Why Moose are the Greatest Threat to National Security

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moose are one of those animals now what do i mean by that i mean that you could look at this picture 900 times in a 900 first will still put bricks in your pants so fun fact this picture's probably the reason you even know i exist one of the first animal videos i ever made was dedicated to how much of a middle finger this was to my peace of mind what was true back then is still very much true today add up to seventeen hundred pounds and seven feet tall at the shoulders the moose is always gonna be one of those animals god forgot to put a size cap on boosts are part of the caprioline deer family the only problem is this roy deals closer in size to an elephant than to a full-grown bambi because you probably think i'm blind the largest alaskan moose ever caught was 1 808 pounds and 10 feet tall if you count the antlers but like why wouldn't you moose are broken in many ways but the most obvious is how god big they are i think i better start back i can't back up that fast can i the problem with being built like a truck with antlers is that very few things in nature have the ability or the audacity to ever try to check you and while moose cavs are obviously vulnerable to predators there just aren't enough things in the world that are bold enough desperate enough or stupid enough to want smoke with a full-grown bull moose and while wolves might hunt them even a wolf pack will hesitate to test a healthy male moose's ability to turn you into past tense and as solitary hunters that occasionally get their pushed in by smaller animals like the guanaco most cougars won't even bother with a full-grown moose in some places grizzly bears have been known to murk adult boosts but when the only thing in your area code that has even a chance of humbling you is literally one of the largest predators on the planet that is a problem and if you're ten feet tall pushing two thousand pounds wearing tree branches for a hat a bear isn't gonna try you unless it's its last possible option which is why one of the biggest threats to a healthy full-grown aggressive bull moose is an even bigger aggressive bull moose and that's cousin what i can only describe as a dick move from nature the same antlers that help it get later often what gets it laid to rest sometimes fighting males will get their antlers locked together and that's basically a death sentence does two moose that are stuck together and can't break free will either starve to death die of exhaustion or a lucky barrel find them and take the two for one exhibit a these are two male moose that got locked together and ended up freezing in a lake and speaking of lakes moose can swim because of course they can i don't know who told them a moose somehow figured out there's a good amount of food in lake so they'll dive up to 20 feet down to feed on the aquatic plants and vegetation at the lake bottom there's better swimmers than me it's really not uncommon to see a moose swimming in an inland connected to the sea or phelps in between islands as they search for food and at this point you probably know exactly what direction this video is about to go in because this right here is how this ends up happening because the moose is basically defenseless in the water and because orcas always choose violence the killer whale's the only known marine predator of the moose to be fair greenland sharks have been found with moose remains in their stomach but for my mental health we're going to assume the moose were already dead the truly messed up part is the only reason the moose even put themselves in this position is because they were looking for food it's like finding a shortcut to stop and shop and then getting clapped in the car at a red light on the way there and since orcas don't see humans as a reliable food source at least once in the history of mankind some guy lived through this and probably never slept well ever again so his therapist drives a bentley and that's basically a walking snowplow and adult moose can sprint through six feet of snow at about 15 miles per hour those numbers might not mean much to you but i can personally guarantee you this video will now ask yourself what's scarier this moose running through snow or what an impossible it could be running from and then there's this i don't even really know how to describe this two options either the water is shallow or that's jesus christ in moose form the musaya if you will for an animal that's dead ass big enough and tall enough to have its own wifi moose can sprint at top speeds of 35 miles per hour usain bolt at his best maxed out at just under 28 miles meaning not even he could run from the smoke that is probably two reasons why you've never seen a moose run at top speed well number one when you're built like a tree with legs there isn't a whole lot in the world you need to run from and number two anyone that manages to motivate a several hundred pound moose into breaking an olympic record probably isn't going to be alive to talk about it in a country with bears cougars in florida the most dangerous animal of all is a 10-foot vegan with antlers but it's not really their fault moose are dear and as a rule dear are just menaces to society in america deer caused about 1 million car accidents a year and about 1 billion dollars worth of damage to add on top of it and the moose is by far the worst deer to hit on a scale from one to absolutely your bunkmates would want to see if this antler grim reaper is ever on the road with you they say you should never swerve to avoid hitting an animal 95 of the time because you can lose control your vehicle and end up hitting something way worse at five percent is reserved for when this is on the road because if your choices are hitting a moose or swerving then your next choices are opened or closed casket and because moose are so disrespectfully tall hitting a moose often means taking out his legs bigger you are the harder you fall only problem is moose are so goddamn big that they can often fall through your windshield and put you on a headline the worst part is because they're so tall their eyes don't reflect in your headlights the way they would for a normal sized deer that combined with their blatant disregard for anyone else's life means in moose country you can easily go from a person to a pack faster than you can break according to the internet if you're about to hit a moose the best advice is to slow down don't swerve and pray to whoever you believe in just know that if it ever comes down to your car versus a moose the moose might walk away but you're not coming out of there without wings and a halo but of course moose don't need to be on the road to put you on a stretcher and this is what makes them worse than the cougars and bears of the world predators like mountain lions or grizzlies don't normally see humans as happy meals so most encounters are either territorial because some dude was either unlucky enough or stupid enough to get too close to their cubs these guys these guys are different different has endo river dance all over your back and they don't really need a reason to do it as big as they are they're still a very much valuable prey animal especially if they're young or sick and due to the generational trauma of being constantly hunted moose are naturally wary which makes them much more likely to attack unprovoked it gets worse when people forget that they only have one chance at life and attempt to waste it by feeding a moose this often leads not just moves but wild animals in general to associate humans with food and with association comes expectations a moose that's constantly been fed by humans is only going to expect food whenever it sees them in a moose's head it just makes sense and failing to meet a moose's expectations is exactly how heaven gains angels but a moose is at its most volatile when it's in rut for those who don't know what rut is rut is when male animals like camel or deer experience a surge in testosterone which causes them to become more aggressive and more interested in mating for those you that already know what rut is i know how you know i know how you know and for moose the surge in testosterone turns them into 10-foot frat boys on spring break and sometimes they cause just as much damage every year in america in canada people visit the emergency room because they got too close to a moose and that moose decided to play hopscotch on their back sometimes moose cut out the middleman completely and just pull up to hospitals themselves because moose are such a roadblock on the highway of life once upon a time the ussr actually tried to domesticate these deer on steroids and then ride the tanklers into battle on a moose cavalry results were mixed once again as a prey animal the moose were naturally terrified of gunfire and many of them refused to allow themselves to be ridden into battle not to mention the moose were much more susceptible to diseases and much harder to feed than horses so yeah was up for that but there had to have been one kid that joined the military to pay for college only to have his ops pull up on a whole ass moose if we're being honest here that story just says more about the soviet union than it does about the moose back to the moose for overgrown all-terrain vehicles with legs antlers and audacity and probably the reason canadians are so polite their landlords are moose and they pay taxes to geese you'd be humble too pretty sure this is the part of the video where i'm supposed to tell you how to subscribe have a nice day right so moose drop their antlers every year but grow them back in the spring because they're using the flex for females and at first the antlers grow inside this soft skin with tiny hairs called velvet but eventually the moose has a surge of testosterone where they basically become seven foot frat boys on spring break that's when the velvet sheds and the bones of the antlers harden the velvet stays on the antlers for about three to four months until the moose rubs up against trees and bushes to remove them which is why they look like they bundied somebody as much of a hate crime as this looks like it doesn't hurt the moose at all and it's a lot like snake shedding their skin if anything it's more like an annoying itch also when a bull moose wants to pull a female they use cologne just like you and me except their version involves digging a pit peeing into the pit and then rubbing and splashing the golden pool all over the antlers the r kelly way clearly they know what they're doing because smelling liquid sunshine causes the female moods to ovulate because nature is just weird like that you
Channel: Casual Geographic
Views: 4,988,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mndiaye_97 TikTok, Mndiaye_97 YouTube, Hood Nature, TikTok, Funny TikTok, Moose are huge, Killer whales and moose
Id: cHzDLeCa5D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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