Why Palpatine was Extremely Shocked that Anakin Killed the Tusken Raiders (Not Why You Think)

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greetings acolytes of the force and welcome back to the archives Anakin's first descent into the dark side begin with the loss of his mother and the subsequent genocide he carried out on the Tuscan tribe responsible this was one of the most defining moments in Anakin's life one that truly awakened the part of him which was Vader the Dragon Inside From This Moment forward Anakin would always live in fear of losing those that he loved causing him to make selfish decisions on behalf of others this also left him vulnerable to manipulation by City in his nightmares but stepping outside of Anakin's internal struggle for a moment we can't pretend that what he did wasn't completely against the Jedi way and wouldn't have certainly gotten him expelled from the Jedi Order Anakin of course knew this and wisely kept the Secret close to himself not even telling his master Obi-Wan but this leaves the question other than Padme who did Anakin actually confide in who else simply knew and what were their reactions to this atrocious act well join us today as we open a holoc and talk about everyone who knew about the slaughter of the sand people the two people who are blatantly told about this event were of course padmate and Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith Palpatine references Anakin telling him about his mother and the sand people as a way to soothe his feelings about taking revenge on Dooku this all makes sense as Padme and Palpatine were the only two people that Anakin ever trusted with his true emotions he sometimes talked with Obi-Wan but usually kept his master at a Brother's arms length Obi-Wan was staunchly adherent to the Jedi code and Anakin knew that if he tried to confide in his master Obi-Wan's conscience wouldn't allow him to keep something like this from the council he would certainly turn Anakin in and he would be expelled from the Jedi but of course Anakin couldn't keep this Secret in for too long and he had told Padme but her shock at the situation only allowed her to render Anakin Comfort but no guidance we learn in the Canon novel Brotherhood that Anakin desperately wanted some guidance on the matter from an older person who would understand him and his emotions he didn't like bringing this event up to his wife for fear of how she would feel about him knowing how she felt about excessive violence in the first place 2 months after the events of Geonosis Anakin just finished with his nighting ceremony when Palpatine decided to pull him aside in his office and have a conversation it's here where we see how the chancellor was been manipulating Anakin his entire life by being a kind listening ear and a fatherly influence in Anakin's life when he asked the young Skywalker how he's doing it is not a pleasantry like it is with others it is a genuine question of concern because of this Anakin feels like he can trust the chancellor with all of his feelings even noting that unlike the others Palpatine understood and of course by understanding we know that Palpatine mostly encourages Anakin to give into his feelings and keep them strong planting the seeds of Disobedience to the Jedi Code but anyway learning from the passage where Anakin divulges the truth he just tells the chancellor that his mother was murdered leaving out the details to which Palpatine of course expresses sincere condolences before Anakin then said this I killed them the sand people unlike that moment in the Lars Homestead Anakin wasn't expelling grief through searing words and falling tears this came out calm tempered equal parts admission and Confirmation they took her life and I took theirs Palpatine set his calf mug down with a click then reached over the warmth of his palm resting over Anakin's mechanical one they killed your mother your mother Palpatine said his weathered voice slow and deliberate of course you wanted Revenge how could anyone not when facing such an injustice it seems like simple mathematics to me no this was not an admission this was a validation and Anakin knew he knew that the chancellor would give it because he always understood in the ways that the Jedi could not Palpatine would then further manipulate the situation turning Anakin against the Jedi as if reading his mind Palpatine begins talking to Anakin about how Jedi like Wu didn't actually care for people not in the way that Anakin did Palpatine goes on to tell Anakin how special he is because he allows himself to feel to care and to love he goes on to say that it makes him stronger and a better person further stoking Anakin's ego and turning feelings against the Jedi later on we would actually learn that Palpatine was surprised by this information that Anakin openly gave him he never imagined that Anakin was this far along in his anger and path to the dark side as only a mere Jedi Knight this is why Palpatine begins to spend a lot of time around the young boy he knew it was time to move in and the Clone Wars was the perfect time to start especially the advanced stages of the grooming while into the Clone Wars Anakin would divulge his secret to another Jedi though and the most unlik likely one at that all in the moment of pure rage and fury after believing that Obi-Wan had died in the Battle of jaim Anakin was in a rough Place mentally and working with none other than ashat hat the only tuskin Jedi the two of them were going on a mission of their own and Anakin was struggling to work with ashod because of his Prejudice the entire time he was extra insolent to the Jedi Master constantly making side comments constantly hitting the master with Jabs on his tuskin heritage ashod would tolerate this but decided to just try to bond with Anakin over their shared history of growing up on Tatooine but later when they were fighting a group of enemies Anakin decided to take out his anger by visualizing the enemies as a group of tuscans Anakin began to cut them down viciously until his moment of Fury suddenly turned on the Jedi Master Anakin attacked ashod while shouting about how he killed screaming how he killed every last Tusk and Savage old young men and women how he didn't regret it at all but enjoyed every moment meanwhile Asher tried to defend himself without hurting Anakin as he was far more powerful than the young Skywalker at this point in time and simply by using his Jedi Temperance to see the confrontation out he was able to outlast Anakin he tries to reason with the boy until Anakin slashed his gareri stick in half forcing Asher Rod to end the bout with a swift kick to Anakin's jaw once he was out of his rage ashod reprimand him but not about his prejudice against the sand people in fact het said that as a tusin he understood the desire for vengeance more than others this was of course a trait of the Tuscan culture but he then said that as a Jedi he couldn't allow the desire for vengeance to flourish in himself or in anyone else he pointed out that it was clear that Anakin hadn't told his master about this event nor any other Jedi since it was still seething within him this is when ashod decided to tell Anakin his Own Story how he had learned to temper his own desire for vengeance against the murder of his father training with Jedi Master kiotti Mundi and the dark woman Ana Kuro as Anakin calmed himself ashod continued to be understanding to his plight he made him confront his actions and his feelings against the tuscans and master het recognized that they were never going to be able to work together as long as he continued to be a Tuscan Raider and so for the first time in his life Asher rod pet removed his tusin mask allowing Anakin to be the first person who ever saw his face this including Asher's own father who never saw his face as it was covered from birth Anakin seeing that Asher Rod was a human underneath apologized and worked with him to get out of the situation finally ashod having Mercy on the boy did not tell the Jedi counsel of his crimes against the tuscans this concludes the list of people that Anakin actually told from his own mouth about the slaughter of the sand people everyone else would find out by other means qui-gon's ghost for example was actually present with Anakin when he was doing the deed and in the novelization for Attack of the Clones it details how Anakin heard the voice of Qui-Gon begging him to stop and to stay his hand but in his moment of Fury and not having heard qui-gon's voice in a decade he didn't recognize it and ignored it a common misconception about qui-gon's Spirit knowing about Anakin's dark deed is that Yoda knew as well since he felt Skywalker's pain and qui-gon's pleading voice within the force but in actuality Yoda did not know what Anakin had done only his feelings while doing it and as far as we currently know Yoda never confronted Anakin about it either Obi-Wan Kenobi for a large portion of his life was oblivious to the act as well only finding out many years later after The Purge on Tatooine while meditation and communing with Qui-Gon Obi-Wan would have it confirmed through the force he was deeply disturbed by this information causing his his feelings towards Anakin to change even more this is told to us in the Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is the passage shme Skywalker had not died alone Ben did not have to guess who had slaughtered the tuskin now you know said qui-gon's disembodied voice Ben was still so stunned that he didn't even slightly Flinch when he heard Qui-Gon whose voice sounded as if it had come from above and behind Ben's head Ben said why didn't you tell me about this you weren't ready Qui-Gon said you're still not ready not ready Ben echoed he swallowed hard before he continued Master if you mean that I'm not ready to understand what happened here then I believe you're mistaken Anakin killed an entire tribe of tuskin out of Vengeance and then kept it a secret from everyone apparently you were aware of this and yet you still maintain that he is the chosen one what more is there to know Qui-Gon answered that Anakin did not keep this a secret from everyone and why did Anakin keep this secret from from you this shocked Obi-Wan and Ben was about to reply because he was afraid he'd be banished from the Jedi Order but instead Obi-Wan shook his head and said this it doesn't matter whom Anakin told what matters is that he was a Jedi and that he became a butcher Qui-Gon then said this you should not judge when you fail to understand in this heartbreakingly complex conversation Kenobi Grieves over Anakin's actions while qui-gon's Spirit defends Anakin Anakin not in a way of saying that Anakin was correct in what he did but pointing out that Obi-Wan shouldn't Levy judgment that he didn't understand and never made an effort to try to Qui-Gon In This Moment was trying to get his Apprentice to see that his Jedi Dogma had blinded him blinding him to the severity of what Anakin was feeling in that moment and had hampered Obi-Wan from becoming the master that Anakin needed all of the reactions to Anakin's Slaughter of the camp were different but similar with the common emotion being that of complete shock all for different reasons Palpatine shock was more of a pleasant surprise that Anakin had already taken these kinds of steps to the dark side Obi-Wan was Disturbed and disgusted by Anakin Qui-Gon shock came in the form of grief for Anakin and shmi's death and the only one who seemed to actually understand Anakin and come from a place of healing was ironically ashad he the tuskin Jedi Master he had mercy on Anakin for the killing of his people not being sorry about it and not ever being angry or attacking Anakin after all of this ashod had compassion because he was a tuskin he understood the ways of Vengeance better than anyone but because he was trained out of it by his father's dying wish and the help of Jedi Masters he probably would have been able to work Anakin through this issue completely maybe just maybe if ashod het had trained Anakin they each may have prevented one another's fall to the dark side and embrace of Sith Hood but but that is a discussion for another day but what do you think my friends had you ever wondered if Anakin's first dark deed reached the ears of anyone else besides Padme and Palpatine what are your thoughts on everyone being shocked except for Asher he let us know your thoughts and opinions on this in the comments down below and as always May the force be with you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 70,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine vs Yoda, Darth Sidious, Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Tusken, Darth Vader, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin vs Obi-Wan
Id: YAkXdxspzVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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