Why I Went Vegan: Tabitha Brown

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I ate a squirrel turtle Jesus honey possum me Oh Lois I don't don't judge me okay hey y'all I'm Tabitha brown I am an actress and I'm a vegan food influencer I've been vegan for two and a half years on a personal note veganism means a healthier life a happier life a cruelty-free life I used to think of you this when I was here about it I would say people who do that I forgot to I thought only white people did I was like I had never met another black vegan when I was younger but here by the blood I think I got a little bit older I used to think oh it's for hardcore animal activists as I got more well-traveled I started thinking Oh veganism is that's the kind of for the cool kid but then I also would think it's kind of judge ease sometime a little bit afraid of it to be honest so how did I eat growing up where I'm originally from eating North Carolina I'm a small-town country girl and baby I ate everything when I think about what I ate with my granddaddy and my great granddad I feel like a little high know where am I still here so my dad instilled in me and my sister did you eat what is there okay cuz this is what we have so honey I ate whatever was in front of me so child we ate pork beef whatever but I was always very open with food I would try anything squirrel oh don't don't judge me okay but that's how I Brooke cuz my great granddaddy will hunt and then I will go to his house and you know he would take me to farms and stuff and I would eat would helpful that's how I grew up comfort food to me is whatever feels good going in and while it's in it still feels good like you still feel full and and you have a good feeling about yourself macaroni and cheese is a good comfort food favorite non vegan meals BAE go crab Lee oh I lost the tail come on shrimp dip it in the butter dip it in the butter oh and garlic uh-huh that's my my my guilty pleasure and that good old seafood just mmm yes I have to eat it now but I found lobster mushrooms and baby season right they do the tree what made me decide to go vegan was I was very sick for a year and seven months I had this resting headache I had woke up one morning with this pain in the back of my neck the pain in the back of my neck was normal to me because I had a car accident when I was in high school I would have some time what they call it quick in your neck when you can't move you know you stuck to one side I would have that so often but this particular one it was in the back of my neck and it pay moved up into the back of my head and it rested there for one year in seven months that headache became almost debilitating on some days where I could not you know walk well my vision will become blurred I just started having chronic pain throughout my body all my lady parts started to shut down it was just a very bizarre time and I had chronic fatigue I would lay in my bed all day long I thought I would get up and up strength to take my kids to school in the morning and I would come back home and I would lay back down and it was time to pick them up I was just exhausted all the time I was sad and I was depressed and I had major panic attacks and anxiety as the days went on I just felt like I was getting sicker and sicker I will go to the doctors and tell them my symptoms they could not figure it out I felt like I was dying here I gotta make sure I look like I'm feeling alright cuz all my kids and my husband are weary so I would still post pictures and try to do videos and even maybe show up to a short film or you know try to go and do like a little work or something if I could and be literally in so much pain that it was just very hard a year and seven months of that and my daughter came home from school one day and she said mom we saw this documentary at school I think you should watch it and it was what the hell and my husband and I we all sat down together we watched it and I was oh wow this is very interesting what got me is that when they were talking about diseases and I hereditary that we eat the same thing causing the same disease and for me you know my mom died at 51 and she had ALS and my dad is 68 he's old his male to live in the family and a lot of my aunts and uncles and family members died very young of heart attacks and strokes and you know rare sicknesses to me meat was the common denominator and I thought to myself well I haven't tried that right and they were talking about plant-based eating on what the hell and so I told my husband well I've tried all the dummy drugs all the guinea-pig drugs that the doctors have given me over this last year and a half and nothing has worked if I've tried all that stuff her not gonna at least try to do this vegan thing for 30 days and see if you make you know make me feel better and so we decided as a family to do a 30 day vegan challenge and on day 10 my headaches went away I remember I was walking through my kitchen and I was like my head ain't hurt I started feeling better from that day I started getting my energy bag I started just feeling like myself again on day 29 I told my husband I said I think this is my path I'm gonna be Ken he looked at me and said and I think tomorrow I'm gonna need a piece of chicken I've eaten it's been two and a half years I have never felt better in my life I'm so very thankful that I made that decision for myself and I never tried to force it on anybody else I always tell people whatever you decide whether you're trying to go be you know pescetarian are you just trying to make better choices what is your why and if your why is true to you if it really means something to you you'll stick with it some facts I would like everybody to know about going vegan is it's not expensive I used to think that too but I'll tell you what is expensive the processed foods like fake foods fake meats and stuff like that that can get expensive but if you're buying whole food ingredients your mushrooms your potatoes your rice your beans your cat it's your greens things like that it's cheap honey you get a big bag of rice for two dollars okay you get a big bag of potatoes for three real plants real fruits real grains real seeds real net it's not expensive another fact it's got to be a personal decision you make it for yourself whatever that reason is and don't force it only anyone else just let it be personal a lot of times people don't do that um and it kind of pulls people away from being vegan there has been a lot of judgment and we need to judge less and love more after the 30 days of me going vegan I was so excited about it because I was feeling good and I understand that I had a different experience than most people because I had been sick for so long and I finally found something that was working for me so I never looked at it like a challenge I never looked at it like it was hard I looked at it like oh my god this thing is saving my life I remember thinking of all my favorite non vegan foods and thinking oh how can I make those things vegan and it became fun for me and I was excited to try new recipes and figure things out you know it was just discovering a new me I had this this whole new joy and those things started happening the first couple months and it still happens now two and a half years I still say I'm a new vegan two and a half years is like a toddler who's just starting to get a personality I'm still discovering honey new mushrooms honey news herbs and spices cuz I'm a chef but I do learn a cook first couple months they were like an adventure I think if you're going to make a choice for yourself to be vegan you make your choice but I always tell people don't be hard on yourself make sure you know your why if your why is true to you it keeps you focused it keeps you going but if you happen to slip up don't beat yourself up over four legs it's okay and it's day by day I don't judge anybody else they say oh great I'm mr. renovate a piece of chicken or oh I ate some real butter honey that shall be as miss as long as you can admit it and be real adjusted and noted you had a moment but you back on track have your moment and get back on track I think the worst thing in the world is for somebody to admit what they leave and for you to attack them for doing it what what good is that gonna do help them come back over by encouraging them do I think that being vegan is a reasonable diet for everyone I don't know I know it worked for me okay I know I have thousands of people who follow me who have transformed their lives I know I have hundreds if not thousands of success stories in my inbox of people who were diabetic who no longer diabetic after going vegan people who had high blood pressure who no longer have high blood pressure people who had all different types of ailments in their body who no longer have those things after they went the you know plant-based or whatever you want to call it so I know that it works is it for everybody maybe not but does it work absolutely I always tell people listen to your body whatever feels right for you you do that that's your business it feels right for me so I'll continue to do it for me that's all I can really say about that if you're interested in a plant-based diet I say try it for 30 days give it your all for 30 days and see how it works for you I took a 30 day challenge that changed my life it changed my help in my will I always tell me because I I didn't work over a year it literally changed my entire life for the better and people who are completely against it I can't I can't tell you nothing I can only say don't judge a book by the cover if you're looking at a book and it looks crazy the cover looks crazy honey it might just be the wrong and it sometimes you got to become the author of your own book and then try it out and see if the pages turned a little bit different but don't judge and you can be against it but just don't be judgment and let us just all live in love in perfect harmony together that's all I got I'm Tabitha Brown and I absolutely love you thank you thank you for listening it's my story now you go about your business honey have the most amazing day but even if you can't have a good one don't you dare go messing up nobody else's him love y'all [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Goodful
Views: 1,778,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, KtKp, brown, buzzfeed, chronic, diet, food, going vegan, goodful, goodful vegan, headache, health, how, how to go vegan, my vegan story, nutrition, pItY, pain, plant based, plant based diet, tabitha, tabitha brown, to, vegan, vegan diet, vegan story, veganism, vegetarian, whole food plant based, why i went vegan
Id: czzktlf07qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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