his mentality a weakness for bliss and when I say insanity I'm not talking about him having random mental disorders I'm talking about how he has literally disconnected himself from reality as a last ditch effort for subliminal self-preservation he endured a trauma a torment which has made him into this extremely immature adult then again each character in Bikini Bottom is so far into their stereotypes that it makes me feel like something severe has happened to all of them in one fell swoop but more on that some other time so as I said something must have happened to Spongebob at one point or another to cause this severely problematic behavior so I'm gonna prove all of this by going through a few clips and it'll show you how Squidward and SpongeBob frightening Lee similar when it comes down to their breakdowns in mental state in the first clip wheel observe Squidward has just had a frustrating day dealing with spongebob at the very end spongebob manages to do the exact opposite of what Squidward had wanted this final blow hit Squidward the wrong way and he broke down being incapable of anything but a single which he held for quite some time before absolutely losing it laughing and freaking out but we need more evidence more clips in this second clip from the episode entitled good old what's-his-name Squidward tried to beat Sponge Bob in a contest for a vacation brochure and when his attempts resulted in his imprisonment he started to lose it but when mr. Krabs reveals that the contest was actually to win the brochure itself and not the vacation Squidward has what I shall call a mini moment his eyes go bloodshot and he starts giggling and chuckling with a warped face while he smiles it's quite faint but you can in fact see a resemblance to SpongeBob's laughable personality in this moment however it's other scenes where we really start to see it in the episode called squids visit the animators sort of go all out with this whole idea after some horrendous antics with SpongeBob Squadron multiple times now basically caves in and becomes as craziest spongebob after his houses burnt down by an overcooked casserole because he was too distracted by playing with a vacuum cleaner he has a vision where he appears to be dining with the vacuum it's clear at this point in the episode but that he's taken too much of the inanity after spongebob tells Squidward that he can stay over for the time being Squidward's face becomes warped and dead and then he shrinks and vanishes to a point it is then that we are shown him and the vacuum he has slipped from sanity he is doing like spongebob breaches and using his imagination in the worst way possible as he drinks tea with the vacuum he offers up a casserole then he laughs like a maniac and it zooms in on him we then see the reality of this situation Squidward's sentience has vacated his body basically he's insane and what goes on in his mind parallel that of Spongebob and the use of his imagination if it was spongebob doing this weird dinner thing it's something we would all laugh at but since it's Squidward and they play eerie music overtop of it we are certain something isn't quite right another good episode for proof of Squidward's similarities to spongebob is in the episode where he moves into a private neighborhood he can't even go a few days without doing something he immature he literally has too much fun with a leaf blower a leaf blower because deep down he is just like his crazy neighbors it's like he's almost putting on an act around SpongeBob and Patrick trying to be sophisticated when honestly we know he isn't Squidward has had many mental breakdowns before he has very severe anxiety and is prone to panic attacks he'll do anything to be better than spongebob as we see many times and he's very immature deep down people who are truly sophisticated like squilliam see how he's a poser and a fraud he's an insane squid who tries to be better than everyone else only to please himself he's a narcissist who thinks he's amazing with art and music upon being criticized he becomes livid in actuality spongebob is far more mature than Squidward it just isn't very apparent because it's as I've been saying spongebob has gone permanently insane to the point where he's not aware he's even doing it and it's so convincing not even we can tell that something is amiss a good example of a mental breakdown is in the episode where he takes a trip to what I'll call clarinet land some would call this a drug trip or a fever dream though he is not sick or high he's crazy an absolute head case but this theory of mine is about spongebob I'll do Squidward's mentality another day very soon point is these two are similar with what they find amusing or how they see things all together now spongebob could very well be insane or he could be a psychopath faking bliss and insanity and if we're truly going in this direction there's even a strong possibility that he could be an insane psychopath who thinks he's faking bliss and insanity an emotionally dead psycho so disconnected from reality that he fakes crying in emotions because he's so desperate for bliss a psycho so nuts that he thinks he's a TV show character and he is which makes this even further layered with intellectual psychology since it's even more unlikely than what I'm already spouting though I'll keep myself grounded for now many people have also noted how the show spongebob squarepants got really bad and unfunny after sometime around the episode known as squilliam Returns where SpongeBob's little people in his mind throughout all of his knowledge in the form of files erasing everything he knows it's my belief that this was actually the point where he officially lost his sanity before this point he was mostly just being kind to the mentally disabled Patrick but after he had no clue of anything his brain I repeat turned into pink for those of you wondering this is the main series on my channel Coraline sort of was but I only ultimately made about three theories on that the rest were just answering your questions which is why I'm likely gonna make a whole other one sometime this year for now though the dissection of the mentalities of SpongeBob characters is my main series it may be mostly ridiculous but I find it a ton of fun and so do you so I will keep doing it in fact you guys please go out and find more instances where Squidward goes crazy it will help and once you guys aid with more evidence I'm making a follow up theory on Spongebob and I've also got Squidward's and mrs. Puff's theories coming down the pipeline lots of theories on television shows this year and so until next time I'm the theorized ER [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 561,248
Rating: 4.9136982 out of 5
Keywords: spongebob, spongebob squarepants, theory, analysis, theorizer, the theorizer, patrick, episode, episodes, full, end, ending, squidward, mr krabbs, sandy, plankton, funny, moment, moments, scene, scenes, clip, clips, movie, film, pearl, mrs puff, nickelodeon, review
Id: yzJ1PjZsvYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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