The Ship Design That Never Died | Arquitens-class COMPLETE Breakdown

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foreign what's up mini nerds this video will cover everything from the arms and Armament strengths and weaknesses history and impact on the Galaxy pulling from all these resources to understand the awkwardness class light Cruiser the capital ships of the Grand Army of the Republic had been in production for years before the Battle of Geonosis and while there is no official start date it is only the acclimator class that was available in huge numbers when the Clone Wars began but the venator and arcodones would be flying away from the kuat drive yard's assembly Lines within weeks and would quickly be seen in every theater of the war at a cost of 4 million credits it was only 7 percent the cost of the venator and about half a pelta and 1 million more than the Consular at a length of 325 meters a 135 meter width and a height of 56 meters it was more than a quarter to the length of a venator one-third the width of an acclimator and about as tall as five and a half attes its Max acceleration of 1800 G's makes it more than half the acceleration of the venator powered by the same Trio of engines that are in the Consular class giving it a top atmospheric speed of 750 kilometers per hour making it relatively slow compared to just about all other Capital ships and this difference in colors from the engine has no official explanation but is believed to be from a different fuel source much like how the different types of tibana and blasters can be blue or yellow some ships of the same exact class are shown with different orange or blue engine glows and while it's Class 2 hyperdrive rating puts it about average in general keep in mind that this time of the Galaxy had some of the fastest Capital ships in history with the venator having a class one something usually only seen in starfighters and the acclimator had an incredible class 0.6 which put it in the league of the Slave 1 in Millennium Falcon its shielding was generated by projecting layers of deflector Shields like an onion but they hope that the outermost layer could be refreshed by the time it took you to work through all these layers the hole itself is likely built in the same style as other Republic Capital ships with layers of overlapping Dura steel plating but there is a quote from Grievous mentioning that it is well armed with a thick hole though whether it's significantly more thick than the others is unclear in the arms he's mentioning came in the form of four turret mounted twin light turbo laser batteries for heavy port and starboard quad laser cannon batteries and four variable munition launchers for Torpedoes and missiles though some would pull off the ventral Laser cannon trick seen in the venator something general Skywalker came up with and first implemented which used the laser from the spha to melt through ground positions and enemy ships the unique feature is that all these weapon batteries could be retracted into the hull for a more streamlined profile during atmospheric flight but I would imagine they would also do this so that they could keep them from being damaged when passing through toxic Smog or highly electrically charged alien atmospheres or through the ice and rocks of planetary rings and asteroid belts why risk damaging the Weaponry when you can safely put it behind the durable armor plating inside the bridge looks to be about 10 meters deep and 20 meters wide with panels providing all sorts of Battlefront data and calm stations to reach allies and nearby systems even all the way back to Coruscant with hyperwave transmitter technology and though it looks like this door is connected to an elevator it seems like it's just a hallway which must connect to the elevators towards the rear and the Pilot's cockpit itself actually looks like something you would see in a freighter with these two Captain shares in this Cove while it hosted a total crew of 100 including the enlisted troops inside but could also accommodate 100 passengers at a cargo capacity of 1200 tons equal to the weight of 1472 dewbacks this weight was usually used for rations not can do meat and would be used during blockade runs to help resupply Republic bases or help out local populations and its complement of starfighters from the Clone Wars era is oddly unknown but since we know that the imperial era one had three Tie fighters two Lambda class shuttles and various Speeders it must have had space for a combo of smaller Fighters like the Delta and Etta or it could be used for just a few arc-170s maybe some new class shuttles and perhaps even laat gunships now it is called a light Cruiser but it is classified as an escort class like the pelta and charger not a true Cruiser like the venator and Dreadnought during the rescue of ethkoth and the space Battle of salukemai Kenobi would use his arkwidans the surrogator to lead an assault with a trio of charger c70s in order to distract Grievous flotilla while Skywalker's team boarded the flagship while he taunted Grievous the rest of the Republic Fleet popped out of hyperspace the enemy ships are faster and more maneuverable I suggest caution as the charger zipped around the CIS Capital ships Kenobi inched The Arc widens closer prompting Grievous to think that he had outmaneuvered the jediate prepare a boarding party nobody tells Cody that this is to make sure Grievous is focused on them and moments later the complex series of tractor beam projectors that line the requisite class were able to force the docking and the space battle was about to turn into an intense Close Quarters firefight the 212th boys are in position to Ambush the boarding party but the agility of the commando droids overwhelmed them and forced a reunion with these Clone Wars Rivals Sabers clashed and the fight spills into the bridge where the blades would slice through crucial computer systems and after Grievous tactically withdrew from the fight the requisite opened up and destroyed the arkaden's engine eventually the docking tube would break off as well and the ship was experiencing a chain reaction of failures that would take the lives of these Brave clones the react has been preached I can't lock it down but they would get their Revenge from the grave as enormous chunks of fiery debris crashed into the CIS ship and hit the c979 Grievous was using as an escape ship forcing a crash landing and near capture down on the surface the awkward ends would prove crucial elements to all major fleets using their smaller size and Powerful Weaponry to position themselves in perfect spots to disable and destroy a much larger CIS Capital ships being seen during the defense of kamino the battle of Celeste and Admiral Barton Coburn used them expertly as a mobile attack platform so that wolf pack could use their jet packs to free the taguta and the slave processing facility on cadaver later they can be seen during the Battle of Ringo vinda and even after the war they would serve the Imperial Navy spreading Peace by destroying separatist holdouts pirate startups and using that laser attachment to slice through Rowdy civilian centers whenever they spoke out against their leader this was the story on Imperial held umbara the location of one of the most powerful and earliest Rebel cells led by Night Swan using Republic weapons and vehicles alongside hacked battle droids and vulture Droid starfighters during the pacification of ambara a young thrawn might have been killed if it wasn't for the expert application of the arkwidans the Thunder wasp which was able to destroy the vulture droid transmission station and force these Rebels to retreat as night Swan continued his campaign against the New Order thrawn would come to truly respect this Rebel when even he was surprised by the unorthodox defense of an Island Outpost the rebel dropped his shield cycle to disable all three arquidins with a perfectly hidden ion cannon forcing the imps to hold off and the shield generator proved so powerful that it was impervious to the arkwidan's bombardments but thrawn's quick thinking to direct all the Cannons to sweep towards the island caused an enormous wave which flooded The Outpost and short-circuited the generator a battle that showed everyone The Genius of both night Swan and thrawn the chess would finally get the upper hand once he had his flag shipped to Chimera an Imperial one-class Star Destroyer that Knights wanted calculated his feet could overcome with this perfectly launched Ambush thrawn had his three arquins filled their Center and sides with repair barges to make it look like the Chimera was protecting them but once the rebel fleet was between the Imperial ships the barges exploded to release dozens of Tie fighters that quickly overwhelmed the rebel forces and secured an imperial Victory a couple years prior to 4 BBY the Imperial Navy recalled every arcodone still in service across the entire galaxy bringing them the kuat drive yards to undergo a refit unlike any other Republic ship the refits would cost 1 million credits changing the Armament to four turret-mounted twin light turbo laser batteries eight quad laser batteries and adding a medium tractor beam projector while keeping the four launch tubes it would lose 95 meters in overall length and they put a superstructure over the engine array while the bridge too was also altered in its shape the side mounted turbo laser batteries were swapped out for eight Escape pods and towards the bow there was this lateral entry for jump Troopers these were dubbed the arquiden's class command Cruisers and they used the space in between the prongs to perfectly dock The Sentinel Class Shuttle and Lambda late into the Imperial era the rebel groups are learning sneaky ways to use the M strength against them with one famous incident being seen during the attempted capture of the shadowcaster where Sabine and anyo led a shuttle filled with explosives be caught by the tractor beam and pulled near the command ship once it exploded it destroyed the projector and forced the Imperial crew to focus on managing the damage and allowed the rebels to escape in their main ship while one of the lowest uses of this prouder public craft came in the form of the equusker jail as Dr Aphra described it it was quote 8 000 tons of wrecked warships held together with an attractor node hauled about by a cruiser on string the Empire used these holes of ships like prison wings and they would house what was called the convict army or a kreskarpino legion which were all kept in line via implants and hub droids if you got more than 10 meters away from the Droid your implant would explode if you chose not to fight your implant would explode and so you had to rush the enemy position as a literal crime wave with heavy losses and no chance at you joining up with the Enemy that you were sent to slaughter but one day when without warning the crew quickly abandoned chip jettising away on those Escape pods and the drifting awkward and smashed into the prisons many were killed while others were stranded and when the Empire came back around to set it on a collision course with a planet to liquidate this entire project Vader intervened with his executor Imperial Star Destroyer holding it still with his tractor beams so he could hunt down his old Ally but when he couldn't capture Dr Aphra he let the prison smash into the world killing all the prisoners in any unlucky life caught down below after the battle of Endora the empire was scrambling to maintain order in an attack on fondor shipyards would create a major shortage of these Cruisers from then on out but at least one was seen on vardos and takodana as late as 5aby and with the one still remaining or at least those sections still available the Imperial Remnant forces under moff Gideon would create another heavily modified variant of the arquitans called the class 546 Cruiser using these same three engines but adding these four secondary sublight engines giving it a much greater top speed and acceleration making it an even better our fast attack Cruiser like a mix of arcodins and acclimator they filled up more of this Gap while hollowing out the interior for enormous hanger sections allowing the Nimble Tie fighters to exit via Port starboard or be accelerated via the launch tube at the center right in between those prongs creating a unique set of challenges for anything it came across and was perfectly adapted to this time of a fractured Galaxy where Tie fighters might still be plentiful to come by and responding to New Republic Scouts and local Warlords was best done with quick overwhelming Force so that's it for the awkwardness class light Cruiser as for behind the scenes facts we can assume that this is one of Dave filoni's favorite ships inspired by concept art from episode 3 because everything he touches seems to get a variant being introduced in the Clone Wars you get the command Cruiser and Rebels and the Mandalorian gets the 546 a lot of these Stats come from the dawn of the Rebellion roleplay Source book ultimate Star Wars and actually the Star Wars build the Millennium Falcon which is packed full of stats on a ton of other ships as well if you like this video you'll be sure to like these videos likes comments and Shares are the best way to help me out subscribe if you want to see more check out the membership but most important of all remember if you want to see more variants just make sure filoni gets more shows and the force will be with you always
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 388,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arquitens class, arquitens, star wars ships, metanerdz lore ships, star wars capital ships, star wars space battle, star wars lore, clone wars, star destroyer, capital ship, eckharts ladder, cis army, arquitens-class light cruiser, star wars ships size comparison, cis capital ships, providence class dreadnought, metanerdz ships, republic military, venator, pelta, acclimator
Id: cq6yjve43ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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