The Important Necessity to Pray in Tongues Now | Benny Hinn

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the necessity of praying in tongues today and why it's become so important and necessary that we pray in tongues continually now this is what I want to talk about and how do we get filled again where that blessed gift is manifested again through our life in a powerful way powerful way thank you for being with me today let's just pray blessed Jesus thank you Lord for your word I pray Lord today use this teaching to ignite the gift of tongues to ignite and manifest your power through our life and walk in Jesus glorious name fill every one of us aresh today with the Holy Spirit in Jesus Jesus name God's people said amen and amen I've been talking to you about why why praying tongues well first of all remember there are three types of tongues the tongues of Acts 2 that they understood the tongues mention in 1 Corinthians 14 beginning at verse 1-4 that is Mysteries unto God that no one understands and then tongues for the edifying of the church that's also in 1 Corinthians 14 we talked about that yesterday now this gift of tongues let's explain that to you okay now when the Bible talks about praying in the spirit and praying with the spirit are two different two different and separate things praying in the spirit is when the spirit of God decides to pray through you because you've yield it to him but praying with the spirit is where you decide to pray in tongues but tongues when we pray in tongues we can pray with the spirit or in the spirit so you've had it happen with you or you're in the presence of God you're in prayer and suddenly Jesus becomes tangible next thing you know you're praying in tongues and don't know why you didn't even decide to but the Holy Spirit took over and now that tongue is fresh and new and fast and Powerful but now you're praying in the spirit but there are times when you're at home and you just want to pray the Lord and you say something in tongues or you pray in tongues because you're you're just excited or something's happening or you're praying for a need that's with the spirit I've explained all that yesterday so make sure if you missed yesterday's teaching please go back and listen to it because it's really important now what what what happens when we pray in tongues as we say well number one we get edified in in Corinthians 1 Corinthians 14:4 it says we are edified I mentioned that yesterday and in Jude verse 20 it says building up yourselves in your Most Holy Faith praying in the holy spirit all right now it also AIDS in prayer Romans 8: 26:27 it says he knows our infirmities we know not how to pray but the spirit of God prays through us so when we yield to the Lord we don't know what exactly is going to follow but he knows and prays through us with groanings that happens often in tongues also not just English now thirdly to Aid in Prophecy 1 Corinthians 14: 5 the first part says in order that you might prophesy and that's what it says rather than rather rather because that word in Greek means pray in tongues in order that you may prophesy so it triggers the prophetic and I mentioned all this yet yesterday for the sake of those who did not hear me or maybe you missed it anyways another thing it refreshes the soul in Isaiah 28 11 and 12 it talks about how God will speak through stammering lips and tongues to to to through to his people but it'll be also a a time of refreshing and strength we've seen it happen in your life and my life where you praying tongues and you're refreshed you're renewed and it brings victory over over the devil Ephesians 6 I've discussed all that and more with you yesterday I'm just reping it now let's give you some new information okay did David sing in the spirit I didn't say tongues I said in the spirit now remember that praying in the spirit I said to you earlier triggers singing in the spirit because it says so in 1 Corinthians 14 verse 14 and 15 and then Paul talks about this in in Ephesians 5 all this was yesterday because it says I will pray and I will sing so we make decisions but we trigger the song of the Lord and the song of the Lord is singing in the spirit in fact Hebrews 2:12 says well the Lord will praise through the church he praise his father through the church he going to praise are blessed heavenly father and that is what what happens when the song of the Lord takes over now David understood that because in second chronicles let's look at it this a powerful portion and today I going to pray I'm I'm going to pray God fills you aresh with the Blessed Holy Spirit and Empower you again today today is going to happen all today thank you Lord 2 chonicles 29:27 and Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offerings upon the Altar and when the burnt offering began the song of the Lord began with the trumpets with the instruments ordained by David king of Israel and all the congregation worshiped and the singers sang and the trumpeters sounded and all this continued until the burnt offering was finished that's powerful here we see that David understood singing in the spirit otherwise he would not have prepared it for the for the people of Israel to experience the song of the Lord now the song of the Lord began in the old Covenant and it continues even today and I believe David did sing in the spirit he didn't sing in tongues that we know of he's Sayang in the spirit in hebreu okay all right now why and how is this so important why is it important to pray in tongues and sing in tongues which is triggered by praying in tongues the Bible tells us something very powerful in Isaiah 30 that maybe many people have not noticed in Isaiah 30 talks about the fact that when we sing in the spirit we confuse the enemy completely look at this with me oh this is so thrilling so exciting Isaiah 30 I'm going to begin reading here at verse 29 29 ye shall have a song as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept and gladness of heart as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord to the mighty one of Israel notice the song In the Night the song of the Lord s sung in holy solemnity or feast when it's kept with gladness of heart as when one is going with a an instrument into the mountain called here a pipe into the mountain of the Lord or into his government into his presence to the mighty one of Israel and now as a result of the song of the Lord watch this the Lord will cause his glorious voice to be heard he will show the lightning down of his arm against the enemy that is with the indignation of his anger with the flame of a devouring fire with scattering and Tempest and hailstones against who the devil when you and I pray in the spirit and sing in the spirit God's voice is heard by the enemy and now confusion comes to the enemy and destruction comes to Satan and all his devils and demons when you and I pray in tongues we need to pray in tongues today more than ever Darkness has literally overpowered Millions around the world we need to pray in tongues sometimes we don't know how to pray for these people or how to pray for worldly conditions but praying in tongues brings the voice of God against the devil for it says for through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian who is that Antichrist be beaten down which smoke with the rod here it shows that the gift of tongues will even destroy Antichrist one day through the church present in those days on Earth that's a whole different subject I'm not going to get into that now okay because there will be people of God in the during the the Great Tribulation on Earth of course they will because they they will be killed it says of but it says through the voice of the Lord praying in the spirit singing in the in the spirit will cause the voice of the Lord to be heard by the enemy and the enem is destroyed it brings confusion and destruction to Satan even today praying in the spirit is Mysteries unto God that no man understands including the devil brings confusion to his camp today I'm going to pray God will refill you with the Holy Spirit spirit so you'll start praying in tongues more and see victories come to you've never known even before I'm telling you when I've had Crusades and meetings I just had when the when the Blessed presence of Jesus becomes real to me I begin praying in tongues sometimes so fast I ask people to pray in tongues that's when the healings begin that's when people are healed that's when demons bow and flee because people are praying in tongues that confuses the enemy I've seen mirror irles physical healings take place when people pray in tongues in our meetings you probably have to if you've been to them now the other thing is it breaks yolks of bondage what is it that broke those chains in the book of Acts chapter 16 when when Paul and Salas began praising the Lord remember that it broke chains and brought Revelation to the Jailer he needed salvation at midnight Paul and Salas prayed and sang pray Praises unto God wow it says we praying and singing hymn is what it says here in the Greek and the prisoners heard them there was a sudden earthquake the foundations of the prison were shaken all the doors were open and The Keeper of the prison came and said what must I do to be saved God was so powerful in that prison he convicted that man of his need for Jesus because he had heard them praise the Lord and sing unto the Lord and he knew the gospel through the songs they were singing what what did he hear when they prayed what did he hear when they sang about Jesus and he came and said what must I do to be saved all because of the song of the Lord that broke bondage that day and Yoles of bondage it happen the same today in your life and my life continually if we keep praying in tongues praying in tongues is liberating like Isaiah said refreshing to the weary Hallelujah and it brings us into the presence of the Lord that's the key right here in Psalm 22 and verse three Hallelujah Lord I give you all the praise for this but Thou Art holy oh thou that inhabit us the Praises of Israel this is talking about the song of the Lord this is where God's presence man Manifest this is what God becomes real to us this is that ignites the song of the Lord now the voice of the Lord is heard now the enemy is defeated and destroyed and begins to flee this is the time of victory for us from bondage from bonds like like you know Paul and Silas those chains came came flying off them when they began praising the Lord okay now let me talk about something else that's really important how does it all start well we have not the Bible tells us in John thank you Jesus I worship you that the Holy Spirit did not come upon Jesus with measure and he gives us the Holy Spirit without measure and the Bible says so abundantly it says in the book of Acts he poured the Holy Ghost upon them abundantly No Limit let's not limit God to the second let's not limit God say double portion okay any anymore please the double portion was in the Old Testament without measure is the the New Testament the spirit was given to the Lord John the Baptist said without measure to Jesus he poured upon us the Holy Ghost it says abundantly without limit there's no limit it says rivers of Living Water shall flow out of your being no limit to The Rivers No Limit let's not limit God anymore I've heard people say you know I want a double portion I said stop asking for double portion we've gone beyond that now Way Beyond that no limit to the power of God today none whatsoever I've had moments in my life and Ministry I thought my body would explode with the anointing I'm telling you people there's no limit to it I have had moments I said Lord no more if you give me any more I'm going to blow up that's a fact that's a fact there have been times and Crusades I've said Lord take take me home right now because I couldn't handle it take take take the joy un speakable and full of Glory we we didn't see that in the old Covenant full of Glory that's not old Covenant that's New Covenant now watch what it says Acts 2 okay now I just told you real quickly all right acts two in Acts two we we we we have a secret in verse four it says and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak they spoke he gave they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave now they had to begin speaking before the the Holy Spirit gave they were filled as you will be today now it says as they began to speak he gave we ACT first when we said Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit today whenever you will be filled now we speak and he gives that gift whether for the first time or all over again okay so it says we we are to desire spiritual gifts in First Corinthians it says desire them desire them now this is really important in Acts 18 Jesus said you shall receive Power Authority the word there is exusia there is a big difference between the word dunamus which comes at the new birth experience and the word exusia which comes when we're filled with the Holy Spirit dunamus comes once exusia comes repeatedly I'm going to say it again dunamus is what God gives us as power for the new birth but he shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you to be Witnesses that's exusia exusia comes repeatedly and exusia means Authority Power Authority now maybe you have not read this in the New Testament in the Greek but there are separate words in the Greek for power power is dunamus and exusia dunamus comes that power comes for the new birth exusia comes for the infilling dous comes once we are born again only one time exusia comes repeatedly when we ask today God's going to give you exusia power to be filled with the Holy Spirit and now that power becomes very effective with exusia the part of the new birth becomes effective with the exusia that we receive AR fresh thank you Lord I'm telling you I'm feeling it while I'm talking to you about this okay now when that power comes we begin to taste the power of the world to come Hebrews 6 talks about that verse four and five when that power comes it brings the scriptures to remembrance believe me there's been many times God reminded me of his promises when I'm praying in tongues and that exus is flowing and the presence of Jesus is tangible now you begin to move into the prophetic the realm of the prophetic and God begins to remind you and talk to you of things he's given you through his word and even when you've heard a prophecy given to you over the years suddenly it comes back with power on you um that exusia gives us incredible guidance in Romans 8 14 Paul talks about this he said as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of God guidance Direction in every part in every aspect of life happens with the power of God guiding and leading us which we need daily be filled with the Holy Spirit Paul said today speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing making m in your heart to the Lord submitting to each other and more that's daily because when when he when he said be filled in in Ephesians 5:18 he said remain in a state of fullness is what the Greek says remain in a state of fullness and being filled with the Holy Spirit doesn't mean cup full it means sail full of wind you can fill a cup it's it's going nowhere except if you drink the water if you if you fill sails with wind the ship moves so be filled like the wind fills the sails of a ship in those days and goes to a different direction different place there's movement there's action so even even praying in the spirit I believe bring Health to our bodies I've seen it happen in my meetings but if the spirit of him that raised up I'm reading Romans 8:11 Jesus from the dead DW in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall Quicken your mortal bodies by a spirit that dwells in you and it happens when that exusia is flowing through you I've had people pray in tongues in AR States for years and when they pray in tongues the word of light starts working in me strong and that's when the healings happen that's when it's they they become jumping out of their wheelchairs I'm telling you I've seen this happen for the last what 48 years of my life praying in tongues is powerful powerful I was in Jerusalem one time on a bus to speak at a conference I went on the bus I felt resistance from the enemy I went on the bus prayed in tongues it broke it broke and the power of God hit hit so hard before meetings I would I would in my you know early days and still do it I be praying in tongues in the back rooms you know and they get on that platform wow it's there with power praying in tongues properly but listen listen you can pray in tongues by willing it or by surrendering to the Lord and then he will it so that's praying with the spirit in the spirit but it's still powerful whether with or in it's more powerful when it's in the spirit because with it's sometimes it's repetitious in it's flowing like a river with new words coming out of you and you you you you've that Happ you've had that happen in your life I know it now how to receive let's go quickly and then we're going to pray in Acts I am going to play worship while I'm talking about this because I want your faith now to be stirred okay acts two Holy Spirit Thou Art welcome in this place I love it verse 38 all right so let's go Acts 2 verse 38 says what then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you repentance is the first key turn and forsake your sin number two Galatians chapter 3 thank you Lord Lord and verse two it says this would I learn did you receive the spirit of God by works or by faith hearing of Faith number two number one repent number two hear the word of faith that's why I'm teaching number three Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 says we have to obey in verse 32 Luke writes and says we are his Witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Ghost whom God had given to them that obey him obey him so repentance Faith obedience number four Luke 11 Jesus said and verse 13 the Lord said if you being evil know how to give good gifts how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him ask him in finally number five Jesus said come and drink he in he's inviting you right now precious people of God in John 7:37 he says to you right now right now he's saying to you he said If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water now open your mouth wide and God will fill it the Bible says in the Psalms Lord fill them now oh people of God the anointing is here lift your hands receive fill your people with the Holy Spirit a flesh be filled be empowered with the Holy Spirit now be empowered to live the life with power exuse your power be filled now in Jesus name ask him now precious people of God so Lord I'm sorry for my sin and I repent and I accept by faith your promise Lord and I do obey you and I'm so thirsty Lord right now fill me and now receive in the name of Jesus as you ask ask Jesus said ask ask and now receive the Blessed fresh in filling of the Holy [Applause] [Music] Spirit the Holy [Applause] Ghost I worship you Jesus we worship you Jesus Oh blessed Lord I give you praise receive your healing receive that blessed touch now in his holy and wonderful name amen don't you feel it I do don't you sense it I do as I began praying my my right hand became numb again just lightly numb but he's here he he in the name of Jesus and be blessed be blessed in your walk be blessed in your life be blessed in your home and job in Jesus mighty name Lord protect your people GL name say give him eyes to see and ear to hear in Jesus precious name wow thank you for being with me today it's been so precious and be with me tomorrow please it's will be powerful tomorrow ahe and now it's time to give yes it's time to give because we love him we love the gospel we love the word of God and it's our privilege to give it's our honor to give we honor him with our substance say honor the Lord with your your substance and the first fruits of all your increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy preses will burst out with new wine there's a there's a flowing anointing right now this is really the time to give say because when you give and the on it gets flowing the grounds are moist the grounds are moist do it now and God will bless you I'm talking to someone who's been struggling with depression the Lord has just healed you the Lord has just healed you from depression Lord I rebuke it in Jesus name I command the depression go in Jesus name even as you give even as you give God is Healing The Sick arthritis in someone's right arm has just been healed you just move that arm you'll feel the pain is leaving you right now as I'm talking I see a lady named Samantha you've had some complications with your pregnancy you've had some complications with your pregnancy and you've been to the doctor and they didn't know what to exactly do God is taking care of it Samantha people call you Sam I don't know why but I I I just heard that from the Lord God is taking care of it talking to the lady name Samantha many people call her Sam it's done lift your hands and thank him you actually s right now warmth over your body you you're going to have a beautiful child Samantha I'm talking to you you're going have a beautiful baby all is well all is beautifully well for you you see what God does sometimes I'm taking the offering but the Lord is still moving like that so you keep giving and receiving and the same time oh my goodness somebody's ear right ear just popped open someone's right ear just popped Open Lord I rebuke that problem in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you you can hear put your finger on the left ear you can hear me perfectly now for the first time in I think two or three years you can hear me perfectly perfectly thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord last night one of our guys two nights ago one one of our guys was healed from an allergy he's had for years where he could not eat fish and now he is totally fine and and and the Lord healed him while he was actually in my place it wasn't even even a service with a wonderful anointing here receive in Jesus name be blessed in Jesus name and prosper Prosper people of God prosper in Jesus name lift your hands say Lord I will prosper I will prosper my future is better than my past and brighter than my past and more blessed than my past more prosperous than my past in Jesus name amen amen okay you can give right now on the platform you're watching me on go to our website or simply text BHM 45777 be with me tomorrow I I don't know what God will do but I'm excited love you bye-bye
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 40,959
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: a4GOJ-bDkbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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