Why Marvel's Spider-Man (2017 Show) is Bad

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i'm a huge fan of spider-man i've nearly read all the comics seen all the movies so many times i could recite them and played all the video games during quarantine i decided to watch every spider-man show made to see how some of them have held up most of them have and i genuinely liked all of them until i got to the new ones ultimate spider-man and marvel spider-man to many are the worst spider-man shows ever now at ultimate spider-man i agree i could make another video how much i hate that tv show but i think marvel spider-man is a special case here this is where the marvel animated shows really started to go downhill in terms of quality and as of this recording it's the last one all the other ones have quietly been cancelled and it makes me wonder is this the last time we'll see an animated marvel show in a while and despite how it looks is this show really worse than ultimate well let's take a look at season one and find out [Music] so technically the first episode is the origin clips but i'll just skip that since everyone in the grandma knows who spider-man is just after starting his hero career a new smart school called horizon high comes to midtown to pick a potential student peter of course wants to go but can't afford it this changes when one of the machines is sabotaged by spencer smythe which he then saves people as spidey then turns off the machine as peter only to then go back as spidey because vulture is here i mean he could have stayed in costume but the plot needed him to change also hey look kids it's vulture remember that movie you bugged a parent to see because we need to make the shows like the movies after being vultured peter is offered a precision to horizon by max modell and harry's suspended due to being accused of tambourine this leads to norman osborn making another smart school odds academy to rival them so basically how the plot is kobakai with horizon versus oz which i'll talk about in a bit so let's first talk about the ugly elephant in a room the animation now is this the worst animation no it's not the 60 spider-man show will always have the worst animation but this animation still sucks if you look back through all the spider-man shows you'll pretty much see the evolution of animation and how long we've come now when it comes to good animation it requires a lot of money these were the problems the 60 and the 90s show ran into and that's why we used so much footage but that was back when marvel was struggling to stay afloat they're owned by disney now one of the richest companies on the planet and one of the best animated studios out there surely the budget for this would be very low i mean come on what happened to the animation i mean seriously what happened did they not care about the show that much that they just cut the budget from ultimate and just ended up with this that show's animation was already average but this is just abysmal but do you know what's really insane is the fact that this could all be fixed with shading now here's an image from the show the background looks like it doesn't exist or match with the characters and look how unfinished everything looks now he's a fan edit with shading there look how much better it is with shading shading is important to establish dimensions and settings in any scene it helps adding details so that they don't look like a five-year-old's drawing i mean look at what i can draw now compared to this look at these fight scenes the choreography is actually really good but the lack of shading makes him look bad there's barely any web slinging scenes in this now i think about it it stinks that no one really put any effort to make this show look good i mean look at this old new scientific horizon awaits me and lp don't have time for nerd stuff i scored an exclusive interview with launchpad's pal drake that is sure to boost my online viewership we're talking 20 maybe even 25 viewers then this to regulate the temperature so technically you should be saying heat blast just to point out one of the best spider-man movies and the best animated movie of all time wasn't even made by marvel now what about character designs well it's kind of similar to spectacular with how characters are drawn but as for how they look spiderman has some little redesigns that aren't very different although i don't like this being pointed i don't know why they did that he's the only best design in the show all the other villains have some of the worst designs i've ever seen look at vulture he doesn't look anything like vulture whatsoever craven is just wow i don't even know what to say about that one the avengers designs also look bad too and if you didn't like how they looked in the game then you're gonna hate the designs here and just look at shocker clash and blizzard they didn't even give them their cool costumes these designs are too simple and plain looking they don't pop out or represent their original costumes i mean there are average designs for the other ones but again they don't pop out either i get that some costumes are too ridiculous to draw but this is a cartoon not a movie i mean you could have done a better design on chalker but instead you just made him a kid with gloves even i could draw a better design for shocker it's also funny how the concept art has way better designs and they use that for marketing i get that characters always have to be redesigned but to just suck all the color out and make them look bland you're basically becoming the x-men movies at that point so the show may look bad in every way but how are the characters now i'll say this i like this voice actor for peter robbie damon does a great job nailing a young peter parker and he's a great voice actor with lots of experience i mean sure he's not my favorite voice for spider-man but he's way better than drake bell who always wanted to make me rip my ears off but unfortunately the writing for him isn't that great and most of his jokes are cringey can't you just say brain freeze like everyone else but that wouldn't be accurate one theory is when the brain senses cold it moves the blood through the cerebral lottery but the one thing this show does right is highlighting his intelligence there are plenty of moments in the show where he has to think his way out of a problem and they're genuinely good it's one of the most important parts of the character and i'm glad they made that very important unfortunately it's underminded by literally everyone else yeah there's more than one smart person in this show cause we have miles gwen anya harry who's smarter than he usually is liz allen and even flash thompson has a smart moment it's the stuff in fire extinguishers that separates the oxygen from the fuel and that's only the important ones the problem with that leads to everyone helping spider-man all the time and i literally mean all the time there's not a single moment in the show where spidey does something for himself the important part of spider-man is him being able to be a hero himself now i'm not against the idea of him getting help from his friends in fact it's one of the reasons why i like mj in the ps4 game she's actually useful and she doesn't get kidnapped every time yet he doesn't have a moment where he does anything by himself except for the first episode that's it it's the same reason why i don't like ultimate spider-man he's being babied as a hero and the show is not letting him be independent whatsoever say what you want about the mcu spidey he took on vulture stood up to thanos held the infinity gauntlet and beat mysterio all on his own his friends helped him so much if they had spider powers they would just become heroes and okay wait i'm not there yet not only that but they also ran very poorly anya and gwen are annoying they are always getting in peter's face and bragging how smart they are or how they could have done that better they're very unlikable and nothing like the common counterparts we love miles is just there and even when he gets his power he's always being sidelined and not given any special moment harry is the most annoying character on the show he's the only one that hates spider-man and is constantly fighting everyone on everything is called trespassing what i'm doing is called activating security someone check it out she totally messes with spider-man it's hilarious is it cause thanks to the screwball characters spider-man lost a bad guy oh please spider-man needs to be taken down a peg this screwball's my new hero so spidey saved the day i guess he really is a true hero huh harry ah please you can't believe everything you see on the internet pete and the whole hating spider-man part doesn't make any sense it just comes out of nowhere i mean the daily bugle already exists and i don't know why jameson doesn't make any appearance here but he's literally the only one and as usual he's a suck up to his dad but they actually do something interesting here instead of the usual norman ignoring harry and favoring peter he actually cares about harry and gives him everything to make him successful but the problem like i said earlier with the show is he's not letting harry be himself and this constantly bothers him it's a great change from the usual relationship and i honestly like that also fun fact norman is voiced by josh keaton i mean he does a great job and all but come on just make a spectacular spider-man season 3. seriously everyone wants that anyways what was i talking about alright this well i guess it's story time so like i said half the plot involves horizon high and osborne academy now it's cool that horizon is being featured as a smart school for peta to attend to it's a different take on the usual spider-man formula however this is also one of the biggest problems in the show nearly every villain is created from or attacks to school so many times that you wonder how this school isn't shut down seriously let's do account [Music] [Music] i know it's kind of the same thing in the comics but horizon high wasn't the center of everything there are millions of other companies they could have used but they mostly stick close to horizon which gets old very fast as for norman the entire time he's actually trying to stop wait get this the jackal we can't have anyone freak out out there okay we've got to keep our composure we've gone too far there's too much to lose but wait it's it's not like that don't worry it's not the clone saga actually recent comic story called spider island which if you don't know everyone in new york got spider powers and everyone became spiderman until they all turned to monsters it's a great story and i'm glad it's being shown on tv however this story happened way later in spidey's career he just became spider-man like literally he's been spider-man for like six months and you're already doing this storyline also it's built up very slowly and takes 20 episodes for it to happen but i know why they're doing it they're just doing it to make toys out of the other spider heroes they rush everything just to make these characters get powers i mean miles became spider-man in the 10th episode and he even does your stuff after being bit in less than a minute ow what was that spider-man oh no is that spider-man relax he's gonna pull out of it he's gotta pull out of it oh no he's not gonna pull out of it it's so annoying when they're forced to be in everything because they're super popular but everything that makes them great is being ignored these may look like the characters we know and love but they're not they're just like cheap cosplayers pretending to be them but they aren't really besides that there's venom and doc ah weirdly enough the symbiote is given a great build up except for the black costume but then venom just comes out of nowhere yeah just a few episodes later boom venom and he has no purpose other than just being there probably for the toys oh and let's talk about doc ock so he's given a long character arc because dan slott's a producer in the show and now he's 19. so his voice is high and his lines are annoying it's funny that he's given like four episodes but he's rarely the main point in some of them then after that he just does one thing for an episode then just gets captured so he was kind of pointless too all right enough complaining because it's rant time so get this in the salmon episode his daughter gets caught in the same accident that makes him sandman thus making her sand girl and she hates her dad because his life of crime caused this to her and while it was his fault for bringing her there in the first place she went inside on her own and decided to turn the life of crime and work for hammerhead the exact guy who did this to them and she's smart too so of course she makes weapons for them even though her dad has told her not to become him then she proceeds to kill him like what the f norman decides that the best army to fight the jackal is a bunch of children um do any of their parents have any problems with this in fact the women gets his students involved with a lot of dangerous stuff how is he not arrested and how has no one figured out peter's spider-man they joke about it first but then ignore it even though they constantly hang out alright let's just finish up the last two events so after the incident with the jackal new york is infected and we start to see the effects norman tries to stop this but he doesn't talk and steals a spicy suit for what reason i don't know he literally could have gone up to spider-man saying hey i'm trying to cure new york of a virus that could turn everyone into monsters but no just stay silent and be punched instead also now gwen is spider-gwen but decides to not have a secret identity for no reason and we had an episode on why this is important when miles natalie have a pointless episode with black widow that could literally be cut out everyone starts to turn into said monsters so peter anya and harry try to find a way to cure them all and where are the avengers you might be asking or shield or literally anyone i mean the show forcefully shoved avengers in these episodes so how come they're not here to actually help they later try to cure norman but they need spider-man's blood to complete it so peter finally reveals he's spider-man to harry and of course he throws a fit about it this leads up to the team trying to stop jackal but he escapes and leaves a bomb to blow up oscar spidey quickly uses it to dispense to cure all over the city but half of oscorp was blown up making harry mad again wait it's not over because we still have two more episodes doc awkward is mind control sinister five again these are children actually captures spidey and makes him the sixth member then we have this stupid scene son a great man once said a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds spider-man has consistently been a menace and you must be the goblin that opens his mind to the error of his ways harry suits up as the worst design for hobgoblin and barely even save spider-man he couldn't even save him but it gets worse hobgoblin starts attacking him when harry doesn't seem to know why norman says this i think you're stepping into the light harry your subconscious must be taking over turning you into the hero our family and this city needs i i don't understand how could think about it all those serums you tested on yourself to find my cure all those trials who knows what effect it's had on you and he believes that and of course it turns out norman and harry finally does something useful so now norman is presumed dead we all know that's not true and harry is left with the company and spiderman gets a horribly drawn statue so that's it for season one ugh what can i even say after all that but maybe the next season got a higher budget and so season two starts off with a summer episode called how i twipped my summer vacation oh god why so this episode is basically a bunch of clips of what peter did during the summer and they're just so boring this might already be the worst episode of the season and we just started so it's a new year but now that peter's not a freshman he can't work as max's lab assistant so he needs to find a new way to pay for horizon thus we finally get to the daily bugle and finally see jameson and he's great good job listen peter palmer peter parker the daily bugle's a top-tier multi-platform news organization call me back when you can grow facial hair brock this is the footage i've been waiting on i thought you were a pro i can't use this my grandma could take better video of spiderman and she's not even alive anymore and i love how they updated bugle by having peter take videos instead of pictures but other than that that's all we really get betty brandt makes an appearance and i don't even think she has a line and eddie is there but we'll get to that later otto returns and claims he's before now and everyone rightfully doubts him in max might be too harsh dr octavius has clearly changed and wants to make amends whatever happened to second chances okay so you think he's still redeemable uh remember the last time you supported him so doctor is the enemy of my enemy my friend if you hand over the rest of your mind control research otherwise done excellent oh on the contrary you are coming with me and it is the sinister six now but after helping out with silver sable in the wild pack and saving rhino he's immediately trusted to handle horizons big project the nero cortex well let's see how long this lasts i know second chances do not come often i swear i will not disappoint all of you students you can't just use their neural pathways like computer circuits that could fry their minds [Music] a small sacrifice to take human existence to the next level dr octavius has clearly changed and wants to make amends whatever happened to second chances so no surprise he's still evil and we have another battle he loses and ends up in a coma but that won't be the last we'll save him because he's the main story of this season so other than that we have the wake riders who are basically californian evil versions of dude perfect and aim enslaving a bunch of children and experimenting on them to become living nightmares for their sick twisted needs wait what oh hey it's miss marvel you know what's funny since spider-man is always being rebooted and barely ages he always teams up with characters who are supposed to be younger than him but are now his age alright so obviously the animation's the same so let's just go over characters we get a lot of unknown characters this season that comic book fans would know like the wild pack carolyn traynor barkley blitz monica rappuccini panda mania hippo overdrive spot jack-o'-lantern silver main living brain region and slide i always love when we see obscure villains because they're so weird and it's so cool to see a modern interpretation of them in the previous cartoons we've seen jameson as the usual spidermans of menace that he's always been known for and the 90s and spectacular gave us a lot of depth to him and he became a better character i did it for julia my wife years ago a crime boss warned me to back off a story but i refused one night a man came after me a man in a mask he aimed at me but he had her now i just want to keep this city safe from people who hide behind masks and think that they're above the law uh parker the photographer oh never met the guy no address either only but then ultimate spider-man just threw all that out the window and made him an angry man on the screen that has no character or interaction up his whatsoever this doesn't prove anything i bet the whole thing was a setup a sham orchestrated and perpetrated by that annoying wall crawler thankfully the show does a great job on jameson and bob joel's nails it however he's only there for eight episodes and then just appears on screen for the majority of the time but he does have purpose here everyone starts to hate spider-man as soon as he appears which is kind of funny when you think about it because everyone liked him last season until this one guy shows up and starts ranting about him but then again that's how the internet works but wait what about venom well eddie is just there and has no build up whatsoever he hates peter for doing a better job than him but honestly i'm surprised jonah even kept him around seriously the guy can't even film spider-man even if he was six feet away from him then he becomes venom pretty much making his last appearance in season one pointless and tries to ruin spider-man but venom keeps talking so much that he could have killed him already but nope we need theatrics also i hate the way his voice sounds doesn't just bond with you it takes over makes you do what it wants you've got to separate from it rage and vengefulness made us a perfect breeding ground father you parker eddie please fight it don't let the symbiote control you no one's being controlled we simply share the same desire your destruction i am venom and you are mine in the labs prodded unlocked the ability to communicate with my hosts there's no attachment to venom as a character because we don't have a character to begin with eddie has had no build up in 6 episodes and were expected to feel for him spectacular and the 90s show did a great job building him up to become venom because then we feel for that character i mean you think we have more venom this season with the movie coming out but ah come on i'm not there yet just let me breathe for a minute we also have some unrecognizable villains like tinkerer who looks like a wizard uh mysterio appears for three minutes prowler but now miles uncle that would have been better and that's really it for villains miles continues to be useless and tries to do whatever he can for attention but again it's sad and a huge disrespect to his character you may once an obey later appears now that i don't mind but she really doesn't have any purpose and probably just there because of the video game she doesn't even come back for next season alright let's see character designs we got some really good character designs this time like so sable and the wild pack caroline beetle and more see these are the kind of character designs i'm talking about even some of those old villains return and you can clearly see my point although we still have average ones and some bad ones again why just why is this a design for tinkerer electro just doesn't work at all i mean they should have used this instead molten man just looks like the movie instead of the comics which doesn't work here because in the movie he was a giant monster here he's normal size and a gangster region doesn't look as cool as his comic suit and slide suit could have been perfect if he used his common colors instead of black but then again he did use black later but i think white would have worked for this show so he wouldn't blend in with the others we also see the rest of the avengers and wow these are horrible overall i think they made a lot of improvements however there are other designs we'll get to later so let's get back to the story so after venom tried and failed to destroy spider-man peter is fired from the daily bugle and his only hope to pay for verizon is to build something in the prize and open house project but someone who sounds like god puts a bounty on spidey so he has to fight every bad guy that comes at him this takes about 4 episodes which gets tiring after a while because spidey 2 is tired of all that when he and miles tries to track down who did this living brain turned out to be controlled by doc ock again not surprising whose plan is to swap minds with spider-man yup they're actually doing the superior spider-man story which if you don't know is another recent story where doc ock was dying and switched by for peter thus killing peter off and picking off many fans and deciding to become a better hero than peter ever was it was a great series but a great concept it was really interesting seeing how otto approached being a hero and did things that peter would never think of eventually when he realized he couldn't win otto switched mine to peter thus killing him and once again peter was spider-man until otto went to the future but that was his past self interacting with peter who already got his body back so with this knowledge he stored a back up of his brain to his robot arm then stored it in a living brain when it's stored in a clone body but then stored in much better colon body didn't work for hydra then became a good guy again then made a deal with fristo to go back to stockhock and gave up being superior spiderman because comics suck so it's cool that was seeing this story on tv however this is the same problem as the last one this story happens way later in spidey's career like 700 issues doc has fought spiderman many times and you could say that he had a connection at that point but we had like one season and a half with him i mean he was a teacher then a villain but that was it they only fought like five times compared to the countless amount of times they fought in the comics and it only happens for six episodes but technically five since the first one doesn't even have him but miles anya and gwen instead alright i almost didn't care to mention since anya experimented on himself back in spider island she kept her powers and is now spider girl and gwen who was still powerless got access to the blood gem which one yes it's real and two why does a high schooler have permission to mess with a powerful object do these guys have the infinity gauntlet and she gets hit with it so she has a spider powers back and can glide for some reason which again one she's just stretching her jacket to glide that's not a power or even possible and two that's not what the blood jam even does and after getting it back she becomes spider gwen again but she puts on the mask this time so people will definitely not know who she is even though there are newspapers of her and costume and it's the same one and she calls herself ghost spider because marvel decided to change her name from marvel rising which affected comics but it's a stupid name that makes no sense whatsoever and was already taken so no i refuse to call her that she will always be spider gwen or really spider woman but whatever moving on i like what it didn't do to switch by strobe where the character's voice is different however robbie damon has to read otto's lines and they're just so bad hey pete yes i am peter parker that is absolutely correct huh i think that went well i mean i know he talked differently in the comics too but he had better lines than that i also hate how they keep cutting back to peter and the matrix again like the comic did too but still hated it there i will give it this it makes much more sense than peter's subconscious or mind or whatever i mean so a little confusing but the computer stuff makes much more sense than the mind weird stuff otto tries to activate his plan but starts to relive peter's memories this causes him to become a hero and then becomes the superior spider wait what's that why did you change this why just why i mean come on was it so hard to use this symbol man what is it with the show's horrible spiderman costumes anyways he stops crying by using his spider bots and more violent tactics miles starts to notice and finally becomes useful by trying to tell the avengers to investigate this but of course like the comic they don't find anything else i would like to mention i hated it when characters who've known peter for a long time like mary jane couldn't figure out that something was wrong with peter and just thought he became a jerk out of nowhere same thing happens here and i know yes they only known peter for a year but then again you could definitely tell something was wrong even if you only known him for a whole year so ms marvel's friendship is ruined and otto leaves horizon because of his huge ego so he returns to midtown high and we meet anna mccrony hey look cloak and dagger are here and they got the actors from the tv show that's also canceled too also look at these fight scenes they're so good but it needs shading so after fighting everyone miles and peter confront otto and ask him to give his body back yeah that's their plan they just go fight him and then back to horizon that's it i mean what did you expect what happened also venom just randomly detects spidey so he breaks out without eddie by the way even he's bored of him and just attack him that's it no superior venom or anything cool like that just venom so arnold can't beat him and kind of like the comic peter beats venom but otto returns his body effectively killing him and thus peter is back otto octavius who's always been known as the villain did something heroic and oh wait he still has a body to go back to never mind so that's it for superior spider-man arc way too short in my opinion they should have committed to it and made it the entire half of the season five episodes were not nearly enough for this event but overall it was better than spider island because they tasted much better and it wasn't even hinted at in the beginning but wait we still have seven more episodes to go through why are you still going so peter can't go to horizon and tries to find his marvel but ends up going against regen for two episodes then he fights sly like i mentioned before but he can't beat him yeah that's right spider-man can't beat sly so he needs help to beat slide i mean come on what's next he can't beat wheeler since otto is still alive and still wants to be a hero he decides to become the man in the chair all right i guess that makes sense he could do more but sure why not if spider-man can't beat slide then what hope does this city have turns out this all part of goblin nation which happened in superior spider-man and i don't know why they changed it but never mind so peter and otto trying to figure out where they're coming from but inspired girl and spider-gwen come in finally where were they for the last eight episodes we think the new goblin is your friend peter parker what so wait a minute so now you guys straight up think peter is a villain just cause he acts weird for a bit do you not remember everything that happened in the first season he helped you every single time and this is how you help him these two are so stupid they don't even suspect the most obvious person smith's been building slayers just like his father and he's improved the design if he's dug into slayer tech an old ozcorp scheme what's stopping him from working on goblin tech too you're in denial i i just you oh and harry's back now after being gone for nearly the whole season which i was thankful for but somehow in only three episodes he still manages to be the most annoying character in the show peter and him try to find the goblin king and end up finding out that harry has been lying about being away and has been building this huge mech that can hack and control everything it touches for the good guys good no it's not a good idea i could tell you so many problems this brings up but i'll just list them here also just take a moment and look as you can see they just copy and pasted hobgoblin's design and recolor them instead of creating interesting and new designs not only that they took the glider you know one of green goblin's famous weapons and made it a flat hologram seriously how lazy can you get i mean imagine spider-man not using his web shooters but a grappling hook it just feels wrong and looks wrong too cause all the goblins look like they're on flying popsicle sticks as it turns out goblin king is hiring previous bad guys to join his army and has been stealing harry's stuff to take over city just as predicted but ironically the actual twist is who the gambler king is now who's the first guy who comes to mind to dress up as green goblin and was the main villain in the comic that basin is on yup you guessed it norman the vulture adrian tombs what what why would you not use norman osborn especially in the story that was about norman osborn what made you think that that was a better idea i mean it's based on goblins harry's involved and all vulture did was just poke around for one episode here and in avengers and that's it even in superior spider-man he only appeared twice and was blinded by otto i mean i'm kind of tired of norman and oscar being used all the time but this was not the story to not use them it feels so out of left field and vulture would never do this so now the rest of team spidey god i hate saying that go out to stop goblin nation we see spidey on a motorcycle cause why not here he argues with everyone again and on auto help and we get this faster spy to get a jump on crossbones then i'm a master spy booyah guess that makes you spidey which let me explain why that line is so infuriating in 2016 when all new and all different marvel was coming out marvel was bringing miles to the main universe since the ultimate universe was getting hard to follow but since peter is alive how would they treat miles well since they thought he wasn't good enough to be called spider-man they decided to call him spy d but not spidey spy hyphen d i'm not joking they were gonna call him that thankfully they changed their minds and they still call them spider-man but to bring that back for this it's just so insulting to the character miles is not a sidekick or dumb goofy character he's a main character that deserves his own story and i'm glad spider-verse showed everyone even marvel themselves how valuable miles is spider and spidey wait wait hold up are we really calling me that now eventually vulture gets control of the mech with his mind so peter decides to use the neural cortex to destroy the connection but otto knows this will kill him so he does it effectively killing himself and he dies in a disney death fashion i know you couldn't do it as brutal as a comic why this what's the scientific explanation for turning into fairy dust also this would have been the perfect sacrifice for switching bodies back like in the comic but nope blew it so otto's buried and anna disappears but before dying otto made a scholarship for peter so he's back and rising high and everyone forgives him so yeah that was season two honestly the most shocking part of this was how long it took for the season to finish half of it was released in 2018 then the other half didn't come out for more than a year and then they already announced the third season so now i guess let's review the final animated marvel show all right first off i hate that title it should have been this and second this season has a total of six episodes with each of them being released a month i mean technically it's 12 episodes since they're each an hour but what happened this was made in 2019 so quarantine didn't affect them so why are there so little episodes was it a creative decision or a fourth one i don't think every tv season needs 22 episodes i just wondered what happened to have caused this well maybe this is what the show needs for better pacing so since this season is shorter let's talk about the animation and a few designs the animation is a little sharper and there are honestly some really good effects this season that are actually really impressive but there's still no shading i mean there's a few bits of them but again this show needs shading as you can see spider-man has a new suit that looks very similar to the advanced suit it's not bad but i feel like they could have been bolder and really try to make it unique instead of feeling like a copy it's funny how everything spidey is in now is trying to add different things to a suit with some of them being little changes and some of them being very different now i love his classic suit but i'm always open to different designs that stand out i mean the guy wore the same thing for 80 years a few other characters got some new designs like iron man witch meh and spider girl who finally matches the toy now i still don't like it there are more designs to talk about but let's go do the story first so everyone focuses on the future and peter struggles to figure out what to do for his it's sort of the lesson for the season but kinda undermined it by the whole symbiote storyline peter finds out max is experimenting on symbiote again but a non-organic one why well he wants to help someone who saved his life and could really use it who i don't know never explained grady who was in one episode last season goes to horizon now and is in the majority of the season kind of weird since he was a big part of horizon in the comics but hasn't been here until now and he's more of a nerd than his comic version also dr connor teaches there now and he's voiced by yuri lowendahl another great actor for spider-man why do you keep doing this and of course horizon created another villain which if we add from last season to now and it's technivore so it eats every technology it sees so in no choice spidey puts on a new symbiote and no god please no no no no why why why why would you ever design a black costume like this seriously what were you thinking just everything about this costume makes me want to throw up i think this is the worst spider-man costume i ever seen just why i really didn't think you could do worse than this but you somehow did anyway so he beats teknivor and wait how does he beat him if he eats non-organic stuff so he decides to test out the costume more until connis finds out what max is doing so he threatens to expose him but the original venom attaches to him and he sort of becomes venom they mostly use this half venom design on him which just looks lazy beno escapes and spidey chases him but then he loses the new suit thank god so he's fully venom now and dumps connors man they really love using venom without a host in this show venom plans to signal his other kind known as the klyntar yep there's more to venom than you think there is thanks to the recent comics going deeper to the lore which i could try to explain to you but it'll take way too long to cover everything and even i don't know at all so just be prepared for some crazy stuff now while it's cool they're exploring this new side of venom's lore it brings up some questions like why didn't he do that in the first season spider-man supposedly destroyed him but max's secret experiments are revealed and now he's put on trial by the school board which i don't know why they haven't done that the last 17 times but out of nowhere baby groot appears which yes this spidey has met the guardians before in a previous crossover but that also sets a bunch of problems in the continuity that i'm not going to go through it's also weird that they're using baby groot in 2020 when he was already a teenager and a whole baby groot fat faded after 2017 it's all baby yoda now and yes while baby groot is cute it just feels out of place groot has a message from star-lord but since no one understands him and he broke his tape they try to figure out what it is but at the same time mary jane finally appears oh my god okay it's happening everybody stay calm what's the procedure everyone what's the procedure calm down finally after three seasons we get to meet mary jane and this is the iconic moment always done well on tv they cannot mess this up actually everyone calls me mj oh i am groot peter i'm peter oh come on seriously you interrupt the iconic moment with baby groot is there anything this show can do right you know what let's ignore him and talk about her for a second so unlike everyone in the show she's not a scientist which is great because she stands out from everyone else her design is also great too yeah it looks a lot like kazumi but it's still a good look and like kazumi she's more focused on sports so it's a cool change sadly she's rarely shown until last episode and definitely could have been on more anyways peter and miles trying to find out what groot is saying this takes him on a little adventure with ironheart amadeus cho as hulk and dr strange trying to stop aim which was fun and all but ruined when they could have just fixed the tape i'm sure they have the technology to fix it it's freaking horizon or these guys but then we wouldn't have that episode anyway so the message was the symbiotes are coming to earth so everyone tries to come up with a plan but the avengers are taking over and eventually everyone becomes symbiotes now here they could have gone crazy with the designs but they don't i mean look at weber shadows or these talented artists who did a better job where's the creativity the half venom designs don't work at all and they just all looked the same yet they put effort on knees but those were just easy to copy what's also disappointing is the whole symbiote invasion it's super rushed and could have been five parts but instead it's just one episode which is honestly very disappointing i mean a game from 12 years ago and the comics are doing this story way better you had the whole marvel universe interacting but here it's just moon knight who's done pretty poorly and probably just here to advertise his upcoming show you could literally replace anybody with him like the punisher and nothing would have changed but yeah new x infected and cured in one episode and the whole clinton story is undermined you could have done null the little god of symbiotes but nope just move on back to horizon so what's the point of this title then so max's trial begins and everyone tries the best to save him against connors which i hate that they made him a bad guy this ends up with peta unmasking himself in front of the board and his friends so they start criticizing him about keeping his secret identity spider-man's house or peter parker's or maybe we should just split up for a bit spidey you check out the bee wheel patrol for rhino good idea seriously did you not accuse him of being a green goblin or did you even tell him your identities what right do you have to judge him or not telling you sure he could have by now since you all have powers but they complain about this the whole episode then in the next episode it's revealed that the whole plan was none other than norman oz oh my god wow they were really allowed to draw this and he's got a bunch of villains like swarm and jackal to get a piece of the symbiote so he can become goblin venom whatever just god where do i even start i can't talk about this normally so [Music] first off jackal's here after being gone for a season but then he just disappears again so he was pointless swarm is revealed to be jefferson davis miles his dad because i guess they couldn't do his uncle being the prowler so they just did this instead but this is so dumb because miles of dead should never be a villain ever he's one of miles greatest inspirations and him being a villain instead of aaron is such an insult to miles's character in fact they just do it for spider-gwen instead oh look norman osborne betrays dr connors after promising to cure him of course he would you idiot he did that the first season and norman just showing up out of nowhere is so annoying he should have shown up for last season event and not this one because he feels so out of place here it's like the clone saga where he's just there to take credit and we've never seen him as the green goblin no we just skipped that important character arc just to get to this what is this even supposed to be i mean it could have done this design but no why bother putting effort into anything when you could just do this and norman starts acting like he's had a long interest in spider-man but there's been no development of this whatsoever all norman cared about was harry but yet they pretend he cared about spider-man even though everything he did in season 1 was for harry who shows up to fight him at this point he just shows up for a few scenes and doesn't really do anything you know it's sad when i stop caring about harry osborn in a spider-man show so norman's defeated an admittedly epic battle and max is back on horizon but we have one more episode about venom because that was the whole point of this freaking season so now we're back to peter struggling to figure out what to do after high school and if he should join the avengers but venom is alive so instead of canceling a dance peter decides to let it happen yeah let's put people's lives at risk just so you can have a date at the dance that's so responsible of you peter turns out venom is taking over max so now he's almost [Music] oh god please let's just finish this so he made a portal to his home world where we have a bunch of recognizable characters like scream scorn and mania and that's it really you couldn't do the five symbiotes instead you just pick scream and then scorn it mania really the least two popular symbiotes in the comics and you made their designs bad too i mean come on why would you mute scream's color it's bright yellow you could have done carnage or null or riot which would have been way better but no you just picked three whatever so venom brings the world killer which is a dragon but spider-man gets max to gain control and together they destroy the scene so in an epic explosion the symbiotes are gone for good but horizon is finally destroyed afterwards we see peter and mary jane kiss and peter decides with tony's funding to have his own tech company run by everyone and of course it's called webb which honestly feels a little too soon i mean he's still a teenager but whatever it's over but wait what about max's friend or miles's dad or all the other plot holes and cliffhangers you left off of nah who cares it's over so that was marvel's spider-man a show that tries to be different and has some genuine good ideas but executes them poorly there's clearly a passion put into this but the low budget animation ruins every scene like i said there is some really good fight scenes that are shot and choreographed really well but the lack of shading just makes it look unfinished the writing is bad and i know it's aim for kids but that's no excuse and the pacing was just all over the place and again the stories they chose were interesting but they should have had peter out of high school we seen enough a young spider-man and characters like eddie and norman would just rush so we can see him as villains they should have focused on building them instead of the other spider heroes because that's what people care about the ad people love miles and gwen but you can't just shove them in and expect success i feel like the show is similar to dan slott's writing of spider-man they clearly love the character but they don't understand him spider-man shouldn't need help every episode and you don't need to shove every single superhero in there spider-man needs to grow on his own and have room to breathe yeah he lives in a moral universe but they should just be cameos or not not in your face merchandise or movies you know like the ps4 game and his school life should be normal not a crazy science school that nearly blows up half the time again looking at more of the concept art you could see the potential this show could have had but without much funding i guess we ended up with what we got i mean it makes sense when the movies and video games well not all of them are making tons of cash so why not make mcu shows instead but i think marvel can still make good animated shows like x-men avengers or even spectacular spider-man because those were unique shows and while i love the mcu and will always praise every film they don't have to be in everything so i guess for now i can truly say it'll be a while till we see another animated spider-man show or any marvel show for that matter maybe it'll bring back the old ones maybe they'll make a new original show but until then i guess this is goodbye well spidey fans thus ends our tale for now we hope you enjoyed our scintillating saga of nefarious villain scheming and spectacular hero daring dude but until next time true believers excelsior
Channel: John David Gamez
Views: 773,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b5riYQdXdCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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