Craziest "Animal Interference" Moments in Sports History

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alonzo and healy to follow that one hit foul the seagull come like right between the pitcher and the catcher the pitcher yep we've got it we have liftoff oh no does that count as an official ball in the water i don't know i i think it was while an american eagle landed on my shoulder and i was getting ready to pitch a game whoa that's scary though and james handled it a lot better than i would have i think mike you would say the same thing i would have been on the ground i'd have found a gear i didn't know i had what is that on the ice now we've got something thrown out on the ice puck is picked up and cleared to center something out on the ice it's a chicken somebody threw a lime chicken on the ice stands it has a blue napkin on it so now they don't know what to do with it chickens sitting out on the ice i've never seen this before in my life [Applause] he might do it yes he's gonna do it oh my goodness buddy do it do it do it i'm cute watch him go on coverage all right fellas go i'm telling you this is great he's gonna watch him come down to a landing he's got contained he's going to be the contained guy not letting anything get outside [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's at the 40. he's at the 50. he's at the 40 the 30 the 20 15 [Music] look what our camera captured uh just a short time ago a falcon or hawk or whatever it is developing an affection for one of our microphones he is bound and determined to haul that thing off but he just can't get it and the 1-0 as a line drive base hit center field coming around third derosa is going to win the ball game it got by chris maybe the burns distracted him got by chris maybe the birds distracted him three points australia there's a dog on the ground it's got emily there's a dog out on the ground as well can you believe this wow what else is going to happen here today well i'm not too sure right here oh he needs a striker he'll be right under the dog dashing along moving from ireland because he's chasing an australian over at the 16th andrew luke getting over oh look at that the iguana trying to eat his ball at 16. come on push it back to the hole right between right through the five hole [Applause] check out this we have a squirrel crawling up the net behind home plate i'm not sure yeah really we have a squirrel crawling up the net behind home plate he's going to try oh [Applause] [Music] that's got to be crazy it's insane then it has to cause some disturbance here i mean everybody's acting like this [Laughter] see he that's broken field running right there look at that stop on the diamond in for the touchdown yeah blow your horn baby that's a cat somewhere tony marusa is nodding in approval of the cats gets on the field just running around all over the place finally another attendant picks it up and the attendant that got scratched [Applause] games are delayed for a lot of reasons i don't think i've ever seen a game delayed by bees that's b-e-e-s not in the bat either but on the camera they have swarmed right on the screen behind home plate head up don't do it don't do it [Music] felt like a tell a tale or two [Music] stuck who's who's next where's the next group human he is not running and it's foul back this game is hard enough especially when a bird is flying in front of you do you see that on the replay a bird going right in his now it seems like the dog is chasing some of the balls right now he's chasing thompson down the right sideline you
Channel: Highlight Reel
Views: 6,770,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T0olzS2ElKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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