Why Is There So Much GOLD Nuggets in the Desert!?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: PioneerPauly
Views: 457,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, nuggets, finding, big, found, crevice, crevicing, bedrock, panning, pan, mining, hole, prospecting, find, lost, treasure, treasures, deep, crystals, amethyst, nice, placer, goldrush, rush, scuba, dive, scubadiving, sniping, under, water, video, metal, detecting, detector, detect, goldbug, bug, mine, sluice, sluicing, money, coin, coins, fisher, garet, atpro, minelab, Monster, GM1000, hunting, relic, relics, adventure, british, Columbia, collection, rare, jewelry, awesome, dangerous, viral, pioneerpauly, bieber, desert
Id: 6ZohYNXaTJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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