Great Tips That Work ! Finding Gold Nuggets Prospecting With a Metal Detector

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well hey everyone thank you for joining me today i sure appreciate you being here if you um are not a subscriber please consider subscribing and to all my subscribers currently thank you and welcome back um today i wanted to go over a couple of things basically how i approach a new wash a lot of you guys are like well you know what do i do i'm out here hiking around and i'm looking for gold well you need to approach things in a certain manner that will help you be more successful anyway so i just got into this wash it's right behind me here i've never been in here before i saw it on google earth and i wanted to hike over to it and check it out so you can see there's some bedrock and all the bedrock is down here and that's what i'm going to focus on first i mean the reason why we're doing this with the vlf detector is that more often than not there's small gold versus bigger gold so what we're looking for are leader nuggets we want to we want to find out if there's gold in this ground at all and if there is then wonderful then we can come back on repeat trips and and continue to find gold hopefully uh there are those one and two nugget washes they are out there that can also mean that the gold is so dispersed that you you only find a few of the pieces and it usually doesn't wind up being worth your time so what we're going to do today is we'll take the vlf today it's the fisher gold bug 2. it's the only vlf i own so i don't have the gold monster 1000 but if you have that wonderful that was a really good choice and and that's what you should be detecting with in gullies that you've you know that you're just getting to and you want to see if there's some gold in them so i'm going to hunt this bedrock there's a lot of nice little benches here and a lot of nice looking bedrock too so we'll hunt this with the vlf and if we come up with a small piece wonderful that means that we may have a shot at finding more but it's not always like that trust me so let's hunt a little bit and then uh yeah and then i'll get back with you [Music] [Music] [Music] well folks i hunted a lot in this gully uh there was uh quite a bit of bedrock and it was pretty nice i was pretty stoked to see all that really nice benches and nice it was great but i didn't find but what two pieces of trash couple hot rocks so anyway i think i've given this wash the all the chances i'm gonna give it um it's just better for me to move on and go hit another gully i think that's probably the best case or the best thing to do right now so anyway we'll uh we'll head over to the next ravine and we'll go check that out okay everyone we're back in the next gully over so here we go again there's a bunch of bedrock as you can see here all lined up up in there and so it looks really good i'm i'm happy to see bedrock that's what i want to see especially when i'm hunting with a vlf another thing about those vlfs is you know i've heard people say buy the detector that you can afford i strongly do not believe that i do not you if you don't buy a detector that's going to find gold you could be walking over gold and not even know so don't put that money towards a junk detector put it towards a good detector one that you know that is proven to find gold you know two of them right off the top of my head mine lab gold monster 1000 fisher gold bug two um there's the whites 24k but i don't really hear much about it so i can't really say but it's supposed to be pretty decent too anyway um so there you have it save up and get a better detector don't buy some 200 detector from radio shack i'm telling you you're going to regret it you will if you want to be a gold hunter you're going to need a nice a really good vlf and you're going to need a pi or you can even jump up and get one of those uh you know those really nice mylab gpz or or there's a 6000 coming out so you can do that too so anyway all i'm saying is you really want one uh of each so okay i'm gonna go hunt this ground i'm just gonna hunt the bedrock with the vlf i want to find out if there's any small little nuggets here if those leader nuggets are here then i'm going to keep on hunting and i can also get out the pi and look for the deeper nuggets so it's pretty simple there's no reason to have you know a bunch of silly little charts and and stupid pie graphs and and over complicate the crap out of everything just don't do that just get out here with the vlf and hunt the bedrock and don't pay any attention to people saying cherry picking because if you don't know what to do cherry picking then you have no business doing it okay just keep just only hunt the bedrock don't worry about the other complicated stuff it's not neces it's not even important so anyway let's go hunt this and then we're gonna head on over to another gully if this doesn't work out all right [Music] my best i hit a whole bunch of bedrock in that gully um man i mean it looked good but uh it was just missing something you know gold it was missing gold so it time to move on we're already over into another little area i mean i don't know who these people were but man they they dug some stuff up back in the day this is a huge trench and it just goes right up this little pediment here you can see like you can barely tell see where my detector is at that's a huge spoil pile just thrown out and this is way up on a hillside that's actually on a pediment so it's kind of the top of the hill but this is all a huge hole it's all dug out look at this so they punched all the way up here and they just punched in a big line all these huge it's like they trenched up here or something how neat man i wonder what they were looking for i wonder if it was copper or gold my guess would be gold but i mean i don't see a whole lot of copper mineralization or anything around but i guess you never know yeah isn't that something it's just a huge hole these are giant little pits like giant little yeah they're giant they are huge pits and it took a long time to dig that by hand really neat all right we gotta get going i gotta go find a nugget well with all of our other uh new goalies uh pretty much exhausted i came down to a gully that does have gold in it and i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to try to plaster out this bench these are some pretty big boulders here but i don't know i see the bedrocks right there then there's a bunch of big boulders and then there's bedrock right there so i don't know if it's too steep we're gonna wind up uh probably wasting our time so i saw another little bench downstream too that i kind of wanted to dig out uh i also wanted to go up and look for the source too but i'm just running out of time i don't know we'll see how it goes um but i think i'm gonna try to do some plastering and try to come up with a nugget straight away for for me and for you guys as we've talked about before plastering is just removing the overburden down to bedrock or removing overburden down to an area where you want to be but typically you would want to remove it to the bedrock and that's all we've done here and then you just metal detect it simple as that no need to over complicate it just just metal detected afterwards uh if you're down to bedrock all the way you should probably just use a vlf um as it's less likely to miss a really small nugget versus a pi it could miss a small one so just keep that in mind [Music] [Music] so i just plastered out an area here you can see it's about what 18 inches down or something like that anyway we're getting a signal right around in there and i'm pretty dang sure it's gonna be gold so let's uh let's find out all right we've dug down have a listen yeah that's going to be gold dig it out a little bit here i hope that's really i hope it's a lot deeper that would be oh no there's bedrock right there so that's all right it can still be a decent piece [Music] okay ah bugger i think it's gonna be right in here somewhere we'll probably have to use the scoop now [Music] okay so i didn't get it out yeah it'll be cold for sure [Music] really okay come on okay i think we might have it out yep all right it should be gold folks it should be all right come on be a three grammer half bouncer come on okay it's in there in there oh yeah it's gold that's a pretty small one but dang man nice there's a nice little nugget for you check that out most excellent nice solid little bugger all right let's keep looking well hey guys i sure appreciate you hanging out with me today uh we wound up getting that one little nugget i guess it weighs about what three tenths of a gram anyway it's better than the skunk i guess just don't overthink it folks you guys that are out there new and you're you're starting out get yourself a good vlf and and i mean one that's capable of finding small gold and you'll be well on your way that is the most important thing you know off brand or an or a knockoff or some other type of detector that isn't even known for finding gold i probably wouldn't bother with it i'd save up and and buy a good machine and we're talking about vlfs here so um another thing that i always do and i have one in my pocket right now it's a little test nugget it's about a 3 10 4 10 test nugget and i like to bring those along especially when i'm using the pi because i want the best settings i can get to make that signal really nice and crisp and and and you know so i can be able to hear it so anyway so i always have a test nugget with me that's really important i know people say oh you know you can smash up a little piece of lead or something that's fine but i'd i'd get a real piece of gold you know all you got to do is spend what seven bucks on it something like that so i think it's really important i think you should do that and um anyway thanks again for being here hit that like button and uh we'll see you next time
Views: 21,190
Rating: 4.927393 out of 5
Id: qhU3ZlmxMtY
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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