20 Things You Didn't Know About LeBron..

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these are 20 things you didn't know about LeBron [Applause] and for number 20. I bet you didn't know that LeBron this is the best dancer in the NBA hi I'm Alexander I'm six foot eight and weigh 240 pounds I like roasted whole turkeys [Applause] damn those moves were sweet but number 19 is salty because you probably had no idea that LeBron is addicted to junk food because according to his ex-teammate Tristan Thompson LeBron is the worst diet ever eats desserts with every meal slam stacks of pancakes for breakfast and even Down's full-sized pizzas during training damn this man stays stuff in his face but he's stuffing his pockets even harder because for number 18 you might not have known that in 2022 LeBron became the first ever active NBA player to become a billionaire yeah according to Forbes LeBron's made 385 million from playing and over 900 million from endorsements that means he's got more money than Steph Katie and Giannis combined LeBron's net worth is Sky High but a number 17. it almost came crashing down because you might not have known that LeBron James almost died in a plane crash it was February 17 2006. LeBron was 30 000 feet in the air on a flight heading to Houston for the All-Star Game and all of a sudden the entire plane started shaking violent sending passengers flying out of their seats and leaving everyone terrifying I had always complained about our team playing it was oh it was run down but I always felt like something could actually happen to this plane when I tell you every single body on the plane from Detroit to Houston thought they were going to die I mean literally our owner's wife was pregnant at the time oh no she threw up multiple times our stewardess broke her ankle we looked into the kitchen at one point in the flight and there was smoke coming out of the kitchen the lights were flickering on and off I said to myself this is it now thankfully they did end up Landing safely just an hour later but this incident was so dangerous Cavs ended up buying a brand new team playing immediately man I can't believe we could have actually lost LeBron I can't believe number 16 either because you probably didn't know that LeBron starred in the weirdest shoe commercial of all time baby look good thanks babe feel good got something for you my appreciation and my love to you [Music] not that fun [Music] hello [Music] make you look so good man it's one lucky girl right there but I can't say the same for LeBron cousin number 15. there's no way you knew that LeBron's home was almost robbed see in 2018 La was being terrorized in the span of just a few weeks celebrities and athletes were having their homes robbed of everything jewelry handbags even stacks of thousands of dollars and in October of 2018 these robbers had another celebrity on their Hit List LeBron James whose 23 million dollar mansion was looking like a snack but right before the robbery could be carried out burglars were caught dead in their tracks officially getting arrested while LeBron did get lucky there is some serious security issues so immediately following this incident LeBron hired 10 armed security guards to protect his house 24-7 damn LeBron had no idea these dudes were plotting on him and uh he had no clue about number 14 either time that the Cavs almost traded LeBron for Kobe Bryant see in 2007 brahma's coming off the best season of his career averaging 30 points per game and bringing the Cavs to their first ever NBA Finals but during the off-season the Cavs got a call from the LA Lakers who said their best player was demanding a trade and with that the Lakers offered Kobe Bryant for LeBron James go for a goat right before the deal could get finalized the Trey was shut down by Kobe himself who said he would never go to Cleveland yeah and we all know what happens in Ohio Kobe wanted none of that so in the end LeBron stayed with the Cavs the cat beaston and Cleveland but to be honest LeBron has always been a beast because we're number 13. I bet you didn't know that an elementary school LeBron was a demon foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's scary but number 12 is downright terrifying because you probably didn't know the LeBron where's the spookiest Halloween costumes in the NBA yeah from dressing up as Pennywise the Clown to Jason from Friday the 13th and even Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street geez this man LeBron is obsessed with Halloween but he's even more obsessed with number 11. because while you probably heard about LeBron's Taco Tuesday but you didn't know is that he tried to trademark it see in 2019 LeBron made Taco Tuesday a James family tradition and he started celebrating with everyone on social media [Music] but eventually LeBron got lost in the sauce cause he saw the hype he built he started feeling like he invented Taco Tuesday so just a few months later he tried to train mark it wanting to sell Taco theme merch become the official owner of Taco Tuesday but unfortunately for LeBron this trademark got rejected sorry bro that is nacho Tuesday well look we're hitting the top ten which means LeBron's life is getting juicy and there's no way you knew about the man that tried to scam LeBron's family see this as Lester Bryce Stovall and in 2010 he became Infamous he's out of nowhere this guy decided to sue LeBron and his mom claiming that he was LeBron's long-lost father and that is time away from his son man he was legally obligated to 4 million dollars offer quote loss of love and affection yeah this guy was off his rocker because not only had LeBron never seen him before but it DNA test showed zero match you took a paternity test and it came back and said zero percent chance of paternity but you're not trusting the results uh no I'm not unfortunately hold up this man can't be LeBron's dad his hairline's on point and a judge must have agreed the stovall's lawsuit against LeBron got thrown out immediately yeah everyone knew he was lying but no one knows a liar like LeBron because for number nine you probably didn't know the LeBron is the biggest Capper in NBA history yeah this man lies through his teeth like he once said that his favorite movie was The Godfather but yet he couldn't quote a single line which is the the scene or the moment or the phrase or the quote you like more from the movie oh from The Godfather uh um so many different phrases uh in too many different lines in that movie to just uh categorize one but which is the one which inspiration representing immoral I mean each movie is nine hours long I mean what do you want me to do and then he claimed he is listening to the Migos in 2010 well the problem with that is their first mixtape was in 2011. I mean for me I'm listening to those guys for so long I was listening to those guys when I was my first year with the heat in 2010. I mean according to LeBron he can even tell the future because during an interview he claimed to have predicted Kobe's 81-point game I've seen the whole game I was at home watching the game man you know before the game even started I said he was probably gonna score 70 tonight I don't I don't know what made me say that and my friends was with me and they was like okay so when he got to like 70s I was like well he might as well go for 80 now yeah this man's out here telling tall tales and in 2022 LeBron even got called out for it and I just roamed him all over the place so you you've been saw this brawn thank you damn stop the cat LeBron fine LeBron's lies are nothing compared to what we got coming up like I bet you had no idea LeBron saved a man's life yeah but before we get to that we gotta talk about the sponsor of this video hellofresh listen dog I'm way too busy making videos for you guys all right I don't got time to go to the grocery store so hellofresh is the perfect way to skip the store get some great recipes delivered right to my door like I just ordered the new Fast and Fresh recipes hellofresh's latest line of meals featuring new flavors and filling portions and they're ready in less than 15 minutes I'm talking Falafel power bowls seared steak of potatoes or Southwest pork and bean burritos and not only are they delicious they're healthy too I mean just look at me yeah and if you're like me and you like to save money with hellofresh I'm able to save you over 25 on food year around I'm trying to save up for that Lambo oh so skip the snowy trip to the grocery store stock up on snacks signs desserts and more a hellofresh market simply add them to your weekly order and I'll arrive at your doorstep along with your meals go to hellofresh.com use promo code rebound yt21 for 21 free meals and free shipping untilofresh.com promo code rebound yt21 look if you don't sign up you're going to regret it so what are you doing but speaking of Regrets We gotta talk about number eight the biggest regret of LeBron's life see growing up without a father LeBron always dreamed of one day being the daddy never had so in 2004 when he and Savannah had their first child he wanted to raise and mold this kid into the next goat so LeBron gave this child the one named that felt right his own and with that LeBron James Jr was destined to follow in his dad's footsteps but as the hype around his son started to build Braun realized that as a parent he made one big mistake what do you say to your kid though like living up to you being their dad and they're playing the same sport that you played better than anyone else in the world has ever played it how do you give them a peace of mind that they don't have to be you I still regret giving my 14 year old my name because of that right like when I was younger obviously we I didn't have a dad so my whole thing was like whenever I have a kid not only is it gonna be a junior I'm gonna do everything that that this man didn't do right they they're going to experience things that I didn't experience the only thing I could do is give them the blueprint and it's up to them to take their own course whenever that time damn Brian come on you're a great dad especially after number seven because you definitely didn't know that LeBron hired seven bodyguards just to protect bronnie see even though he's only in high school Ronnie's got clout so thousands of fans travel from across the world just to watch them play with all that attention things can get a little dicey I mean Ronnie's had trash thrown at him he's been verbally harassed by fans and in 2022 this happened foreign stays safe LeBron had no choice but to hire seven private security guards to protect brownie out in public man and sound asked to be this way but at least LeBron's looking out for his people in fact for number six you probably didn't know about the time that LeBron saved an NBA Legend's life back in 2015 LeBron was on a vacation in the Bahamas hanging out with the banana boat crew fee Wade CP3 and mellow and they were living the life drinking wine writing rafts just living without a care in the world but all of a sudden LeBron had noticed something strange Melo had disappeared so he and his crew started looking around trying to find him when they discovered something horrifying Carmelo was in the middle of the ocean drowning and fighting for his life but in the face of danger one man saved the day we jumped off the boat in the Bahamas we went everybody swam to the little Grotto then I look up the current is taking me in the middle of the ocean like opposite from the boat we couldn't see you I know that I see I look up at the boat and I see I see broad jumps LeBron jumped off the boat like he is like he's MacGyver he was bringing me back but one with one arm he's swimming with the other arm and he carrying me in one arm I told people the story before I said listen I've seen LeBron do a lot of amazing things on the court that was special when he went and saved mellow nice now he saved my life I I can't hold you you saved my life you saved my life yo bro I appreciate that you saved my life that day meal LeBron's out here saving lives and yeah you can save my life too dude just click and subscribe please I'm not gonna make it man oh thanks but anyways we gotta talk about number five because there's no way you knew that LeBron was supposed to be an NFL star see you back in high school LeBron was setting the football field on fire scoring 27 touchdowns in just two seasons and receiving a D1 scholarship to Notre Dame so by the time he was 17 Scouts were saying that LeBron could be in the NFL but right before his senior year his life took a 1-8 because LeBron is playing at an AAU basketball tournament when all of a sudden he came crashing down on the court completely shattering his wrist forcing him to set out for weeks and with the senior football season coming up Ron had to decide which ball he wanted to play with so after some time he ultimately decided the basketball was his true love and the rest was history damn we really could have seen LeBron take over the NFL I think it's safe to say basketball's working out cause for number four you probably didn't know that LeBron is going to be in the NBA forever yeah at this moment LeBron has spent 7105 days in the NBA that's over half of this man's life and even though he's 38 years old and approaching retirement that number's gonna keep growing because in 2022 LeBron unveiled a plan that would keep him in the league for good I went on the team buy a team yeah I want to buy a team for sure buying a team and then talking is a little tricky if you own the team and like yeah I would much rather own a team before I talk I want I want a team in Vegas good for you yeah la GM let's go gonna be the owner this man's a little genius but I dog we've had the top three so from here on out you won't know nothing about LeBron first I guarantee you didn't know the LeBron has his own laboratory this is the LeBron James Innovation Center an 84 000 square foot Sports research facility and Nike headquarters in this place is like one giant science experiment it features the world's largest motion capture system made up of 400 cameras for environmental Chambers it even has 25 doctors on staff all with one goal redefine sportswear damn bro I got these people changing the game for the number two he was changing lives because there's no way you knew that LeBron has spent hundreds of millions sending kids to college see in 2011 LeBron wanted to give back to the city that raised him Akron Ohio so we launched the I promise program where he and the students of Akron made a promise to always do their best the best thing I can give to to my kids and my Foundation is that I was I was I was you I said in those classrooms I had those nights where I was like why me why us you know there's there's no way we're getting out of this situation and to get to that point where I am today it gives those kids a broader view the LeBron's program is doing God's work because he's not only mentoring thousands of kids in Akron and keeping them on the right path but he's also sending them all to college for free and as it stands Brian has spent over a hundred million dollars educating the youth man just a kid from Akron doing a city proud Lebron's a legend but what if I told you everything he's done shouldn't have been possible because the final thing you didn't know about LeBron is that the man we all know and love today Almost Never Happened see LeBron's been struggling ever since birth because when he was a baby his dad abandoned him and his mom leaving them to fend for themselves and the projects of Ohio it was constantly on the move for us from five years old till eight we probably moved 10 12 times three years four or five schools we didn't know if we was gonna have somewhere to sleep the following night he didn't have a normal childhood I mean hell he didn't live in some of the worst projects in town you know you definitely see things that as a young age that you you don't never want your kids to see no violence and drug abuse and police sirens I believe we became even closer than the normal parent-child relationship due to our circumstances and enduring them together going through them together yeah young LeBron saw it all drugs gangs violence there was evil lurking around every corner trying to push the kid down a dangerous path while his mom tried to look out for him eventually it became too hard she was bouncing from job to job trying to put food on the table and young LeBron started slipping at school missing 84 days of the fourth grade by this point Gloria knew that if she wanted LeBron to stay on the right path something had to change so when he was just nine years old LeBron was sent to live with a close family friend this football coach Frank Walker and while she hated to see him leave and her heart Gloria knew that one day it would all pay off and damn was she right is with the help of people like the Walkers young LeBron got the support he needed to not only stay on the right path but the Chase's wildest dreams so as he got older the kid from Akron became the king of Cleveland owing the entire Kingdom to his mom last but not least of course my love it um I think everyone has heard the story my mother was 17 when she had me in a single parent household with no income and I have no idea how she did what she did to keep me happy or to keep shoes on my feet or to keep warm food on the table or to keep the house warm you're my inspiration as well and when I talk about Akron Ohio and I talk about where I grew up my mother had everything to do with me being successful now and being the person who I am today so uh Gloria James I love you and uh and I thank you look at LeBron man out here making his mom proud what a goat but LeBron's not always this wholesome cause if you try and talk some trash to him you're gonna get put in your place yeah man it's not just LeBron like one time Michael Jordan tried to talk trash with Kobe and it backfired look if you want to know what happened you need to click this video right here uh guys I'm getting abducted by aliens right now they're telepathically telling me you need to click on the video or they're gonna probe me please I don't want to get probed please just click on the video oh Jesus why please please time's running out good God please
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 5,996,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound
Id: h1cx_Wg9M_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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