Why is this Antique in the Trash?

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what is this recyclable metal maybe even aluminum in the trash oh come up with me come with me too heavy but that's aluminum no it's galvanized steel those are not in bad shape at all your ride nothing wrong with me that's right all right had to do a little bit of rearranging here we go vertical with these guys cuz I have a feeling it is a great day to have a good day with scrap yep well it seems like aluminum metal metal metal nope how convenient yes bungees scrappers never want they wait some good stuff right there I'm gonna scrap do much but at least they're being used yes looks like metal demeans spike ouch [Music] that's a tangled mess that that's a sign of my future if I pick that up it will tangle in everything yeah there's a work clip that quarter I want the metal I just want the tangled burn up mattress I'm not grandma they're gonna keep the tangled mess away I hope there's much so good this little piece of metal thought it could escape I think not hey couple TVs I think I'm gonna get those cords few people at best we do with the cords and they are insulated copper wire so I'm going to recycle it 32 cents a pound I see a little silhouette to have some scrap men let's get blinkers that's part of the reason why I went vertical with those Oh walk the dogs up it's quieter with my door this is an indication of how humid it is you see that it is humid out that's for sure let's clip that cord now so it's 32 cents a pound what is this about a half a pound close to it so it's 15 cents or so 20 cents a piece what should I do with that this needs to go all the way up against the back of my bed [Music] get in my trouble yeah that's good enough that's quite the contraption because it's for golf bags trucks full that field is fallow right now and normally there because of all the rain they're not planting the wire go wax I'm guessing maybe give me an end I need to see an end come on everyone make a push a message won't see if this is coax end it's not taking it fasteners yep that's a little screwy bad dad jokes instead copper wire yeah what is this stuff no I am melty main reason I'm taking this off is that it's not gonna be a I have a sale effect cuz I don't want it to flying out of the back of the truck I'm gonna tie it down but still people want to put this on top of here I don't want all that cuz I gotta drive down this road to go to the next neighborhood Hey look this thing folds up sweet who'da thunk [Music] Lord and Ralph morning Sam oh yeah you're going with me pally Wow it's the steel bar I don't want that bounce in my back one it's not that heavy it's just awkward I saw piece of metal better hurry yet we've got the garbage man circling that's the real scrap vulture they're ready to pick the scrap I guess there is no scrap vulture anymore he's doing other stuff any other scrap I do you like a scrap radar I got a question for y'all yes I do I have a kind person that sent me some amazing neodymium magnets that are as big as my fist and they are super crazy strong they're designed for magnificient would you guys like to see me do a magnet fishing video and I've never magnet fished in my life I have no clue what I'm doing like literally the very first time I've ever done it will be on film anyway let me know in the comment section below I see a box man I see a box for a new one do so that means that this one most likely is a bad box man let's stay there I might have to tie it down before I leave the neighborhood and I'm driving I see something saying recycle me recycle me are you besides a mess i hear the g-man the undeniable sound of the garbage man breaks the squeaks i just thought i didn't define my terms magnet fishing is taking a neodymium magnet inium is a-- as an element it's like the most magnetic element it's like I are fighting other stuff other metals but it's super crazy magnetic and so it has hundreds of pounds of magnetic force so you take that magnet you throw it in the water with a nice lion attached to it nice strong one and anything metal down in the water will attach itself to it and you pull it up and it's just like fishing for fish but you get metal yeah the community is getting so good saving the scrap out yes you oh hey it's the trip o matic 5000 too long almost we'll do this right now so I don't forget scrapp delivery that'd be awesome [Music] hello whole pay attention where you going there Paul oh it's got issues yeah just gonna get tossed by the dumpster man get rained on some more okay so there's the two ruts from the garbage man that things about a five inch deep hole I keep tripping into straight up I guess you know I'm a dude rearranging here stay you're weaker oh really there's no spinning thing on these burgers now take the wire wait a minute is there more wired over here yeah do the whole thing Direct TV world direct get you the concrete cool you know there's a lot of weight to that concrete that's for sure well you're not gonna be catching air I see something else over here yeah I think this much of it I think it's steel now here they they recycle some steel I don't know if they'll recycle plastic and steel like that together probably not this guy that's a lot of metal it's a lot of I don't want type stuff I'm gonna see right here okay that's clear am I gonna put it hmm I figure something here seriously where's it gonna go I'll put it here I think this is gonna go this way oh you're one of those beasts all right gotta be strong up got a cord clipper that or it's the homeowner saying hey it doesn't work don't even try plugging it in which that is the case sometimes alright what I'm gonna do just take this to the scrapyard I'm coming back for this guy 4440 really I should have guessed it I never guessed some barbed wire now this is a problem because now I'm kind of blocking the road here what got my attention this is usually massive amounts of copper I'm like I'm talking massive amounts of copper in there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they got a tricycle so it's 4440 going in I didn't guess it I should and we are I can't see 3900 even good this video is sponsored by Jesus Christ because if it wasn't for him I'd still be a drunk out in the streets of Las Vegas that's not like a commercial all right I'm I'm playing but at the same time I do want to thank God for uh for just being in a sound mind I remember in Scripture it was talking about this crazy man in this this graveyard just losing his mind and it had it an interaction with Jesus the next day the Apostle says that he was clothed and in his right mind and I have seen that time and time and time again from lifestyle chaos to lifestyle of having our right mind anyway not sure why everyone on that tangent but sixty-five dollars in that time still and there was a it was a big hiccup in the steel market this morning out if you guys are listening to the news so I have a feeling it's going to be going down even further so I got eighteen dollars and 20 cents for five hundred and sixty pounds of steel and no time to lose let's go get that refrigerator lucky me the fridge is still here in a lot of other markets that refrigerator would have been long gone are you looking here d Walt excuse me take this sledgehammer a broken sledgehammer I will take it I'll need a sledgehammer - I got some some work to do taking down some sheds at my house yeah it's not the right size baby you guys know how to sledgehammer hamburger heads on all right Paul feeling strong hey Fitz if it fits it ships think it's metal mostly glass I had some wet gloves quite annoying I want to do with that glass nope not doing it Wow things beefier than it looks 20 pounds and it looks like 5 pounds work that would be terrible in your dire [Music] there's that fabric again I see it all the time now that's a significant role to I'm not gonna use it for anything this old-school dehumidifier alright where's she gonna go right there yeah I think so let's get the cord and get out of here look brand-new like you've never ever been used it's clean it's all [Music] you want to get recycled I think you do let's go get in the truck yep hey it's bicycle now a lot of people ask keepo huck we don't give these bicycles to little kids I don't know what's wrong with them and last thing I want is a little kid to be driving riding 15 miles an hour down the sidewalk then all of a sudden they discover hey here's why it was thrown out I'm not because I don't I don't know the history behind it I'm also not gonna take medical equipment you know the music oh there's a wheelchair there's a walker you should give that to someone in need I am not about to be contributing into someone that's already having a hard time walking and having them trip and break their neck because I decided I wanted 15 extra dollars and reselling up wheelchair No ain't gonna happen these suitcases this gloves too bright oh look what I see I see a barbecue staring back at me oh yeah let's get it first I see a bigger pile up here yeah somebody look at this big pile then turn around unless I'm claim-jumping on someone else here oh it's a baby barbecue oh how cute I might need to repack the truck it's like a barbecue only smaller seriously that's all you need Oh woke the dogs I think a squirrel walk the dogs up I actually woke their dogs up wouldn't ask rapper man you know what I think this will be my trailer there's tie rope right here yeah that'll work all right now we'll pick up this guy I know you that was so unsafe Paul I can't believe you did that what I did doctor right here all right let's repack the truck slowly getting there just put the dehumidifier inside of here it's upside down but I'll be able to rope it off okay now for the real work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all tied down a couple different to to rope integrity yeah Jeff have some room for some little steel maybe your word stuck too that's an interesting stool you got to bent up why does well look peekaboo so a little something in that garbage we're not gonna grab this that was what I saw I spy a little appliance that wants to go to the scrapyard cut the cord and we'll be good now one of those old milk jugs I think it is with this people are like I want that milk jug it's awesome oh wow it's full of sludge tobacco spit probably with a lid - interesting what should I do with that scrap it now this bike has been here for a couple of days right next to a dumpster it's not locked up but also looks writable tires are pumped up brakes work well I am NOT gonna scrap it I won't leave it right here yeah it's just but I will look in the dumpster yeah someone could use that I'll leave it alone I was just thinking do you think that was a bait bike for another YouTube channel we're gonna get a bait bike for the police I'm gonna guess four thousand three hundred yeah there's no way that I have as much as I had in the last scrap run so let's see four thousand three hundred sixty okay all right let's see am I gonna put this scrap poly clear over here oh yes Beast Wow pretty wild all right scrap you get out of my truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can I get bite sir excuse me sir heard me coming through [Music] something all right so I was thirty nine hundred even before and 3940 what's going on I'll tell you what's going on I kept that we go milk jug that's what's going on [Music] [Music] $17.60 and for cents but thanks God you're good oh Jesus [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 413,831
Rating: 4.7609243 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash, Antique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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