Why Palpatine Was Glad Tarkin Died on the Death Star - Star Wars Explained

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among the untold devastating numbers of those who died during the death star's destruction the prestigious grandmother Tarkin was one of them however despite losing one of his most powerful underlings the emperor wasn't actually all that torn up about it in fact our researchers have found evidence that Darth Sidious was actually glad that Tarkin had died when he did greetings again curious acolytes and welcome back to the archives the Imperial hierarchy was a strange thing Sidious Inner Circle included Vader thrawn and of course Tarkin though there were other Governors moths directors and grandmafs very few had the kind of prestige that Tarkin carried with him Tarkin was very close to the emperor and had his ear on several matters this is in fact one of the things that annoyed Darth Vader the most as Tarkin had so much power he was able to undermine Vader's Authority in certain places something that Vader thought should not be possible with all this considered it is an incredibly Curious Thing why Sidious would actually be pleased by tarkin's death so for this holocron we are going to examine tarkin's career and what made him so powerful and dangerous then we are going to explain why Darth Sidious took Extreme Caution with him grandmother Tarkin was a man second only to the emperor one is the same rank as Vader the Sith Lord's very apprentice and one of sidious's most trusted governors of all the Agents of the Imperial hierarchy cranmof Tarkin was assuredly the most competent with the exception of perhaps Grand Admiral thrawn but even thrawn paid respects to Tarkin many times calling him a tactical genius himself Tarkin was a man who had reached his position through nothing but sheer willpower and intellect and he took advantage of every single privilege that the position offered not to mention time and time again Grandma Tarkin proved to be one of if not the most ruthless and effective agent of the Empire there were many high-ranking Imperial officers who were ruthless in their strengths for instance you have grand General taje to name one and of course Grand Admiral ularin who served in the Clone Wars and it had his spot in the Death Star Council for some time as much time as Tarkin did however it was Grand moth Tarkin Who Rose above all of these and had not only the emperor's ear but his favor as well this all started and ended with tarkin's penchant towards doing everything that was necessary to achieve his goals and to further the goals of the Empire Tarkin was one of those who not only followed the Empire because it was beneficial to him but because Tarkin truly believed in it in the Clone Wars Tarkin was a commander under Jedi General peel Tarkin had a front row seat to what he believed to be the republics and the Jedi's ineptitude on the battlefield during the Clone War he shared Sidious opinion that the Jedi weren't doing nearly enough to properly take care of the Galaxy's problems not only that but the Republican the Jedi constantly got in each other's way which just made the whole system look utterly weak Tarkin himself grew to hate the Republic and the Jedi eventually Commander Tarkin would retire from the military instead seeking out a political career following this Tarkin would quickly be elected governor of his Homeworld as well as in the sector of siswana since he was a rising politician himself Tarkin would be acquainted with Palpatine in fact the two men had something in common their hatred of aliens once the Empire Rose Tarkin decided to cash in his favor with Palpatine and be put in place in the Imperial Navy becoming a moth for his first few years moth Tarkin would be instrumental in building the Imperial Navy's presence on many planets however tarkin's ambition didn't stop there as he saw how many systems were still out of line he was chasing down pirates only for them to be aided in their escape with the help of growing Rebel sex and insurgencies it would be at this point that Tarkin took the biggest step of his career riding the Tarkin dog track also known as the doctrine of Terror or the rule of fear this was a private note addressed straight to the emperor himself in which Tarkin discussed his growing concerns with the Insurgency of several systems in the address Tarkin puts forth the idea of dividing the Galaxy into what he calls the over sectors which essentially were collections of three sectors of star systems which rebellion was being newly born in this bypassed all previously known sector borders that had been in place for thousands of years and by tarkin's recommendation each oversector would be supervised by one specific individual with direct communication with the emperor himself in tarkin's own words to the emperor this will bypass any delays caused by political opportunism in your advisors Tarkin would also say this about Exterminating the rebels rule through the fear of force rather than Force itself if we use our strength wisely we shall Co thousands of Worlds with the example of a select few these examples would need to be highly visible worlds whose punishment would be further further revealed through our control of information via the hyper media with this we are already beginning to see the birth of the depraved plant to destroy the world of Alderaan what's important though is that the Tarkin Doctrine was written far before Tarkin knew of the Death Star what this essentially meant though is without knowing anything of its existence Tarkin put forth the recommendation of a super weapon or even several in his address he mentions how the average citizen views the power of a star destroyer and how they don't think in terms of numbers or calculation but in size and symbols most rebellious systems lost their resolve to fight when comparing the size of a star destroyer against whatever craft they had without regard of any tactical reasoning Tarkin puts forth the idea to take this same mentality and apply it to a super weapon a weapon that meant to be the very symbol of the Empire and its strength Tarkin then goes on to say this if we present the Galaxy with the weapon so powerful so immense as to defy all conceivable opposition against it a weapon invulnerable and Invincible in battle then that weapon shall become the symbol of the Empire it must have Force enough to dispatch an entire system power enough to shatter planets the fear such a weapon will inspire will be great enough for you to rule the galaxy unchallenged the Tarkin Doctrine impressed Palpatine immensely to the point where he promoted him to Grand moth but also put him in control of the construction of the Death Star tarkin's work spoke for itself once the Galaxy was put in line and Tarkin was essentially right-hand man next to Vader himself Palpatine had written an entire Manifesto about ruling with fear and he mentioned how frustrated he was with his Governors since none of them listened or even seemed to grasp the concept of fear none of them except for Grand Moff will huff Tarkin but this favor would not be enough to save Harkin's life despite everything he did for the Empire and for the emperor himself Sidious did not trust him at all there was a great deal of dissension among the Imperial officials each of them were stabbing at each other in order to climb the ranks of the hierarchy that Palpatine had established this reminded Sidious of the minions of the ancient Sith Palpatine allowed this to happen as it would call out the weak links and leave Only the strongest and most cunning men in higher positions however what happens when the most cunning man goes as high as he possibly can where exactly does he go from there this question left Darth Sidious cautious of Tarkin in the book of the Sith Palpatine makes this comment in the margins of a very important page Tarkin is fortunate to have died along with the other commanders when the Death Star exploded he had far too much ambition and his days were numbered what this reveals to us if Tarkin had not died on the Death Star then Sidious would have likely staged something to make sure sure that Tarkin was at an end anyway what happened is Vader may have been allowed to do what he desired most Force choked the life out of Tarkin for his failure or Sidious would have disposed of him some other way even the man who pleased the emperor the most didn't have total immunity this was the cost of following the Sith but anyway my friends in acolytes what are your thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on why Sidious was glad that Tarkin perished on the Death Star as always May the force be with you and I hope that you have a great day
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 265,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darth Vader, Star Wars, Star Wars Theiry, Palpatine, Return of the Jedi, Sith, Darth Vader Death Star
Id: ctp9OcaLG-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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