Why Pray in Tongues? | Benny Hinn

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why praying in tongues is so important to our Christian walk and Christian Life in the spirit so I want to talk to you today about praying in tongues what the Bible has to say about it and the reason for it what do we accomplish praying in tongues but first thank you for being with me and thank you for being my family family I pray the Lord today we really richly and I mean richly bless you this wonderful Monday and to Jesus be all the glory and God's people said amen and amen let's just pray Lord thank you for your word oh Jesus thank you for your word thank you for your blessed word where would we be without your precious word thank you for your wonderful wonderful holy word and now Lord I pray you'll touch mightily in our hearts through your word I pray glorify your holy name and our life meeting every need in Jesus name and God's people said amen and amen all right let's go to First Corinthians 12 right now I be you know I want to begin dealing with first on and we're going to we're going to focus on tongues in the church first before we go into tongues in our private life because we have to understand what the Bible teaches all about it and I'm going to continue the teaching tomorrow so please please please be with me tomorrow because there's a lot to talk about here okay 1 Corinthians 12:1 to another the working of Miracles to to another prophecy to another Discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues notice it says there's more than one diverse kinds of of tongues we'll talk about that and to another the interpretation of tongues now let's go first with to 1 Corinthians 14 first of all to see a little more about this we're going to read verse 5 for Paul writes and says I would that you all speak with tongues but rather that ye prophesied and that word here is in order to prophesy I would that you all speak with tongues in order that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive edifying so when the Bible talks about praying in the spirit and praying with the spirit there are two different things praying in the spirit is where the Holy Spirit uses Your Vessel to call on the Lord and to pray in English and in tongues many times and I'll explain why I say many times praying with the spirit is tongues it's the gift being used okay so when where Paul you know talks about pray in the spirit always he means both English and tongues because there is there is a place where the presence of God takes over you see and and then now you're really in the spirit you can pray with the spirit meaning tongues without the presence of God being present you cannot pray in the spirit in English and tongues without the presence of the Lord being present have you noticed how sometimes when you pray in tongues it sounds like repetitious but then when Jesus becomes real it becomes a real language that's what I'm talking about so you can tell the difference you can tell the difference when the presence of God is there it's in the spirit because he takes over okay now we'll talk more about that to clarify that because to some people maybe they've never heard what I said look I have been in the faith over 50 years so it's it's taken me time to learn all these things okay but let's let's let's focus on prayer with the spirit now rather than in the Spirit let's focus on with the spirit where we literally activated with I will prayer I will sing as Paul says in 1 Corinthians all right now does this differ from the tongues in private use and private life the answer is of course yes because here Paul is talking about tongues in the assembly tongues in the assembly so he begins by saying in chapter 12 remember and here again let's just look one more time to notice it in verse 10 he says to another he's talking about when we come together in in in a in a church meeting assembly to another the working of Miracles to another prophecy to to another the of spirit to another diverse kinds of tongues and so on because interpretations are not needed in privacy because he says to another interpretation of tongues all the is works that one and self Same Spirit divided to every man sever as he will for the body is one so he's talking about the assembly and the choice being together when tongu is is used in this portion and in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 5 he's still talking about the assembly he says I wish that you all were you together that is speak with tongues but that you rather or in order that you may prophesy because greater is he that prophesies and he that speaks with tongues except he interpret that that Church may receive edifying so in this two uh two scriptures he's talk about tongues in church tongues in the assembly we don't see a lot of that today sadly but we need to now so uh this speaks of tongues in the assembly not in the in private life now let's also look at acts two now this this is what he means by diverse kinds of tongues so the first time we saw the gift of tongues used was in Acts 2 verse 4-6 because here's where tongues is understood as a real language that people heard and understood you see there's three kinds of tongues number one that the tongues of Acts 2 that they understood people understood two the tongues we speak that are Mysteries unto God that's in First Corinthians that nobody understands number three the tongue that has to be interpreted to edify the church so in Acts 2 it talks about the tongues that came on the apostles and disciples the 120 that began speaking in unknown tongues and the crowd heard them speaking their own language number two Paul talks about the tongues for Mysteries unto God that he said no man understands even we don't understand what we're saying and it says we get edified with those so he that prays in Tong edifies himself but there's a third tongue that is used in the church in the assembly mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:10 in 1 Corinthians 145 where once interpreted it edifies the church so three types of tongues the first one acts 2 4 through six it talks about that let's just go to acts right now chapter 2 and verse 4-6 it says and they all were filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance the word dwelling is a Jerusalem Jews devout man out of every nation under under heaven when this was noise abro the multitudes came together were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language so that's the first one the second one is First Corinthians chapter 14 and verse 1 to verse4 says follow after to charity Des are spiritual gifts rather that you may prophesy but he that speaks in in an unknown tongue speaks not unto man you see that there difference between Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians but unto God for no man understands him well they understood him in Acts two acts uh 1 Corinthians 14 nobody understands him how be it in the spirit he speaks Mysteries all right that's it now let's look at acts uh at at sorry 1 Corinthians tongues for the church now now the the third typ of tongues is 1 Corinthians 14 verse 28 you know a lot of people sadly don't understand some of this so that's why I felt today you need to know and I'm going to focus on tomorrow mostly on prayer in tongues when we pray individually ourselves and privacy what that actually causes what that brings about in our life is incredible okay let's talk about now the third one that's 1 Corinthians 14:28 if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church let him speak to himself and to God because it says in verse 27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue Let It Be by two or three at the most and by course and let one interpret if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and so forth so this is for the church the third one now let's talk about something else um may all believers speak in tongues well the Lord give us the answer very clearly what what he said very clearly them that believe Mark let's look at Mark 1617 so yes every believer can and should pray in tongues and I'll show you why should it's very important frankly that's why I'm talking about this because we are now in a dangerous time the world and praying with the spirit praying in tongues has become more important to us because it literally brings Victory to our life and confusion to the enemy as I'll show you and much more much more Mark 16 and verse 17 the signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast The Devils they shall speak with new tongues so he says Jesus said them that believe so every believer you have the right to ask for the gift of tongues and I pray you do that today if you haven't Okay now what's the purpose for tongues in general in general now we'll we'll focus more on the private one later but what is the real re like reason for it well the Bible tells us for edification number one edification in 1 Corinthians 14:4 and in Jude but let's look at 1 Corinthians 14 verse4 is for edification he that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself but we also edify the church wants interpreted okay but edification is also mentioned in Jude 20 because there we are told and I'm going to explain this to you even though I was going to wait on this I think it's important I'll really talk about this now Jude has one chapter it's says in verse 20 but you beloved building up yourselves on your Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy Ghost now let me let me stop here and explain something to you when I'm in the presence of God and I am praying at some point the Lord's presence becomes very tangible at which point without me thinking with without me deciding I start praying in tongues the Holy Spirit takes over without my consent without my decision because I've already surrendered to him earlier and so when I surrendered earlier I gave him the permission and consent to do whatever he wants in the Crusades or in meetings I've had the presence of God come T next to you know I'm praying in tongues not realizing I'm praying in tongues that is what is meant by prayer in the Holy Ghost now sometimes it happens also where it's not tongues it's English you begin praying in English in your own language wherever you live not realizing you're actually praying and why you're praying that prayer because the Holy Spirit now took over and sometimes it comes with deep groanings it's it's like depth Beyond description that is what is said here to us in JW now the difference is where I decide and the Lord decides where I decide I can pray in tongues right now okay but that's my decision where I decide it's praying with the spirit when he decides to pray through me it's in the spirit maybe you've never heard that explained this way it's happened to you I'm sure when you are alone with the Lord or you're in a beautiful service where the presence of Jesus is just flowing so beautifully next thing you know you're crying and your tongue Begins by itself you're praying Alone by yourself without your even knowing you're doing it or decided to do it because the Holy Spirit took over and that tongue is is different than the one where you pray and decide so let let's say right now if I decide to pray in tongues and I can easily I just prayed in tongues with me deciding but if I'm in prayer and the presence of God is there it's not any longer me it's the Holy Spirit through me that's what it means in the spirit so sometimes in the spirit is used for both English or your own language and tongues Jude says Dear God I'm sensing it what just talking about you know beloved building up yourselves on your Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God now this actually happens also when we pray in the spirit English or your language or tongues now I I I hope I hope this really has helped you so there is that edification the other thing that happens the other purpose is it actually helps in prayer tremendously do you do you recall in Romans 8 where Paul talks about that the Holy Spirit knows our infirmities let's look look at verse 26 this is one of my favorites by the way so he says likewise the spirit also helps our infirmities for we know not what we should pray as we ought meaning we don't even know where to begin how to start English or tongues but the spirit takes over begins to make intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered that's happened to me and you many times without us knowing we're doing it okay so not only for for edifying and building ourselves but also aiding us in prayer and number three in order that prophecy may be triggered and you remember I just showed it to you and one more time in 1 Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 14 and Paul says that so beautifully frankly in verse 5 what he says I wish I would that you all speak with tongues but in order that you may prophesy and here it says rather then okay so this is really important it aids Us in Prophecy it triggers the prophetic if you want to prophesy get in in the presence of God Be quiet in the presence of God let Jesus become real that tongues will come forth out of you and it'll triggle the the prophetic God will start talking to you and through you to others this is where you get prophetic messages for other people when you are in the spirit that gift is triggered beautifully all right now something else I want to begin to talk about because Isaiah gives us an amazing thing that happens when we are in that place in the spirit and tongues becomes alive in us and so he says in Isaiah 28 81 with stammering lips and another tongue and that means spiritual tongue will he speak to these people because nowhere in the in the old Covenant do we see people speaking in tongues uh God is speaking about the coming of the Holy Spirit where he says to Israel with stammering lips and another tongue do you do you notice sometimes when you pray in tongues and the spirit takes over you're you you actually do stammer with your lips you may repeat a word over and over and over in the holy spirit because that's that's the groanings that's that's God uh uh using your vessel God the Holy Spirit using your vessel to to literally go deep you know in in that realm and it says in another tongue will he speak to this people to whom he said to the church meaning this is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest I've had that you've had that when we pray in tongues and the Holy Spirit is really in charge at that time there such refreshing there's such strength there's such rest I have seen where in in my in my times when I've just a few days ago praying for the sick when I begin praying in tongues because God's presence has become real and and such tangible that that's when the when the healings break Lo because people join me in that beautiful worship and sometimes I'll say pray in tongues with me and they startop praying and that's when the word of knowled just wham wham start going and people get healed very quickly because tongues ignites the anointing intensifies the anointing and so it says it'll bring rest to the weary and it brings refreshing to you and I and how I and you have experienced it another thing that really happens is when we get in that realm in the spirit you know I I really feel the anointing right now to pray that God will fill you Lord fill them fill and Empower your people Lord let that gift operate in them today today Lord with such strength and Heavenly power in the Glorious name of Jesus lift your hands and just receive it in the Glorious name of Jesus Lord this Monday let this gift Lord come alive in them let the gift of tongues come alive in your people today Lord that they'll see Victory after Victory refreshing after refreshing in Jesus name and God's people said Almighty amen all right look now with me at Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 18 because it brings victory over the devil praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit because he just talked about you take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God he's been talking about the the armor he's been talking about defeating the enemy and now now he says you pray with in the spirit and watch with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints so here we see that it it it brings Victory glorious victory over the enemy When you pray in tongues here's something else it it it literally causes singing in the spirit praying in the spirit ends up with singing in the spirit and singing Dear Lord I love this and singing in the spirit is is something we don't we don't see today in churches we see it in our private prayer time I do you do but in the church today it's it's rare we used to see it all the time back in the 17 you know 70s 80s ' 90s I'm sure it's still there but we need to bring it back now in 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 14 let's go to verse 14 and it says for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays my understanding is unfruitful what is it then verse 15 I will pray and this is where we decide I will pray with the spirit I'll pray with the understanding and I will sing with the spirit and I'll sing so here we see that praying in tongues releases Melody it's called the song of the Lord and when the song of the Lord begins it is really powerful so let's look please quickly Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians 5 because in Ephesians 5 Paul talks about this without actually mentioning it because he says in Ephesians 5:18 he says be not drunk with wine wherein is excess be be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns speaking to yourself that's the song of the Lord and spiritual songs well you know spiritual songs means songs of the spirit singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord so the infilling of the holy spirit that brings about tongues now brings about the song of the Lord sing it says spiritual songs singing making melody in your heart to the Lord it goes from speaking to singing because it says speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and now it goes into spiritual songs singing melody in your heart to the Lord so I've I've seen that happen back years ago in the catacombs all the time and in OCC people would just start singing in the Holy Spirit in such a blessed precious way um Hebrews 2 I got to stop now because I'm almost out of time we listen I'm going to continue tomorrow promise to be with me now you promise to be with me and tell your friends about this because tomorrow I'm going to pray that the Lord will fill everyone fresh with the holy spirit because we need it how we need it Ephesians 2 because somebody may may have just said well you know why don't you pray now because I want the word in you first I want Faith to to rise within you through the word first before you can receive anything remember faith comes by hearing okay not by praying faith comes by hearing Hebrews chapter 2 you like that didn't you Hebrews 2 and verse 12 says saying I will declare your name unto my brethren in the midst of the church will I Sing Praises unto thee so here we see singing in the spirit it's where the Lord is singing now because when when you start singing in the spirit the Lord takes over takes over tomorrow I'm going to deal with more of that in the life of David did David sing in the spirit I'll show you that he did absolutely and I want to show you how important is not just praying in tongues but singing in tongues we have a lot to talk about please make sure tomorrow you're with me okay let's pray wonderful Lord Jesus I thank you for your blessed word Lord I pray you'll be real in your people's lives meet every need today in their hearts in their life in Jesus glorious and wonderful name and God's people said amen now tomorrow once I'm done with the teaching I am going to pray that God will fill you a fresh be filled with the Holy Ghost of fresh now it's time to give listen don't shut me out please please please listen to me prophecy being fulfilled so fast there are signs today in the heavens we haven't seen seen before there are things happening in the universe we haven't seen and heard of before and for the first time now we're seeing the beginning the beginning of what Jesus said there'll be signs in the heavens that happening now the coming of the Lord is so near I think all these are signs to us the church get ready for the coming of the Lord especially when you hear about signs in the heavens that are happening now look it up it's all there please it's time to serve Jesus with all our hearts it's time to give to the Lord's work with all our might and with joy with joy the gospel has to be preached Saints we are accelerating our efforts as a ministry right now in reaching the loss I need your help I need you to help me do what God has called me to do and I don't have many years left on me okay I'm 71 years old I want to give everything I got for the Lord right now I want to spend and be spent for him so as long as I have I'm going to take it and use it for God's glory get the gospel out get the message out strengthen the church help the new upcoming young people prepare them for the future but today the Lord has opened new doors I didn't expect it to happen believe me I did not expect to D it and I'm going to continue coming to you every day if you want me on every day you have to give I'm telling you you have to because and I'm I'm not apologizing because without you giving I can't do this I cannot do this so let's give to God and we have to give anyways because it's God's work it's his glory it's his name it's his cause whether you give to our minister or somebody else I don't you know it doesn't matter we have to give it's the law of God he said give he he he didn't say when you feel like it he said give it shall be given to you with the same measure you give God will will reward you the the harvest always comes when we seow seed so please s SE your seed today with joy generously okay the doors are open let's do it for the for the Lord together you will receive the rewards I promise you all right you can give on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website b.org or you can simply text BHM 4577 s and tomorrow continue with this powerful teaching why pray in Tong love you bye-bye
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 53,306
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: ZA9wrS57gQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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