Why Regular Clones HATED Clone Commandos

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the clone wars were by far the most deadly War the Galaxy had seen up until that point as we all know war is a high stress environment while this can strengthen the bonds between individuals within a group this can also lead to increased animosity towards others particularly if they're seen as different or even sympathetic to an enemy's cause even among the genetically identical clones this soon became the case many clone commandos and regs began to actively despise one another with this division continuing well into the Imperial ERA this video will briefly explore the differences between the two groups as well as the flash points that led to increased divisions during the Clone Wars but first a quick reminder about the West Darth jar jar vfc but giveaway for those of you that missed it in a previous video so far an extremely small amount of people have entered so I reckon you actually have quite a good chance of winning a beautiful VF saber the rules are pretty simple I'm hiding an image or two of Darth jar jar in every video in this playlist here there'll eventually be about 16 or 17 videos in total once you find him give me an email or message on Instagram with the timestamps whoever finds the most art jar jars wins the saber best of luck guys and may the best man win anyway back to the video to understand why the regs and clone commandos did not get on we must first explore the Clone Commando project and how they differed from the rags and the arc troopers shortly after the caminoans started building the secret clone army of the galactic Republic a Special Forces Unit was designed to complement the operational efficiency of the new Armed Force however exactly how this would be done led to severe disagreements between Django Fett and the kaminoans Django Fett insisted that he trained Advanced Recon Commandos to fill this highly specialized role the caminoans eventually accepted but had little faith in Django's ARC Trooper project and so they compromised with fat the Bounty Hunter could train orc Troopers personally while the Cameron Owens would go on to start the Clone Commando project similar to arc troopers they would have greater Independence and mental capacity than regular clone soldiers however the Camerons were deeply paranoid about giving their products too much Freedom or Independence thus they were programmed to be much more loyal to the Republic and would execute orders without hesitation as we shall see later on this seemingly contradictory programming wreaks Havoc upon the Clone commando's programming and would ultimately cause many problems reflecting the culturally significant kaminoa native Iowa hunting pods the first group of Commandos were split into squads of four clones known as pods besides undergoing flash training the Commando squads were divided between the kaival DAR and this would be the kamanowan's big mistake this group of professional mercenaries provided specialized training for the clone commandos including teamwork infiltrations techniques of Destruction and assassination but it was here that the clone commandos began to diverge from the rest of their brothers through the teachings of the Mandalorian mercenaries and their independent thought the clone commandos began to heavily identify with the Mandalorian warrior culture many clone commandos saw their Mandalorian trainers as father figures and would remain just as loyal to them as they did the Republic before the Clone Wars broke out the regs looked up to the clone commandos and they were seen as almost a thing of Legend some even believe that the clone commandos could win the war all by themselves however the Clone Wars would change everything the Battle of Geonosis was a harsh wake-up call for both the regs and the clone commandos many have believed War to be honorable and Noble some believed it would be over in a matter of days the loss of so many on Geonosis sour the clone's view of noble Warfare many lost faith in the Jedi and some even doubted their loyalty to The Republic as I explore before in this video The Battle of Geonosis was the dumbest battle ever the Jedi generals messed up on almost every single level I won't go into too much depth here as we have previously spoken about it but in brief the Jedi used the Clone Army as though they were droids instead of placing them in defensive positions or using their overwhelming air superiority the Clones were marched across a flat plane to be slaughtered by incoming Blaster fire despite only lasting a few hours the casualty rates on Geonosis were among the highest of any Battle of the whole War the clone commandos were hit particularly hard they had been bred and trained for covert and special missions with complex objectives they were not meant to be used as infantry units however the Jedi had no understanding of this and deployed them on mass to fight the separatist forces therefore the Clone Commando suffered immensely during this battle and 50 of all clone commandos perished in the short few hours on Geonosis due to this the legend of the clone commandos was quickly shattered instead of the highly skilled figures they could end the war single-handedly many regs began to think that the clone commandos were overrated and incompetent this certainly was not helped by the Jedi who in their arrogance also believed them to be ineffective due to their High casualty rate on Geonosis failing to realize it was their own poor leadership that led them to slaughter the ranks believed that they were incompetent soon turned to actively disliking them with many hating having to work with them the division between the regs and clone commandos was only made worse by the mandalorians the clone commandos still actively embraced Mandalore in cost systems and culture they had held Django Fett an especially high regard and many wish to emulate the skills and success of the Bounty Hunter however as we know Django Fett would betray the Grand Army of the Republic and was in fact an ally of the separatists additionally despite mandalore's neutrality many warlike Splendor groups would actively fight against the Clone Army the Death Watch were but one example of this as we saw in the Clone Wars they acted brutally against military and civilian targets alike bringing fear mistrust for their people right into the heart of corsons however the death much were just one example of the mandalorians stirring up trouble for the Republic the remnants of the true man the lorian faction also took up the fight against the Grand Army of the Republic before becoming the template for the Clone Army Django Fett had led the tree mandalorians against the Death Watch during the Mandalorian Civil War the two mandalorians differed from both the death watch and the pacifist that will Mandalore they believed the Mandalorian warrior culture should be embraced but also thought that the chivalry in honor of the mandalorians have been lost with the rise of death watch while they are eventually defeated by deathwatch who opposed their chivalrous philosophy the idea of the true mandalorians would live on through Django thirds the true Mandalorian way of thinking was instilled into the clone troopers and especially the clone commandos this all culminated with a traitorous clone Commando known as Alvaro II secretly leaving the Grand Army of the Republic and rebuilding the true mandalorians naming himself Mandalore the reclaimer these mandalorians would go on to fight for the separatists even leading an attack against the clone's Homeworld of kamino while they would be defeated a large number of clones would die defending the Republic on Camino in part due to this many clones would reject their Mandalore in Heritage seeing them and Django fat as enemies of the Republic despite this the clone commandos continued to celebrate Mandalorian culture with the regs becoming highly distrustful of them this was of course made worse by the fact that the true Mandalorian faction had been led by a traitorous clone Commando some regs such as the second Airborne company were openly hostile towards the clone commandos the company had lost many Troopers to the mandalorians and saw the commando's adherence to the Mandalorian culture as a best offensive and a worst borderline treasonous the rise of the empire would only exacerbate The Divide between the regs and the clone commandos as the bad batch showed within the Canon timeline many clone commandos would refuse to follow Order 66 or would have deep reservations soon after in fact there was even an instance of a Clone Commander who fell in love with the Jedi Padawan as I discussed in a previous video many of the clone commandos would right up abandoned the Empire some becoming bounty hunters While others joined Mandalorian Society The Stereotype that the clone commandos were traitors to the Grand Army only continued during this time on the opposing side to this the clone commandos viewed the rags as increasingly incompetent as the quality of clones reduced significantly As Time passed which side do you agree with do you think that the regs were wrong to hate the clone commandos or do you think it was justified let me know in the comments section below if you want to learn about how a clone Commando impregnated a Jedi Padawan then click here or if you want to learn more about the Mandalorian clone rivalry then check out this video thanks for watching guys and as always May the force be with you
Channel: Vader's Fortress 2
Views: 32,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why regs hated clone commandos, clone commandos, clone wars, star wars, delta squad, clone commandos clone wars, grand army of the republic, republic commando, star wars the clone wars, star wars republic commando, omega squad, clone commando, clone commandos order 66, clone troopers, the clone wars, star wars clone wars, clone wars gregor death, jango fett, star wars jango fett, jango fett lore, true mandalorians, death watch, the mandalorian, mandalorian, jaster mereel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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