why i went PLANT BASED ... I almost lost my life

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my heart was pounding out of my chest the first words out of my mouth I said God do not let it happen here scare me out my mind like it literally scared me out my mind [Music] good morning you know what's popping y'all welcome back to the channel and if you're new to the channel my name is Phil copher and I feel like I ain't never did an intro like that before but I know I got a lot of new faces and new Subs has been coming to the channel so I first want to say before we start this video I want to say I appreciate y'all and I appreciate the love and uh yeah we're gonna get straight into it I know this is a question that everybody and their mama probably want to know or why I started or why I did this before we get into that I believe this video can help a lot of people out whether that be bringing awareness of what we put in our body awareness of the plant-based lifestyle and all that good stuff man so if you can make sure you leave a like on this video and share this to your mama your auntie your dad anybody and everybody you think that can benefit them and uh yeah man comment down below what your thoughts is and just what your thoughts is in general yeah we're gonna get straight into it so question is why I went plant-based so if y'all don't know um both of my parents have password my dad had passed first and that wasn't in 2019 and then a few months later my mom had passed in the same year and they both had passed away from sickness my dad passed away from a disease disease called amyloidosis and my mom passed away from a disease called breast cancer as y'all know that is a huge thing like breast cancer is a huge thing that's been going around like a lot of women have been having and I've been dealing with that pretty much my whole life me and my brother I got an older brother he's we're both 12 months apart so me and him and coming up wise as I know I kind of speak on this story a lot but just for the new people yeah we've been dealing with that for the longest since middle school my dad had went down first and he was going in out the hospital and then my mom ended up going second and I was one of those incidents where I came home from college I helped the Florida state came home from college it was one of those things where my mom brought me into the room told me she had breast cancer and I instantly just started crying yeah it was just it was just felt it felt the worst honestly it was one of those things where you just don't want to hear stuff like that when you're coming home honestly when I was at Florida State and we got the chance to come on I honestly sometimes didn't want to come home just because how much stress it was and just seeing my family uh you know going through what they was going through and just the stress they was dealing with just just everything and it was just hurt me so much to see them like that so it was kind of one of those things where I just I wanna of course I wanted to see him and stuff but it was just I hated it was just hurting me so bad that I honestly I didn't want to go home and we was a type of family that uh before we had pretty my dad was in the NFL he was the Detroit Lions and we pretty much kind of had everything it was one of those things where the disease had came out of nowhere as they say and it kind of just hit my dad with the instant he had went to the doctor at first he was not going to the doctor at first because he thought it was just some code or something because he was throwing up almost pretty much every single night the doctor said it was like how are you still living yeah seven heart attacks just a short story with that because that's a whole nother story as y'all see in my the background of my family is it was just it was kind of always around the hospital and the way we my dad and my family kind of lost a lot of the money was from buying all these Pharmacy pills and all these yeah all the pills you can think of my dad was taking maybe 10 to 20 pills in the morning each and every day and it would be some days it'll be three in the morning my dad will be throwing up and my mom would be helping them out it was times where when my first when my dad first got diagnosed with amyloidosis they really didn't know what it was but when he was in the hospital or something he said it was so it was so much pain that the wind would blow on his skin and it would just feel like needles and he told one of my family members that he just wanted to die because the pain was just so it was hurting him so much and it's crazy to even think like that or even imagine like to be so much in pain that the wind hurts you like yeah like I said I kind of want to go too deep in that story because that's a whole big story in itself it's the fast forward while that was going down all those kind of a little conscious with just health-wise and just be honest I was a little fearful with it but I wasn't to a point where it was just constantly like dang what would happen to this what would happen on that it wasn't like nothing of that because uh I believe my mom and my dad brought us up brought us up around right way of you know having that faith and having that belief in God that no matter what everything's gonna be okay and we always used to believe it I always had faith on it and we stood on it and it actually was because my dad they told my dad he wouldn't even last two weeks but he ended up lasting 12 years down the line so just to speak on that in the show that's how I know it's like belief in having faith in God and knowing that he got you no matter what's going on I'm a strong believer in God and Jesus Christ is definitely my Lord and Savior just a little side note on that but uh yeah it was kind of one of those things that I was health conscious me and my brother was and we hated hospitals and stuff yeah nothing against hospitals or nothing but it was just so much I feel like every time we went to the hospital or even were in the hospital it just felt like death like it just always everybody is depressed you're passing out pills this way this and that so uh yeah it was definitely on our minds a lot but when cover went down don't quote me the year I don't remember the year but yeah when cover went down I want to say it was 2020 come comment down below what year was I really don't even remember it it feels like it's long ago but it feels like it just happened last year but uh yeah when cover went down you know we was all on lockdown pretty much we was just everybody was playing video games if not playing video games I was doing fit pictures as a lot of people know but when cover went down I actually started to get like cold sweats or not I'll be waking I'll be waking up in the middle of the night and I'll just be in a flat out sweat like my bed would just be sweaty or in the morning my bed would just be sweating and I would just kind of be putting it off like yo what is going on like I'll be like it's weird and the first thing what I was trying to not do honestly is look at Google because Google is one of those things you tell them you gotta cough they they say you got throat cancer like something crazy so it was one of those things where I was like well I'm not looking at Google because all Google gonna do is come in with fear yeah I started to get cold sweats at night I'll be waking up it was time so I'll just be playing the game and I would just feel like a little pain in my my side or something and then later down now I started my neck start to get swollen yeah it started it was like this symptom after symptom but I was still like yo what the world is going on like what is going on meanwhile I'm still doing this I'm not thinking about no fruits I'm not thinking about no veggies I'm still eating Chipotle I'm still eating Papa John's and if you're from Atlanta I'm still eating American Deli American Deli was just wings and products and I was eating the 20 piece Rings fries honey barbecue by the way and yeah I was munching on that almost I want to say every other night honestly I was just living living life because I feel like when you're young you always you always and everybody know about this this part in life where you just think you're Invincible but enough can happen to you nothing can go down with you that's how I was honestly thinking back to The Simpsons I started to get these symptoms and stuff finally looked on Google and then I was trying to figure out what was going on and Google saying this you got cancer you doing this all the crazy stuff like I said how Google be doing going crazy so uh later down the line when I started I started to get really scared when my neck was like starting to get puffy and then when I started to get actually no I started to get really scared when I started to have like heart palpations so my my heart would be I guess not even really a skipping a beat I don't even know how to explain but yeah if anybody had a heart palpation before yeah I was having that and I was still working out and stuff everything was fine it wasn't messing up my workouts or nothing like that but it was just kind of one of those things that it would come here and there I would just be like yo what in the world is going on like not me and that is honestly when I feel like it was a flip or a switch and I wouldn't really honestly I wouldn't spend time with God before this I was just being me and I was kind of just you know when cover went down using those that stage of doing everything else doing as much as you can not to stay not to stay bored and God was honestly the last thing on my mind and once that hit it was kind of one of those things like it kept happening it kept happening I just kept throwing off kept throwing it off but it was an instant click where once the heart palpations came I was like God I pray nothing's going on with me so I would just I we always do as humans man when something goes bad you go you always revert right back to God like it was like a instant where I was just spending time with God all the time because I'm like God I pray my life don't end up like this I Pray out of my life don't end up being in the hospital and I would just constantly just spending time with God and then the question had like hit me words like is God real like is he really hearing me and then that's when I started to hear from God I was talking with God just the whole nine and just uh after that a few months later down the road I had got a call from Belgium so I got I had to get checked up before I went to Belgium because I wanted to make sure everything was okay so when I was going to the doctor I was scared of my mind man and I first when I go into the doctor it just instantly just gave me like I guess trauma like it was one of those things where I'm like man I refuse to be how my parents was I refused to go this route like I don't care what's going on I refuse and before this I definitely was looking up everything like I was kind of already hip to the alkaline lifestyle just because my mom was doing it and my mom would try to do it she did a little bit of the time but it wasn't you know I mean it wasn't like I want to say like all all the way right because she was doing alkaline and then go back to eating wings the alkaline and go back to eating you know processed foods and stuff and I want to say just all the way processed but just foods that I believe when you're in that incident you probably shouldn't be getting but we just didn't know about it we just knew about just eating whatever not even knowing they can just I know I was just like cancer is like one of those things whereas Russian Roulette like whoever catches it catches it like you're just out of luck it was one of those things like that so that's exactly how we was thinking and I know now when I look back it's crazy that we even I even thought that and I know a lot of people still think that whereas cancer is just something that just comes from maybe just cigarettes or it comes for this or just which it does but it's more than just that and it's a really uh it's really our lifestyle how we eat and stuff how what up what we put in our bodies is what starts these uh this ease as I like to call you I know Yaki and a lot of other people be calling it that because that's what it is yeah I went to before I went to the doctor I was always hip on an alkaline lifestyle I was doing a little bit of smoothies and stuff but I wasn't too much into it like I'm still trying to learn and stuff rock that I was going was more so vegan and y'all know sometimes vegan is not what it is because they say Oreos is vegan you know what I mean so it was one of those things where I really wasn't all the way hip to it I was still learning so fast forward I'm going into the doctor check my my blood pressure and when they check my blood pressure my blood pressure was high so I had high blood pressure I kind of didn't really look at blood pressure anyway I have high blood pressure like I'm young like you know how we all we just like we Invincible young high blood pressure whatever so they was like are you taking high blood pressure medicine and I was like nah I'm not and I thought they was going to hit me with the oh high blood pressure because the athlete because I was so brought up on that's what it was if I had like high blood pressure everybody used to tell me it was yeah you're an athlete they have it like that which might happen I don't know I guess this time it was like it wasn't normal at all so when I went to the doctor they told me I have blood high blood pressure so then I got even more scared after that they tried to put me on high blood pressure medicine but me personally I'm thinking in my head and what I did in my head I'm like I am not about to be on a high blood pressure medicine like at all I'm not about to do that after that I go into the uh room you know they get checked up I tell them what's going on I tell them I thought rotation they check my thyroids and they saw it was swollen so after that yeah they tell me well they come bring the doctor and it was like we just want to make sure everything's okay and so we're going to set you up with another appointment just to make sure you don't have cancer so when I wanted to heard the word cancer it was like an instant like nah this is not the right I'm going like I rebuke you in the name of Jesus life that's all I was thinking like no I am not going down this route at all I end up going to the next Doctor and uh once I end up going to the next Doctor end up doing a CT scan again I had high blood pressure when they did that again and they took my blood and thank God there was no cancer or anything CT scan was okay but what definitely was uh weird about it is when they called me back and they checked my blood and everything they said my liver was hot and they asked me did you drink and if anybody knows me if anybody knows Phil cover this is no cap no nothing I've never drunk a sip of alcohol in my life like at all never in my life and when I heard that I'm like like that don't even make sense and what's crazy even after you told me that it was one of those things where yeah I don't know why that's high no offense to the doctor that checked up on me and everything and it was a great doctor I didn't just go to no just ordinary doctor I went to it was he was a professional so it wasn't just one of those things where I'm just going to any type of doctor it was a professional when I had it set up and everything just to make sure everything was okay so no offense to him but yeah he told me my liver was high and that was it he just hit me with the I think you you should be okay good to go you don't have any cancer or anything he was like if anything goes down just give me a call and so that's the first world red flag when I'm thinking in my head like so I just leave or you just told me my liver was high and yeah so now I'm going about to go to Belgium I go to Belgium everything was good and Belgium I didn't really play too good obviously but I feel like I had so much stuff on my mind honestly where I'm like I just went to the doctor that happened with everything was good I checked my heart and everything everything was fine and yeah it was one of those things where yeah he just said call me if anything go down if you have any problems when you come back from Village and we can check on you see what's going on so it was like one of those instant things where I was like yo what in the world like that's it you just you're gonna tell me nothing nothing else fast forward I go to Belgium and I play over there for a year I'm eating I'm eating good like I'm trying to get as much fruits and vegetables in my in my diet as possible and overseas I'm not gonna lie they got so much organic stuff like they had seeded grapes where I was at like I believe God placed me in the right position where I can still like play basketball but be able to you know I mean get all the right stuff that's gonna help my body instead of just just anything so I was on the right stuff when I was up in Belgium I really wasn't eating how I am now where I'm like on the I guess that I do have a little slip up sometimes but in Belgium I was still kind of learning but I I knew that fruits and vegetables were helpful like those were very healing to the body so I I end up losing a little weight just because I really didn't know what I was doing and I know that I was look I was losing weight because I was kind of I was doing a lot of green smoothies that's when I was doing green smoothie I watched the uh I washed the greens or whatever I just put it all in the big smoothie and it tastes it tasted it didn't taste too good just because you know all the pope and stuff were in the Smoothie I'm just down in the Smoothie like that like nah I'm gonna do something to do this so I was doing that green juice and I was just yeah I really wasn't eating too much honestly I was just doing that and I was eat uh doing smoothies avocado toast and yeah I really didn't know what I was doing honestly but I'm still kind of getting hip to a lot of things trying to learn and all those things so fast forward after that I went to Belgium a second time this is the second year and everything was fine again nothing was going down uh I know my neck was still the second time I went to Belgium my neck was still kind of swollen which was kind of weird yeah my blood pressure was I don't know what it was but I know it was I guess it was okay because when I went to Belgium I got my blood pressure drawn and my blood pressure I guess was fine they didn't say they said it was hot a little bit but it wasn't something where they would be like yo wait hold on so that's what's going on that's what happened when I went to Belgium it would be crazy though because when I'll eat something bad my neck or I'll eat something that I know not is not good for my body my neck will flare up but then when I eat something where it'd be I guess straight in the morning my neck wouldn't be swollen my neck would just be normal and out the morning is where I'll be eating fruits and vegetables and all that type stuff in the morning what you should be doing straight in the morning if my neck wasn't swollen at all but it'll be after I get like a dinner meal because I wouldn't trying to just I was still trying to maintain my weight also I was over in Belgium too until it started to flare up when I would be eating something bad so fast forward after that this is when Kobe went down in Belgium I got off the team because yeah I set up I said it on live so I'm not alone I want to go into that because that's a whole different other topic but yeah I got off the team when I was in Belgium I ended up going to Paris and yeah I was pretty much just eating whatever honestly still like I was still like being health-based like I was still like on my stuff but not not eating like too much processed foods or I wasn't eating dairy I wasn't eating meat but it was still more so I was kind of doing the I guess the vegan lifestyle whereas you know sometimes you have like a vegan dessert or sometimes you have like a vegan burger I was trying to eat it healthy as I can so this was the last day of Paris I'm leaving I'm packing up and stuff and this is one of those situations where it just scared me out my mind like it literally scared me out my mind leaving Paris I was packing up and stuff I was headed downstairs and while I'm headed to my car my heart just started to like this was no panic attack this was no anxiety attack there was none of those things because I was in like I said I was in Paris having fun so my heart just started it was going out of my chest like my heart was pounding out of my chest like I can't even explain but it was going so fast that I couldn't even control it or I couldn't even stop it and the first thing I said was I said God do not let it happen here that's the first words out of my mouth I said God do not let it happen here and so I'll pause I started breathing again this was not no panic attack I wasn't having all I was calm in this situation I was calmed in a mug and I was thinking I was gonna be panicking when this happened like I'm like yo what is this it's like what's going on but it was one of those days where it was beaten so fast that I knew if I panicked or something I don't even know what next it would happen but it was being so fast like I'm talking about I could fill it out my just like it was I don't even know how to explain so I instantly stopped and I stopped what I was doing bring my bags to the car and I just started to try to breathe but it was when I was trying to calm down my breathing it just started to go like it was still going fast and so it stopped a little bit and then I started walking again and it started again like going extra fast and so I'm like my heart ended up like going back to normal beating normal and so I've kind of I paused and I was walking a little bit to see if it was tripping like my heart was still going to be pounding like that but it was good and I ended up getting the car it was one of those things where I had to drive all the way back to Belgium when I was happening I was thinking about that the whole ride home like please don't let it happen when I'm driving again so I'm going home and that's the that's the only thing I'm thinking on so when I go to Belgium I ended up staying in Belgium uh for a little bit longer and then I ended up flying back to the crib uh to the states and when I went back to the States it was kind of those things where it snapped like I'm like what am I about to do now like like what like what's next you know I mean that that was the thing I was my first mindset it's like what what's next and so I put down the basketball this is this is why I didn't play basketball and one because I was doing YouTube I know I told a lot of people I was doing good on YouTube and stuff and which I was I was like yo it's a blessing because that's what was going down too but I stopped basketball I stopped working out I stopped everything because of that situation appears because I'm like I'm gonna get to the bottom of this like I'm like nah because one of my one of my friends had recently arrested peace but yeah I passed away from I guess someone with his heart I don't know what was going going on but he had passed away while he was overseas and he was running and he just collapsed and uh yeah it was one of those things where I was like man I pray this don't happen to me like it would scare me about my mom I just kept playing don't let this happen to me God don't let this happen to me God so so the first thing I do when I get home is I just start researching like crazy like I'm looking online I'm going through and I just instantly just sat down I said God I do not want to end up like my parents I do not want to be in the hospital 24 8. I say God can you show me and it woke me up to a point where I was like okay I'm not eating no more vegan processed food I'm not eating no more crazy stuff I'm not doing nothing and I actually I just was crying out the guy I said God help me figure this out I ended up connecting with a guy named Yaki Awakening and everybody know I feel like everybody know who Yaki Awakenings if you don't definitely go people on Instagram I ended up being able to talk with him on the phone and I flat out told him everything what was going on like everything because I've seen on a lot of his Pages where yeah I just gotta y'all just gotta check him out because he he definitely helped a lot of people who had this easiest and a lot of that stuff went away with the quickness this ain't no I know a lot of people say they do it and then they didn't do it you know I mean they said they healed this and they didn't it didn't happen like not yeah I gotta go check them out I'm not even playing around I definitely got go check it out and it ain't no just somebody just saying oh we'll help nah people be having paperwork I'm talking about paperwork so when I seen that it instantly gave me like like Faith like yo this stuff really worked like changing your lifestyle going plant-based eating the right fruits and vegetables really works so I ended up talking on the phone with him like I said and I just flat out told him all my symptoms I said yo this is happening this this has been going on and it was instantly one of those things where he was like oh man that's what is going on he said it's this this and this and it just instantly quick click where I'm like bro did that make sense like crazy because he would ask me questions he'd be like has this happened to you because I'll be I guess I'll be I was in kind of like a a scared mode where I kind of wasn't getting everything that was happening to me but I was pretty much telling like this off ripped out popping my head like yo this happened yo this happened and then it should be like did this happen this way I'm like bro yes he was like oh yeah all this is a thyroid issue yo you have a heart palpation because of the thyroid it was just like a like it was like ding ding ding and so he told me to uh I ended up getting these bitters on his web page yeah I went like I like one thing with me I went all in I wasn't playing around playing no games I went all in so I did three bidders and I did his teachers that's what they call them I think it was a geogenetic it was like the whole package I I bought the whole package because I was not playing around so when I did that I was doing it I did it for I want to say a month and I feel like I could have did longer but I did I did uh his teachers and his stuff for a month and that's when it ran out so I didn't until it all ran out and I was just doing a geogenetic juice and it was like a whole grain juice it's a gallon a day of degreasers and when I tell y'all I'm not even boosting I'm not even playing at all even before that I actually when I first came I had talked to Yaki second I ended up doing I ended up taking my own like I guess precaution or whatever and I was just doing like a a whole smoothie I did a smoothie fast so I just doing straight fruits uh every single day so I had lost a lot of weight and I think the thing where I messed up with that is because I was doing a lot of frozen fruit smoothies so I was like my it was like frozen fruit I don't think I was doing the right the right way the right way you're supposed to fast so I really wasn't getting the right uh you know I'm saying stuff on the ground when it's frozen and stuff I want to say it's like you can still use it but as like a healing thing I don't think that's the best potent thing you can do I believe that when I when I talk with Yaki like I said and I did his uh tinctures and his Bitters and stuff that was one of those things where it was like all right serious serious you know what I mean so for the whole month I was not playing no games y'all cause I'm like yo I refuse to be one of those people that going to the hospital 24 7 hours foods that have cancer all that type stuff and one of the main things that Yaki had told me that he would spend some knowledge to me was the symptoms all they are are alarms it's alarms so when the symptoms are going off your body trying to warn you like yo like what's going on like you keep feeding me this this BS like what's going on yeah and I kept feeding him BS and that's what happened it just my bro my body was like yo you tripping ended up doing that and that's when I got put onto the juices I did the juice fast with the teaching this stuff called flat out a whole month and actually I'm gonna show y'all all the smoothies and all the juices I was using on the journey I just actually just finished the ebook so that's going to be coming pretty soon for y'all I know a lot of y'all was asking about that I'll tell y'all I'm not even playing my my neck swelling had one all the way down I haven't had neck swollen since then my blood pressure went back to normal and I and I found out because I was going to Puerto Rico and before I went to Puerto Rico I had went to go get checked up and so when I went to go get checked up the lady was like oh you got good blood pressure usually athletes are hot and so when that happened I'm like it just clicked instantly like yo this stuff really like is this mother really worked I stopped having heart palpations I have not had not even playing y'all have not had no hard palpation since the since that incident in Paris and then after that it was still going on when I was doing the spooking stuff but after I did yaki's Bitters and I did his texture I have not had no heart palpations and the one thing where the thyroid issue that Yaki was on the dot with is that that I was having anxiety like weird out of nowhere the anxiety would just be it would just hit me out of nowhere not like I'm panicking enough but it would just be like yo what the world why I even feel like this but thyroid messes with your emotions that's what a lot of people don't know and uh when he told me that he had asked that was one of the questions he asked me was like has your emotions be done I'm like bro yes and I have no idea why and so it says then I did not have no anxiety with the you know I'm saying that I'll be coming out of nowhere it was it was crazy man that's all I'll say it was crazy and that's when it was like a whole turning point where I'm like yo this lifestyle is real and I'm not talking about the the fake vegan food lifestyle and there's no offense to nobody but I'm talking about the juices the smoothies the organic foods like all these fruits and vegetables these things is really healing y'all like and that's coming from me I would have never even thought I would have been right here telling this to y'all like this that's coming from me from my own experience because even after my parents passed I still was not like I was fearful of the hospital stuff but it was not like one of those things where it click like you don't want to eat healthy like I was still like like yo I need to get on my stuff but it didn't even click until it happened to me so that's why I'm telling y'all where it's like yo this stuff really works like with stuff these people have in these grocery stores and these you know I'm saying all these processed food moves like we ain't supposed to be eating this y'all to keep it a book we are not supposed to be eating this at all like just to keep it a thousand with y'all and I know I'm not even trying to beat around the bush either with it but that's just the real with it all the processed foods all this vegan foods even process even worse than the regular Foods I have definitely I messed up where I went back to the vegan food sometimes but it's like I always catch myself and I'll be like I know what I should be doing I know what I gotta you know I mean keep not even keep up like I know it like I'm trying to be on this Earth as long as I can I ain't trying to just yeah like that that's that's that's me and I want to be here longer than what my parents was and that's no offense to them or nothing like that but we just didn't know and a lot of people I feel die of lack of knowledge yeah that's when I I really I figured out like this stuff is real you know we'll be eating all these fried foods and we just I feel like we believe that cancer just comes out of nowhere y'all like it don't it don't at all like we the the this is that we're getting our body to the what they call cancer and all this other stuff that happens to our body we do it to ourselves it's the lifestyle we do to ourselves it's nothing else and yes it's other stuff besides even just the food where it could be the microwave and just radiation it's a whole bunch of stuff y'all like deodor we put on like y'all know I speak about this stuff too it's the ingredients that when you look at ingredients on back of boxes when I really started to peep a lot of stuff and realize what they got going on this world in general it's crazy I just try to show y'all and try to help y'all too I ain't just come out the womb knowing knowing all this stuff no I'm still learning to this day I feel like a lot of times where our parents are passing away so early and just we'd be losing so many and be family members our family members don't gotta go this quick like that day 100 don't know it is not God's will no we can't just say oh it was daytime no like of course we don't know we should like everybody's time when they are going to pass we don't like that's that's we've done it all can make a lifestyle choices that help us we can make lifestyle choices that keep us on this Earth longer but we're not giving ourselves a chance because we're eating all this crazy food that we shouldn't be eating at all like God did not make it and we can say God this is what everybody said all the time they ate this back then or in the Bible they this you know type of food that we're eating now is nowhere near what Jesus and everybody ate back then it is nowhere near Jesus wasn't eating no lemon pepper salad bites with monkey fingers on the side season and seasoned salt no he wasn't eating his stuff he just got a real deal wake up it just irks me and it hurts me because I see so many people even just through Instagram even through this life I'll just see somebody where they they're talking about they have cancer and they just have the the moping thing whereas life's over like this and that like no like it's not it's not at all you don't have to die from your disease I'm not saying I know I've been curious stuff I'm not saying that I can't say that you feel me it's honestly crazy man and when I realized all this stuff man that's why I take you know I mean I'll start doing these juices in the morning like doing smoothies doing juices because like yo we are literally dying so quick these pills and stuff we take it it ain't healing nothing and then it creates more problems I can even go even deeper as in different stuff and that's going to be on a whole another video y'all but I just definitely wanted to show y'all speak about it with y'all because I know my story could help a whole lot of people and just for me speaking up knowing this journey it's gonna feel like you the only one I I definitely will say you making the right decision with it man and I'll definitely say keep going and it's it's a whole journey it ain't no overnight thing it's not at all and you can be the one in your family to change a lot of generations too y'all so you you got that choice but yeah man I appreciate y'all for watching and holding on back and it's even more that I'm gonna go deep on later down the line I'm gonna be creating another patreon I know this patreon that I got right now has been doing just pretty much just social media kind of chat with y'all yeah I'm gonna be doing a whole new one and this new One's Gonna Be I feel like is going to be it's going to be smooth it's gonna be doing a lot of stuff that I feel like y'all want to know and just kind of pick my brain on whether that be discipline wise my workout plan one-on-one Zoom call gonna have a group wise we're gonna be having maybe do a juice fast for seven days so we're all gonna be doing that juice fast it's gonna be a lot of stuff y'all that's just a little bit of it it's gonna be some good stuff and I really want to take that patreon seriously so yeah man I got a lot of stuff in the works man so I'm definitely happy to be putting those out pretty soon man especially the ebook and these and the patreon appreciate y'all and if y'all can I believe this video can definitely help a lot of people man so if you can share it to a family member anybody I believe is definitely going to help them out and leave a like leave a comment which I think which I've used on this lifestyle and uh shoot even which I've been through if y'all lost some family members or lost anybody man just uh yeah comment down below I already know this this conversation is going to be a long comment section because we're going to be talking it up and I'll be responding to y'all too man so appreciate y'all I appreciate the love man this video foreign [Music]
Channel: phil cofer
Views: 1,309,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PHIL, philcofer, cofer, vintage, fashion tips, vintage fashion, streetwear, how to wear, clothes, sweatpants, how can i dress good, phil, morning routine, early morning routine, waking up early, healthy, florida, chill morning, chill, peaceful, aesthetic, chill music, day in my life, orlando fl, basketball, what i eat, plant based, alkaline diet, what i eat in a day, plant based diet, life changing, plant based diet changed my life, vegan, vegetarian, fruit, vegtables, raw vegan
Id: L8p--BMUPbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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