Why Some Roads Are Made of Styrofoam

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If you’ve ever driven or ridden in an automobile,  there’s a near 100% chance you’ve hit a bump in   the road as you transition onto or off of a  bridge. In fact, some studies estimate that   it happens on a quarter of all bridges in the US!  It’s dangerous to drivers and expensive to fix,   but the reason it happens isn’t too complicated to  understand. It’s a tale (almost) as old as time:   You need a bridge to pass over  another road or highway. But,   you need a way to get vehicles from ground level  up to the bridge. So, you design an embankment,   a compacted pile of soil that can be  paved into a ramp up to the bridge. But,   here’s the problem. Even though the bridge  and embankment sit right next to each other,   they are entirely different structures with  entirely different structural behavior. A bridge   is often relatively lightweight and supported on  a rigid foundation like piles driven or drilled   deep into the ground. An embankment is - if the  geotechnical engineers will forgive me for saying   it - essentially just a heavy pile of dirt.  And when you put heavy stuff on the ground,   particularly in places that have naturally soft  soils like swamps and coastal plains, the ground   settles as a result. If the bridge doesn’t settle  as much or at the same rate, you end up with a   bump. Over the years, engineers have come up with  a lot of creative ways to mitigate the settlement   of heavy stuff on soft soils, but one of those  solutions seems so simple, that it’s almost   unbelievable: just make embankments less heavy.  Let’s talk about some of the bizarre materials we   can use to reduce weight, and a few of the reasons  it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. I’m Grady   and this is Practical Engineering. In today’s  episode, we’re talking about lightweight fills. This video is sponsored by  HelloFresh. More on them later. The Latin phrase for dry land, “terra firma,”  literally translates to firm earth. It’s   ingrained in us that the ground is a solid entity  below our feet, but geotechnical engineers know   better. The things we build often exceed the  earth’s capacity to withstand their weight,   at least not without some help. Ground  modification is the technical term for all   the ways we assist the natural soil’s ability  to bear imposed loads, and I’ve covered quite   a few of them in previous videos, including  vertical drains that help water leave the soil;   surcharge loading to speed up settlement so it  happens during construction instead of afterwards;   soil nails used to stabilize slopes;  and one of the first videos I ever made:   the use of reinforcing elements to create  mechanically stabilized earth walls. One of the simplest definitions of  design engineering is just making sure   that the loads don’t exceed the strength  of the material in question. If they do,   we call it a failure. A failure can  be a catastrophic loss of function,   like a collapse. But a failure can also be a loss  of serviceability, like a road that becomes too   rough or a bridge approach that develops a major  bump. Ground modification techniques mostly focus   on increasing the strength of the underlying soil,  but one technique instead involves decreasing the   loads, allowing engineers to accept the  natural resistance of a soft foundation. Let me put you in a hypothetical situation  to give you a sense of how this works:   Imagine you’re a transportation engineer working  on a new highway bridge that will replace an   at-grade intersection that uses a traffic  signal, allowing vehicles on the highway to   bypass the intersection. This is already a busy  intersection, hence the need for the bypass,   and now you’re going to mess it all up with a  bunch of construction. You design the embankments   that lead up to the bridge to be built from  engineered fill - a strong soil material that’s   about as inexpensive as construction gets. You  hand the design off to your geotechnical engineer,   and they come back with this graph: a plot  of settlement over time. Let’s just say   you want to limit the settlement of the  embankment to 2 inches or 5 centimeters   after construction is complete. That’s a pretty  small bump. This graph says that, to do that,   you’ll have to let your new embankment sit and  settle for about 3 years before you pave the   road and open the bridge. If you put this up on  a powerpoint slide at a public meeting in front   of all the people who use this intersection on  a daily basis, what do you think they’ll say? Most likely they’re going to ask you to find  a way to speed up the process (politely or   otherwise). From what I can tell from my inbox,  a construction site where no one’s doing any   work is a commuter’s biggest pet peeve. So, you  start looking for alternative designs and you   remember a key fact about roadway embankments:  the weight of the traffic on the road is only   a small part of the total load experienced by  the natural ground. Most of the weight is the   embankment itself. Soil is heavy. They teach us  that in college. So what if you could replace   it with something else? In fact, there is  a litany of granular material that might   be used in a roadway embankment instead of  soil to reduce the loading on the foundation,   and all of them have unique engineering properties  (in other words, advantages, and disadvantages). Wood fibers have been used for many years as  a lightweight fill with a surprisingly robust   service life of around 50 years before  the organic material decays. Similarly,   roadway embankments have been seen as a popular  way to reuse waste materials. In particular,   the State of New York has used shredded  tires as a lightweight fill with success,   so far avoiding the spontaneous combustions that  have happened in other states. There are also some   very interesting materials that are manufactured  specifically to be used as lightweight fills. Expanded shale and clay aggregates are formed  by heating raw materials in a rotary kiln to   temperatures above 1000 celsius. The  gasses in the clay or shale expand,   forming thousands of tiny bubbles. The aggregate  comes out of the kiln in this round shape, and it   has a lot of uses outside heavy civil construction  like insulation, filtration, and growing media for   plants. But round particles like this don’t work  well as backfill because they don’t interlock. So,   most manufacturers send the aggregate through  a final crushing and screening process before   the material is shipped out. Another manufactured  lightweight fill is foamed glass aggregate. This   is created in a similar way to the expanded shale  where heating the raw material plus a foaming   agent creates tiny bubbles. When the foamed glass  exits the kiln, it is quickly cooled, causing it   to naturally break up into aggregate sized pieces.  You can see in my graduated cylinders here that   I have one pound or about half a kilogram of  soil, sand, and gravel. It takes about twice   as much expanded shale aggregate to make up that  weight since its bulk density is about half that   of traditional embankment building materials.  And the foamed glass aggregate is even lighter. All these different lightweight fills can be used  to reduce the loading on soft soils below roadways   and protect underground utilities from damage,  but they also have a major advantage when used   with retaining walls: reduced lateral pressure.  I’ve covered retaining walls in a previous video,   so check that out after this if you want to learn  more, but here’s an overview. Granular materials   like soil aren’t stable on steep slopes, so  we often build walls meant to hold them back,   usually to take fuller advantage of a site  by creating more usable spaces. Retaining   walls are everywhere if you know where to  look, but they also represent one of the   most underappreciated challenges in civil  engineering. Even though soil doesn’t flow   quite as easily as water does, it is around  twice as dense. That means building a wall to   hold back soil is essentially like building a  dam. The force of that soil against the wall,   called lateral earth pressure, can be  enormous, and it’s proportional both   to the height of the wall and the density of  the material it holds back. Here’s an example: When Port Canaveral in Florida decided to expand  terminal 3 to accommodate larger cruise ships,   they knew they would need not only a new passenger  terminal building but also a truly colossal   retaining wall to form the wharf. The engineers  were tasked with designing a wall that would be   around 50 feet (or 15 meters) tall to allow the  enormous cruise ships to dock directly alongside   the wharf. The port already had stockpiles  of soil leftover from previous projects,   so the new retaining wall would get its  backfill for free. But, holding back 50   feet of heavy fill material is not a simple  task. The engineers proposed a combi-wall system   that is made from steel sheet piles supported  between large pipe piles for added stiffness,   in addition to a complex tie-back structure to  provide additional support at the top of the wall.   When the design team considered using lightweight  fill behind the retaining wall, they calculated   that they could significantly reduce the size of  the piles of the combi-wall, use a more-commonly   available grade of steel instead of the specialty  material, and simplify the tie-back system. Even though the lightweight fill was  significantly more expensive than the   free backfill available at the site, it still  saved the project about $3 million dollars   compared to the original design. The fill at  Port Canaveral (and all the lightweight fills   we’ve discussed so far) are granular materials  that essentially behave like normal soil, sand,   or gravel fills (just with a lower density). They  still have to be handled, placed, and compacted to   create an embankment or retaining wall backfill  just like any typical earthwork project. But,   there are a couple of lightweight fills  that are installed much differently. Concrete can also be made lightweight using some  of the aggregates mentioned earlier in place of   normal stone and sand, or by injecting foam  into the mix, often called cellular concrete.   On projects where it’s difficult or time  consuming to place and compact granular fill,   you can just pump this stuff right out of a hose  and place it right where it needs to be, speeding   up construction and eliminating the need for lots  of heavy equipment. There are a few companies that   make cellular concrete, and they can tailor the  mix to be as strong or lightweight as needed for   the project. You can even get concrete with  less density than water, meaning it floats! This test cylinder was graciously provided  by Cell-Crete so I could give you a close   up look at how the product behaves. Of course  we should try and break it. Let’s put it under   the hydraulic press and see how much force it  takes. The pressure gauges on my press showed   a force of just under a ton to break this  sample. That is equivalent to a pressure   of around 200 psi or 1.4 megapascals, much  stronger than most structural backfills. You’re   not going to be making skyscraper frames  or bridge girders from cellular concrete,   but it’s more than strong enough to hold  up to traffic loads without imposing tons   of weight into a retaining wall or  the soft soils below an embankment. The last lightweight fill used in heavy civil  construction is also the most surprising:   expanded polystyrene foam, also known  as EPS and colloquially as styrofoam.   When used in construction, it’s often  called geofoam, but it’s the same stuff   that makes up your disposable coffee cups,  mannequin heads, and packaging material.   EPS seems insubstantial because of its weight,  but it’s actually a pretty strong material in   compression. About 7 years ago I used my car  to demonstrate the compressive strength of   mechanically stabilized earth. Well, I still  have that jack and I still drive that car,   so let’s try the experiment with EPS foam. This is probably around 5 to 600 pounds,  and there is some deflection, but the  block isn’t struggling to hold the weight. In an actual embankment, the  pavement spreads out traffic   loads so they aren’t concentrated like  what’s shown in my demonstration to the   point where you would never know  that you’re driving on styrofoam. EPS foam has some cool benefits, including how  easy it is to place. The blocks can be lifted by a   single worker, placed in most weather conditions,  don’t require compaction or heavy equipment,   and can be shaped as needed using hot wires. But  it has some downsides too. This material won’t   work well for embankments that see standing water  or high groundwater, because of the buoyancy. The   embankment could literally float away. They’re  also so lightweight that you have to consider a   new force that most highway engineers don’t think  about when designing embankments: the wind. Also,   because EPS foam is such a good insulator,  it creates a thermal disconnect between the   pavement and the underlying ground, making  the road more susceptible to icing. Finally,   EPS foam has a weakness to a substance that  is pretty regularly spilled onto roadways:   it dissolves in fuel. If a crash, spill,  or leak were to happen on an embankment   that uses EPS foam without a properly designed  barrier, the whole thing could just melt away. Even with all those considerations, EPS foam is a  popular choice for lightweight fills. We even have   a nice government report on best practices  called Guideline and Recommended Standard   for Geofoam Applications in Highway Embankments  (if you’re looking for some lightweight bedtime   reading). It was used extensively in Seattle on  the replacement of the Alaskan Way Viaduct to   avoid overstressing the landfill materials that  underlie major parts of the city. Thousands of   drivers in Seattle and millions of people around  the world drive over lightweight embankments,   probably without any knowledge of what’s below  the pavement. But the next time you pass over a   bridge and don’t feel a bump transitioning  between the deck and roadway embankments,   it might just be lightweight aggregate,  cellular concrete, or geofoam below your   tires working to make our infrastructure as  cost-effective and long-lasting as possible. Speaking of lightweight, one of my goals in  2023 is to keep eating healthy meals for dinner.   That’s a lot easier with HelloFresh,  sponsor of this channel since 2019,   which means my wife and I have been filming  ourselves cooking dinner together for 4 years   now. Sometimes we do it as part of the bedtime  hustle, and sometimes we wait until the kids   go to bed and treat it like a date night. That  has it’s benefits, but it has its downsides too. “I’m hungry” “I’m hungry!” “Did I mention that I’m hungry?” “Does it say to do them one  at a time? Grady, I’m hungry!” Luckily, HelloFresh’s latest line of meals,  called Fast & Fresh, are ready in around 15   to 20 minutes. That’s faster than if you ordered  delivery, and way faster than going to the grocery   store. Which means we have a lot more time to  spend doing things we love, and spending time   with the people we love too. HelloFresh sends  preportioned ingredients and easy-to-follow   recipe cards so you don’t have to be an expert  chef… or even very good at cooking at all.  “Why don’t you just turn your bread  upside down and rub it in that?”  You can turn cooking from a chore to your  favorite thing to do on date night or any night   with HelloFresh, and right now they have a really  nice discount for anyone who wants to try it out.   Go to HelloFresh dot com and use code PRACTICAL65  to get 65% off plus free shipping. We obviously   love this service, and I think you will too. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but I am hungry.”  That’s HelloFresh dot com and use code PRACTICAL65  at checkout to support the channel and try   something fun and new for the new year. Thank  you for watching, and let me know what you think.
Channel: Practical Engineering
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Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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