Why Light VS Johan VS Yuuichi Isn't Close

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Light Yagami Johan Lieber and yui kagiri both all considered highly manipulative characters all of these characters are quite popular within the anime Community most notably for their intelligence and their manipulation but between the three of them who's the better manipulator like Yagami the man who stumbled across the Death Note picked it up and vowed to use it to change the world and to do that he'd have to get his hands dirty but throughout the series we see him use manipulation to his Advantage not just by literally using the Death Note but also with his words so how does he do this light meets Naomi Mur at the police station while he's trying to drop off some fresh clothes for his father he over hear his Naomi talking about the Cur case and naturally he's curious and decides to investigate he speaks to the receptionist and starts off by introducing himself followed by stating his reason for being there the receptionist of course recognizes him for not just being suo yagami's son but also being involved in helping to solve the insurance fraud murder investigation last year here it would be of course confusing to the reader that someone with such a good memory like light wouldn't have recognized the receptionist or the detective work he did last year this was a play by light he acted as if he didn't know the receptionist for the sole purpose of reminding light of what he's done in front of Naomi misura he indirectly manipulated the receptionist to establish his credibility as a police consultant in front of Naomi Mur his Target letting others Reveal Your good qualities for you is a good way to establish respect and trust and it makes you seem humble as you don't constantly remind everyone in the room room while you're that guy Naomi tries to contact headquarters again but is refused light out of the goodness of his heart intervenes and offers help to Naomi by passing along the message to his dad again this was another play on light's part by offering to help Naomi in a desperate time of need he was able to slowly but surely establish a certain level of trust within her light shares sensitive information about the case tunami Mur which is a risky play light does this with hopes that by sharing a secret Naomi she also will share one back light them proceeds to double down on this by telling Naomi his real name light's boldness works as Naomi gives light her real name quote unquote as well as reveals she believes Kira can kill his victims in several ways that just aren't related to heart attacks this made light realize that Nami was indeed a threat and had to be dealt with and he decided to continue walking with her to learn about any more information that could be used upon hearing of nami's deduction he flatters her and he says that he would never even considered that as a possibility by doing this he's complimenting Naomi in hopes of her softening up and feeding more information to light making sure everyone else feel Superior to you will cause them to loosen up and be more inclined to share information with you however if you appeal to their ego too much and agree with everything they say then they naturally become suspicious of you it's why when Naomi suggests someone that she knows matura light doubts that this could be true as he says anyone who could have walked into a building and claimed to have met Cura would be met with skepticism this technique can also be used to instill doubt in others or in other words make it seem as if they are wrong by suggesting someone is wrong naturally they' be inclined to prove themselves right and how would they go about doing this by bringing up more evidence to support their Theory and that is what Naomi does by revealing to light that her fiance was forced to reveal his ID and was controlled by Kira to reveal all the names of the FBI agents because the bus hijacker didn't die of a heart attack like the rest of the Kira victims Kira was trying to hide his involvement in that instant light then decides that he needs to kill Naomi but before he can do so he tells Naomi they need to start investigating her Theory followed by asking if she's told anyone about her Theory this sudden urge to agree with her Theory and investig was to mask light's true intentions light wanted to make sure nobody else knew of Naomi's Theory otherwise he'd have to tie up Loose Ends once he gets confirmation she's the only one who knows he's free to deal with her as he pleases light writes nai's name down but she doesn't die light is invisibly panicking but there are subtle signs of discomfort that Naomi catches such as him slowing his Pace checking his watch and growing quiet due to being filled in his thoughts Naomi tells light she'd like to head to the station on her own where light realizes he needs to calm down and figure out the best solution to get her name light suddenly tells Nami that it will be impossible for her to contact anyone from the task force directly to reinforce his statement he uses her case pain and the love of her fiance to convince her to not do so Nami however is still naturally curious after all how does light know so much about the task force light then reveals to Naomi that he is a member of the task force as he goes on to say that since many detectives quit due to fearing for their lives he was put on the task force by L despite being a teenager to back this up he uses his previous established social credibility as a te teenager who was able to solve an insurance fraud case just a year ago which means he's competent enough as a detective light also reveals he can go to Task Force Headquarters as he pleases and can investigate freely as he sees fit light covers his lie with the truth as by using the fact he is an intelligent detective it would make sense as to why L would want him on his team Nami still is cautious however and tells light she wants to try and contact L on her own she reveals to L that she used to be an FBI agent and previously worked with L in the past this finally gives Latt something to use and switches his plan to convince Naomi to join the task force L does this by complimenting her intellect as well as making her feel special by saying not everyone can do this but you can light is confident that this will work because Nai states she feels like L and L are similar and talking to light reminds her of l l continues to build up Naomi self-importance by stating she has more experience than most due to being a trained FBI agent solving a case with L in the past and qualifying with the task force standards light previously mentions the qualities of a task force member which are a Chosen Few Elite handpicked by L highly skilled well respected and trustworthy when reasoning with Naomi why she's a good fit for the task force he uses similar words before such as you have experienced as an FBI agent which qualifies with chosen VI Elite talented and respected which correlates with highly skilled and L truster the qualifications for the job perfectly align with Nomi skill set before continuing to real her in by light using the word fate which finally enough a common phrase that light uses when it comes to manipulating people most notably women at least in death notes manga after setting everything up light steps back a little to not only prevent suspicion but to give Naomi some room to breathe and make it seem as if she generally has a choice thus giving her all the power all of this accumulates into one single result Nami now becomes desperate to join the task force created to catch Kira like compliments her more before asking for a form of proper identification to proceed Nami gives light her real name and from there it's all over this feat of light manipulating Naomi is heavily overlooked and quite possibly one of the best Feats from light himself in terms of manipulation this is because light was able to turn the situation in his favor originally Naomi was hesitant to even talk and trust him but within less than an hour he was not only able to gain her trust but also gain her real name and identification which led to light being able to kill her Nami by no means is an unintelligent character in fact she holds the title of the smartest female in Death Note this feat is also impressive considering like came up with all of the tactics necessary to lead him into his goal without any sort of prep time it was all on the go while this carefully thought out in real time displaying just how efficient of a manipulator Light Yagami is but what about Johan liit if you're enjoying this video so far Please Subscribe Johan leit the nameless monster Johan is a far more special character when it comes to analyzing his manipulation and at the same time a bit troubling most of his greater Feats tend to happen offscreen such as manipulating all the adults and children at 51 kinderheim to kill themselves or manipulating the residents of an entire town to kill each other this is not to discredit Yan however as we do get to see some of his manipulation on screen the most infamous case being the suicide of rishard buun rishard was a wellestablished detective whose Rising career was put on hold due to a shooting of Stephan y Richard was getting closer to finding the truth about Johan and so Johan decided to visit him and deal with him Johan and rishard then go to a bar to continue to chat but keep in mind that means he distrusts him and is on guard Johan however can slightly lower his guard by revealing the true purpose of requesting to meet rishard that being said he's researching on the 1989 United Nations convention on the rights of the child for his college research papers Johan at this point in the story was genuinely a college student albeit only temporary despite that it's still enough of a legitimate reason to call out Richard once seated in the bar he offers Richard a drink who hastily declines offering Rishad a drink was done intentionally as it's known before Johan and Rishad have their encounter by the viewer that Richard used to be an alcoholic Johan knows this fact too as is vital in his plot to manipulate Richard Braun knowing people's guilty pleasures is essentially a gap in the person psyche which makes it all the more easier to manipulate the person if done correctly after Rishad denies Johan's offer of alcohol Johan says he understands and it's probably for the best because you executed that boy while you were drunk Johan didn't use words such as kill murder or guy and instead decided to use words that would have more impact like execute or boy which is done to instill guilt into Rishad and remind him of his past actions Johan asked this question in a way where his demeanor is not only non-threatening which was done to not raise Richard's guard any further Johan continues to use the word execute which causes Richard to get defensive Johan changes the subject slightly and references multiple 1989 articles centered around the rights of a child rishard only gets more frustrated and Johan pulls back and apologizes as he reminds rishard that this is all for the sake of a research paper even though Johan has reassured rishard he is still annoy Johan buys a bottle of whiskey and tells Richard they should take their conversation elsewhere the environment you're in is responsible for how you are feeling if you're standing on the middle of a sidewalk waiting for the bus as it snows you'll feel cold anxious and in a rush as not only will you want the bus to come on time but wonder if you'll even come at all or maybe you're out camping with your family during the summer but keep getting bit by mosquitoes which makes you feel annoyed as you'd want the environment to change to suit your standard as this is the case with r he's in a b that is known for alcohol which is not only tempting to spout back into his addiction but a guilty pleasure of his that being so close to alcohol reminds him of shooting stepan y Johan decides to change the environment to better suit Richard's needs and also make him more comfortable Johan and Richard begin to walk and Johan begins to prod at Richard again as he explained stepan y's past to him as well as how why his death was unfair and unjust 5 one kinderheim was a horrible place that psychologically broke children and made some of them into monsters unfit to live and work normally in society Stephan y was one of them and by Richard Brun shooting him he was essentially never given a chance Johan continues to use words like execute and boy to make Richard guilty Johan even goes as far to mention his daughter and by doing so he lets Richard's Mind Race Johan once again changes the environment to prevent Richard from feeling the need to escape the scene then plays out on the rooftop with Johan dropping the Revelation that he's done research on the case and Richard was never seen drinking at the bar on the day of Stephanos execution Johan adds fuel to the fire and essentially scrambles any sense of logic and reasoning that Richard had left by telling him he was calm sober and wanted to execute Stephan Yus Johan asked him even more questions like why are you trying to forget or are you just lying are you lying to others did you confirm the boy's crimes did you have the right to execute him do you think that by lying your sins will go away the final nail in the coffin is when Yohan asks Richard can a man who has sinned really meet with his daughter and turn his life around Johan has successfully isolated Richard and gaslighted him into believing he will never change and is alone the scenery does an amazing job of further convincing Richard it's nothing more than a pitch black night sky the coldness of Germany's air is nothing except a monster ready to devour him into Eternal Darkness the only thing that's seemingly keeping Richard company is a bottle of whiskey Johan offers Richard a drink knowing he used to suffer with alcoholism as well as knowing alcohol is his guilty pleasure Johan is offering Richard a way out and Escape Route from the misery that is the world nobody's coming to save him and he certainly can't save himself so why B changing why bu do anything except feed his addiction Richard accepts the drink feeding his addiction and ultimately commit suicide by falling from the rooftop this is one of if not Johan's most insane feet of manipulation that we actually get to see on screen all it took was one meeting with Richard to lead him to his own death and all it took was gaslighting Richard making him doubt not just himself but his morality and reminding himself of the fact that he took a life and after all how can someone who's taken the life of a boy who was never given a chance into society ever change [Music] and last but not least we are going over yui kagiri yui is one of the newer anime manipulators but that certainly isn't to discredit his Feats at all when it comes to using people's emotions yuchi is a master at this yuchi uses an individuals emotion against themselves by playing on their insecurities desires or fears a great example would be yui's tactic at causing K's group to fight amongst themselves Yi states that he has an interest in joining Group K and will willingly betray tenji yuchi reinforces this request by revealing tenji was the one who destroyed group C's friendship by spilling secrets and by leaving him to starve he's getting his revenge this makes it seem like he has a genuine reason to betray tenji and this almost actually works yui can lower their Garden along with the fact that if he were to join their team there'd be one step closer to winning the game however K is against it and says they should ask the captain first before making such a big decision yui instantly bites at this opportunity and mo the all for seemingly having to rely on their Captain the other group members are annoyed but not as much as H cut who yui knew before often gets emotional heia cutar then attempts to punch yui which was his goal as during the time the rules specifically stated that physical violence would ultimately lead to the other team winning this bad decision is prevented at the last minute by Kay but this small scene shows how simple it was for yui to use another individual's poor emotional control to his Advantage by building a certain level of trust in others you will be able to get them to comply to your requests and of course manipulate them with ease yuchi is a master at putting on the right facial expression for the right scenario along with having a natural way with words it allows yui to quickly gain people's trust but what makes this impressive however is that yui can gain a person's trust with a limited amount of time sort of like light in some regard Tomodachi game doesn't last for long often a few days to a week at best this doesn't stop Uchi however from being able to gain someone's trust at a very fast pace I his heart to others making a response tailored to reel them in he's able to draw people to him yuchi then uses empathy to almost bomb with that person and further solidify the fact that he can be trusted it all comes down to being a reliable person which yui has done numerous times as yuchi has come to his classmates Aid in dire situations I'll cover more of Yi's Feats in a future video potentially when the Tomodachi game manga ends we'll do a good overview so light Yan and yui they are all manipulators who despite having different methods tend to use similar tactics to simplify the way each of these individuals manipulate L Yi was already known as a charming and attractive man Attractive people by default are trusted more than on average due to their good looks and often having a kind nature like constantly showed that he could trust people which led them to feeling a need to having to protect him like when ma always defended light by appealing to a person's ego inflating their sense of worth and also convincing them that the interaction or circumstance they're in is good because it is by Fate light can manipulate people to do his bidding light was also so manipulative he convinced the world that Kira was a higher power who was judging others based on their criminal acts this led to a large decrease in crime and wars and also caused an entire cult in the name of Kira to be formed and still active even after light's death Johan can intuitively and perfectly assess anyone's psychology behavior and motivations he sees their mind and soul at first glance allowing him to perfectly predict what people will do and how to manipulate them he has perfect observational perceptive analytical calculating tactical and deductive skills these allow him to perfectly predict understand and control anything no matter how simple or complex easily these skills along with his Charisma eloquence and persuasive abilities allow him to create convoluted plans and control anyone into doing what he wants easily Johan leaves such an impression on people that he can convince Legions to commit murder play suicide games or do other monstrous things after just a single encounter according to lungay this proc is done by altering the full crumb of someone's identity like removing a map's coordinate axis the more jumbled their lines become without that Foundation the more room he has to redraw or to find their Maps Yi havea puts on the demeanor of a Kind boy who wants his classmates to win underneath all of this goodness however is an Abomination that is waiting to catch you at your lowest in order to strike yuchi makes his enemies believe they are in control and that they are superior which ultimately leads to their downfall as when he strikes it's when you least expect it so after seeing all these ways that these people manipulate others I think it's either Johan over light over yui or Johan equals to over yui if you buff light with some other Feats that can be discussed in the future who do you think is the best in manipulation rank them all from best to worst in the comments
Channel: Avent
Views: 217,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death note, death note l, death note vs monster, death note x monster, johan liebert, johan liebert death, johan liebert manipulation, johan liebert reddit, johan liebert vs light yagami, l lawliet, l lawliet monster speech, l lawliet vs johan liebert, light yagami, monster, monster anime, monster manga, tomodachi game, yuuichi katagiri, Light VS Yuuichi VS Johan, Manipulation, Psychology, Who's The Better Manipulator?, can l lawliet catch johan liebert?
Id: nR0-gSIkfM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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