Why New riders are always dying on motorcycles

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I showed you and this is why new roads are always dying on motorcycles and I just got I got three I had six I lost my notes and I'm one of the bang went out real quick so I'm busted up with three and if you have any questions hold those questions to the end I will answer them if they are relevant number one your bike is way too fast for it let me tell you a little quick story we just bought a bike from a guy he went to the Yamaha it was his first bike he was an older guy in his 40s maybe my 40s he thought he was looking for his first bike and the Yamaha dealership told him that he wanted buy an MCO seven he watches her channel a bike looks fun the yellow ball dealership was like yeah you're a pretty big guy you should be riding an sto nine the FCO nine is one of the twitch is bike sout there they talked him into it think bike was super hit was a horrifying buy keep of smart enough just know his limits and he barely wrote it he only put a couple miles on the bike like 36 miles on the bike this whole week the whole time he had it and he was also smart enough to trade the bike game and I've seen too many people like that who they got they got the wrong bike the bike is way too fast to them they can't handle it they get themself and uh and uh they get some of the trouble then get dead number two a driving too fast and let me explain this a little more than just an excessive speeding while you're riding this is more of if you ever wonder why when you're on a motorcycle buy cars keep on pulling it up for you I wanna split that real quick if you're going to speed limit cars don't pull on Friday very often but when you're excessively speeding going 80 90 plus you notice that cars blog writing you all the time and the reason is when you're driving a car you know you're thinking okay I'm gonna I'm gonna change lanes so what are you doing Nirmala you're driving a car you're thinking I'm gonna change lanes so what are you doing you look over you look at your sideview mirror okay no one's there well you put your turn signal on you move on over this whole thing takes off seconds when you're cruising on a bike going 100 miles an hour that person when they first look you weren't there when they're about to turn in you're right there that's why cars keep on going on in front of you because they're they're expecting the normal their average driver to be around them to be going somewhat close to the speed limit when you're doubling and tripling the speed limit you know cars will just pull out right in front of you they don't even see you when they look you are not even close to where the where and they they were you have been half a mile behind so that's the second reason the third biggest reason if you look at the stats I think it's 98% of all motorcycle fatalities include these two things and yes you guessed it alcohol eliminate alcohol motorcycle riding is very safe eliminate excessive speeding it eliminate those two you put those two together yeah you know it's just a recipe for disaster another thing most motorcycle well that's a pretty big deal one more thing most motorcycle new riders will go down either drop their bike or have some type of minor accident in the first six months if you do these things avoid alcohol avoid excessive speeding don't drive too fast and get the proper bike you can avoid that stuff they there there's a rule in riding if there's two types of riders once I've been down ones that are gonna go down that's pretty true although there are some exceptions where these are some people never wrecked I've wrecked three times so it's not gonna happen to me again statistically alright let's jump into the questions real quick anything good I was wearing full face helmet okay yeah that's know my gears super important you can have a minor accident with no gear and it'd be a fatal accident you can have a fair I mean the realest III live low slide loose on a bike on a mountain I was wearing a full suit leathers everything I walked away no problem if I was wearing some thoughtful sandals in torn-up it would have been a pre-major thing like helicopters come to pick me up I rode the bike back gear is extremely important limit the quantity of okay I'm not gonna read that said that is don't do that though at the time I just saw my street triple and trying to a er6n cool alright guys that wraps it up what you got subscribe would you test drive videos like I have an awesome test drive video I'm gonna vary I got a really cool blog and opportunity to drive a cool bike today we wrap up the test I media tomorrow and that bike it's gonna go back to its home what's worse crash you've experienced or seen four worst grass I've ever seen I've had bodies have died I seen the second instances of that one of my buddies and this is something I'll never forget is they he was wearing like vans and they never found his shoes it was the least of anyone's worried about how messed up his feet were because he had severe head injuries and he ended up dying couple days later but I will never forget that they never his feet were just warm up to torn up but they never found his shoes you know or maybe one of the shoe they may have never had one of those shoes and they just fool you off you know my son a good helmet just get whatever fits you good difference meetings I try to go with quiet our helmet if you can do you guys sell throttle logs we do not a boot can make such a big difference yeah yeah I do try to wear boots most the time my KITT what's that alright guys that wraps up the video what's up Caleb and most of our video is gonna be coming to you from the the new GoPro GoPro 5 black I'm pretty pumped up quality do the class better always trying to step it up alright guys guys last boot let's hit that high do you think that a helmet-mounted camera can be dangerous because of the melting I mean III do I don't think so no I do I'm almost always hiding with a helmet-mounted camera I don't think it's dangerous at all mine I put my on the chin tell the guy that six foot five and 280 pounds to start our 100 cc bike no I'm not telling people to do that let's tell people to do that and get fear if you're six for five to eighty pounds start on any bike that feels comfortable for you and other than a liter bike and any cruiser bike or some like that for my help for sure I had to stop speaking the nameless I had to stop I had to stop speaking up represent I might even wear chaps ie I'm not gonna lie when I first started riding I were chaps it was super cool chaps were my my what something going okay no now with a biker gang kommer God's I also have leather pants and they're super awesome yeah they're just for like clothes I wanted to check out some bikes I swing by yes went by just give us a call when you come by we're normally here nine to five where do you guys sourced your bikes from we buy most of our bikes from dealer trains and just people who are looking to sell bikes q the YMCA jokes huh have a good day off to arenas truck stop oh hey something really cool we are Friday the guy some of the guys for my nitro circuits are gonna be stopping by that's gonna be pretty cool we're to go see them later that night and we're also might be doing some cool stuff together with those guys so that wraps it up it is time for us to go when you show us your new bike find to that video I think I did that video you know maybe I did yeah I was talking about the you don't want the ads neon I guess [Music] shadow review that's what I bought cool all right guys wrap it up she later we'll do a couple more videos like this so I keep guys safe did you did you
Channel: Srkcycles
Views: 1,477,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle safety, srk cycles, motorcycle, tips for new rider, why new riders die, best way to ridwe
Id: X1GvbOhwyCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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