Furiosa FLOPPING was Inevitable: A Mad Max Saga Postmortem

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furiosa a Mad Max tale is a stunning flop worldwide a fact which has made some very salty but it should have come as no surprise as its failure was entirely predictable to all but those who green lit it how can that be you wonder let's find out [Music] this video is sponsored by Galaxy lamps domestically furiosa opened opposite Garfield and their respective box office takes were within Striking Distance of each other but since scarfield only came in at a fraction of the cost of making furiosa furiosa is the Undisputed loser in that matchup as the Mad Max spinoff needed to open to twice of what they did in order to have a chance of breaking even the numbers are as bad or Worse internationally so Warner can start preparing for that write off on the losses they're going to incur on this one right away there is something noteworthy about those numbers though see this isn't a case of the audience going to see the movie and then deciding that they didn't like what they saw and then opt out of seeing it a second time and tell their friends and family to stay stay out of it too that would have indicated bad word of mouth and don't get me wrong the movie might still get that and fall off a cliff next weekend but that's not what happened here or not yet at any rate no these kind of numbers where a movie with this kind of budget couldn't even crack 30 million over its regular 3-day weekend indicates that the majority of the movie goinging audience Flatout rejected it unseen to put it into context adjusted for Price hikes and inflation half or more of those who saw madmax Fury Road 9 years ago decided not to bother with uosa that's what happened here and what we need to focus on the majority of the audience rejected it unseen why would they do that we're about to find out but first have you ever wanted a personal night sky in your room well you should and the Galaxy projector the sponsor of this video can help you out with that today most of the night sky is blotted out by light pollution especially if you live in or near a city but this state of affairs represents but the blink of an eye in the breath of human history since the dawn of time our ancestors were gazing at the stars and the planets and doing so remains as fascinating and soothing as ever if you've been thinking of adding a little something special and intrinsically appealing to your space then the Galaxy projector will provide exactly the kind of lighting you need it will bring space and the nighttime sky into any room giving it a truly unique look and Timeless feel but in being a smart device it also brings the best of the modern world first off its RGB colors brightness rotation speed on and off timers and many more features are all fully customizable with the app you can make it truly yours from your mobile do you like like the Simplicity of Amazon's Alexa or the Google Assistant well the Galaxy projector also offers that handsfree magic obeying your word to switch on or to change mode and more it is also energy efficient so you can enjoy your personal Galaxy without your electricity bill skyrocketing in short if you appreciate modern tech with a Timeless appeal the Galaxy projector is for you and naturally we have a deal for you if if you head down to the link in the description and type in our code Midnight's Edge when ordering you get 15% off so head on over to that link and Order yours now and with that let's get back to the topic at hand and look at the reasons why furiosa was Flatout rejected by the majority of movie goers who simply didn't bother showing up for it let's begin with the least controversial explanation namely that they simply waited too long furiosa was introduced in Mad Max Fury Road which came out a whooping 9 years ago that's longer than the time gap between Terminator 1 and Terminator 2 and for comparison the entire original madmax trilogy was made inside of just 6 years unlike the original madmax trilogy though Fury wrote hasn't ACR a fan base of its own case in point today there is arguably more demand to see Mel Gibson return as old man madmax than there is for Tom Hardy to return for a Fury Road sequel still there was a brief moment there when there possibly was momentum for another movie in the Fury Road Universe when the movie still had a presence in the sight gist and director George Miller did indeed want to do a spin-off movie since day one and Warner were open to the idea as well what held it up for years though was George Miller suing Warner because he felt it unjust that they withheld a bonus from him since Fury Road went over budget and on top of that it underperformed that legal squirmish held up development of any more Mad Max movies for years and by the time the dust had settled and Bruce deos had mended the moment had simply vanished the public sight Guist had long since moved on yet that's when Warner in their wisdom decided to go ahead and Greenlight furiosa who did that and what may have motivated it we'll get back to but even if there had been no legal squirmish even if Warner had greenlit furiosa right away and George Miller had made it within 3 years of Fury Road it still might not have performed all that well sometimes Hollywood gets this idea of that they can do a spin-off movie or even series based on a side character in a franchise where the main character is the main draw holding everything else together for instance how many Batman spin-off series have there been over the years that didn't feature Batman and what kind of Mark did any of them leave on culture because neither Gotham Batwoman nor pennyworth the origin of Batman's butler set the world on fire let's say and yes that last one actually is a real thing Joker did great of course but that is a slightly different story in the case of Mad Max though Mad Max himself is the brand there is nothing else to latch on to and timing aside it could very well be that making a Mad Max movie without Mad Max would never have worked case in points way back in 1984 they tried making a Superman movie without Superman in the guys of Supergirl which didn't work out too well a more appropo example as pertains to Mad Max may be Ben Affleck's Daredevil while it never got a sequel it did get a spin-off in the guise of Electra which was a Monumental flop even if we flip genders the precedent for spin-off movies featuring Side characters isn't a great one case in point Snow White and the Huntsman did okay upon release in 2012 but the spin-off Ed on just the Huntsman even if it had both Chris Hemsworth and Charlie Thon and no Kristen Stewart was a major flop similarly it could very well be that furiosa was never going to work no matter when it was released or how much momentum was left over from Fury Road take Mad Max out of the equation and there simply might not be enough interest in the world he inhabits to sustain any Standalone features based on anyone or anything else in it I'm I mean his world is hardly the Marvel universe is it and it isn't got them either but there is another possible reason why this movie flopped which the Hollywood traits are tiptoeing around doing their best not to mention and which has the online punditry seething with rage at movie goers everywhere for failing to support furiosa which they were expected to do for you know the cost if there is one thing the movie goinging audience seemingly has had enough of the past few years it is girl bosses being shoved down their throats and based on the poster and trailer alone furiosa on the surface looks like more of that and more often than not whether or not any individual movie goer decides to go see any individual movie is based on that surface appearance marketing after all in a sense is all about making that surface as shiny as possible for the better part of a decade now certainly from Paul feig's 2016 Ghostbusters remake onwards movie goers have been force fed the message that men are useless adults and women will outman any man in masculine badassery of course 2016 is only when it became overt as my colleague Tom Connor frequently has pointed out the male lead was sidelined by Proto girl boss even in 2015's Mad Max Fury Road audiences just weren't so sensitive to it back then but that may be part of the reason why that movie has left no bigger footprint in pop culture than it has see that movie again today and the wokeness in it will be much clearer and I say that to someone who greatly enjoyed it upon release the thing is that for years now nearly every major maed ribon franchise that appeals to predominant ently male audiences has gotten a female Centric makeover seemingly in order to bring in more female audiences as well as the built-in male audience are just assumed to stay put Kathleen Kennedy herself shared that little tidbit with us we know that Disney bought Star Wars and this is true for Marvel as well because they lacked properties that appealed to male audiences and that's when kathen Kennedy suggested to Bob Iger that all the boys would stay put if they made it female lead and then the ladies would flop to it as well put a chicken it make her gay turns out she was wrong on both counts too bad all of Hollywood followed her lead including Warner anov you know the one who wanted to permanently replace Batman and Superman on film with Supergirl from the Flesh and Batgirl from the cancelled Batgirl before David sasw came in and canned her but before that rather than insisting that George Miller proceed with one of the two other madmax movies actually featuring madmax that George Miller has been writing for several years now she was the one who green lit furiosa despite having data suggesting that doing so might not have been the hottest ideas even at the [Music] time we now have several years worth of data which all tell the same story from the Charlie Angels remake to Star Wars to the Marvels to Madam web it is always and without exception the very female audience that Hollywood is so desperately trying to reach that let these movies down they are the ones staying away in droves oh male audiences are checking out as well of course but the bulk of those who actually do show up are still male audiences that is what happens whenever the a audience detects a girl boss in a movie and deservedly or undeservedly fosa looks like one of those that is not an attack on female Leed movies in general mind you but rather a commentary on green lighting Executives that are completely out of touch and out of sync with the movieo goinging audience male and female if they were a little bit more attuned they would have known that female audiences never asked for male driven franchises to be made female sent trick case in point if the dirt grime brutality and hopelessness of Mad Max didn't appeal to the majority of the female audience before then merely swapping him out with a chick that looses her arm no less isn't likely to change that then it doesn't help that the reviews are good it doesn't help that the movie was expensive to make or that George Miller has been wanting to make it since before the release of hurri Road the movie came out too late after it had lost that Fury Road momentum and even if it hadn't it might never have worked anyway since such spin-off movies hardly ever do and finally and perhaps most damningly it looks like a girl boss movie in an age where the audience have soundly rejected them furiosa was as such always doomed to fail let me know your thoughts in the comments and remember to look at the stars and you you can get them into your own room with the Galaxy projector get a unique modern and Timeless look for your space and if you head down to the link in the description and type in our code midnight Edge you get 15% off
Channel: Midnight's Edge
Views: 102,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Kevin Feige, The Marvels, Avengers, Disney, Pixar, Bob Iger, Bob Chapek, Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, Star Wars, Videogame, Geeks + Gamers, The Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Ryan Kinel, RK Outpost, Disparu, Comicverse, Overlord DVD, Emergency Awesome, New Rockstars, Marvel Entertainment, ENDYMIONtv, Beyond The Trailer, YellowFlash2
Id: dqP69wis4Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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