New World's Newest Marketing "Move" May Have A Darker Reason + Massive Mystery Patch?

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o New World got a gigantic patch the other day and they are posting multiple new updates is the tone I would use for this video if that was actually good news which it isn't instead We are continuing down the path of mismanagement and very poor marketing let's begin with the patch itself the other day new world got a gigantic patch I think it was 41 GB I was very surprised by that because they hadn't announced any sort of patch any changes so that was fairly confusing was even more confusing because not long ago the death set told us that they have found a way to make patches not be as big anymore which lasted for like a couple weeks and now we are back to having these massive patches so this was just all around confusing first thing I did was wait a couple hours because I figured maybe it's just not properly compressed yet maybe this is an issue on steam's end uh and maybe it'll just get better after that it did not it stayed at the same size So eventually I downloaded it I knew it was the end of the corrupted rabbit event so I figured that was going to be part of this patch and then likely some bug fixes that they just had forgotten to post about I wasn't expecting anything major anyways but I figured maybe this is just some poly packaged bug fixes and and that's all unfortunately it looks like even that was expecting too much I asked on the new world database Discord where people have a better understanding of what these changes mean when they're being done and I got a response from Jake L saying there's nothing in this build unfortunately it's pretty empty they legit just shuffled the pack files around for fun well I'm sure they didn't mean to but you get the idea and I also got confirmation from zelenin that the total number of changes is 1 Megabyte and this mostly affects pack files and for that we had to download 41 GB there was of course a lot of confusion around this because no one expected such a big patch and there was no explanation for it the only thing we got was a post from New World game status saying that the release notes for this patch are that the rabbit's Revenge event will conclude but obviously that doesn't play in the file size at all don't worry it's not like the new world team didn't communicate they are just busy communicating about other things they posted two new videos on their YouTube channel one is touring eternum episode one welcome to eternum then one day later they posted another video which I actually thought was a re-upload at first of the first one because maybe they had too much negative feedback on that but it wasn't they just both things that are episode one of separate series that are both narrated by Grace Elly of course these are once again purely directed at new players introducing them uh to the fundamental ideas of how new world's going to work and what mechanics you have in the game and the lore behind it and of course the negative perception is exactly as bad as you would expect both videos have significantly more down votes than up votes and if you look at the top comments for both of the videos then you will only see negative comments and of course much of it is focused on how the current player base is being completely ignored and Tre in general supposedly there are even comments getting deleted I don't know this for sure I can't verify this because it could also be possible that some people are just Shadow banned so their comments would always seem as if they deleted I don't know if they even bother going through them manually because they just keep getting more negative comments anyways at least in that Twitter where they were previously hiding replies very consistently it seems they have completely given up on that I guess it's just not worth it at this point what I find especially weird about this whole approach is that they're also reusing the names of series they did 3 years ago when the game first came out clearly they're trying to do a whole this is a new game type of style of approach but why use the exact same name that you used in previous marketing one of the series is again called touring a tum which already existed how hard would it have been to change that to say for example exploring a tum which in my opinion sounds better phonetically anyway so it would just be right there and then if you look it up on YouTube you will find the correct results first because it's not going to be the old and new series mixed together and people are not going to get confused and think that some of the old stuff is some of the new stuff unless they want people to somehow find the old stuff I don't know with the other series it's technically called Tales From eternum in the thumbnail but then the description is still Tales of eternum and tales off eternum again is an old series if you enjoy the video so far consider subscribing clicking the Bell but there's another strange Choice as being made here and that is to use Grace Elli is the narrator for all of these series I don't see why that is the case at all I don't see how Grace Elli reflects the overall tone of New World Dell to a new player if anything she feels like a bit of a comedic relief character and while of course these narrations don't have to be 100% serious all the time I just think they should reflect what new world is like and what vibe the game has overall maybe they think that Grace m is fitting for that but I really don't think so the original Tales of a tum episodes actually handled this very well having different narrators for every single episode that kind of fit with whatever they wanted to talk about so you get a nice mix of different voices talking about different things during a tourn I think was always using the same narrative though he sounds fairly different in some videos but I think that's a mic and bass boost issue but in that case it's more of a neutral narrator the typical deep voice kind of guy just talking about how things are and not so much someone who's intwined in the story of New World itself not only is Grace ell a character within the story she also has an extremely thick accent and I believe that is not a good main narrator to have if you're trying to appeal to an international audience unless you're planning to translate into every other language as well a Tums Bor him with opportunities for riches and Glory sure there are subtitles people will be able to understand if they really want to but it's more likely they're just going to click off if they don't understand it well in the first place it's also bizarre that these videos are being posted right now what new player is going to go to the new world Channel right now to look up the lore behind the game again without ever having touched it if somebody was actually genuinely interested in new's lore as a new player they would have plenty of old resources that already exist about the game about the lore so I don't think they would be rushing to the YouTube channel for it especially not at a rate where you need to post two separate videos about it within 2 days which is an extremely fast pace by any of New World standards when it comes to posting videos it almost comes across as if they're just posting through it because they don't know what else to do but I have a theory about that which is a lot darker than just posting through it I will not say that this is the case because I truly don't know this but it is a possibility just based on how they're currently behaving we know that they are very intentionally not catering to their existing player base at this point and they are very much focused on the new audience and again pretty much seems like they want to push existing players away maybe because they cost them more money than they bring in if that is the case then they would obviously want to get rid of them on social platforms as well and technically it could be possible that they are posting these videos so that people will notice them less and less because eventually a lot of people will unsubscribe or at least turn off their notifications if that is getting spammed with lore videos about New World a game they no longer play and the first of these videos will likely have very high downvotes because people are upset and they will have a lot of negative comments but if they keep posting these very frequently and continuously there will be less and less of those because people can't be bothered clicking on every single video just to dislike anymore or to comment anymore so they would kind of slowly drown out the negative voices just by boring them so much that they lose interest in expressing their frustration of course many of them would still come back to express their anger when new term actually launches but I still believe that the number would be significantly lower if they just keep posting a lot of filler videos in between just because people get bored compared to if they just kept radio silent and the next video is the big reveal when everything is starting unfortunately we won't be fully able to prove that but we'll see how often these videos come from now on I'll keep you updated and we also talk about tus land in the next day so if you're interested in that consider subscribing and clicking the Bell huge thanks to all of my patrons for supporting this video and thank you for watching you sloth out
Channel: DukeSloth
Views: 9,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new world, new world mmo, roadmap 2024, season 7, ffa, pvp, pvp island, pvp zone, condemned shallows, june, new world june announcement, summer games fest, new world season 6, new world season 7, season 6, pc, fail, new world dead, new world aeternum, aeternum, marketing, clown world aeternum, clown world
Id: _lxfhYG5gkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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