WHAT DO YOU SEE?? | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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you [Music] I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your star just boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do in the realms of the Spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry him to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah Robert I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that I saw you doing this throwing seeds what we want bring seat bronto Costa a parody Acosta a parody Miranda kissed a parody atonte Mecosta a debate maria von stay a parody Acosta a Pragya custody buried a lie stick on Stella Stein glory fun Delano Santoli pran DiCaprio Soto Lobos de when you receive the Lord Jesus he released something inside of you he put a new spirit in you old things passed away and behold he put the spirit of pneumatic hose in you the ability to become more than just human there is somebody that is crying somewhere in the world there is a family somewhere in the world waiting for you to be manifested in Christ you are the solution to somebody's problem you are the miracle that you have been waiting for in your own life today the Lord is calling you to come to that higher ground that the pneumatic cause will be released in you that you will no longer pray for bread but your presence will be the evidence of bread that you no longer pray for breakthroughs your presence will be the breakthrough the Lord is telling me to tell you right now that it is your time it is your time it is your time to walk in the greatness of who he is that the world would begin to see Jesus because of you greater works shall you do because the spirit of Nam Atticus is upon you raka Taliban to LeBron day Kista Appa Nadia MiraCosta acara da-da-da-da-da Halima Delhi probe Akita say keratea to Nellie Brown Deborah Acosta a parody acanti Mecca root a Mecca ruti maker' root a maroon de marrón de marrón de que sato kei sato kei sato maracas suit le plan the PACU stay in Quran de Kista a Padilla you are being released into that place says the Spirit of the Living God mockery Amanda Kay today they aren't only prone the keister today I am pouring a new oil up on your head something new shall be birthed out of you your words shall take residence in the earth whatever you say shall be more than a sea it will have the ability to grow and become a tree that many shall eat from release your spirit by the words that are in you la gusta para Dante LeBron the Kista opera don't say Zachary a parrot on telly parody accosted reddit until a dental a dental a dented your presence shall crush the enemy your presence will silence every witch and wizard that has been coming against your life Maren daiquiri I don't Ellie provoke is the Opera Dante you are more than just a man I co inheritor with Christ let that spirit of no mighty cause manifest in you [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name Russ what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying welcome to the house of the Lord thank you for that I've never had accompaniment before alright so if you're here you know church starts at 7:30 doors open at 7 p.m. parking is in the back it's free during the evenings so you're all set membership if you would like to join Revelation church and submit under prophet lo VL Elias our awesome manna God give a hand for our prophet save so many lives whoa geez so yeah if you'd like to submit of that awesome man oh god enjoying this house please fill out the giving envelope and check the box where it says I want to be a member alrighty social media y'all been catching the live streams absolutely absolutely it's been so deep putting my relationship with God has improved just from that it gets so great ecstatic so if you don't want to miss that you gotta wait to do to get where you need to go okay just you know turn it down you don't want to be that guy everybody who looks he's like giving a deep word like nobody you don't want to be that guy don't be that guy anyway food and drink please nothing but water in this house okay that goes for us to the volunteers if you see one of us munching you can tell no that's not good don't don't don't snitch on your brother in Christ yeah no no food or drink we don't want any spills but water is completely fine stay hydrated my friends also trash guys respect the house of the Lord please pick up your trash don't leave things under your seat don't do that it's not it's not respectful we we're taught how to be obedient and respectful to the Lord here right amen all right let's let's let's put that into practice starting prayer requests if you ever meet someone on the street that needs prayer you have a friend that needs prayer and maybe they need something even deeper we have a prayer line we have something for that right so here's the number eight one eight seven nine seven five nine eight six that is eight one eight seven nine seven five nine eight six and you can leave here information and a minister will call you back if you don't get an immediate answer look I would give this number out man you know you got crazy dudes asking for your phone number it's eight one eight seven nine yes get delivered real quick giving text to give the number for that is 4 1 5 2 1 2 6 4 1 2 PayPal is at our CJC ministries at gmail.com and of course the way of our forefathers the envelope is always available it's always there that good friend one on one counseling you can register for one-on-one counseling with profit low V online at profit low V calm we are selling revelation merch I'm wearing my hoodie you can't see the little graphic on the back but it's really cool who says miracles everywhere you can make purchases in the lobby all revelation merch from season one so the black and whites the Reds what the Jesus loves you more that's all on sale until the end of the month it's 20% off ok so that's a good opportunity they accept cash and PayPal only ok our CJC children's ministry give it up for our kids this is gonna be such a powerful generation raised up in this house can you imagine if you had known about this church when you were 10 3 yo dope so anyway they're hosting a faith festival it's gonna be amazing it's on October 31st from 7:30 to 10:30 that's one check-in starts is at 7:30 not a minute before ok early birds we will be learning about Jesus and celebrating the fall Revelation Church does not celebrate Halloween's this is not a Halloween party ok they made that very clear in my script quick note if you would rebuke it in church please don't dress yourself as your child as it no wizards no which is nothing crazy like that nothing offensive or scary and actually they have a guideline it it preferably would be a biblical character or superhero I mean I think princesses are fine a pumpkin a baby that's a pumpkin that should be okay too I don't think that's a problem if you are unsure about a costume please consult sister Candace of the children's ministry right there but she's going to come up in just a moment to tell you more about that there are permission slips that need to be signed to participate for the children sign ins inside outs are mandatory and lastly on behalf of lost-and-found everything has been cleared except for an orange notebook I think that was found during prophetic school and it has some stuff in it so if you guys can adequately describe it to one of the ushers or graders they can help you you know get that back all right cool enough for sister Candace hello how many parents do we have here tonight how many parents parents okay so really my job is to get up here and to pump you up about the faith festival that's it I really would like for you guys to bring your kids if you remember here your nieces or nephews we're just super excited the teachers and I have been working really really hard on this faith festival and we're so excited amen amen so I don't want the teachers to be disappointed we want to see the kids come out in numbers we want to see all their little costumes their you know whatever they want to be so yes we just really would like for you guys to bring them amen amen [Music] alleluia alleluia let us all stand let us all stand [Music] who's excited today who's excited to receive what the Lord has for them who's excited to receive what the Lord has for them today Alleluia all right let's just open up in prayer let's just ask the Lord to open up our hearts to receive what the Lord has for us to open up our ears amen amen father we thank you for the wonderful week that you blessed us with we thank you Father for the wonderful family father that you have blessed us with we thank you Father that you walk with us day and night Oh Lord we thank you for that you have never left us far they have never forsaken us father throughout this week father you guided our steps father you ordered all our footsteps Lord we thank you Father for everything that you have done we thank you for that no plan of the enemy prevailed against us this week O Lord we thank you Father for your mighty protection Oh Lord in Jesus mighty name hallelujah we've been watching the series this week on building a solid relationship come on you can sound louder than that you know I think after the second session I remember I got home late and then I texted popular and I was like this series has really been amazing it's touched my heart and it's made me really want to go deeper in my relationship with the God because a lot of us don't know how to do that we find ourselves stuck and we don't know how to go deeper and how to continue to develop that relationship so this has been amazing because these have been tools that he's given us and one thing that are that I observed and that I began to understand was the love of God is unconditional but his blessings are conditional everything else his love is unconditional but everything else seems to the sudden there seems to be instructions or conditions that we have to fulfill in order to go to the next level and I remember popular did mention that in one of the in one of the teachings he said you have to learn the terms and conditions to develop that relationship amen and I started to dig deeper because I wanted to understand more what that means when it comes to developing when it comes to developing and growing closer and attaining the blessing that the Lord has and I started to look throughout Scripture I noticed God tells Abraham get up and go to a land I will show you and I will make I will bless you and I will make you a blessing that was a condition that was given to Abraham in order to receive a blessing God could have blessed him where he was but God gave him a condition to receive that blessing not only receive it but become a blessing himself amen so I started and I went further and I looked at Elijah Elijah with the widow he went there to her and he said feed me and your flour and your oil shall not run dry that is a condition to receive a blessing amen and I found that a lot of us sometimes we you know we say to Lord God I've been praying I've done all these things I care if I do this but I don't know how why am I not receiving my blessing and the Lord said it's because you're not fulfilling the conditions to receive your blessing and I started to see God more seek God more in it and he told me to tell people that you're going to fulfill the conditions for your blessing that you're going to receive the blessing that you have that you're not going to miss out on the blessing that he has for you amen amen now it's funny because when you go even further and you dig deeper you come you come across you come across a part in the Bible where you come across in the Bible to a point where someone else is seeking a blessing right someone wants to give a blessing to someone and this is Isaac he wants to bless his two sons right and he says to one of he says two eyes must bless Isaac to yonce Isaac wants to bless Israel and he tells them cook me my favorite game now that's something very specific but I just said cook me a meal and my soul bless you but he said cook me my favorite game that was a specific instruction he gave him specific conditions in order to receive that blessing amen but you find that we know we all know how the story ended jacob ended up getting that blessing right jacob ended up getting that blessing and and i understood one thing i was like lord that means someone can fulfill the conditions that you have set for me and receive the blessing that you have for me you see the Bible says the Lord makes the rain to rain on the evil and the good and the Sun to shine on the evil and the good right so that means anyone can claim that blessing all they have to do is to fulfill the conditions that are there right and the Lord instructed me to tell you that no one is going to take your blessing amen no one is going to take your blessing the Lord instructed me to tell you that you're going to fulfill those conditions and is going to reveal those conditions to you in the case of Abraham you might visit you himself and tell you the instruction that you're supposed to do you might do like the widow and send Prophet Elias to give you the instruction on what you're supposed to do to receive your blessing now he maybe understand that all is not lost the Bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous that means your wealth is there your blessing it's day if it's saying it's stored that means it's not going anyway so you haven't missed out on anything you haven't missed out on a blessing because the Lord has stored it for you it's under a caretaker the Lord loves us so much that he actually hires somebody he hires somebody to store and to manage our blessing until we are ready to fulfill those conditions amen so the Lord wants me to tell you today [Music] say the Lord's love is unconditional but his blessing is conditional and today you're going to fulfill those conditions to receive your blessing the Lord wants to bless you today the Lord has stored up your world he stored up your blessing he's captured protected nothing is going to take that blessing from you you have not missed out on anything praise the Lord shout hallelujah that blessing is mine that blessing is mine and it is stored up for me Alleluia so I want us to pray I want us to pray to put our hearts in a position where were open to receiving amen I want us to pray that the Lord will give us the instruction in the conditions for us to receive our blessing because it's already there it's stored up we have not missed out on anything amen amen all right so let us begin to pray because tonight the Lord has sent a prophet unto us to give us instruction on how to receive amen allelujah father we thank you all for what you have for us Lord we thank you for that you've kept our blessing for us we thank you for that we're not going to miss out on this blessing we thank you Father we thank you father for everything that you have for us Lord Father we pray O Lord that you will open up our ears father to receiving the instruction that you have for us Lord we pray that you open us up to receiving that instruction father I decree and declare that everybody in this room will receive father they will receive the instruction that they have been seeking they will receive the guidance that they have been seeking father we know although that by walking with you father by walking with your Lord we will not be led astray you will not miss out on what you have for us father we thank you O Lord that you will shut the ears of the enemy Lord that anyone who would try to take what is ours mother you will shut the door on their father but you will open up the door and us father we thank you Father even for the caretakers that are there that are watching after our blessing that are growing our blessing father that are managing our blessing father we thank you for that O Lord we thank you for that father in Jesus mighty name amen amen let us praise and worship [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] want the theme tonight to be remembrance of God's goodness times where he came through and he he provided that money right before the field suit he provided that job or handle your family member even if you didn't realize it was him remember that every good gift harshly I would make tourist visa [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we thank your Lord that there is none like you we thank you or father that in you we are complete and we are fulfilled Lord there is no other name that anybody can be saved by except the name of Jesus and today we are gathered because you are in the center of it all it is because you purposed it that we are here father I pray that every single person that is here those who are watching from homes those who are watching from other countries may they partake of what you have for us today we thank you all law that you will be glorified even in this hour that our life will be a testimony before you and in the presence of others that don't know you yet may we be a sign and a wonder may we be a sign and a wonder just ask God to make you a sign and a wonder for somebody open your mouth and pray [Music] in Jesus mighty name father we thank you that will be the evidence that you are alive and well will be the evidence that your God that still speaks will be the evidence that you are delivering God we are the evidence that you are God who can still save by a mighty hand father we thank you that you have made us a sign and I wonder today in Jesus mighty name I want you to touch somebody and just the other Jesus loves you [Music] glory glory touchin Epis a glory touch your neighbor say glory for those who sat before I said you can see now everybody may be seated hallelujah the Lord is wonderful miss long stuff god bless you dr. Rosenberg's inversion god bless everybody bless yous more I said god bless everybody you know I'm so blessed because of what God wants us to learn today and when the Lord was speaking about this to me he started speaking to me about it earlier in the day but I was doing so much so I downloaded a little bit so anybody that knows me before I come to church I always like at least an hour if I can have more even better just meditation I'll lock myself in the room and I will I will go somewhere else and when I come out of the vision I will write down everything that I was given to teach and then I will come and I'll teach you you know what you are experiencing every single day when we are together you have to understand that the nature of God is imparted into somebody by whom you're listening to not everybody you listen to can impart the nature of God in you because remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God simply listening or reading the Word of God will not give you faith because faith comes by hearing not by reading as somebody Denis or I said faith comes by hearing not reading hearing and hearing by the Word of God now remember saying faith is coming to you because you are hearing now remember the Lord Jesus said my sheep what hear my voice they he ate so faith comes by you listening to the Lord Jesus now how can we hear the Lord Jesus yet the Lord Jesus is not here physically now anybody can grab the Bible and speak some good verses and make you scripture and God huh and you you celebrate but when you go and analyze you're like eh what was added in me spiritually nothing simply because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God what does that mean if come stand here come son stand here come and you stand here I want you to really have this mental picture it will be very necessary for you the reason why I do these illustrations is because it becomes easier for you to have a picture in your mind I play around a lot so that it can be digestible hallelujah are you there now I want you to watch this by himself and his size he cannot move the mountain over here it's impossible if he was to challenge this mountain he will lose now if he takes the Word of God and reads it he can read it and not hear God because the Scriptures is not God is a testimony of God that is why the Lord Jesus said you search the Scriptures thinking in them that you find life but the Scriptures only testify about me meaning they were reading the scriptures but they never listened to God so when the Messiah came even though they had studied the scriptures even though they had read the scriptures even though they spent night and day with the Scriptures Jesus came and they never recognized him that is why sometimes people who can quote so many scriptures even though it's a good thing they're maybe only quoting it mentally not spiritual notice the Lord Jesus who say as it is written man shall not he didn't sit and say as it is written in sums this and this and that because that word had become part of him he just knew that this is part of what is written and established he didn't need to Matthew or sums verse Li even though it is good to reference but the devil does not need your reference the devil needs the faith that comes from what you read or what you heard so even if you sit and you say according to Matthew this this this mountain shall move you look at you if it is only a court and it's not part of you you never had God so now he is praying Mountain move move because he knows he has authority nothing is happening because the strength to move the mountain has not come into the picture but now when he he understands that listen you are more than what meets the eye what God has put inside of you is greater than that which is in the world and this becomes a conviction becomes a truth now his strength transforms from this one to this one now he is no longer operating because of something he had but something he knows may you enter into the knowing him of the Word of God amen let the word of God become a real experience I receive I feel like I'm talking to myself until it becomes an experience it is not powerful when the Word of God the Bible says that and the word became flesh touch a neighbor said the word became flesh where it became flesh meaning the word is not supposed to remain in the spiritual realm is supposed to take physical form III don't know if you can hear me the word became what the living Jesus was useless as long as he remained spirit for him to save mankind he needed to become what flesh now you are in this world you are supposed to demonstrate God you cannot demonstrate an invisible God to a carnal being so the Word of God needs to become one flesh so the more you hear the word from the lips of the Lord Jesus you begin to become like a transformer I'm talking to the wrong people maybe I don't know you start becoming like a transformer maybe your left foot or your right foot was doubt I don't know how to make the first step the moment that what enters you that left foot beacon begins to become the foot of Jesus you step on water then you realize you cannot drown then now you have enough faith to move the other foot on top of water so you are transforming I feel like I'm talking to myself but now when he has transformed now son you can you can disappear just sit down for a second now remember his bald-headed they all bald-headed since like the same person now he has changes become bigger you look at them the height is almost similar but now you look at the muscles is a different story so now he has the confidence you if I cut you so now you can come and know that I can fight and overcome but if he even increases his faith step one go one step he is even bigger so now he's looking at him like you small boy then go up again not even Satan looks at you and says that this one knows who he is let me leave him alone let me just remove myself may the devil see you and begin to fear I receive especially for those who are shouting amen amen may the devil see you and begin to what made the enemy tremble in your presence Amen somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah you can see you can see so what makes you strong is not because you read a lot of words that is why God commands obedience can you just listen and do because when you do the Word of God you change you become something else I don't know if somebody can hear me when you do you change when you do some more you change some what some more faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God we are so blessed in this place because we are hearing by the Word of God amen amen I thought you clap for Jesus better now the Lord Jesus was speaking to me and he told them teach this lesson I shall said God what do you want me to reveal the secret to quickly you know there are some mysteries God speaks you're like Lord can we negotiate this one can i really give it to them right now the Lord told me do it amen hallelujah even when one day one day my son pass the cloudiest when he when he calls me before he knows the time that I'm about to go into meditation he will call me right before and said Papa what is the title I say this one but I wanted God to tell me the easiest way to teach it to you because you see it is not about expressing the superstar how are you doing you know you don't need you see that the key is this if I just give it to you spiritually you will never get it because it takes time for you to get to that place because remember spiritual experiences are only experienced by experience if I was to tell you how God speaks you'd be like how do you even know what he is saying I'm being very honest with you you know when I'm when I'm prophesying people's names or addresses or numbers and things like that you think I'm hearing it in English absolutely not I'm hearing it in a language that it cannot be decoded unless you've been there that is what the Bible tells you even though I speak with the tongues of angels and I have no love I am what nothing meaning angels have a language now many times when when people are trying to learn how to engage with angels you know I usually say it's it's a good desire but you will never really be able to really engage until somebody brings you into that door because you don't know the vocabulary of it it becomes dangerous and I give an example with the Elijah when he challenged I think I did that in on livestream yesterday I said when Elijah challenged the prophets of ba he told them let us have a showdown and you I will have an altar you also built an altar let's put sacrifices and see whose God will answer by fire but he was actually tricking them because Elijah was already walking with an angel that had already come from the presence of God that was an angel of fire that's why Elijah's always connected or associated with what fire soldiers were coming to arrest him and he would say there was a man of God the King says come with us you say if I am a man of God let fire fall from heaven and consume you the whole people will be barbecued they will be burnt another group came the same thing the third one came the guy came on his knees he said please man of God have mercy on us we adjust your servants we are begging you please have mercy on my life and my soldier's life we adjust your servants the King asked us to come and call you but as we are your servants they submitted themselves and immediately you read the Bible tells you and the angel of the Lord told him go with them remember the guy who was causing fire to come was an angel of God that was with him remember the Lord said an angel from his presence and the angel came on a tree and he began to burn and when Moses oi tiie said I will go and see this wonderful sight now there are different classes of angels even though I'm not speaking about this today when you read in the book of sums and this is the same temptation that the enemy used upon the Lord Jesus he told him if you are the son of God jump off this building is it not written that you give charge of his angels to take charge over you and they will not they will keep you in all your ways and will not allow you to dash your foot even on a stone now you have to understand when you you know when you read scripture you need two things to look at your neighbor say you need two things two things I can hear you you need two things I can hear you you need two things you need two very important very very important things when you read the Word of God number one you need the spirit of Revelation the Holy Spirit will not read for you the Holy Spirit will teach you on what you captured when you read the Word of God the Holy Spirit just comes to enforce what you are able to get from what you read that is why all believers filled with the Holy Spirit still when I come and I talk to you some deep revelation stuff people are like huh how which Bible are you reading are we reading the same because I am reading it through the eyes of Revelation you are still reading it waiting for God to show you you need to pray that God will open your eyes that you have the spirit of Revelation amen the ability to know the mind of God when you are reading and when you are reading it you are reading it as the author of the book understanding what the author is meaning and saying you need the spirit of revelation and number two you need a regenerated soul that is sharp when your soul is being developed by God there are a few things that happen number one your mind if it is focused on the purpose of God that is when somebody becomes shop haven't you ever noticed all intelligent people are very focused people when they do one thing they do it with all their heart their mind will not be here and there and there and there it will be in one place because every time you divide your attention you are not a hundred percent in something when I'm about to pray or I'm about to come and preach I always tell those who are around me whether somebody dies or there's bad news don't tell me because I cannot allow myself to come out of where I am you capturing what I'm saying yes so you need to be single I'd so meaning that when you are reading you are not only seeing through the eyes of Revelation but your soul is ready to capture something that will allow the soul to be renewed because the soul is also engaging he's learning and receiving from your spirit from the Holy Spirit I want to show you something I believe revelations chapter 12 revelations chapter 2 of I haven't even entered my message I'm just trying to help you see something is that okay are you sure yes I this yes is too small are you sure yes thank you Lord Jesus lujah lujah revelations chapter 12 verse 7 revelations chapter 12 verse 7 amen revelations 2 of 7 if you are there say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I wanted to come on the screen so that we can all read it together revelations 12 verse 7 hallelujah is it there are you ready now are you ready now look at this he says and there was we ready together one two three and there was war in heaven uh-huh now look at this I want you to observe something Michael was fighting with Lucifer but Michael had his angels not the angels of God his angels I want you to really think about this with a with a renewed mind I taught this a little bit in prophetic school I can't go into much detail because some people be thrown off but I just want you to try and understand this do you realize that the Angels that were cast out with Satan had no choice but to because that they never fought because they wanted to fight against God read verse four of the same chapter chapter 12 read verse 4 notice this the devil took he did not request he did not convince them he took them he took them meaning that they had no ability to resist him he took them when people preach they say that the devil was trying to convince some angels to battle those are people that have never been in the spiritual realm nor do they understand the angelic realm if I say these are your children it means they are under your control and under your command if you say we are going home now they have even if they don't want to they will still go because they are what your children so even though I am a parent and I have my child I have no authority to come and command what your children so I need saying the devil fought with his angels and Micah fought with his angels it means these angels were created to serve Michael and the cause of Michael and the angels that were under Lucifer were created to serve that cherubim in the purpose of God meaning he had the ability to command them even against God because they were created to serve him an example is this you are all you all have a gift from God right yes you have a talent and a gift from God is that true yes if you believe that wave your hand you believe that right yes who has control of that gift me God doesn't take control of it you choose to give it to him you can choose to use your gift for evil or you can choose to use it for good the only way you can use it for good is to give it to God and say God use it you may you be glorified show me how you want me to use this gift but you can choose also what not to give it to him and still be a believer but it's your own gift are you understanding what I'm trying to say go to some I believe 91 sums 91 I'm just trying to observe 91 verse 11 Sam's 9111 Sam's 91 11 Amen we are waiting for my daughter are you there yes now can we read it from 11 1 2 3 verse 12 a fast 12 1 verse frog we were first 11 not let's go to verse 12 Jesus are you ready 1 2 3 are you understanding he's saying and the Lord will give charge of his he's in the heavenly realm the heavens are divided I'm gonna divide it in this way so that it's easy to understand is it okay for me to to simplify it hmmm how many people believe there are seven heavens or three heavens how many people believe there are three heavens how many people believe there are seven heavens haven't you ever heard of seventh heaven let me be honest with you you have me to be honest with you amen you want it to be raw truth raw dry truth dry ice there's more than seven heavens way more they are actually almost infinite and the next prophetic school I will go even crazier this one I did small brief now I'm being honest with you the realms of light anyone who has gone to heaven and he says that it looked like earth there in the lower heavens is the lowest he s fiercest of heaven because it's still connected to where you see God is always in the way he did things when you enter the heavenly realm based on your spiritual development God will put you where you're comfortable so that in heaven you can develop to the higher realms of light just like in hell there are deeper depths of darkness and the Kingdom of Heaven is so huge and big I don't know if I can say this if I say this we'll have to delete it online after it cannot stay up teach teachers now I'm being honest if I speak of this we will have to delete it later so it's your choice do i or do I not I know people now we can't post it it will be unfair because the people online are probably probably praying against you right now glory be to Jesus Jesus so you have to understand this notice the Bible saying he will give you charge he will give his his angels charge of thee now you have to understand they heavenly realm where God himself now remember in every level or dimension or realm of light the throne of God exists in all of them in all of them the throne of God is there so even if you are in the third heaven you think you are in the highest heaven but you're not until you are there you realize that there is even a higher but in all the heavens the throne of God is there remember is present in all that is why I believe Jonah said where can I run from your heaven even in hell you are there do you know why people cry in hell because they can see God you didn't know that huh the biggest torment in hell is not the fire and hell is not only full of fire there are different comments but they are all terrible terrible even though they are great Ottomans as long as you inhale it's terrible they are all massive terrible torments in all of them but they are great even in that level in that torment where you may think it is extreme there is even greater extremes but the greatest cry in heaven in hell is because they can see God they cry and they will because they can see their deliverer but he cannot do anything because they chose neither in them is the ability to repent you know people think that it is because their fate is sealed that's also not true I can't explain this let me explain this in two seconds here there now go into what I'm going to teach when you're on earth here you have the ability to repent or to change your mind because your soul still has the ability to choose when you cross over to the other side you have made your choice and you have become what you lived you can't change you have become the embodiment of that thing so if you are a liar you become lies if you are a murderer you become death if you are a thief you have become stealing itself so when you are already at that state born of Darkness there is no way you can change the devil cannot repent even if you wanted to he can't their ability to say I'm sorry will never be true and it is not in him to say sorry can't it's impossible so even though they may change I would never do it they are crying by reason of their pain they are not crying because they actually want to change that's good it's good so you they become the embodiment of that thing look at your neighbor say don't go to hell don't go to her tell your neighbor if you get to heaven yeah and you don't see me and you don't see me you are not in heaven you're not in heaven amen alleluia alleluia now that I mentioned God obviously is in control of everything but God is a God who delegates Authority and power he gives it that he creates somebody that will manage this and that person will deal with God but he will deal with what God gave him to manage God will never come and override them to do something else he doesn't work like that God doesn't function like that so in the Bible is saying he would give charge of his angels he's talking about the angels that deal with him directly Wow I thought you guys would be happy I was gonna give you a deep secret but I will leave it alone Oh keep going I will leave it alone because glory be to Jesus glory be to Jesus Oh deeper problem because you see you're looking at me with a different tone let me show you something go to proverbs chapter 34 proverbs chapter 30 as fast as you can proverbs 30 proverbs chapter 30 proverbs 13 glory be to the living Jesus glory be to the living Jesus you see everybody calls Jesus differently may I call him the living Jesus because I have seen in my life so I always said the living Jesus because that's how I know him how do you know him see everybody else Jehovah this you over that which is good but those are the past that was their experience what's your experience I mean first one from verse one are you ready amen I will read this one for you to help you so that I can break it down for you okay how many people have their Bibles if you have your Bible I want you to be there proverbs chapter 30 now the Bible says this write the word of our God the son of JK even the prophecy the man spoke unto etl and even unto Ezekiel and okay now let me explain this to you simply this whole chapter is not talking about human beings he says and the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and fair you're like okay hey we got a live heaven you know earth is wait sad that's exactly what happened am I not speaking the truth yes now how can they compare they say and they saw that the daughters of men were beautiful compared to what are they comparing you know what let me let me stop this you did not catch what I just said to you what are they compared for me to say wow you are very handsome which you are who am i comparing you to because I can't just say you're handsome unless there is somebody that is less handsome than you if I come and I tell you man you're skinny it's because I've seen somebody don't say fat Obi you say the image of God is increasing we were all created in the image of God so if somebody is putting on some pounds you just say the image of God is increasing if you don't wake up and look at your wife and say baby you're putting on a lot of pounds you just wake up and say wow the image of God is increasing glory to God glory to God it means you have to be able to what compare if there's no comparison then you have no right of saying you are the most beautiful you are the most handsome compared to who hallelujah hallelujah now not all angels have the ability to do this but there are angels that can do this think about it their DNA was so closely match to human beings that they could make a human being pregnant that is why sometimes when you read in the Bible some angels he calls them the man and the man Gabriel spoke to me meaning is very human-like even though he's a high angel I'm not talking about eating the way you're thinking I'm just trying to make you see something that you may not be seeing so next time we talk I we do any prophetic kind of thing I will take you deep into deep truths of these things amen amen because when people read revelations chapter 12 and they see the woman they don't know who that woman is that woman is not married it's not married oh the woman had this crown and God sent her to this and the devil was ready to devour his child and all that that is not married and you will not know either unless you've been there and you have been instructed to see it then you know who it is it's not what you think it is Mary did not live for a thousand years it's definitely not talking about her and neither was the child caught up to God Jesus walked in Nazareth went to Africa ate paper soup came back after Herod died when he was 33 years he finished his ministry he went back to heaven but his mother was not hidden anywhere from the devil it's talking about a different thing now look at this this is not my message but I just want to bless you amen go to the next verse ah surely I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man next verse and I need a land wisdom no have the knowledge of the holy now you have to understand go back to verse 3 next time again in prophetic school I will introduce you to who are their holy amen I had a small gathering at my house awhile ago and I spoke about the seed of God a book that I don't know if I will ever release it but it will be written it will be there one day God will allow me to give it maybe he will allow me maybe he will not maybe I don't know but I know it to be a blessing to people at a certain time amen their holy that's a whole different subject he's saying neither do I have the wisdom no have the knowledge of the holy meaning there is the knowledge of men and then there is the knowledge that is not of men and then there is the knowledge of the holy remember the guys that are speaking are angels and the angels are saying we don't have the knowledge of the holy a go to verse 4 who had ascended up into heaven or descended who had gathered the five winds in his fist who had bound the waters in a garment who had established all the ends of the earth what is his name and what is his son's name if the house can tell now you have to understand these are angels gathered together they are having a discussion they are they are on earth but they are having a discussion about who has ascended and descended from heaven who did that huh my daughter you in the spirit some people are doubting to say who ascended and descended from heaven Jesus I can't hear you Jesus who has gathered the five winds in his fist is talk about the fivefold ministry who is God at it all in one hand Jesus is talking about the Lord Jesus he's saying who has who has gathered all the waters who has established it what is his name and what is his son's name we know who is talking about it goes on when you read it you understand that he's talking about the same person he's talking about the living Jesus right yes right but these angels are discussing about the coming of the Lord these were angels that were sent waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus haven't you ever asked yourself a question how was the Lord Jesus speaking for to more than 5,000 people and remember this were only men not including the women and the children so if we are putting the total number it's over 10,000 people that he was talking to 5,000 men not men or boys it's not talking about boys men so majority of these people were married with children because they're men not boys so if we tallied that number even if we just roughly let's say 10,000 or even let's leave it to 5,000 how was one man able to speak to 5,000 people and they can all hear him don't you understand that's a miracle itself I'm using a microphone and we are not even more than 400 Eenie speaking to 5,000 without any microphone without any speaker you see some things you have to think about the angels of God were carrying his voice yes Dee now I'm telling you the truth remember another word for spirit is wind so whenever he spoke it occurred in after everybody would hear him itself was a miracle amen but watch this just how many people have your physical by body of a physical Bible what book are we reading proverbs what how many verses are in 30 how old was Jesus when he started his ministry 30 how long did he leave 33 it's a prophecy itself but what I want to speak to you today is just remember what I'm teaching you is to push you to that place where he can send his own angels to you amen amen the Angels that God commands himself are seraphim's the ones that are in the present in his presence they are called the burning ones if the burning ones are sent to you somebody even thinks an evil thought against you they will die somebody tries to block what you're about to do and God wants it to do wants you to do it eyes they're in trouble God will move them out of the way I'm telling you the truth amen when those guys show up it's not a game we are not talking about God send your worrying angels when these guys come so the devil knew told him jump because if these guys are really with you they will not allow you to fall they will catch you and put you back that's why he was tempting him he was not just saying oh you have angels keeping you you can have an angel and jump off the cliff and fall but when this guy's come even your foot will never hit a stone may you get to that place in Jesus name I receive but what God wanted me what the Lord wanted me to speak about today was what do you see touch your neighbor say what do you see what do you see I can hear you what do you see I can hear you what do you see one thing that I've come to discover about God is this God is always interested with what you can see whenever God wants to move on a situation whenever God wants to increase a person whenever God wants to bring deliverance in a situation God will always ask you a question what do you see so many believers of this weakness whereby everything is show me O Lord tell me O Lord but there is a place whereby a child is instructed and then there is a place where a child is no longer a child becomes a son that is now working and engaging with God it's no longer about what is God saying it is about what can I see especially those who are clapping may God bless you those who are not clapping I curse you with a blessing here is a joke now you have to understand it whenever God wants to bless you or increase you he would test your sight when God is gonna speak through you when God is gonna say something through you we ain't a good church you heard everybody just say bless you here sharra bah bah bah ha ha somebody shout glory glory whenever God wants to increase you whenever God wants to increase you God will ask you one question what do you see God will not show you what to see he will ask you that question meaning and this is from my own experience and when you look at the Gospels and you look at the at the Torah or the Old Testament and you look at the Scriptures in its entirety God always asks that question what do you see when God created Adam and formed him in Genesis chapter 2 remember Genesis chapter 1 God was creating creating and forming are two different things if you read Genesis chapter 3 tells you and God rested from all his work which he created and made to make something and to create something are two different processes to create is to design it to make it is to make it now to form it the spirit of man was created man already existed if you read Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 it says and God rested from all his work which he has created he had created and he tells you that's the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them there are no new spirits that would be born that did not exist in Genesis chapter 2 the truth is this can I tell you one prophetic truth yeah this is a real prophetic truth and and hopefully as the days God go and we have another prophetic gathering I will teach you this we are all connected no no no no listen clearly I'm not even saying through the blood because we are believers no we are all connected because you are created from the same spirit it is actually a shame that you can encounter another spirit and not know them wow that's really prophetic that's what you find in our family we can go extra deep we don't give words with prophesy those are different things what is what God is speaking prophecy is what God already said prophetic words and prophecy are two different things a prophetic voice and a prophet are two different things somebody with a prophetic gift and a prophet at completely two different things all a good also have the purpose of God but they are not the same thing what do you see I want you to go to Genesis chapter 2 real quick and I want you to go to verse I want you to go to verse verse 18 Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 to 19 I think even 2:20 those babies are cute glory to God glory to God are you ready okay can you get one mic I want you to read I want you to keep one mic and leave one mic back there are you ready Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 and the Lord God said now look at this God looked at Adam everything God made said it was beautiful if you read Genesis chapter 1 and I believe verse 21 he talks about when God is forming man I believe he says and God said let us make man in our image in our likeness let them have dominion bla bla bla bla bla then he goes and says and God created he him male and female created he them notice God created he him male and female meaning Adam was the first human being to be pregnant because Eve was inside of him a man don't change the screen but I want you to just find Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 I want to show you something Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 don't change the screen by Genesis chapter 1 verse 5 Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 are you ready this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam so when God was saying I created a man and called him Adam he had created two people yeah because remember all spirits were created at the same time they were formed in the flesh different times I'm talking to myself are you teaching I'm trying to help you see something if you go to Genesis chapter number 1 and you read I believe verse 21 it tells you and God said let us make man in our image in our likeness let him have dominion and it says and God created he him male and female created he them and blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply but if was not formed God was talking to Adam and Eve but Eve was inside of what other now Adam was in the garden but Adam had a neat look at your neighbor say Adam had a neat Iram harami look at the person behind you say Adam had a need Adam had Annie look at the person on yourself say Adam Aden eat Adam had a me look at the one that is in the east say Adam ad I need Adam had a me look at your West and say had a mother need Adam had a need look at not say Adam Adam Eve Adam harami these people are not looking east west not that now capture this Adam has a need and God is coming in response of Adams what need Adam did not know how to express this need but Adam had a need because there was something inside of him that he needed but he did not know that he was way inside of him so whenever you need something it is not there it is not here it is today I'm talking to myself TJ III aaaa it is not coming it is not going it is way inside hallelujah so you feel like you should have a nice home because it's way inside hallelujah you feel like you should have the best self because it's way inside you feel like this door should open because it's where inside so you will never need what is not already part of you that's good because you won't even have the ability to think of it because you think of it because it's way inside because notice the first human being the first human being as everything you could ever think of and remember he doesn't even know what a need looks like because he's in the garden of God angels are there the presence of God is there they are trees every fruit he could eat he never had to work a nine-to-five in his life he just wakes up he doesn't even worry about what he's going to wear he's just enjoying life but it is not enough because there was something is this your is this for somebody here are you sure this is for you you are here yes have you have just ever woken up one day you listen for those who are in music you wake up you listen to the radio say why is everybody making the worst music I should make because you know you are the you know you're next man have you ever just woken up you're watching a movie and you say if this role was given to me I would have killed it you read a book and you say I could write 10 million of this amen you see a business you say I was thinking of this even but I can do it even better even though this have you ever seen now watch this have you ever seen somebody executing your idea yes you even go to the extent you say man they stole my idea hallelujah it's a man they stole my idea but I can still do it better why because it is something that is way inside now what's this God knows the need of Adam so God is responding to his need even though he already created the solution hmm so whenever God wants to give a solution he does not create it he pulls it out of you mama gana maybe all you are is listening to DJ papa when God wants to give a solution it does not create it from heaven he opens you up and pulls it out I feel like those who I thought you would be happy because you know what let's pray and go home because I don't see like you understanding what I'm revealing to you now hello glory I feel like listen this should make it this is good news yes sir let me show you an example whenever somebody went to the Lord Jesus say lord I need healing he says do you believe they say yes he says your faith has healed you he would not lay his hand on them he would just say well your faith has healed you but notice they needed something that would boost their faith so the presence of Jesus was simply a faith booster because they saw him as the healer stand up my son son stand stand right here so let's pretend these Jesus even though Jesus is inside of him I want you to pay attention to this if somebody is over here praying Oh father you me deliver me they are praying in fear and in doubt even though there is genuine but they said Lord can't you hear me Lord can't you see me because their faith is still moved by what they can't can be tangible now when they heard that Jesus the one who is healing delivering people is in town they are like man I don't need to do anything because my faith is in him so when they would come to him Jesus said do you believe for your healing they will say yes because they are convicted by the presence of Jesus conviction opens you up hallelujah because conviction opens you up Jesus would just say do you believe there was a Lord I believe you say okay your faith has healed you because their faith was so high they opened themselves Jesus just opened them and he put their hand inside of them and they pulled out their own miracle he says you healed yourself I don't know if somebody is catching this notice whenever it was up to Jesus to actually do it he was annoyed how long will I be with you faithless generation they will say Lord if you can do something to say I am here and you're saying if I can do something not help my unbelief you say how long will I be with you because you are saying why can't you get it it is inside of you I put it when I created you you are walking around with your own solution can I have more volume on my mic look at your neighbor say you are walking with your own solutions I can hear you you're walking with your own solution I can hear you you're walking with our solution your solution is not coming it is well with you okay let me make it even easier sit for a second let me make it easier we have not even gone deep let me just make it easy try somebody say profit make it easy profit make it easier let me tell you you know what revelation does when God speaks he speaks mysteries unless you have the decoder to decode what he's saying it will still be difficult but revelation is when the message has been converted and has been made possible for a regular person to digest spiritual information but it is cooked well done that you can eat it and you can digest it if you eat it raw you have stomach ache dick your stomach would be all over the place and you still you will lose more weight instead of because it will not work for you the Lord Jesus said something interesting I'm trying to make it as simple as possible simple as possible seek first the kingdom of God remember the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven are two different things I will teach you about it at some point seek first the kingdom of God and all its what righteousness and what everything else shall be added on to you now if you read it and you interprets the whole thing in Greek in its raw form he says desire the kingdom of God and all its values now the problem is people and they hear all it's righteousness they say you have to be righteous to enter into the kingdom of heaven but then you realize that the Bible is saying all your righteousness is like what filthy rags so my righteousness does not make me receive the kingdom of heaven Jesus is all the righteousness that we'll ever need a man but you think there is work to do no you simply need to believe that Jesus is the only good I will ever need to be if you have Jesus I am perfect in God's sight yes whenever you put your righteousness to affect just think about a person who's wearing rags not just rugs but they are what filthy so desire the kingdom of God and its righteousness not yours and everything else shall be added now Jesus before he ascends to heaven he looks at his disciples and says this he says this to them if anybody tells you the kingdom of God is coming it is there it is here do not believe them for the kingdom of God is well within you when Peter realized this truth Peter would go to the temple with John and they found somebody asking him for silver and gold he said silver and gold I do not have but what I have from the reserve of the kingdom rise up and walk he could remove something from the kingdom of heaven and give it to anybody at any time it no longer depended on him interceding and praying he was simply a matter of bringing it out if you have Jesus in you you have the kingdom of God in you and if you have the kingdom of God in you or everything else is also where added hallelujah so whenever you are praying for breakthrough what you are actually looking for is access to the kingdom that is inside of you I I feel like I'm talking to myself so whenever God wants to heal somebody deliver somebody bless somebody do something in somebody he is not bringing a breakthrough from heaven they're things that God brings to heaven from heaven are things that you do not have on earth so who come and give you something that no human being can acquire except that he comes from him my ability to know scripture is not because I'm the greatest study you probably read the Scriptures more than me I'm being honest with you it is something that I was given from heaven I'm being honest with you now capture this so Adam is carrying his own solution the whole time so he is feeling lonely because there is something inside of him that is calling to what was inside some of you you feel like you should be at a certain place in your life it's because that thing that is inside of you is like a baby ready to be birthed that is kicking turning give you headaches making you I feel like I'm talking to myself I that baby is growing and growing until you make you uncomfortable you start walking like this because the miracle is pushing you to breath now watch this sit sit sit sit sit was this and the Lord said it is not good that man should be alone I will make I will make him an help meet for him now notice this God is not saying I will create because you already created in saying I will make it yes let me explain to you something God cannot do anything with the earth without going through man I will explain to you I number one when God created everything that pertains to earth he gave it to man so he has no ability to take anything from the earth because he gave it to a human being the only thing that God owns on the earth is a human being so when God created Adam the only thing that God owned was Adam and everything that he created was for Adam because God knew that as long as I have control of Adam I have control of what the earth so even when he wanted to create if he could not create if from the dust of the ground he could only create Eve out of the rib of Adam because the only thing that he owns is what when God wants to give you a breakthrough he will go to you and pull something out I feel like I is somebody catching this somebody shout glory somebody shot cup risotto now watch this I want you to capture this God is saying I will make him somebody but instead of God making somebody look at what God does God is saying I will make him a helpmate go to verse 19 now look at God and God how crafty God is and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them and to Adam to see what he would call them now notice God is forming creatures Adam has a need because he needs a helper but God wants to really see does he know what the helper looks like you are not catching what God is doing here God's intention was not to bring the animals to Adam he brought the animals to Adam to see if out of the animals he would still desire Eve their true solution that is looking for some of you you are praying for breakthroughs God will bring animals to see if you can see their million dollars you are praying for marriage God will allow some useless people to come around to see if you can really see the one that he has for you I feel like I'm talking to myself listen to this sit sit for a second the ability to discern the ability to see means you see the miracle that has your name on it I am talking to myself let me tell you just because your neighbor bought a house in the mountain doesn't mean your house is in the mountain your house may be at the beach just because your friend got a promotion maybe yours is to own the whole company but if you have no ability to see I'm talking to myself I feel like I'm talking to myself I feel like I'm talking to myself rondalee krishna up area where a toaster a parody of aloo now watch this if you don't know what is yours haven't you ever noticed when you start saying lord I pray for a godly relationship I want a man of God all the non men of God start showing up all the people that you would never even give attention that the ones that are coming now you start saying maybe God will say I would say maybe God will change them not knowing that if they come like that and you accept them be ready to keep it like that because you can't change anybody I I just stepped on some toes when God is about to bring a big business breakthrough some people that will come and give you quick solutions you know we can just do this and you get this quick you know but God permits that to see if you really know you know I always you know I'm I'm a big movie fan anybody that knows me I love movies they reason why I love movies is because the prophetic goes with stories I like watching things I love watching things all the time the Lord was a great observer of things I enjoyed so much if I could go to the movies every day I would do it I loved it now watch this how many people know Sylvester Stallone he was living in his car when he wrote one of his biggest movies rocky man so many people rejected it for years he believed in the script and he believed that he should be the guy that plays him because he stuck to it that day that he got that breakthrough because of that rainbow came out all his biggest things followed up why because he knew what was his you see what you have still not understood children of God is this you are praying for million dollar breakthrough Bill Gates has never fasted a day he has never prayed in tongues but he could pull out Microsoft out of him I'm sorry I mama you you're still ray baby paper sonto million come come you are not opening yourself up to realize do out that what you see I'm being honest with you can I be honest with you prayer gives you insight on God's mind and what God has deposited in you can God give you miracle money breakthrough absolutely but he does not want you to depend on it because what he created that will be the reserve of what you will always enjoy he put it inside of you God planted the first garden on earth and told Adam you continue the job God planted seed a tree that would give him seeds and told him now carry on God was not gonna plant the next three so if you don't know the seeds that I knew so God is making animals and bringing them to Adam to see what you would call them now notice God did not bring the animals to Adam to name them God already named all of them but the only way Adam will not only have control of the animals because in Jewish tradition what you name is what you control and this is actually a spiritual principle if God never named Adam Adam would never obey Him all of you you are named by somebody and that person has control over you I'm being honest with you I'm being very honest with you that is why the Bible says honor them because when you honor them even though they may be wicked and they want to curse you a curse without a cause will never stand because you own it the owner will counter the curse that your mother your father may have spoken to you because you still honor their position so if they abuse their position heaven will intervene and say now you are misusing power your job is to honor them you don't have to agree with them if they are on the wrong path but even in your disagreement this agree with honor I'm gonna do my thing anyway you do you I'm a grown person eyes if they sit down and say lord I carried this job for nine months eyes the Bible says honor your father and mother and not only with your days belong but it shall be well with you there's nothing worse than living long and living a miserable life capture this so God is looking at what he will call them not what he would name them I know many of you you've been taught that Adam named animals he never did God was testing his ability to see can he see through my eyes and know what I named them sure that is why it's saying and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them and to Adam to see what he would call them not name them to call somebody it means you already know what their name is so if I look and I say melody I am not naming you I am calling your name if I say Mike I'm simply calling your name if I say Candace whatever I am saying I'm simply calling it that is why the Bible says we call those things that are not as if they're not we don't name them you didn't catch it you did not catch it we call those things that are what and not as if they were we are not naming anything i we are just seeing God is just seeing if we can see the way he seen somebody shall glory are you sure you're here with me look at this and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof it was already their name he was not naming anything now look at the next verse and Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found I help meet for him meaning the whole time Adam was looking he was looking even no lion now monkey rabbit he was searching how do we know this go to the next verse and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept notice this when God sees that you have passed the test of mediocrity shallow things he will cause you to dream and dream deeper and bigger he will expand your vision I don't know if somebody's listening to me notice sometimes when you are really in deep prayer and you're walking close with God you may not have much but you are faithful much has increased maybe I'm talking to myself you start seeing yourself if you you even your audacity in faith increases let me tell you something Syd was saying there is no such thing as blind faith when people say just have blind faith and go for it there's no such thing because faith sees what no other man can see faith receives what no other man can receive faith knows what no other man knows faith takes hold of what other men cannot take hold of faith established what everybody else disapproved [Applause] and he took of his rib and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man notice he did the same process their same way he bought a broad lion their same way he brought monkey their same he brought everything he brought also the woman but when he saw her read the next verse notice he said this is now meaning he knew what he was looking at ah I feel like are you listening to me how did he know this how did you know this God did not even tell him who he brought in front when he brought Lions he didn't tell them these are animals he brought them to see if you see his helper Adam confirmed and he said none of this have what I am looking for it's not with them I will name them I will call them by their name so that they remain where they are not close to me you see when you say my issues you have made them close to you my difficulty you have married yourself to them because you have said they have become yours Adam never said my lion he said lion he never said my monkey he said monkey but when he saw Eve he said now this is my bone are you catching what I'm saying touch your neighbor ask them what do you see their question is what do you see because whenever God comes to you you are praying for something you desire something God will always ask you imagine that you know sometimes I feel like you know when you know God you understand that God plays a lot of games it really does he really does a blind man said lord help me and Jesus top says what can I do for you you know the man was blind but I bet you rolled his eyes God because the Lord I'm gonna show you something else go to Genesis chapter 15 verse 5 Genesis 15 5 Genesis 15 5 hi thank you lord remember Genesis 15 5 Genesis 15 5 are you there are you ready I want you to actually start from verse 4 sorry plus 4 to 6 yes read and behold the word of the Lord came unto him saying they shall not be thine heir but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir hmm and he brought forth him he brought him forth abroad and said look now toward heaven mm-hmm and tells us now I want us to read all that together in verse 5 1 2 3 and he brought him forth abroad and said look now toward heaven and tell the Stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be verse 6 and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for his righteousness now notice this Abram was minding his own business God came to him and told him Abraham I will make you the father of many nations Abram answered God and told him Lord you're saying I'll be this man that will have many nations with me but the realities you have not given me a son the only thing that you have given me is my servant Eliezer who be the one that will inherit everything that I have and the moment he said that God told him can you go outside he went outside he told him look to heaven he looked up to having told him can you count the number of stars how many people can count stars how many people have attempted to count stars I used to do that when I was 1 2 3 then you lose count you start over and God told him can you count the stars he said count them he said I can't count them this one is impossible to do and the Lord told him so shall what your descendants what we go to verse number 12 same chapter go to verse 12 go to verse 12 can we read it together one two three and when the Sun was going down a deep sleep fell upon Abram stop right there how so meaning when God told him go outside contestar it was Dave a man Wow because the Sun had not gone down but use the moment you read can you go count rest as you are assuming it is night it was in the day God told him go outside can you number this dozen he looks this as ice it is impossible God said so shall your descendants be and abraham believed god and it was counted for now why do you need to believe it means that you didn't see it because if you see it you don't need to believe it's already there are you catching what I'm going with this so God will always provoke you to believe so that you see through the eyes of faith and you receive exactly what you are seeing through the eyes of faith let me tell you why if you see it with physical eyes it means it's more if you need to add imagination it means it is bigger than you it will take God to do and if you can see it with your imagination he says now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what what all you can you can think imagine or pray so God is interested in doing more than what you can see amen so whenever you just want a miracle that everybody has God is saying come on can we push the bar higher touch your neighbor say God wants to push the bar higher God was the push the bar higher notice God did not bring Abraham in front of a family of a father maybe they had 16 children and said you will be a great nation God was giving him one child but out of that child that would be a father of all nations you have to understand even that formula itself takes faith what if that child gets sick what if he only has one child but God is saying no you you be father of many nations because of one child that will come out of you so Abraham for him to be the father of many nations he needed to see through the eyes not of man but of what faith God asked him what can you see can you count them but God challenged him to see something when there was no sign of what you wanted to see some of you you're looking for breakthrough there is no even smell or or even a sign of breakthrough but God is saying can you see the breakthrough can you see the answer to the prayer can you see the open door can you see what I'm about to do what is God trying God is trying to make you see through the eyes of what feel let me show you an example go to Genesis chapter 1 I'm going to show you how to do that it's actually very easy Genesis chapter 1 from verse 3 Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 now can we read it together 1 2 3 and there was light can we read that one more time and God said let there be light and there was light read verse 4 and God saw the light and that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness now you have to understand that doesn't make any sense how do you divide light from darkness do you know why the Bible says the light shine it in darkness and darkness does not understand it this is where it started because when God said let there be light he saw darkness he didn't see light but with his own eyes of faith being God he said that he saw that the light was good and he separated it from darkness meaning what what he was looking at and the result were two different things he had to use his own faith to divide what was darkness from light you know what let's go home let's pray and go home many a times when you are believing for something you see the negative more than the positive but God reached out into what he had seen and pulled out what he had called forth but not is this go to verse 2 go to verse 2 of the same thing and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep so God still had that thought of darkness in his mind because when he said let there be light he did not create the Sun because remember is creating light in context of planet Earth not of the heavens the earth had already been corrupted because the devil had already fallen and I taught this in depth in the prophetic school the earth was already messed up and because the earth was already messed up what happened was the earth was already out of shape of what it should have been that is why when God created Adam II told him what be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth to replenish means do it again he's not saying now do it for the first time replenish means if I tell you refill give me a refill of my coke it means they used to be cooking they to read means do it again so before the earth was covered with darkness it never used to be in darkness there was a light on earth that was not the Stars the moon and it was not the f that we know now because the beings that lived on this earth before man were different from us and I taught this in the prophetic school the earth was inhabited by cherubims this is the home of cherubims before men that is what the Bible says and the man has been given the list of earth for X amount of years he says six thousand years it doesn't mean the earth is 6,000 years old the earth is way older than 6,000 that is why you find in the Garden of Eden when even God replanted the garden the devil was already in the garden and the angels that were keeping the garden even to this day he still cherubims and a lot put cherubims with flaming sword left and right to stop man from entering into the garden there is nothing new Under the Sun that is why when you read The Book of Ezekiel the devil is saying and I was ascent unto the heavens and lift up my throat meaning he was not there he was here but remember what I told you in the beginning that in all the kingdom of God and even the heavens God's throne is in all of them but there is a headquarters so God is saying let there be light and he saw that the light was good but he's separating it how can you separate what you say that it's good notice something is countering what God wanted because God never called for darkness he called for light but it makes the darkness and an issue when you pray for something good and you see something bad coming out you make it a bigger deal than what you call I feel like I'm talking to myself let me show you something let me show you something I will show you something and then we'll end we'll go towards the end hallelujah hallelujah now I want you to read verse the same chapter glory be to Jesus a LeBron da Costa Appa thank you Lord Jesus I want you to read from verse 11 verse 11 of Genesis chapter 1 verse 11 to 12 are you ready amen three one two three and God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind who sees is in itself upon the earth and it was so and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw it was good now notice this God is saying that everything is what good but I want you to read go to Genesis chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 a man was four actually to six a man chapter 2 verse 4 to 6 are you ready I mean read it these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew now ask yourself this question what was God saying in Genesis chapter 1 and he saw the plants were good what plants was he seeing remember in Genesis chapter 1 is he telling you and God saw every herb of the tree he brought forth after its kind and he saw that it was good but when you go to now Genesis chapter 2 he's telling you nothing grew because remember their son is being created in verse 17 yes how can you plant without the Sun plants follow the Sun but there was no Sun and it had never rained on the earth so and God was saying that he saw that the plants were good no plant was in the earth but he was seeing something else that was not in the earth yet just because you see something that others cannot see it does not mean that it's not there I some of you just because somebody will tell you well I don't think that is possible you remove your focus from seeing it God sees it for a sec I want you to reason I want you to think because God wants us to be conformed to his image meaning that God will always deal with us according to how he deals with himself he will not create an easy way for you never because you love your neighbor as you love what yourself meaning God will deal with you the way he deals with what he himself now for the things that he knows in our human capacity we were not going to be able to do he made himself into a human being and fulfilled it and to himself as a human being but the character is still up to us Jesus is not going to act for us he has done it for us but we have to carry it out so now God is saying these are good plants but notice this God could not even create the trees before because there was no man to till the ground meaning Adam had to participate in the growing of things when you read chapter 2 it continues this tells you there was no rain upon the earth upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground so what was God saying have you ever planted something without preparing the ground he cannot work even if you have ever just planted like tomatoes in your own you know or even just grass or whatever you need to prepare the ground that things are going to grow from our Baba God is telling you that in chapter one is saying everything is perfect yes but when you go to actually the earth you realize there's nothing in it because the center of everything which was man was not put in the gut in the earth yet because Adam is low on that cause the effect of everything to start taking place things are not taking place because you have not entered into your garden I feel like I'm talking to myself you know this is a message for those people who are tired of praying vain prayers touch your neighbor ask them what do you see what do you see whenever God wants to do something in your life you say god I want this and this to change God would say very good but what do you see what you say and what you see remember God God doesn't need your words he knows what you want before you even say it but God sees wants to see what do you see let me tell you the highest form of prayer he's not telling God what you want showing God what you want the highest form of prayer is not even tongues is showing God what you want let me tell you why you can't do that many of you can't do that I like that Romans chapter 12 verse 2 Romans 12:2 romans 12:2 romans 12:2 cha cha cha cha this is taking miles notice this car we ready together and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what you pray God show me your perfect will you will not it is for you to prove what is the will of God you know people read these verses I don't know how people read these things you need to read it with what it's saying don't assume what the Word of God is saying sit through the world through the eyes of the Spirit and what God is really saying he's saying do not be conformed to this world meaning that if your lens of looking at things is through the eyes of the world you will never be able to tell what the will of God is meaning that the will of God is not told but it is seen when you are sick do you pray that it is God's will for him to heal you or do you know that healing is yours the world says that God will heal you if he feels like it but God says did I die for nothing can you prove that which is the perfect will of God but you can never prove that unless you change your mind from being a kernel person and natural man to somebody that is what supernatural meaning what is running in your mind determines how you see I believe in breakthrough I believe in breakthrough the point is not believing it can you see it I believe God I'm filled with the Holy Ghost but can you see can you prove a child of God because of your mind being renewed you should stand at a crossroad and know you should turn left you should stand at a crossroad and know that you need to make a right and then I left and then I right simply by looking not because somebody you see God uses prophets to tell you where to turn as a form of 9-1-1 but it's not an everyday thing it's not supposed to be a 24-hour thing you know even though God speaks to me all the time even though God shows me visions all the time I don't do it all the time somebody can come and ask me Papa what is this I go and pray now I'm telling you the truth because if I spoon feed you you will always want to just what is God saying what is God saying but God should speak to you also what if I am NOT here what even God calls me I only do it as a form of emergency like last week when where's my daughter she's not here when I mom was like oh there she is and and and house where's mom she's where she she was sick okay the mother was here and and I was speaking to no you don't need to go to her but when I was speaking to the mother she was like my children and this and this and this I told I know the problem did not start with your children he started in 1935 I even told her the location of where the problem started in Georgia she was shocked how does this guy who's never made me an African guy know when this all these things started and how they started out they started they went to her and even played the other people never spoken to I never seen I'm just telling it that is nine-one-one emergency because it's beyond your natural capacity to actually find where the issue is but the desire of God is not always like that when I was prophesying to to Sofia and I was talking to her I went even to the time that she was doing like all this ballet stuff and stuff yes he hasn't done it but I'm telling her what she used to do all those things are nine-one-one to prove you to open you up to what God is about to do this is why Jesus told Thomas blessed is he that believes without what see because to see with the eyes of faith is better than to see with the physical eyes because what is physical is temporary so as long as you think about your career by everybody else that did the same career or nobody ever gets to this level so you know that's just how it works I use them are they you know why are you measuring yourself to other people you did know you are not even born at the same but you have tied your faith and your faith to the people that you are watching Abraham to believe God it means that he did not measure himself to people ask yourself this very important question I want you to really think about it Korea's on telly brand Avia ask yourself this very very very very absolutely important question what is your reaction to issues that arise how do you see and what do you see how do you see and what do you want see because how you see it determines what will come out of it not how you pray because when God comes it comes to pull the solution out of you because God is not creating a an emergency breakthrough everything that you have ever wanted everything that you're looking for is inside of you God will just come and make it easy for it to come out of you but his mission is not now when you pray for healing now he is thinking about how he's going to heal you every car manufacturer already created the spare parts and they are death their death their destinations whereby there's people who specialize in fixing your car with their parts cause they already have it same thing with God he's not creating a new finger because you lost it he already prepared reserves upon reserve upon reserve but the question is this when people talk to me rudely what is my reaction do I sit and say you I don't know if somebody's catching this proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 I want you to write this down because this is not a matter of Prayer only it's a matter of actively working with your mind to delete the old program and install the program from heaven thank you lord hallelujah are we ready any spirit of Laura yep 4 23 23 23 for 23 are you ready I mean can we really together 1 2 3 4 out of it are the issues of life read it one more time keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so the issues you have you have either made them big or small or completely gotten rid of them based on what is inside of you because the same way you can make a big breakthrough big the same way you can grow a tree to become big they sit inside of you in your heart the Lord Jesus said this a good man brings forth good things out of their heart I did not say good words good things the Bible says the things we speak to you meaning every word you speak is material you may be speaking a house a car health break through there are things words are things that is why when somebody says hurtful words they hurt more than somebody stabbing or shooting you [Music] you know when people say sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me biggest lie ever told it's the biggest lie ever told ish words are dangerous do you understand that the universe was formed by words God was speaking things they're words that I speak to you their spirit in their life what is coming out of you determines how you see if somebody just thinks everybody is after them they will always be paranoid that somebody just wants to know I was just trying to say hi no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry because now everything they are reacting to is what somebody did to them 15 years ago that has become the lens which they are seeing life through to through because somebody was abusive they think everybody is abusive but yet they are believing God for a breakthrough in relationship you can never have what you don't see because even if it comes to you you will not maintain it you destroy it because you are still seeing the wrong way perspective is reality wealthy people see problems as an opportunity for business come on Papa but somebody who is in a poverty mentality they see an issue they don't see a business opportunity they see more problems they say if it is not one thing it is another but the businessman is saying load more problems so I can get richer because they are I'm telling you the truth what do you see do you see opportunities where people are not seeing opportunities are using an open door where nobody else is seeing an open door what do you see it matters greatly to God because God will never do anything in your life that you have no ability to see let me tell you the saddest thing and I want this especially to my sons that are here that God and and my daughters and everybody that is here especially and those that I'm music I saw a vision and I saw in this vision God was going to raise very many big stars from this place in entertainment I really did but let me tell you something I saw one thing many will not have the ability to see what God has given them they will not see it because once the doors have already started opening they have already forgotten God number two they will not realize that the blessing came in the form of men that God sent to them instead of using the opportunity God has given them some of them will get even in discord with them to try and prove a point now whenever God shows these things he shows them so that they can be averted he always reveals in order to redeem something but the redemption will come from the person that is hearing this message are you going to see the hand of God in the form of a man or are you going to see like man it was supposed to happen anyway and abuse it and God would take it from you and give it to another you always have to be somebody that is mindful of the moving and the act whatever God is doing somebody who does not see God will most likely lose everything that God gave them because the way you maintained what came from God is by keeping God you lose God you lose what he gave you this is a reality I'm telling you you know and I say things I say them because I know what I'm saying I'm not saying that because I'm playing let's get a few more verses that will help you proverbs 16 verse 3 proverbs 16:3 hallelujah read it commit thy works unto the Lord and I thought shall be established one more time commit thy works unto the Lord and I thought shall be established one more time commit thy works unto the Lord and I thought shall be established notice God is not establishing what you are doing is establishing your thoughts now you didn't catch the verse when you want to do some things you commit them to God because of what you are seeing in your thoughts and God will establish your thoughts not though I have a dream one day I will have a house with 20 bedrooms God is coming to establish that thought I'm talking to the wrong people let me move this way I have a dream one day I will build an orphanage that will house so many children God is coming to establish what that thought not their words their thoughts but the way he establishes those thoughts is by you wanting to commit them already to him so God is coming to deal with you in order to establish what you know when people say huh we bind every strong world ish the by process from hold in your mind says our weapons are mighty in God in the pulling down of strongholds in the mind your enemy you created them in your own mind I'm sorry to tell you the truth the devil comes and pinches you here pinches you there to get a reaction in you and then he scares you then you build this imagination of a giant with horns that you will not make it unless you cover yourself 24/7 so now you are working with something you have established in yourself so now you are fighting something externally that is in you all you need to do is remove those glasses [Applause] Alleluia this is why the Lord Jesus says in Luke chapter number 4 in verse 23 I believe he says this he says to preach deliverance to the captives to preach I can cast out demons I have done it a billion times but there are some people I look at them they say the deficit I say there is no devil go back to meditating on the word of God I'm telling you the truth because listen one of my names is Connor everybody that comes across me I test I'm like a metal detector if there's a spirit I'll tell you before even I tell you we'll be bringing it out and you will not even understand what happened God establishes your thoughts so if you are a person who is always thinking about negative things you are thinking about bad things you're always thinking about what you would do when God blesses you so much you are already exercising indulging in the wrong things now God leaves you to that because already you have already established yourself but when you are willing to commit your ways to him then he establishes what your thoughts what do you see let me tell you something when I look at people I don't see even though I can see what you may have done where you may have went wrong I never look at that because that's immature prophets do that that's those are children boys in the prophetic children when I look at people I see what God wants to bring out of them so I will never point out I will never ever ever point out the wrong because you already know the wrong you're doing why should I come and tell you and by the way nobody changes because you told them the wrong they're doing you tell them what they can be they change I remember I was talking what is it called um where's my son Emmanuel is not here he's probably outside Emmanuel had brought a friend and I was the service was over and I was sitting down I asked for a chair actually and I didn't want to talk too much but I talked about I spoke about deep sensitive things and I kept some things Eden said you know what this is David if you don't the year will not end you die so there are things that God will speak to save you but a prophet will never be sent to expose you if you ever meet somebody who and usually the people who do those things they're prophetic is too small God himself has seen beyond your scene hallelujah I wish you'd club better than that Alleluia God does not deal with any human being according to their mistake he deals with them according to the goodness of Christ so who are you as a human being to deal with somebody with a wicked that they may have done hallelujah the only time I have ever just spanked somebody with prophecy is when you test me don't do that when you do that it becomes a problem now because I'll have to humble you that's the only time I'll bring skeletons out just to show you that you need to keep quiet I remember one time I think I was with my son I just saw him and I remembered I was with ours with my son Calvin in the studio and we were sitting in some friends he had brought over and and the friends came and they had been to some certain ministry and they were supposedly a false prophet I don't know what they were talking about but they were like you know this prophet thing is fake this bla bla bla bla bla bla bla I've never so I'm listening to them my spirit now not not Lobby but Prophet Elias now is getting irritated he's saying these people do they know that they're with what right here but even with that I felt sorry I said you I'm seeing you in your house you went and opened I saw a big snake wrapped around your head and he was squeezing your head I saw you opening your your bathroom you open the deck what is it called the cabinet the glass whatever and you pulled out and you took out pills for migraines you went to the hospital today for my so freaked out froze how do you know that totem profits are real hallelujah and immediately the conversation changed but I didn't even want to expose they're wrong I just wanted to show them you may not know whom you're speaking to some of us we are 24/7 surveillance of heaven glory be to Jesus so the key here is this what are you seeing can I give you one more verse let me give you one one more verse maybe proverbs 21 verse 2 proverbs 21 verse 2 are you there amen uh-huh every way of a man is right in his own eyes but the Lord pondereth the hearts notice that everybody thinks they are right but the one who really knows if you're right is God because he looks at the eyes of your heart not just the content the eyes what are you seeing because remember the ability to see right and wrong is in you so just because you have seen something wrong doesn't mean you are seeing it through the eyes of them being wrong read it one more time every way of a man is right in his own eyes but the Lord pondereth the hearts mm-hmm so God is looking at what is in your heart you see people who like to curse that's how they see things so even if in the in the house of God and they want to speak like proper you already your mouth is filthy how can you release something clean out of it you already conformed to the world God won't in stablish you and if it comes through another way except from God it will destroy how many successful people do we know that have died yet they have everything but then they realize that it was not everything how are you seeing things because how you see things determines how God is gonna deal with you when you pray for something God asks you what do you see he would taste you would test your language he will taste your sight because all these things are governed by one thing 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 16 I'll give you two verses this is what you need to do this is what you need to work on if you leave the presence of God and you have nothing to work on you are not in church glory be to Jesus are you there yes read it having a good conscious that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be a shame that falsely accused your good conversation in Christ so read it one more time having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accused of your good conversation in Christ if you want to know you have a clear conscience the first thing are you a gossiper somebody who always has an opinion about people you're talking about people you are a McLean to God you are not BBC news you are not CNN you're not MSNBC I'm telling you there's nothing that God hates more than that it means your conscience is not clear because it's not it's not pure and it's not clean you don't have a pure conscience because you're always looking for what people are doing wrong a pure conscience does not even want to see wrong because thing wrong corrupts your conscience it contaminates you so when people want to do the wrong thing you turn the other way you love them but you turn the other way when people want to speak about others when they want to just a Jewish I'm good that's not for me because a clear conscience is a testimony not only before God but God will use it to prove you in the presence of your enemies when job everything went wrong with job his friends that were men of God they thought he had done wrong he said my conscience is clear I know I have done nothing notice he knew within himself meaning his friends while gossiping saying I maybe you know job ah here acts like this but we know what you're doing now you see you have seen repent repent but job was innocent why was the innocent remember God actually told job I'm bringing those men that are your friend friends to come and offer an offering at your feet so that I can remove my hand from destroying them God can never fight for you if you have an unclean conscience Lord I'm believing for promotion I want breakthrough I want career those two open I want that to open but God this is your conscience because God will never in stablish somebody that will go in there and forget him if they have already forgotten him now you know there is a difference between riches and wealth wealth is generational riches is temporary when you have become wealthy you will never finish what God gave you I received you would take generations to try to even consume 2% of it that's what I want to leave behind me too but somebody who is focused on riches they are short-sighted because what God gives you he gives it to you so that your family will never go through those things again because he believes that whatever he creates or brings will create after its own kind so if you are the first million in your family you make more millionaires amen our thing but if you're going into it with already unclean things God will not establish you won't do it too good first Timothy 1:19 this one is deep first Timothy 1:19 remember the Lord Jesus himself exercised this they came and told him sir my daughter is dying she's at home sick when Jesus was about to go the men came said don't bother they the good master your daughter is dead let's go for a funeral the man wants to cry Jesus just touches him said just believe she's only sleeping jesus never called death death he called it sleep because if something is asleep you just need to do this wake up a man I need to wake up but if you say death it means it is over there is no coming back so even his language testified to what he saw I'm talking to wrong people are you sure you're the one that needs this message the Lord Jesus never said death he told he waited on purpose for Lazarus to die for three days he didn't go he knew that he was sick not because they sent news to him prophetically he knew then the third day he told his disciples we have to go to Lazarus because we have to go and wake him up they said Lord if he's asleep will you not just wake up hey guys we have to go and wake him up they said Lord but if he's asleep you just wake up then the Bible says then he told them plainly he is dead notice they are to push him to say something that they will relate to [Music] when they told him he said I would give you a sign you would destroy this temple and on the third day I will raise it up again he did not say you will kill me said you betrayed the Son of Man will be betrayed you'll be put up on a cross and on the third day I will come back he never spoke about him dying death even when it was prophesied about him by David he said for you will not leave my bones my body in hell you won't leave it there so the Lord Jesus came with the conscience that me I cannot die I am laying down my life you just see problems in your business it's over is this the over I don't think I will ever do it again it's done somebody says something Wow man I guess it's finished you are quick to go to the negative because all you see is through the eyes of the world what does being realistic ever benefit anybody I'm just being honest being realistic has never helped anybody people are building spaceships and cars because they were not realistic realistic people said let's just continue with the horse is the fastest means of transportation he said what if I can make something that you can put a hundred horsepower you take a hundred horses and you put them in one machine well you can't do that because horses need to eat they need to be realistic people if you want to be realistic you cannot be a friend of God because nothing about him is realistic he thinks it makes it any continuous acts 24:16 we'll finish with this one oh yeah you know let's read this one first let's read this one really holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck do you know what a shipwreck is do you know what a shipwreck is yes some people don't know can you tell them bishop as when a ship is wrecked and all the contents that were within the ship are now wasted you are spirit club for him now you have to understand why it's saying now holding faith and a good conscience which some have put away concerning faith and I've made shipwreck now you have to understand in life life is like we are on a boat we are sailing that's why you need friendships relationship because you are sailing if you are bond on faith and a clear conscience you will wreck the ship how many people have ruined friendships relationships because your conscience was not clear you take people that God has given you lightly you shipwreck the worst thing that you can ever assume in life is thinking that things are permanent you have to maintain them to be permanent what you don't maintain you lose you bought the car but you still need to take it to service if you don't service it the car will die on you even though you own it it will not be useful so you need a friendship and a relationship with a mechanic to keep that car it was just not enough you bought it you have a house you have to maintain it if you cannot maintain little things that God has given you already you have already shown God you will never have more than that if you don't know how to manage just what God has given you small maybe it's just even just your body or your clothes your shoes your house how will God give you a mansion shipwreck is awaiting it's not definite you cannot pray against it you maintain it this is the last verse we are going to read and we shall pray acts 24:16 acts 24:16 acts 24:16 [Music] by either a man are you sure you there Amen let's read it together and herein do I exercise myself to always have a good conscious boy of offense toward God and toward men people who don't mind offending people you have already offended God because you need a conscience that is void of offense towards God and towards man why is it important because God will always bless you through a man true shall men give unto your bosom not God God will send men a man favor is a man man deliverance is a man a man breakthrough is a man a man open doors is a man a man all these things are connected to a human being but if your conscious is always not caring who you are talking to how you're talking to them how you're dealing with them how you're approaching them help us even if God favors you but a man does no favor you God would be like it's not gonna do anything that's real you messed up what God was giving to favor you I'm being honest with you some of you are saying I'm believing God for a breakthrough but every time God brings somebody you mess up the relationship God can't bless you I will he bless you because if he wants to bless you you stand at the hand of another human being let people talk of you and somebody shut them up and say that one is a good person I've only seen them do good to me you know even that day they made a mistake they told me you know what I really made a mistake I'm sorry I didn't intend it like that no that person is quick to say sorry they are quick to do this there your testimony matters because of where God is taking you because God will never have somebody to represent him that is not good you know because of being conscious of this you know when the Prophet is manifesting I can see a woman older than me and I was a woman because the Prophet is not a physical being to him the lady is a woman remember the Lord Jesus is on the cross his mother is crying he says woman that is your son son that's your mother said woman that is your son son that is your mother but to him Mary was a woman but to Jesus that was mom but to Christ woman so when I'm prophesying to people sometimes I have to control prophets language and say mama because the truth is the Prophet is old I'm being honest with you because a born prophet is different from a raised prophet the ancient spirits more ancient than others so what am i trying to tell you you have to always make sure you are treading very carefully as a child of God let God remember job's testimony he was a man that feared God everybody respected him everybody loved him when they saw him not saying that nobody will have something to say but the majority of people will always fight for you if your group of friends tolerate you doing sinful things and things like that you in the wrong company you're on the you have a visa first-class to the bit to help I'm being honest with you you can't have one foot in and one foot out change your conscience work on it change how you look at people change how you look at situations when somebody says you cannot do it you say God makes a way where there's no you actually see how the door will open I'm talking to the wrong people the more I have walked with the Lord the more I have realized the importance of your ability to see how paramount it is how paramount it is how extremely important it is don't make God what is the word I'm looking for don't make God a plan B or something that you just go for woman of God stand up yes what did you come with you come just by yourself wait where's your husband husband how are you I don't know why I saw the hand of God touching you and when I saw the Lord Jesus touching you I saw him dealing with something like it's like a physical thing it is like almost connected to your body and it's like I don't know what it is but it's like I'm gonna pray for you come can you come here and the Lord will tell me more just Andy come stand here husband you can come to stand II don't mind them come how are you man of God bless you're blessed blessed thank you Jesus stand up everybody we are gonna pray thank you Lord Jesus the Lord loves you so much because this is like something that God wants to secure your health God wants to secure your health because in the realm of the Spirit now when I touched you their Lord was speaking to me because when I looked at you I saw the Lord touching your physical body but I did not fully understand what you were saying but when now you have come forth and I asked you the Lord wants to secure your health because in the realm of the Spirit it's like the enemy has been trying to shoot arrows of of sickness and things like that in your body is this true yes and God is securing your health amen come come move close move close my intention wasn't even to really prophesy today I'm just helping you because when I was looking God made it seem like do it now God is gonna secure you and when you leave here to be different but also it's like you're family you have a calling of God you have a calling of God because in the realm of the spirit I saw him gathering seeds and scattering them when I usually see that I know somebody has a pastoral call towards people thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord I'm gonna pray for you and things are gonna change is this your first time coming here two weeks ago this is your second time and we've never spoken now how can you how can somebody look at you and say that you're having attacks sicknesses unless it is God in 2016 [Music] supposed to be able to train train will not work amen [Applause] but I'm seeing something when I was looking at you I saw an x-ray actually so how do you say it like skeleton right and the Lord told me he's gonna fix something back here right here because in the realm of the Spirit I saw it but it was not the way it's supposed to it's not the way it should be do you know what I'm saying prophesy because as I was looking at it I saw you know when you are seeing visions it's interesting ask your neighbor what do you see he what do you see you see God will speak to you more when you can already see your physical thing is already spiritual it's like when I was looking at this x-ray I saw like a place that I was being pointed it was like circled and it's like what do you call it when something is not like what it's like like it's like something like yeah it's like something something is like not the way it should be I don't know me I'm not a medical so God is gonna fix you God is gonna fix you we're gonna pray the Lord Jesus will do it for you amen I want everybody to raise your hands but this is the prayer I want you to make today I wasn't really I wasn't really going to prophesy I was just helping them because God made it important for me to do it not-not-not this this one my son but I saw somebody like Josh Josh [Music] hold on I'll download it in a sec who's here like Josh no no no John Josh Josh I don't know if it's short for Joshua Josiah but is I saw Josh [Music] where's your son ma at home can we pray for him come if your hands woman of God I don't know why I saw one in six I'm trying to understand what I'm saying glory be to God I want you to pray and ask the Lord to help you have a pure and clean conscience I want you to pray that God will remove everything that was in your conscious that was unclean those experiences that you've had whether it is something that you are trying to overcome to change your way of looking at things even looking at people even looking at you know the devil has attacked people with even identity issues ask God to change your vision in your sight Condon aerospace ECC case adhara Hansel AKC plan Salado Sita Brasserie dosa Takata father we received the word on today Lord Father clear our conscience father may you purify us help us to see your children as you see the boy king de la brasa time help us to not hold an image that is not the purified image of them in our mind in our hearts help us to approach everyone and see their good now focus on their back to not be a judge of what is good and bad keep them there bro see tiki-taka a today today Seco Soto can't do see pada our Father I speak to you right now and I'll say search me candy like OCT kid open on solid day they do purge everything that I thought I knew everything that is shake my thoughts everything that is same as impacted my consciousness I say I remove them all right now candolyn bro I reset my conscious today [Music] thing in there bro sea-tac holiday can't see loss or TT DD DD I reset the conscious kill approach I want you to pray because I saw something that God put on your table I saw an opportunity that will come where you where you you you work in things like that I don't know what it is I don't know if this is like financial things or property things or whatever but I saw a great opportunity coming to you that would be put on your table very very soon that would change the trajectory of a lot of things for you says the Spirit of God I receive hallelujah I need to pray for did you did you come together who did you come with you're from Connecticut you traveled here from Connecticut when did you come for a couple of weeks Oh who brought you to the meeting dot is she here now okay I want to pray for you that God will help you [Music] don't cry God is with you there's a few things that I saw that God needs to help her thank you Lord Jesus thank you lord [Music] thank you Lord Jesus thank you how are you doing better today better today that's good we need to pray for you because in the realm of the Spirit the enemy is trying to take her but the Lord is gonna fight for you hallelujah we're going to pray that God is gonna secure you number one I need to pray for what is it [Music] it's like like like what do you use to breathe I saw God strengthening your lungs number one number two I saw God strengthening your heart because in the realm of the Spirit I saw this it is like the enemy is trying to tackle things internally and above all also I saw the hand of God touching your head and as God is touching your head I'm seeing restoration that will also come in that place but today God brought you because God wanted to restore you and we are pushing the spirit of death in the name of Jesus listen children of God today is not really a prophetic day I'm just kind of pulling people that just need a touch from God in the realm of disabilities like the enemy prepared like a fall for her like a fall whereby something will happen you fall down in some other things will escalate from that but we are diverting it in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus delicacy our knowledge [Music] and never returned in the realm of the Spirit thank you Lord Jesus I don't know why I don't even know how this makes sense but I saw hair growing I don't know what that means because when I'm looking at I'm seeing with her but I saw that God would start to like it's like things who study it's like things who start to be restored in a man [Music] I restore you in Jesus name [Music] so cozy planten sake ZD Z so cozy prances azo cosas en el ago CA nada es aqui Vendela silicosis Achilles and le quartier de la kzo so bro so so cozy kisi prata he is super Hardy like his kids are taka see you so total thank you my name's yes I was 18 and I can't see is oc+ a time gctv 0 so 2 can t see [Music] SOT armadillo call upon our key celebrity Lake OCR on tile are you say leprosy off my dolly oh so we don't see it not dying [Music] Ron said normally nah [Music] she's gonna make improvements that will shock you come come with me ma hallelujah cozy place Allah a we thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus we take the living Jesus he'll see Katya Katya Katya [Music] listen to me our balance will be restored our legs would be strong we thank you God heart aching feel blessed [Music] walk with me [Music] you don't know my daddy ACK oh sorry look at me the father I thank you for complete restoration complete restoration complete restoration in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus [Music] in a little while all the gadgets who will not be necessary Oh what's your name mum what's your name [Music] Tripoli that's a cool name how do you say stavroula J it's traveling yes yes Lisa and that's a good one what do you speak Greek I love Greek come I love Greek food too socket a yabba zico's how are you how are your legs feeling they're feeling better thank you lord can you try lift one up lift lift the right one up try lift it up nice dad on the other one the other one did you ever see her do that she was just at her neurologist today and she couldn't lift her left leg [Music] somebody club for Jesus yeah [Music] stretch your hands towards I stretch your hands towards everybody I want I want you to declare powerful miracle that pray that she will recover wittingly open your mouth begin to pray big walk she Celsius she's always at sea she said no and ruin her face [Music] blood in Jesus name I decree and declare you will recover even faster just as your left leg could not move it's moving now so shall everything also be operational in Jesus mighty name is this fascinating walk with me one more time let's go forward just me [Music] olara Basanti burn Alessia Cara [Music] [Music] because Jesus loves your family so much you have so much more testimonies in Jesus name Jesus name [Applause] lift your hands everybody lift your hands everybody lift your hands every single person you could go see it because it [Music] hallelujah hallelujah lift your belief your hands to Jesus Jesus father I pray for your people candy you soon I pray Oh Lord that's something supernatural would take place today yes that from this day they will see through your eyes they can no longer see through the eyes of flesh I pray O Lord that whatsoever was the mind of the thoughts of the enemy for their life will surely never come to pass [Music] just as you caused Moses to see the sees part may they part every situation that has been standing in their way [Music] may they open doors that were not possible to open yes may they change situations that were not possible to change may their words bring life where there was death receive me death become simply sleep to them I receive Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah say quickly quickly quickly fast fast quick quick quick quick quick quick quick amen lift your hands just lift your hands come quick quick quick come come here if the name of Jesus we secure this child we secure this child we secure this child where is your job we secure him in the name of Jesus he's done in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] grab what you want to give to God I want you to lift it up [Music] you [Music] I want you to make it a point today and and I want you to hear me very carefully all those who on YouTube Facebook I want all of you to hear me clearly and carefully I want to pray for the people online is this it can we come to this is this is this one life is it father I touch them those who are watching from home let this grace and this power and anointing that is in this place bring out all those who are in sickness those who are bound those who are going through different things I release you in the mighty name of Jesus I remove that evil spirit I remove that situation may there be transformation in Jesus mighty name grab what you want to give to God and I want you to I want us to read something go to the book of Job quickly go to the book of Job as fast as you can and this is job job 31 verse 1 [Music] job that you one verse one job 31 verse one job that you one verse one I want us all to read it together as as quickly as we can are we ready man one two three I made a covenant with my eyes why then should I think upon a me now you have to understand what it's saying he's saying I made I have made a covenant with my eyes why then shall I think upon my Virgin the word made there is virgin now remember is not talking about his wife because he was not with a virgin he already our children what is talking about is saying why then should I defile that which God has given me that is pure make a covenant with your eyes today that you will only see that which is pure that which is good that which is pleasing to God because by doing this what you do is you are able to see solutions where there are no solutions [Music] reject defiling yourself refuse to defile yourself hate to defile yourself remember defiling yourself is not sin is what brings forth sin to define something is to mess it's condition it's making something that was clean and clean let me tell you your physical eyes you see when I was doing today and small small stuff I was doing I was using my physical eyes not spiritual I was making God speak to me because of what I was seeing if I open my spiritual eyes I will see everything but you have to be able to see and God speak to you concerning what you see the Lord spoke this is your prayer assignment for this week let me give it to you I wasn't gonna give it God is just telling me to do it now man thank you lord you're going to do Ezekiel 37 verse 1 to 10 Ezekiel 37 verse 1 to 10 [Music] marooned a keister avvocato labor idea cosa are we there now remember God was asking Isaiah after he made him Ezekiel after he made him observe the bones in the valley he made him see them that there were many and then God asked him can these bones live again notice God was asking him questions based on his intention when you see death God is asking you can it work he's not telling you to die him he's asking you will it work what do you see Jeremiah was minding his own business God asked him Jeremiah what do you see he says I see roots of a tree he said you have seen well God asks him again what do you see said I see a pot that is fallen facing the north he says you have seen well based on what he was seeing is what God was speaking if he did not see well God will ask him again what do you see because there is something that God is trying to make him what see [Music] see you see the impossible you reap the impossible [Music] you see the possible you report possible [Music] thank you Jesus this is what you're going to do you're gonna read verse one to ten and then you're gonna look at every dry bone in your life and you're going to command it to come together you're going to command it the flesh and then you're gonna command the life to flow through it but this will be both mental and you pray as you are seeing that business was no longer together it was scattered see it come together and then prophesy see all the pieces together prophesied then seeing it produce so much fruit prophesied make yourself see results this is actually a prophetic exercise I am teaching you how to see in the spirit if you are clever you will understand what I'm doing because this is where it begins I don't know why I'm seeing a woman your name starts with like a G and I don't know if they are here or there online I'm trying to say this name but it's a very difficult name for me to say but then I saw another man also your name is like Patrick or something like that but these two people that I'm seeing it's like the same thing God is going to do God is bringing revival and life in this people's life hallelujah lift what you want to give to God lift it to heaven lift it to heaven don't forget this is your prayer assignment for the week until we meet again our weeks begin on Thursday [Music] somebody shout glory if your hands too heavy I want you to speak something to your seat right now before I pray for you speak something you can speak it by seeing it yourself and as you are seeing it you are showing it to God [Music] so Kiribati atala Vashti nicosia apothecary atone Tony pronti Kista avvocato a saber Adia kasatonov Ashanti ma Sunday League East avvocato la dia dia dia dia dia a dia cause a brevity esta antolia Rock apostasia Jean Talega a Prada Nia Marco Thalia a Suva Zagar a diet intelligent eladante eladante marrón de Guiche de Italia asses Zecora percent a kicker Odawa Zaku's de inka inka today dia zoca parodius an total abortion Ozzy catalá branding is the Antonia bus Mo's akatosh McCurry Italia father in the name of Jesus I bless the seeds of your people and what you have given them I pray O Lord I pray O Lord I pray O Lord that whatever their trust in you for I pray now or father yes let that be done according to their sight I release it in the name of Jesus I pray for a new vision the ability to see the ability to see his oppressor the ability to show you what they mostly desire kiss each other let it be so now let their seed speak for them always when their voice cannot reach you I established this in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus [Music] you can go ahead and give down thank you lord [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 9,670
Rating: 4.9261994 out of 5
Keywords: furtick steven, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Inspiration, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Demonic, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, The Way of Escape, Relationship Goals, jesus is king
Id: pZv9MnKX2Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 4sec (13504 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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