Why is Furiosa Bombing?

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[Music] it's time to grease up your forehead and hit the gas Mason hell yeah it's furiosa Mad Max Saga right it's finally here a mere 9 years after the last Mad Max movie which isn't the longest gap between Mad Max movies but it's still too long is it too late maybe we'll talk about it on a budget of $168 million the box office initially was predicted to be about 40 to 45 million uh which would be on par with Fury Road bearing in mind we talked about this recently when we cover them for caravana garbage Fury Road did okay nobody expected it to do well either no and it probably broke even and it took on a life of its own and I believed and I think you are the same that it was a bigger movie than what it was yes I remember talking about it a lot and loving it and going oh my good it's a Fury Road but I guess the The World At Large was like oh yeah Mad Max good maybe I'll see that on DVD it's good maybe it's good maybe yeah but I think it's obviously done well enough on streaming and they're selling ious versions of it that Warner Brothers thought to put this much money into it but this is via deadline ouch it's looking really bad Warner Brothers is Fury That's a classic line from the movie by the way yeah that's true remember when uh remember he he handcuffs toe cut out of that car and he goes ouch that looks really bad looking bad for you you bet wondering how you got here it was me Mad Max mad to Max rockatansky that wasn't toe cutter either Mason that was that was jimy the boy or something yeah yeah right still a great joke furiosa is possibly posting the lowest opening for a Memorial Day movie in 41 years damn with 4 days expected to hit between 31 and 35 million oh cuz this is a holiday in the US this is a big big holiday weekend having a great time great must be nice to have a holiday weekend we'd never had one in Australia they don't give us holidays they say get back to doing communism that's what they say they do say that and we have to because we want our free health care we're got to do communism we don't like it then they take away Australia day they took it away until we don't have anymore they took that day off the calendar and they said you're an idiot I didn't like that uh how the holy heck is that if the George Miller directed prequel comes in on the low end the last time a number one movie or Memorial Day opening filed a 4-day gross take uh that was lower was back in 1983 with Return of the Jedi which made 30.5 million and that was a lot of money back then also it says for all the how we gave Disney Lucas film solo a Star Wars story back in pre-co 2018 with its 103 million 4-day debut gez that looks insanely Rich by comparison apparently this needs 440 Million To Break Even Garfield also opened which might do a little bit better despite not having very good reviews I think this movie is late Arbuckle A Garfield Saga so it's catless yep good but not free of a big cup of dog SE we do see the origin of the big cup of dog s that's right everyone Google that comic I think because this was delayed due to co I know Warner Brothers and George Miller got in illegal dispute about payment behind Fury Road and all of that yeah you had to sue him to get some money back yeah I think I think yeah this might just be a little bit like despite the marketing campaign for this and forgive the Pun It's Mad Max Mason got him you absolutely got him whoever needed to be got just then you got them but they' they're everywhere they they're literally everywhere you cannot like it's YouTube videos it's bus shelters it's whatever man it's the middle middle of uh Melbourne at the bloody of flender street across from the clocks you can see an ad for furiosa and people seem to be liking it as well I've just got some quotes here this is why film updates it said furiosa received a seven minute standing ovation at the can film festival this one's also via deadline megalopolis debuts at can's with a 7 minute standing ovation People magazine said Kevin CAU is moved to Tears by a 10-minute Standing Ovation for his passion project Horizon he said I'll never forget this Indie W also gave the film a c minus this v a variety James can I head you off here are you suggesting that every film gets a long-standing evation can no h this by variety Johnny Depp is TE eyed as Jan Dubarry received a seven minute standing ovation following its Premiere I honestly thought you were GNA say Johnny neonic get a seven minute St ofation all I'm saying is I don't know what these people are doing yeah anyway I I quite liked it we'll talk about it but what do you think the story was oh come on maate yeah come on all right well well it's a tale of the future and in the the future there's been War there's been war and then we we we open on a wonderful place it's called the green place and it's named such because it was built on the hallowed land of greens B Plaza shopping center a holy land from in the before times you could get a donut and see a movie really yeah you could yeah oh my God yeah that's right yeah anyway it's the in the great place and there's uh there's a young furiosa y named such even though her parents probably didn't know how Furious she was go to get they had no idea bad bad call yeah in my opinion she gets stolen away from the green place and then goes on a big adventure and then Fury Road happens after that then Fury Road happens after that yeah it's a Revenge plot of sorts it is yeah it's a survival story that's right it's structured more episodically than Fury Road yeah it's broken up into chapters this is the most lore heavy I think Mad Max has ever been yes absolutely this one is the departure from the previous ones because it is based heavily on a previous one yeah it's not you know all the other has to go a certain way other on other ones are largely unconnected this builds quite heavily on Fury Road we got we see a lot of the same cast of characters a lot of the freaks from the previous one Angus Samson Angus Samson is there yep we'll name other people as well name them along the way name them along the way don't worry about it we won't spoil we won't spoil which member of rock royalty from the band Umi is in this for a minute oh Tim Rogers is in this Tim Rogers is in this he's in it for a bit he's in it for a bit yeah yeah that's true um we won't name which former Australian prime minister is in this it's John Howard it's John Howard yeah but not that that John Howard he played Bob jelly and sea change he was also in the previous one is the Gotham metal knows theater uh yeah I um I liked this I I think it falls down in a few places I don't think it's as good as Fury Road well see that's the thing and we really have to keep perspective here because I think is probably a rare person who was like this is better than Fury Road but I've been in the Mad Max Reddit some people exactly of the last 5 to 10 years of movies action movies especially this is very good like there's some really great action sequences in this I I would have thought based on the previous one there is no more ground to cover in terms of interesting Innovative action sequences but I think there is in this I think there's some some new interesting things in this there's some uh fun takes on aerial combat that they didn't have in the previous one and I'm like okay that's you would do that in the uh in in the postapocalyptic future yeah absolutely um and yeah that I again I I think yeah I think good good performances all around uh but yeah it does fall down in a few places and but but again don't get us wrong I think this is worth watching it is definitely worth watching on the big screen yes I think that you know if if you're gon to if you have plans to see this movie don't wait till streaming I think you should see it at the movies because it works better on a big screen I don't know if there is IMAX release but if there is I believe there is yeah now Mason uh people this might go to YouTube and people might say Mason you were just afraid to say that you didn't like it oh of course cuz I'm a coward yeah uh what do you say to that being from communist Australia I am afraid I'm afraid to express any opinions because the government will get me yeah yeah because you either really really like something or it's bad is that right there's no middle ground as we know just clar know we're we're going to say before spoilers whether this is the best movie ever or the worst movie ever and I want to say it's the worst movie ever but I'm afraid all say the best movie ever spoiler alert how did you feel about Anya Taylor Joy taking over his furiosa good I also thought it was good we also get a young lady I had to look it up her name is alila brown I think plays little furios and it's actually quite difficult to determine where the switch over happens between her and Ona Taylor Joy like there there is a period where she she spends some of her formative years like always wearing a mask to masquerade as someone else and then at certain point you're like oh it's on your tail of Joy now has it been on your tail of Joy so like in terms of casting yes I especially sort of eye casting ey casting is uh you yeah good good job you need to put goggles over those eyes but do you believe her as a as a as like a like an action Powerhouse I do I think if I had a complain of this well first of all what the initial plan was they were going to Dage Charon which I think they wouldn't have even needed to do necessarily especially if they filmed this you know this came out in like 2018 which which it should have and again all of this there's there's the timelines are vague yeah absolutely doesn't really matter and even well George Miller's mentioned this in a few interviews I love listen that guy talk about films and stuff he's great do you like him talking about video games yes I do sometimes because yeah we'll get someone asked we do should we do it now s say your thing your little thing you very it says it says on your screen it says get fired up about this thing you're GNA say he said and I'm so fired up uh even when the best directors use daging you're just looking at the technology the daging technology and that is true of me like when I'm watching Indiana Jones in the that happened last year I couldn't stop looking at it whether it looked good or bad the only thing I was really focused on was is this what is like oh it's bad here oh it's good here is there some daging in this the bullet farmer I think is that the same actor is that the is the same theyed him okay fair enough I think or it's or it's an excellent makeup it's an excellent makeup job or a or a somewhat noticeable CGI aging yeah potentially I honestly I didn't I didn't notice it but you know what I would have liked I would have liked the entire third Act of this movie to have Charlie Thon return and do use that as a leadup I think that also would be like why would you get Anya Taylor joy to then replace her in the third act exactly but I think narratively I think that would have worked better for me to go in that direction uh but look no honestly no complaints and you know I thought was really good Charlie Fraser who plays F's mother I she was she amazing she's only in the first act now you I haven't seen this movie She's also in anyone but you right so I don't know what her deal is I didn't recognize her at all even though it's very clearly the same person but so she plays furiosa's mother at the start of the movie before uh fosa gets taken by the the gang members and she is really good in this she's she's depicted as kind of capable and angry and kind of you know she's she's skilled and she's and you really you believe that she is someone who sees her daughter get kidnapped and is just like I'm going to get on Horseback and I'm going to follow and then I'm going to head shot a bunch of gang members steal their motorbikes and put together a functioning vehicle and then go on a chase like you don't oh that whole opening is is incredible like it's probably the best stuff in the movie very strong opening yeah really terrific but she's good I I would like to see her more stuff I agree she Australian I Australian because anyone but you was in Australian anyone but you is Australian uh Chris Hemsworth dementus just just a fun time like like a dreadful man obviously but really fun he's a sort of want well he is a cult leader he's a cult leader who who his his Ambitions outstrip his skill probably like you know there's a moment where he just gives away like two of his best guys in a trade and he's just like yeah like he's very self-destructive he's very self-destructive and he's very full of himself and there's a moment where he meets up with with the antagonist of the previous movie he runs in they go they end up in the Citadel and he's like I'm going to destroy all of you and then it just does not go his way at all yeah I thought that was very interesting abolutely um I thought it was interesting that when he first shows up he's wearing like a white robe and there is that cult leader aspect of him and he's using this kind of softer kind of deity kind of persona and even voice and then it very quickly devolves into this oh get her mate how you go and like Chris Hemsworth based this voice off his grandpa and that's and they all sounded like that they all sounded like that like that's a very specific voice from like the 70s and 80s that a lot of us had this kind of Nas kind of like this it doesn't really exist anymore but it makes sense when if this started in the 80s yes that this guy would exist right yeah and of course the we we learn in the madmax prequel comic books that came out around the same time as Fury Road that imort and Joe was a was a military guy and so we're all his lieutenants and then he became this warlord we don't really know how dementus became the way he was but I like to think he was an office guy just worked in an office he could be yeah mhm so look the effects in this yes there's some very ropey green screen at times tanker chase this movie does not look as good as the previous movie and it's sort of it this this gave me the same Vibes as the Fall Guy where we spent we spent the entire movie going well this doesn't look great and then at the end we see a montage of all the real stunts being performed for real and and you think why did you smear visual effects all over this movie at the end this is not a spoiler I don't think but at the end of furiosa we get a montage of clips from Fury Road which look a lot better yeah the explosions look more dangerous the stunts look more dangerous I think a lot of this is down to safety absolutely which I don't look if it has to look like this so nobody dies that's fine OB exactly and I I also want you know and as you mentioned Fury Road didn't do as well as we all assumed it did based on the look of the movie and I'm I'm wondering if they went we will let you make an we will give you the money to make this but you cannot that was a disaster the whole making of that I mean we all you know there's plenty of interviews and stuff that suggested was an insane shoot and I think perhaps they said you can't leave people in the dark is what you're making and we need to see everything done the right way and Etc what's interesting as well just as a side note so Anya Taylor joy in interviews has said something along the lines of she didn't know what was happening like it's a very isolating kind of shoot yeah you know that that's sort of same thing and that's what happened with Tom Hardy and and sh's the r when they did the last one they don't have all the pieces they don't have all which is interesting because as it differs from this movie Road was just a trip across the desert in one direction for about two acts and then it was a trip back in the same direction so it seems odd to me that George Miller couldn't just point to a a bit of paper and go we're here now like if they George I don't know what's happening I feel so lost and I'm losing my mind you couldn't go yeah we're here today you're still going in this direction and then tomorrow we're going to film some stuff going in the other direction I think a lot of that was also weather dependent and like they switched things on the Fly Tom wouldn't come out of his trailer I read an interview well was it was about George Miller he thought like I don't know why I've cast this guy I wish I had Heath Ledger like you literally thought cuz Heath Ledger was going to be Mad Max at one point and there's a guy in this who is Mad Max we talk about so but what I would yeah before we get that's that's kind of a spoiler we'll talk about that what I would say is that again like this not literally by the way no no Fury Road is very very straightforward this is more broken up into chapters there's more World building there's more law what I felt maybe was a downfall of this one and again I you know the first one is sort of lightning in a bottle yeah and it is that endless action sequence it's almost entirely action all the way through to me this this movie it made the universe feel quite small because it's set between like three citadels basically it's between three citadels but the I mean Fury Road was as well but to me when you saw that movie to me it felt like every trip across the desert could end in death and everything may as well be a million miles away like the idea of they want to go to the green place or they want to go to the G you know gas town or the Bullet Farm or whatever it is they have they go through and there's there's storms and there's fire tornadoes and all this sort of thing you don't know who's going to attack you exactly and who's going to live and all this sort of stuff and and it just felt like every trip is a journey into the unknown and kind of who's going to survive there's a bit of that there's a bit of that but it also this this movie felt because we know all the players and we know all the locations from the previous movie it felt to me like it's just yeah we're just going down the road felt a little popping down there also liter there's a literally a road like a paved Road one of the action sequences which is very reminiscent of well what they used to do in the old Max Mad Max movies but fury wrot it's a it's like a tanker takedown sequence that to me was the kind of the ropest one in terms of special effects like technically like it all works and it flows and you understand what's happening but it does feel like it's they're on a road and there's green screen and whatever and there's like flying elements to it like you mentioned I thought that was digital that's real like they had people like rigged up they had like cranes dangling guys on fans like going after the the tanker which I I which I didn't think so I think the one action sequence which was most reminiscent of the last one I think isn't as good as the other one but the newer stuff like I did like there's a moment where there's a section that takes place in the bullet Farm mhm and that to me felt very cuz I've been playing through the Mad Max game I finished it now it's amazing where that felt to me like a like a level in that where you go in and you kind of like you grab a car that car's [ __ ] okay snipe this guy keep running everyone's piling on top there's a there's there's an army of disgruntled insane people who who are like scrabbling to survive and they see uh a thing that might be their their salvation you know this tanker full of stuff it it felt like maybe something out of a zombie movie just these insane yeah wa you talking about the one at the Fuel Depot or the one at the bullet Farm well there's a couple isn't there there's a couple yeah but those sequences I really liked and the you mentioned the bit of the Citadel at the start when Chris Hemsworth turns up and that's that's a fun moment where you see that this the Citadel isn't something and we've seen this in the comics that you can just walk into and and expect to go your way yeah and again like again I in in terms of the Canon of Mad Max movies I think this is very good maybe I feel like because we see so many of the same players yeah I yeah okay well we are we are definitively setting this in the same universe uh there's not as many surprises as I would have hoped for like I think maybe the the the thing about Fury Road is there were so many new freaks in it absolutely you know you got a guy with you got a guy yeah you got a guy with bullets for teeth and just uh just a weird pervert and a three-piece suit and imort Joe and all the the war boys and it's those guys but again but it's those guys and again I I kind of I would have loved another sequence in a new town full of lunatics and I guess we got that with with dement's gang yeah sure you know I hear what you're saying there's some decent freaks in that at the start you see the world right yes what what I can't remember what what does the world look like outside of Australia is it all desert I no I think the only detail we get zoomed in is Australia okay which definitively puts the action of the Mad maust Central Australia this part yeah I thought it was interesting who they they brought back so Morton Joe is in this but he's H burn passed away so they got Loy Hume who I like whether is SK or got SK let's get SK I think he got SK he might have got SK he also plays two characters in this he plays another oneeyed guy in this there's two there's at least a couple of people who play a couple Elsa [ __ ] is in this so Chris emsworth's real life life I want to talk about that also God damn there I got things to say about that is that spoilers or is that uh I thought it was but no maybe okay so so she plays one of the residents of the green Place one one of the one of the castle leaders I think at the start of the movie She also plays a character who I couldn't place I think I might know who it is but in the credits she's listed as I think Mr Norton Norton yeah there's a woman in dement's gang who has like he's like very heavily facially scarred look sort of Joker thought is that her so what happens yes you know what this is probably a spoiler thing we might hang it let's hang on to it I thought there was a character Arc there but there's not right okay uh because some people play two characters but I thought having a Morton Joe in this I felt he he felt less okay did you get that the physicality of because because he's less of a legendary charact in the in the INF furio it's again it is a shame that we have to keep comparing these things we shouldn't it's as an action movie very good if you saw any of this in any other movie yeah you'd be like whoa look at this is crazy you know but it's you're saying this is a Star Wars prequel Yep this is the Phantom manace of Mad Max movies is what I'm saying yeah because in the we don't know anything about immort and and the the prequel Comics did that as well they took away a bit of the theque of this character he's just this enormous bulk of a man who's being held together with plexiglass and breathing machines and what have you and we don't know where he came from but he has this cult-like hold on all these thousands of people and in this yeah he's just sort of walking around do you think that is a result of them leaning into the lore of this universe and overe explaining things because madmax movies they don't really do that and if you want to know any details about this movie this un you either read the four Comics that exist or you read or watch interviews with George Miller CU nothing else exists like around this that's true well this also brings in some video game stuff as mentioned like Chum Bucket is in this at one point you're the little mate in the game because we talked about this to death but that 2015 video game George Miller did all the concept art and whatever he didn't do it himself but you know they designed this whole world and this is what Fury Road is going to look like and then they stepped away from it and Warner Brothers made that game and that's why there's so much stuff from the game not only infu but there's a [ __ ] ton of it in this which I liked actually it's just yeah um there's also the history man like there's more history man stuff that's right yeah we we sort of we we finally see that in live action it was in the comic books it's mentioned briefly in Fury Road at the end got a quote from the first history man but this we actually see these kind of a few of them yeah yeah these kind of tattooed men who who and women who are they Wikipedia they Wikipedia in they've they they've learned the knowledge of the previous world there's also the character of Smeg played by David Collings a second bite of the Apple this year in big Hollywood movies guy from the umbilical brothers who was also in the four guy yeah there's also I feel like maybe this this movie has been is sort of the victim of uh we'll have to talk about the spoilers but is in the victim of so many rewrites probably over nearly a decade probably longer Elements which I think we'll probably talk about in spoilers that I think maybe were intended to go somewhere initially and now they just there it's just stuff now oh should we talk about the guy who's Mad Max but he's not Mad Max the guy who shows up and like let's talk like I reckon we let's let's draw a line here I'm going to say best movie ever in terms of action movies is very good everybody does a great job it is unfortunate that is followed by it's like anything that followed Cino Royale or anything that followed the Matrix or anything that followed some some other movies Empire Strikes Back anything like that speaking of the soft performance of Return of the Jedi in 1983 or whatever yeah I'm gonna say best movie ever definitely say on big screen I despite all of these criticisms I I did really enjoy it but I'm just unsure whether they're ever going to make another one of these honestly depending on how this if they're going to do well I mean George Miller has talked about he wanted to he said he wanted to make a prequel that explores the the origins of madmax and a lot of people said do you mean like the movie madmax but I think maybe he wants it's called the wastelands yeah he he wants to do something that sort of matches the aesthetic of these versions you know and maybe make it more crazier and chaotic and maybe set his origin further into the future like Define it as not the late 7s the early ' 80s I would like if he does do it to go Beyond Thunderdome but also Beyond Fury Road abut the period leading up to Fury Road now this are spoilers by the way I wear spoilers it's Big Time spoiler time folks did you say it was the best movie ever yes I did we we know that already also I know I said that he wasn't but madmax is in this movie well yeah he is so we got we essentially got two mad Maxes first of all uh at some point clearly they've gone someone I'm going to say Warner Brothers said okay so we're going is Mad Max not in this they said they said furios is going to have some adventures with Mad Max right there's going to be a big action sequence with furiosa and Mad Max and George Miller said well this is before she met Mad Max and they went can we just have a guy that is basically Mad Max he dresses like Mad Max sure he's even got the shoulder he's got the shoulder Paul he does so his name is Tom Burke he's a war rig driver he's called petorian Jack he has the personality of he's Aus wells in the movie man if you he's got that Aus Wells head also watching this guy in this I think he would have maybe made a better Mad Max than Tom Hardy okay right yeah I don't know I thought he was I I really liked him but it was strange that they just put Mad Max in this twice yeah oh also yes so so there is a there's a scene there's a sequence where where of course furiosa is wandering in the desert she's done another daring escape and uh and she collapses and then we see essentially the identical shot of Mad Max y with his Interceptor on the top of a ridge from Fury Road Y and but he doesn't have the long hair he doesn't and he's eating lizards or dog food or whatever and then it is implied that he probably drives down and rescues her and takes her to a insane cannibal woman so that's mad Max's stunt man that's Jacob tamori who was Tom Hardy stunt double and do we need that do we need that sequence think do we need to of them him to have encountered each other before they met in Fury Ro I mean they may not have encountered each other I think it's left vague enough where maybe he did maybe he just drove off yeah yeah um I don't have a problem with it uh well good cuz it happened you can't do anything about it so you'd have to suffer I think I like preferred that to we see him he drives down he drops her off he waves goodbye I prefer this actually I'll see you in fur I'll see you on the Fury Road if he's going to be in it so I guess if you look at the comics and I guess video game but more so the comics this is after he gets the car and hope and Gloria killed yes before he goes fully like feral Le in fact if in fact any of that is Cannon yeah which it is or isn't correct ask the historyman no anyway I was talking about dropped plot threads so there's a so the the initial action sequence furiosa is captured uh by some of dement's men and they want to take her to uh their encampment but of course nobody can know where the green place is because people will come in and destroy it so yeah the goal of the the residence of the green place is kill everybody so that nobody you know so nobody alive knows how to get there so and the the initial plot is that dementus really really wants to go to the green place because it's you know it's got abundance and what have you and he's sort of derailed throughout the movie because they encounter a war boy and they learn where the Citadel is and then they learn of the location of Gast town and the bullet farm and all those sorts of things there's an element in this where furiosa as a child draws a star map on her arm to points in the direction of the green place and it's the arm that she loses and I thought well there's probably going to be a some going to cut it off well somebody's going to somebody's going to want to know the location of the green place and she's going to heroically cut her arm off so nobody can ever know because she's never going to talk but then it just gets smashed up in an accident and then she cuts it off yeah do you think that feels like a very that feels like an extremely dropped plot thread to me I think uh I don't know maybe it was like a like a red herring maybe he's a red hering maybe it's just an illustration of like well anything can happen in in this in this place nothing means anything I thought the dude who was Mad Max but not Mad Max so which one Jack the fake Max okay was going to betray her and so that kind of led to her distrust of Mad Max or people like him whereas like oh he's kind of noble and nice and teaches her everything she needs to know when they're in love but then he betrays her but it's not it's just more kind of straightforward than that yeah it's interesting as well in this universe there's a war boys and like demented bikers or whatever and there's just some guys who decided not to play into it yeah we're not doing this we're not do hey do you want to join my death cult and and shave your head and cover yourself in white mud no I'd rather not thank you all right well you can drive my truck I guess that's fine there's a few normal that's okay normal it's fine I mean that's the guy you'd want right yeah yeah he's your executive class yeah exactly so the Ala [ __ ] character is so at the start she is initially going after little furiosa with furiosa's Mom yes they're going to do this action sequence together but fur's Mom says no go back to the green place I'll handle this and then later there's a moment where alaki turns up again she her gang is captured by dementus so that is her and then in that fight she loses her lip her top lip in the fight she gets like swatted in the face and then she's one of the five that survive and then she joins the gang yes she she's just did a a background character the whole time and I thought oh this woman has been left in the Wasteland or captured or went after furiosa and her mother so that is Elsa [ __ ] it is okay right but they're not the same character and I thought what an incredible story arc that they never spell out and maybe it'll reveal that actually is the same person I was fascinated by this this little story that was happening never mention so you could draw the line that she yeah again she went out she went out on her own she went rogue to try and find fur on her own and then she ran out of hair dye so her hair went to a natural black and then she got into into into trouble with a game Jo maybe yeah and you know she's surviving and I I think it would be a really interesting narrative where like sure when you're in the green place and there's solar power and water and green place there's plants and animals and whatever that's all great but if you take most people out of that scenario and put them in the Wasteland this is what's going to happen to them and I thought wow that's really interesting until it's not it's not that interesting actually because they're two different characters but again I would love it if that that I think I'm going to hang on to that that that's my idea of that character yeah anyways um Revenge tree Revenge oh yeah at the end we see numerous ways where the the death of dementus might be played out when furiosa gets a revenge and maybe the canonical version is she leaves him in the Citadel and uh plants a train PL trm yeah I'm sure why not why not yeah I didn't mind that I think I would have liked the idea that he knew who she was earlier kind of the end showdown between those two it's just kind of a chat where it's like you're this person and I'm this person I quite like the idea that he has killed so many people and this this world is so uh harsh and unforg giving that he just forgot who she was oh I don't have a problem with that but I just mean I think you could have had that play out earlier and then he realizes what realiz because there's so you're right there is so much of this movie where he's just he's just being being shot at he's being sniped all these men are being sniped by some random woman he's like well okay this is probably this is this is this is a Tuesday guess exactly yeah your own but also yeah maybe you're right maybe that speaks to like he just does this a lot this is everyday yeah and I like the idea that that in this universe everybody is so damaged and everybody is so uh ruined by this about his family about what happened which also might not be true might not be true yeah exactly that's right he might have been inell on the internet who just imagined all this yep you know oh they didn't have the internet in the ' 80s no that's right a phone booth guy maybe guy he was calling sex lines on the in a phone booth he seems a tough um yeah that this world was so harsh and he was so damaged and you know he but it it it doesn't it didn't make a better person and you know this this cycle continues and it's going to continue here's a plot line that I thought was odd as young young child furiosa furiosa is traded to immort and Joe in the Citadel to be one of his future Brides I guess which is implied in the comics yeah and then he just then she just disappears for a while and nobody notices for years yeah and then just a mechanic shows up in the Citadel Y and it's like I'd like to work on these cars and they go okay you don't have to show your face if you don't want to I think it's it's down to usefulness yeah guess it's true yeah people don't care and she just pretends to be a boy I guess for for some amount of years yeah I don't know I just I just thought that was odd given that all of Fury Road is about some Brides who've escaped yeah and it's all B all hands to Battle Stations as we find these Brides but in this this one disappears and you [ __ ] Joe doesn't even think about it again no I mean I guess he has a bunch of other a bunch and you know and also that again that is implied in in the comic but also and you remember this cuz we did a bu Club on it that's right where she ends up being their security team yes and that's why she ends up freeing them so there's that element to it oh also and then Charlie Thon is in this movie I don't know whether that's actually her or whether right at the end there's a moment where you see Anya Taylor Joy walking to greet the brides and then the next shot it's Charlie's Thon and then it's them all piling into the war rig probably the stunt double it could be but I think it was or I think they might have just scanned her head to try out all the daging stuff okay sure and although I I don't think any of that bride stuff I don't think they're really there I think that's probably old footage that they the stuff where you see their face cuz it is them it is actually all the actors I know I thought that was a nice little kind of transition period but then you know then seeing all most of Fury roaded the credits was was a kind of odd choice I thought are you trying to leave me with more positive memories of the movie than I had yeah is that what you're trying to do here remember this better thing did you say till the very very very after the credits no but I know that the the reveal is you see a knck bobblehead yeah okay oh it's not it's his thing on the car yeah I shouldn't have stayed but I did I shouldn't have stayed shouldn't have stayed being did I've got some reviews here okay I'm ready this is from Rob who says hash weekly plod Fury R said definitely falls into the best movie ever category serves as a backup leadup to the extended chase scene that is Fury Road Miller certainly knows his way around an action set piece this is a misted f blue sky and social sure saw furiosa and it was definitely George Miller's most F side mythology Mad Max film makes me want to rewatch for Road and look forward to the Wasteland best movie ever per weekly Planet pod mythology how do you think this will work uh in chronological order you watch furios so then you watch Fury Road I think watch them in the order they came out interesting I mean it would work like either way but yeah uh Brad Summers says saw it this afternoon wish I liked it was just cars and sand found it incredibly boring acting was good but overall was super bored throughout the whole film super bored super Bor he said I certainly wouldn't say I was super bored no me neither Russell Michaels says furiosa Mad Max Saga was awesome Chris Hemsworth plays a real dog of a bloke her arm loss origin reminds me of Crispen Glovers in Hot Tub Time Machine I just waiting for it to happen God alive a prequel that doesn't suck best movie ever and Prana vanthan says I thought it was good not great acting in action was great but oddly slow pacing and should have been 30 to 45 minutes shorter I think I just set my expectations too high as furo is one of my all-time favorite movies still a cool movie though oh I got this last one from sham who says fuos it was a blast I can't believe how incredible it was it's already an IMAX and it was stunning TS wor really style the show and I hope we get a gazillion more dementus movies um probably not probably not maybe a cameo here and there but uh I have to be a prequel or an in between oh a prequel a prequel you say I would like to move forward with this universe yeah I don't but again like depending how this goes I don't know if we will see another one of these for a while you're right yeah who knows what do you think maybe you want to see a Tom Hardy return Mad Max movie CU I do I would I would love to see where this universe goes is it going to get better is it going to get worse worse worse worse okay yeah they just going to have alien show up yeah maybe okay cool why not like you I want to see what else what else exactly what else you know what else what are they they there are some other Thunder does out there you know ex what's happening in Nations other than Australia what's on the coast sure you know oh boats boats maybe some Boat Max Fury boat there's a movie it's about the ocean and it's sort of Mad Max and it's something but I can't remember what it is Postman that's right the postman wet post oh no you got the post wet yeah I'm the wet Postman what did you expect you hand your post to the wet Postman your post's going to get wet uh yeah I enjoyed it me too more Mad Max more Mad Max more Mad Max Games but don't do the Warner Brothers model of making games by doing a bad game which is what they do now a bad open world game that you pay for forever and Etc I don't want that I don't want that either do the Mad Max game like you did M do that speaking of did we talk about that so uh there was an interview with George Miller can you believe it and he he recently met with hideo Kima of Medal Gear Solid Fame oh my God and uh and someone said would you like to make a game with hideo kajima a Mad Max game and I think George Miller said and I don't have the quote here he said something like we didn't we didn't have a great result with the Mad Max game and a lot of people he's not happy with it yeah and a lot of people were like how dare you yeah but also like he would never have played it he means in terms of like what he wanted to do didn't happen and probably also in terms of sales cuz it did okay probably that game and as I understand it there was a big there was a big disconnect between what the uh producers of the game wanted to do and what they were told to do and then they made what they were told to do and then they were like why' you make this yeah we didn't ask for I mean we did ask for this yeah it's good though if you're looking for like an open world game where that doesn't like choke you with microtransactions but you can do the Batman combat and you got a car and you upgrade the car and there's a guy in the car and he goes and look I I uh hadn't didn't play it at the time but I've seen it running now and it looks as good as a game pretty much can you know it looks good looks and plays as well as you'd want it to yeah there's a certain point where the the graphical Fidelity doesn't really matter and it just looks really good and uh it seems to play very well so we looked it on nevero back if you want to sandwich. we did like an hour dedicated to the Mad next games mhm all right anyway good good it's good to watch a good movie to talk doesn't happen all the time no it certainly doesn't didn't happen last week did it what do we even talk about last week something bad probably yeah probably something bad something bad all right should we move it along let's move it along to what though what are we reading what what are we going to read what yeah
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 238,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: l9FRoDaTS6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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