Why Ron & Luna SHOULD Be Together! | Harry Potter Film Theory

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this show is sponsored by betterhelp have you ever noticed I'm just talking about something can make it feel less overwhelming that's what therapy is for because when we keep everything bottled up inside it's much harder to work through it connect with a licensed therapist at betterhelp.com Super Ron Weasley and Luna Lovegood should have ended up together Hey Brother guys you know we here at supercarlin brothers are big hair Miami people I mean Harry and Hermione just makes sense he said casually as if it's not dropping a giant opinion bomb at the start of the video but one of the complaints I always hear about Harem Heine is what about Ron what is he supposed to just third wheel at the rest of his life get get back together with lavender Brown [Music] every time I watch that scene the sound she makes when she's drawing on the window reminds me of a Velociraptor and then I always imagine lavender as a velociraptor no I definitely didn't have our editor spend way too long making that clip and they did not describe it as the weirdest thing they've ever made no Ron doesn't get back with lavender Brown there's an odd I'm supposed to be with a natural fit I speak of course of Annabeth Morgan a local insurance adjuster in the town of autorice and catchpole she loves jigsaw puzzles bird watching and volcanoes what do you think I was gonna say a character from the story how narrow-minded of you except from the title and the thumbnail and the opening statement so yeah no actually I'm talking about Luna Lovegood because believe it or not these two are practically made for each other and back just in in the house when we were riding our what if Harry was in Slytherin Series this was just a completely unplanned part of the plot that just started happening and I remember feeling amazed and surprised at just how much the two characters were gravitating towards each other but even as I'm saying it I can sense your skepticism from here you're not sold you're not a Believer you don't ship the red moon although actually that's not fair some of you must ship this because it's a popular enough pairing within the fandom that it actually does have its own name red moon red for Ron's volcanic hair and moon for Luna means Moon and I'll admit at first I was skeptical too I thought maybe it only worked within the context of our own version of the story but no The more I've looked into it the more I am convinced that it might have been like a mostly unexplored but potentially set up plot line it is easy to miss it kind of flies under the radar and often gets overshadowed by Luna's dreamy overly honest and quirky way of interacting with the world you're just as sane as I am but in almost every single interaction Luna has with the rest of the group there is an intentional interaction she has with Ron that is normally either helpful complementary or even about his love life and it is not just a one-way Street Ron has his moments with Luna too it's the kind of thing you've probably never been looking for but once it's pointed out to you you can't not notice it like it really feels like it's something that was being set up but ultimately just got abandoned in favor of Ron and Hermione not to worry though I'm here to point it all out to you so you too can rejoice in the red moon of Ron and [Music] brother all right let's just start right at the beginning when Ron and Luna first meet because almost immediately the Sparks start flying Luna is introduced in order of the Phoenix when she meets Harry and friends on the Hogwarts Express the only place I think you're even allowed to meet new friends in the Wizarding World and initially Harry finds himself in the compartment with just Neville Genie and Luna with Ron and Hermione off doing their Newfound prefect duties but after about an hour a show they do show up and report about who the new prefix are for the fifth year and they talk about how Padma patil has become the female prefect for Ravenclaw and this prompts Luna's first ever words to Ron you went to the Yule Ball with Padma Patel it is a short simple and factual sentence but reveals a lot more than you might think first of all even though we barely know Luna at this point we do know that she is a bit socially awkward and then by her fourth year she doesn't have anyone to sit with on the train save for Ginny who wasn't even trying to sit with Luna but does admit that she thinks Luna is alright despite find all that Luna's first sentence to Ron reveals she went out of her way to talk to the very popular Padma patil about her experience at the Yule Ball with Ron meaning that even though this is a character we've never met before she's already had some off-screen interest in Ron's lone romantic experience and you might wonder well like what would make Luna like Ron before we even meet Luna and the answer I think is pretty simple Jenny again four years into school Luna doesn't seem to have any tight friends but at the very least Ginny has been nice to her and hey if Jenny's nice maybe her older brother is the same way and let's just face it having a crush on your friend's sibling is extremely common and present in literally every teen drama ever anyway after her first sentence Luna follows up with another intriguing line she didn't enjoy it very much she doesn't think you treated her very well because you wouldn't dance with her I don't think I'd have minded I don't like dancing very much oh don't you now Luna because I'm pretty sure we see you dancing at Bill and Flora's wedding huh as someone who genuinely doesn't like dancing I can tell you at weddings I'm not volunteering to go out there by myself not that I ever personally have to worry about it because I'm always at weddings with my wife and everyone's just staring at her anyway so but what I love about this statement from Luna to Ron is that she's just very plainly laying out three-fourths of a cross multiply and divide for Rod Padma didn't like you because you didn't want to dance with her but I wouldn't have wanted to dance so I would have liked you geez Ron figure it out man it's not that hard but Luna is not done on this train ride just yet a few moments later Ron goes on to make a joke about how he cannot wait to make Goyle right lines Ron lowered his voice to goyle's low Grunt and screwing up his face in the look of a pain concentration mind writing in midair I must not look like uh baboons backside and look I wasn't there so I'm gonna give Ron the benefit of the doubt here that his impression and delivery on this joke was 10 out of 10. five gold stars but I gotta tell you even if that's the case this joke is like a three out of ten at best and yet Luna's reaction is as if this is the funniest thing anyone has ever said ever everyone laughed but nobody laughed harder than Luna Lovegood she let out a scream of Mirth that caused Hedwig to wake up and slap her wings and dignityly and Crookshanks leave up into the Lego Track hissing she laughed so hard that her magazine slipped out of her grass slid down her legs and onto the floor that funny and it does not stop she continues laughing like this for like another five minutes so the point where Ron begins to think she's making fun of him which to be clear she is not so either this is the first joke Luna has ever heard in her whole life or maybe there's a little more focused interest going on here but again I hear you laughing at someone's joke or even just finding someone funny is not synonymous with romantic interest however Luna is known for her blatant honesty we've already covered how she approached Ron and padma's date at the Yule Ball but also then in their sixth year she's talking to Harry about how she misses the D.A meetings it was like having friends on the flip side though Luna is occasionally on the receiving end of some honest comments and her reactions aren't always consistent take Hermione for example when she mocks the quibbler whom does rubbish everyone knows that excuse me my father's the editor I oh well it's got some interesting I mean it's quite I'll have it back thank you said Luna coldly and leaning forward she snatched it out of Harry's Hands but then just a short while later Ron drops his own opinion bomb on Luna and she reacts much more how you'd expect they're discussing Haggard and lunar reveals well we think he's a bit of a joke in Ravenclaw you've got a rubbish sense of humor then Ron snapped as the wheels below them creaked into motion Luna did not seem perturbed by Ron's rudeness on the contrary she simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting television program you see the difference there Hermione accidentally makes a faux pas and Luna is Savage whereas Ron actively and intentionally insults her and she just goes all doe wide on it it's like she's recognizing Ron as a kindred spirit more like ah isn't it great how we both just say the things we're feeling Ronald which by the by Luna does call Ron Ronald remember when Luna supports Gryffindor in their first match of the year against Slytherin and where's like the big lion head it's good isn't it I wanted to have it chewing up a serpent to represent Slytherin but you know there wasn't time anyway good luck Ronald to me the use of his full name is like a term of endearment it's something only his significant other would call him and actually they use this exact trick with Hermione in the movies Ronald McDonald thanks Ronald to wear it Ronald is he won a lonely holding hands and now we need to take a quick break to give a huge shout out to today's sponsor guys super Carlin Brothers is sponsored by better help have you ever felt overwhelmed about where you're going in life not sure which direction you're going in and overwhelmed by the possibilities because if you have well I have news for you you're a human being we basically all have this feeling at some point or another it is a completely normal experience and I can tell you that when uh we were starting this particular Channel on YouTube I personally went through a very big period with this should I leave my full-time job pick up that on being a full-time YouTuber should I stay with the security of what I'm already doing of course you can see which direction I took and I'm proud to say it worked out pretty well but it wasn't easy getting there and trusting yourself to make a decision like that is practice we all need and that's where therapy comes in because whether you're questioning something personal or professional a therapist can be a great sounding board an unbiased resource I use therapy a lot during that time period and even now whether I'm facing a business decision or just everyday life because it's just really important to talk through all these things so if you've ever considered trying out therapy betterhelp.com is a great place to start it's convenient it's flexible and affordable so let therapy be your map with Better Health visit betterhelp.com super to get 10 off your first month one more time that's better help help.com super to get 10 off your first month link is in the description down below but actually while we're here with Luna and lionhead let's examine this scene for a second because what's happening is Luna has gone out of her way to support Gryffindor and make the giant lion's head which is great but also kind of odd because it's the first match of the season it's not like Ravenclaw is out of the running or anything yet I mean if it was the last match and Ravenclaw couldn't win it all and then she was like yeah I'm supporting Gryffindor of course yeah then it then it feels like it makes more sense on top of that you then make sure she goes over to the Gryffindor table so they can see what she's done and leaves by only wishing Ron Ronald good luck as if Harry isn't also sitting right there about to play in the exact same match it's like she knew Ronald was nervous Dreadful run oh but you see what I mean Harry has his Core Group obviously Ron and Hermione are his best friends but his other closest friends go on to be Jenny and Neville who have also been there since the beginning and then lastly Luna who is only introduced in book five and who every time she has an interaction with the group makes sure there's something to do with Ron in fact act if we fast forward a little bit in order to the Phoenix to the scene in Hogs made where Hermione has gathered together the unlikely crew of herself Rita Skeeter Luna and Harry little miss perfect wouldn't want that story out that would she as a matter of fact said Hermione sweetly that's exactly what little miss perfect does want Rita stared at her so did Harry loon on the other hand saying Weasley is our King dreamly under her breath and stirred her drink with a cocktail onion on a stick dreamingly indeed but do you see what I mean Ron isn't in this scene at all and it's clear Luna's primary position in the meeting is just her relationship with the quibbler but absent-mindedly or not she's got Ron on the brain then one chapter later when the article comes out in the quibbler Luna comes over to the Gryffindor table again to give Harry a copy but guess where she sits Harry Potter speaks out at last the truth about he who must not be named in the night I saw him return it's good isn't it said Luna who had drifted over to the Gryffindor table and now squeezed herself onto the bench between Fred and Ron I'm not sorry I said it sits before but what happens is she squeezes in next to Ron squeezes as in there wasn't room but she made room next to Ron in a scene that again is not about him and at this point you might be thinking okay sure fine Luna had a crush on Ron but it's only ever one way it's not like Ron felt the same way right well I wouldn't be too sure about that I mean it takes a while but Ron does eventually start reciprocating and one of my favorite examples of this is after Luna does the commentary for the Quidditch game and Ron is complimenting her on it most commentary last match said Ron to Luna as she took back the green onion the toad stole and the cat litter Luna smiled vaguely you're making fun of me aren't you she said everyone says I was Dreadful no I'm serious said Ron hersley I can't remember enjoying commentary more but I really love this because when they first met Luna was laughing so hard that Ron thought she was making fun of him and now the situation has become reversed where now Ron is trying to appreciate Luna and she thinks he's making fun of her and I feel like the mirroring is intentional and if the first time was meant to show that Luna likes Ron then the second time is everything coming full circle even if there's a chance Ron himself doesn't realize it because let's let's face it Ron is pretty thick in this department well it's just completely off the point but to be fair maybe in this moment Ron isn't being as thick as we think because he finishes the conversation by saying you know she's grown on me Luna he said as I set off again for the Great Hall I know she's insane but it's in a good way then later on a bill and fleur's wedding when Luna goes off to dance Ron says she's great isn't she said Ron admiringly always good value oh like a coupon now granted at that moment Ron's also actively pursuing Hermione but still later on in Deathly Hallows he also admires Luna's bravery cowardly old wart said Ron Luna's got 10 times his guts the other thing that's a bit of a giveaway that something's happening between them even if Ron is unaware of his feelings for Luna or Luna's feelings for him is that Hermione picks up on it and we all know Hermione is way more romantically perceptive than either of the boys obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric and therefore confused about liking Harry and guilty about kissing him conflict because I'm just pressing to stack her mom from her dog at the ministry and flies into failing about everything else but so what I'm getting at is that maybe Luna was supposed to be for Ron what Crum was for Hermione and Goblet of Fire because Ron obviously that crumb was the total bee's knees and goblet of fire until the one second he found out that he was interested in Hermione at which point he hated everything about him and the same almost seemed true with Hermione's relationship to Luna because across the board Hermione is one of the most open-minded kind loving caring characters in the story hard stop because while she's a fantastic Witch she's also something of an outsider from her precocious classroom presence to from some people's point of view the fact that she's a muggleborn but despite all that she's the only one who ever advocates for house elves and she even punches Draco right in the face I mean how much more friendly can you be but then there's Luna someone who doesn't fit in the social dorms has very few friends and is quite quirky she feels like someone Hermione would typically be looking out for and yet she does not well they were right weren't they set her mind impatiently there weren't any such things as blibbering humdingers or the cripplehorn snorkax Luna gave her a withering look and flounced away I used the word files by the way over Heaven's Sake Harry you can do better than her said Hermione Jimmy's tell me all about her apparently unless you believe in things as long as there's no proof at all well I wouldn't expect anything else from someone whose father runs the quibbler now maybe she's just at odds with Luna because Hermione is so logical and Luna just so he isn't but in the end Hermione comes around on Luna meaning I think early on she's just upset with her because she views her as a romantic threat or at the very least that Luna is just able to laugh that hard at one of Ron's jokes little did Hermione know though that the real threat was sleeping in her dorm room the whole time [Music] but there you go guys Ron and Luna should have ended up together red moon for life that's what the r stands for red moon not like Team Rocket or something actually if you like us ship this particular one I would love to see any like fan art you might want to come up with you can email it to here family friendly fan art mind you but honestly like I said before it was our what if Harry was in Slytherin series that initially sent me down this path but I was alarmed the further I looked into it the more like all of Luna's presence and interactions with Harry had something to do with Ron and then Ron of all people is the one who like comes around on Luna the fastest quirks and all so I'm all in Ron and Luna are there any other uh pairings or ships you would like to see us explore in the channel let me know in the comment section down below think so that's all we haven't already and subscribe and click that Bell so you don't miss any future Harry Potter actions from us if you want to see the what if Harry Potter was in Slytherin series you can check out that right here but Ben until next time I will see you in another life brother
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 199,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, film theory, film theorists, harry potter, harry potter theory, harry potter film theory, luna lovegood, ron weasley, evanna lynch, rupert grint, jk rowling, hogwarts, hogwarts legacy, order of the phoenix, red moon, ron and luna, why ron and luna should be together, ron and luna ship, harry potter ships, harry and hermione, harmione, does luna love ron, did luna have a crush on ron, hermione granger
Id: XLN2xnF9lOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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