Why Palpatine said Vader was Bad For the Rule of 2 Sith - Star Wars Explained

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why was it that by the standards of Darth cidus Vader's own master that Vader was a bad Sith what exactly did it mean to be a bad Sith and how did Vader not live up to the order of the Sith Lords that preceded him many many years did Darth City scheme behind the scenes to bring Skywalker to the dark and once it happened a monster was born a dragon of Fury bearing unparalleled power and destructive potential the knowledge of Vader's rise had been well known by The Sith for quite some time and what started Ed out as a strange and confusing prophecy soon became enigmatic Visions until pleus would see a terrifying future of Vader's rise and rain when the time finally came we did indeed receive a Sith Lord whose strength rivaled even the greatest dark Lords of History yet we couldn't help but notice Insidious that after looking at the standards set by The Sith before him and comparing Vader with this attitude he would have been considered a poor lord of the Sith so where does this bold claim actually come from why have we labeled one of the most powerful Sith Lords to ever live as an underachiever well the only way to defend our case as well as the case of cyas and his disappointment is to explore the evidence let us get one clear thing out of the way first Vader was an excellent Imperial enforcer and one of if not the most prolific Jedi killer in all of Galactic history Vader indeed knew his strength and knew it well he used it as often as he could to dominate and subjugate all his enemies and most of his subordinates there is no dispute that among all the Jedi Hunters of the past Vader outshines them all save for Legends such as tulet cord Vader was ruthless efficient cruel and held immense power in the force and while he embodied certain aspects of the Sith fully he missed out on others and a good Jedi killer does not make a good Sith Lord inherently otherwise we consider Grievous to be a great Sith and although Vader exhibits all the right traits for a powerful Sith Lord on the surface only a layer or two needs to be peeled back in order to expose the truth one of the first things we want to point out is that Vader didn't actually understand the true nature of the way that the Sith perceived the Dark Side of anyone who lived Vader surely had enough physical and emotional pain to fuel his power when he got much older Vader would come to be zealously loyal to the power of the dark side more than the Sith going so far is to nearly choke out every commanding officer if they ever so much as insulted the force lightly on many occasions Vader would prize the dark side as the ultimate power in the galaxy especially when facing a robotic monstrosity one who wielded six arms and six lightsabers Vader would tear through the cyborg monster turn it into scrap metal while stating when you have the dark side all you need is one lightsaber but just because he had faith in the dark side doesn't mean that he had an understanding as the Sith saw Vader certainly spent lavishly on his stories of pain and anger to fuel his insurmountable power yet cidus was always disappointed by Vader in the dark Lord the rise of Darth Vader we learned that the emperor was displeased with how Vader would let loose with his rage at any given opportunity as soon as someone angered him he killed them many Imperial officers fell to the choking grasp of Vader's fist or the burning blade of his lightsaber due to the fact that Vader did not exercise any sense of self-control not because he was incapable of it but because he actively chose not to Anakin had been controlled his entire life and Vader would not hesitate to release any of his emotion once he had ascended to a dark Lore this became a major irritation to cyas on a practical level Vader was killing off officers faster than the Empire could replace them but on a More perent Level cyas believed Vader was being wasteful with his anger and therefore his power the dark lord explained to his Apprentice like this when he feels the anger towards the incompetence of subordinates or feels rage from his past he needs to internalize it to store it to build it up Cy is taught Vader to Harbor the hatred inside of him and keep it neatly contained so that one day it could Fester refine into a potent Dark Energy essentially aging like a fine wine this is how the rule of two were taught to Harbor the dark side Invader was a product of the rule of two lineage cyas his power allowed him to knock three Jedi Council Members off kilter after it had been stored and festered for so long cyas his power was measured and he knew it he was a true Master of the dark side these warnings though fell on death ears as Vader didn't listen to his master whatsoever he didn't want to be the perfect Sith he wanted to be the perfect wielder of the dark side Vader did not subjugate himself to an order that he belonged to similar to how Qui-Gon Jin followed the living force and not the Jedi Order quite important that the two viewed the force in a similar way but Vader's refusal to learn more or to seek out the deeper Mysteries of the dark side on a philosophical level is what made him a poor Sith in the eyes of cidus and others like Bane Bane was a Visionary yet he still spent the majority of his young life delving into holocrons of the Ancients Vader did his own study in Scrolls and holocrons but not for any secrets to dark power instead Vader was trying to further his goals of trying to resurrect Padme his grief over her death and loss of his family kept Vader back from learning the larger Mysteries and maybe even his potential cidus believed that Vader's limitations were in no way physical but only psychological for those that wielded true power in the dark side their physical body can break down but their power and will will always remain so long as they learn to hone it we can cite Sion for this his body was little more than an undead husk but through the power of the dark side Darth Zion basically kept himself alive and Immortal though all of his injuries were fatal living in constant Agony but living nonetheless sidious's lesson was that there was knowledge to be gained from the Ancients several Sith Lords come to mind that Vader should have studied for insight mainly Revan Bane and especially Darth Malgus Vader and Malgus were so similar that it was as if time was rhyming itself when Vader was born the emperor realized this and gifted Vader the campaign Journal of Darth Malgus hoping that his Apprentice would gain inspiration from it in the book of the Sith we see that Vader did indeed read through the journals of Malgus but none of his commentary was really about the Sith Lord as a person what he learned or his exploits Vader in instead made side comments about the military tactics that Malgus used the ships they flew and the ward Droids that they had all comments that would have been made by Anakin Skywalker the only thing that Vader paid attention to of Malgus was mentioned of his secret love Elena Vader comments that he tried to find more out about the secret love but he could not find anything in malgus's journal the entire lesson of malgus's Journal flew right over Vader's head as he entirely missed the point of cyas is gift this caused a great teal of tension between cyas and Vader as the emperor wanted his student to invite in new rituals and the study of the dark side discovering the powers of artifacts and new and old Secrets but Vader didn't want to do this he didn't want to invest into the order of the Sith only his own immediate power Vader had no desire to build up the generation of the rule of two he had no ambition besides what only he could achieve Darth Vader actively resigned himself to a life of misery serving under cidus because his master was all that he had left left in the universe after losing his wife his family and all his friends everything that he once stood for Vader openly admitted that all he had was the dark side the emperor and Palpatine it was only once Luke revealed himself that Vader believed that he could grow to be more and I firmly believe had Vader and Luke overthrown cyas Vader would have taken a much deeper look into the Sith that came before him but it stands before this that because of his great loss Vader had no ambition to rule the galaxy for himself self and the only time he cares about the state of the Galaxy which is when it involved Luke which is an echo of Anakin Skywalker I also want to make it clear that this is very much a Canon sentiment and in Legends Vader did attempt to overthrow cyas more than once in Canon though Vader resigned himself to this fate to again become a slave of sorts to his master again to make something clear Vader is undoubtedly an excellent dark acolyte of the force meaning that he had a great grasp and understanding of the dark side he knew how to to wield it as a sword and was extremely powerful but he was terrible as a rule of two conventional Sith Lord that title is so much more than a moniker and a power it is a Devotion to something greater a true Devotion to study the secrets of the dark side to their deepest and blackest degrees then using that knowledge to gain Supremacy to further the order's own goals of dominion over the Galaxy to prosper as a order as a whole in all of these ways Lord Vader Falls far below the line he did not devote himself to the Sith he devoted himself to Agony and the dark but tell us my friends what do you think is our argument sound do you think that Vader was a poor rule of two Sith Lord hearkening back to the ways of the ancient Sith when they were pure Warriors what are your thoughts on this insidious' disappointment in his Apprentice what do you think Vader would have become like if he had devoted himself to realizing the true gifts of the dark side Beyond power looking at the order of the Sith philosophically thanking you as always my friends for visiting the archives today and May the force be with you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 34,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palpatine, Darth Vader, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Dark Side, Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith
Id: LUK6xEV2Edg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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