Why Palpatine Was FINALLY Able to Get Rid of the Senate - Star Wars Explained

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Rebellion will continue to gain a support in the Imperial Senate Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us I have just received word that the emperor has dissolved the council permanently the last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away possible how will the emperor maintain control that the bureaucracy the regional Governors now have direct confere will keep the local systems in line fear of this battle station as Liberty died with thunderous Applause echoing in the Senate chambers the Republic had now all been but destroyed after the shocking news of the Jedi's turn on the Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine becoming Emperor Palpatine was met with resounding support little did these Senators know that their delegation and the entire Senate as a whole was about to become a literal joke in a new hope we see Imperial High command all arguing about the capture of Princess Leia in the meeting room aboard the Death Star Mark 1 worried that the move would Garner Sympathy For The Rebel Alliance from the Imperial Senate the major general was arguing about the Empire's next move this meeting though was cut abruptly short when Grandma Tarkin strode into the room followed by Lord Vader declaring that he had received word that the imperial Senate was no longer a concern as it had been officially dissolved rendering complete and total power to the one Emperor but what happened to the Imperial Senate how how was it possible for Emperor Palpatine to gain so much power as to completely destroy the system of government that had held the Republic for thousands of years well in today's holocron we have the answer the explanation today fully lies in Star Wars Canon you see as soon as the Republic was transitioned into the Galactic Empire Sidious swiftly went to work weakening the bonds of the Senate and rendering them all but useless in the beginning Palpatine made good on his vows to end corruption in the Senate and many citizens cried out that Palpatine was indeed restoring stability to the Galaxy however at the same time many of Palpatine's political opponents suddenly began to vanish Palpatine's power and acclaim only grew as the years went on and many of the senators were far too blind or far too scared to interact as the years went on there were implied threats in a near-complete lack of trust that would permeate among worlds while the actual enactment of legislation would become an uncommon occurrence be because what would happen if the Senators would all gather as they had done countless times as they had done during the era of the Republic and began to debate amongst each other and create bills laws and legislation and then go on about their lives believing that their job was done Palpatine had allowed this to happen and let the Senate bask in its own arrogance while he in actuality didn't Implement any of the legislations that they had been voting on and gave the appearance that they had power when in reality they possessed none for two decades Palpatine kept the Senators fat rich and happy the Senate became a parody of itself and was nothing more than a stage the emperor completely ignored all the laws of warfare put in place by the Senate and the Imperial military continued to act as they please while actively lying to the Senators who possessed no real power when the news of the destruction of Jeddah City made it to the Senate it was painted as a terrible mining accident and not the horrific bombardment that it truly was by around the year 5 BBY the Imperial Senate started growing even weaker as the emperor's planetary Governors assumed more responsibility over their own territories the Imperial Senate remained in place for most of Palpatine's rule constituting one of the last remnants of the Old Republic however the Rebellion against the empire kept gaining a growing support in that Council and certain Senators including Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan did not hesitate to use their diplomatic immunity to help out and Aid the Rebel Alliance though this was short-lived as her luck ran out when she was caught running the blockade with the stolen Death Star plans the Empire officially took her into custody and Vader ordered the Imperials to activate taintive force distress Pekin and report that everyone on board had been murdered another lie they soon spun in order to feed into the Senate another senator who opposed Palpatine mysteriously gone missing in zero BBY the Imperial Senate was disbanded after the capture of Princess Leia with Leia being a a senator who supported the growing Rebellion against Palpatine's absolute rule the emperor used this as an excuse and used the incident to cast doubt onto the Loyalty of the assembly as such the Senate was officially dissolved with some of the few trusted Senators becoming Governors but still a question remains why did it take so long and why did Palpatine not abolish the Senate right away why did it take him 20 years what's important is that Palpatine had to keep the people distracted for 20 years it was all a part of his plan Palpatine had to keep the appearance that the imperial Senate actually had power and say within the Empire he could not strip away everybody's powers and rights immediately and had to bide his time but after 20 years Palpatine had his Ace in the Hole a weapon known as the Death Star had completed construction Palpatine knew that planets under the control of the delegates of the Imperial Senate would begin rebelling if he had tried to openly seize absolute power absolute Loop power without an absolute weapon the Imperial military was powerful but they were spread out and thin Palpatine needed a symbol of power so absolute that no one would ever question him so Sidious had to create a bubble of fantasy making them believe that they still ruled the Galaxy and were running it while silently siphoning their power until he could abolish the Imperial Senate completely the Death Star was the Line in the Sand that the Sith believed no one would ever cross the Death Star would keep the Galaxy in line and there was nothing that they could do to match up to the sheer power of the fear that it possessed the real weapon of the Death Star was not the Super Laser It Is What It represented the Death Star was the greatest threat that the Galaxy had ever seen as Sidious once said since my Ascension I have allowed a convenient fiction to persist that the Empire is merely a continuation of the Republic the Imperial Senate remains an illusion of many voices coming together to govern in truth there is only one voice my voice a masterfully crafted Machiavellian scheme concocted by the wisest Sith in Star Wars history Palpatine was not arrogant in his power in this moment he knew that if the rebellion and the Senate were to work together they could overthrow his one absolute Rule and in all actuality it took Palpatine 20 years to consolidate absolute rulership in many ways Sidious does not acquire ultimate rulership over the Galaxy until the events of A New Hope with all of this put into perspective it's now incredible to see just how much of a massive blow the destruction of the first death star was to Sidious not only did it put massive cracks in the Empire's image of infallibility but it destroyed the biggest leverage that the Empire had against the Galaxy itself unfortunately by the time of its destruction the dissolvement of the Senate was all but complete and the systems were under the jurisdiction of the Mercurial military but anyway my friends what do you think of this had you wondered what happened to the Senate following the rise of the empire and did this answer your curiosity as always my friends thank you so much for visiting our archives yet again and May the force be with you foreign [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 66,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine, Palpatine Senate, Darth Sidious, Jedi, Sith, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Dark Side, Luke Skywalker, A New Hope
Id: sAm94inh7Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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