5 MORE Mistakes New Riders Always Make

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okay and now it's just going in circles [Music] these are five more mistakes new Riders always make number one whenever you come to a stop you want your handlebar straight and your eyes directly Straight Ahead very easy to tip the bike over if you have the handlebars turned or if you're too abrupt on the brakes or looking down or all three and this is what could happen so New Riders do this a bunch they're about to come to a stop right they pull the clutch the handlebars turned and now it's just going in circles ah stop don't do that so there you go everyone that's the purpose of crash bars just to give you guys the demonstration of what not to do keep the handlebars straight Eyes straight whenever you come to a stop that is a mistake number one the steak number two is what I'm doing right now riding in too low of the gear everywhere go up a gear higher most of the time you uh it's a good advice to tell a new Rider go up a gear whenever you're in a lower gear the throttle is way more sensitive it's going to be kind of jerky on you then you're like holy crap what's going on you're in too low of a gear go up a gear right and this makes sense and this is what I used to do as well because when you're in a lower gear and you roll out the throttle you have a lot more engine braking and that's going to give you confidence to fold the bike down since you're a newer Rider you don't have that much confidence with the brakes yet so engine braking is what you'll be using a lot just rolling off the throttle but if you're rolling off the throttle in third gear like oh man it's not slowing me down enough well I know you have to go use the brakes and that's the whole purpose you see what I'm saying so don't do that everyone ride in a gear taller even right now on this road with speed limit's like I don't know 45.50 people just ride around in third gear or like second gear riding around everywhere go a gear higher there's no need to ride around in such a low gear the next mistake New Riders always make is they're just moving their hands too fast whenever they go on or off the throttle on or off the brakes uh shifting letting go of the clutch they're just right everything is too fast and the bike is just as fast and will react just as fast as your hands move so if you want the bike to be smooth if you want to be a smooth Rider you need to slow your hands down whenever you're pulling in the clutch ease it back out don't just let go of it whenever you're rolling on the throttle and rolling off the throttle do it like a bell curve nice and smooth nice and slow no more just choppy on and off heartbeat throttle same thing with the brakes on and off on and off on and off this is ridiculous slow your hands down there's no need to move your hands so quickly right especially New Riders and if you do that you're not going to gain confidence with your bike you're actually gonna get afraid of the bike and if you want to get yourself in trouble very quickly start moving your hands super fast everywhere you go it's not a good idea another mistake New Riders do a lot and I get asked about a lot is whenever they're going through a corner they tend to want to pull in the clutch but it's like a safety mechanism that's absolutely detrimental you never want to do that the only time you pull in the clutch is if you're going less than like 15 miles per hour and you're doing some low speed Moto Jitsu drills or if you're shifting gears or if you're starting and stopping but to pull in the clutch and kind of just Coast like through a corner like out through the twisty Mountain Roads or going on an on and off ramp or whatever that doesn't make any sense once you pull in the clutch you're losing all the gyroscope right you're losing all your engine braking so don't do that don't touch the clutch like right now I'm about to make this right hand turn right so this is what New Riders do right so first they're jumpy so the downshift and downshift again the bike's jerky whatever so they're going like 30 miles per hour still but then they're pulling the clutching up oh now they may throw down too much whatever now they're in too low of a gear and the bike wants to stall because you're too low of a gear don't do that keep on downshifting use the brakes slow down and just leave the clutch out the only time you use the clutches to shift there's no need at all whatever you're doing do not pull in the clutch and just go through an on and off ramp the only time where this is acceptable is this so let's say I'm going to turn right right here right so now I'm going really slow I'm going like 15 miles per hour I pull in the clutch slowly ease out the clutch to make the turn no big deal because I'm going slowly right faster turns you don't do this at all ever like there's you don't do that the amount of people that ask me what do I do with the clutch while Trail braking is astounding to me it's almost like these people don't ride you don't do anything with the clutch it's totally totally irrelevant to Trail braking to Breaking at all has nothing to do with it so in fact look I'm going a little bit faster so this is what people do well after that I'm just pulling the clutch and they just kind of Coast through the corner the clutch is in it's like what are you doing they let go of the clutch and it becomes don't do that the clutches are relevant to twisty mountain roads to on-ramps to off ramps to Big Corners same thing I'll do it again and it's so weird like right now the engine braking I'm slowing down and pulling the clutch assists it's like what the hell are you doing like what do you don't do that do not do that leave the damn clutch alone and the last mistake New Riders make is they don't do what I'm about to do right now so once I get to the shadow up there I want to stop as quickly as I can second gear like 20 miles per hour here we go look at any any idiot can go on the throttle and go really fast the skill is can you slow this damn bike down and if you think you can slow down very very well but you don't practice got bad news for you you can't it's a specialized skill to learn to stop the bike as quickly as possible the technique for stopping any bike as quickly as absolutely possible as this it doesn't matter if you have abs or non-abs always pretend your bike doesn't have any technology because if you rely on the technology to save you you're probably going to end up being screwed ABS doesn't mean anti-crash it just means anti-lock so with the front brake no matter what bike you have abs or not it is smooth increasing pressure on the front brake 10 20 34 56 79 100 that's what you do at the front brake now with all that weight going forward the rear end is obviously lighter there's less and less weight on the rear end of the bike as you're getting harder and harder on the front so the technique for the rear brake is you start off with a little bit of pressure start off light but then taper off lift up your foot as you're squeezing the front brake I used to tell Riders when I was teaching emergency braking when I was still a motorcycle instructor the more you squeeze the front brake it's like lifting your toe up say there's a string attached to your front brake and your toe as you squeeze your toe lifts up this is the technique look at so you start with a little bit of pressure you got a little bit of breaks but as you increase brake pressure your toe comes up you decrease rear brake pressure as you add front brake pressure that is the technique and if you don't think that's the technique go find a bike with abs go 20 miles per hour in second gear stop is absolute fast as you can if your rear tire skids you have way too much pressure on the rear brake so it doesn't make any sense so and you don't have to do this for an hour all right do it do it for 15 minutes look at second gear 20-25 miles per hour pick a shadow stop the bike as fast you can now when you stop you should be in first gear before you stop eyes looking straight handlebars straight right and stop as quickly as possible at 20 miles per hour you should be stopping like 15 feet or less and that's all you got to do just spend 15 minutes let's go break go break again any could just twist the throttle and like ah now they're going really fast they made whiskey throttle and freak themselves out and just keep on accelerating right into the curb and crash right into a parked car into a tree anybody can just twist the throttle there's literally no skill in doing that so if you're going born straight down the highway 100 miles per hour good job anybody can do that a 12 year old can do that five-year-old can do that a monkey could do that just just go like that you'll go but to learn how to stop the bike and slow it down that takes a whole lot of skill it takes like true Mastery to really understand how to do that when to do that and it takes a tremendous amount of practice and a lot of riders don't do that they get a nervous about going quickly they get nervous about going on the highway they get nervous of all this stuff and what's the underlining variable you will have no problem accelerating and going faster once you actually learn how to slow the bike down if you never learn how to slow the bike down you never learn how to Trail brake you never know what the limits are of your bike and what the skill is and how quickly you can stop you are always going to have issues and fear to go quicker I don't think anybody has an acceleration problem I think people have a braking problem once you learn how to slow this damn bike down throttle is no problem you won't be afraid of the highway anymore because you know how well you can stop and you practice consistently and that's the really the key thing so let's do a little review five more mistakes new Riders always make is whenever you're coming to a stop you have the handlebars turned you're looking down to abrupt on the controls the bike tips over number two you pull in the clutch whenever you're cornering at higher speeds why are you doing that do not do that do leave the clutch Alone number three you're riding around in too low of a gear you're riding it's like second gear going 50 miles per hour what the heck are you doing go up a gear shift up number four you have way too fast hands there's on and off the throttle on and off the brake you're just you're just Twitchy everywhere slow your hands down the bike could be more predictable you have a whole lot more fun and the bike won't freak you out and it won't put you in a situation you can't handle and the fifth one practice emergency braking any idiot can twist the throttle and go fast the real skill are people that know how to slow this bike down in any environment at any Pace anywhere they are twisting the throttle is easy learning to break is hard so practice emergency braking you do those things you do these five things your writing will absolutely transform I guarantee it thanks for watching hit subscribe share this with a bunch of other New Riders and talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: MotoJitsu®
Views: 164,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riders, motorcycle, motorcycle tips, motorcycle safety, motorcycle riding tips, new rider tips, motorcycle riding, riding, motorcycle training, motorcycle training course, motorcycle safety training, how to ride a motorcycle for beginners, how to ride a motorcycle, how to motorcycle, road safety, motorcycle vlog, beginner motorcycle riding, motorcycle course, motorcycle skills, motorcycle techniques, motorcycle videos, moto, moto moments, MotoJitsu
Id: eec--dEPXTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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