Why I Switched from Trello to ClickUp

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hey I'm Jimmy from Jimmy rose dot me and this video explains why I decided to move from a Trello to click off I've been using Trello for a long time like it's gonna be six seven maybe more years at this point so it was a pretty serious decision to move over to click up there are pros and cons to both systems and we're gonna dig into a few of those in this video if you'd like to learn more about productivity and automating your business just hit that red subscribe button below as I release regular videos to help you with getting more stuff done in less time like I said I love Trello I've been using this system for years let's jump over and have a little bit of a look of how I was doing things before this system was bastardized from a few different getting things done types systems that I've read about in the past I'm just gonna go over that really quickly so you can see what I was trying to replicate and click up but it uses this ABCD system so very important consequences if not done important tasks nice to have tasks and tasks that I should be delegating and then I created my own today list which is when I drag tasks at the side of each day I drag things into here so I know what I've got to work on the other dimension to this are the colors so I use labels for certain daily themes so for example mondays are working on content it's a Monday right now it's when I record my videos Tuesdays are for promoting content or like SEO or just basically marketing and promotion Wednesday's relationships I have a daily theme for each day right so when I'm choosing tasks for the day I choose ones that are actually tagged with that day so you can see tags were pretty important to me when I was looking for a new getting things done system now I love this for a long time because I thought it was really great to be able to see everything you need to do on one screen it was also great to be able to move things around easily like you can really quickly move things around and you could just see Trello is so fast like when you click things it's there instantly one of my favorite things about Trello is just how fast everything is and like I said it was cool to have everything I needed to do on one screen but as time goes on if you run a business you know how impossible it is to clear out your task list there's always more stuff that's there that you've got to do and as more and more things built up on my list it actually kind of became a little bit overwhelming so I'd like get all this work done have an extremely productive day and then I look at my trailer and it's just like there's so much stuff there still and it's kind of demotivating sure you could potentially use several boards if you're a Trello user already you know that you can have lots of different boards and like I've used this for everything from like feature requests to our products and like nice to have like one day task and you could separate out boards so that things you didn't want to see this week we're on a different board but the process of moving cards between boards is kind of annoying like this is how you have to do it and to me that's just not fast enough you'd waste a lot of time moving tasks around so what I've wanted for a long time was a way to be able to filter out this view to only see the things that are important to me like right now but you can't really do that in Trello like a good example might be a start date if there's a task that I don't want to start until next week but I want to put it on my to-do list or there's a task I'm waiting on someone else for I don't want to see that until that thing comes back to me all that date arrives and there's no real nice way to do this in Trello so there's basically no way to hide the things that I didn't want to see effectively all the time like there is searching and filtering but there isn't just like a default view or it's like these are the filters that I want to apply all the time day to day and then I can turn those off if I want to see more so that led me to look for another system now what I've just described is possible in so many things like I'm pretty sure to do us does this that's a very popular personal task management system I'm pretty sure OmniFocus does it's a really popular Mac equivalent I just don't have a Mac's on I'm not even looking at that tool but what led me to try click up is that we already use this in up so it's already used for task management in our business with other team members if we go over and have a look here you can see we've got spaces for my podcasts and for our software products and content marketing and a few other things so all I did was create a private area that's this one here you can see the lock on it because this is my space within click up now so none of the other team have access to this this is just my area and I actually used click ups import tool I'm not going to cover how that works but click up has a pretty good import tool from Trello and I decided to import it in a way where I have everything in one folder and the reason I did that is because I want to be able to click this and see all of those lists so you can see these are basically replicated from my Trello I've got today I've renamed this to current major projects that's the way I'm working now and then I've got a b c d list as we go down it's brought in all the same labels which was good i mean i might revisit this system in the future but it's made the transition really really simple like i could pretty much just stop using Trello and move to click up except for the fact that i had to move all my automated workflows in zapier to use click up instead of Trello but that didn't take too long but otherwise like everything was pretty smooth and what I really like about this is all those things that used to be over here and the C and D list and stuff that I didn't really want to see unless I was looking for them I'd hidden off the page now I very rarely scroll down and I feel like if I get my today list done and whatever it just feels nice I to me I don't have that constant overwhelm that I used to have with Trello it's still pretty quick not as quick as Trello like you see when you open something up it takes a little while to load so that is a bit of a disappointment to me because I do spend so much time in here and moving things between lists is pretty fast just like it was with Trello not quite as smooth but it you know it's not something I'm doing that often so I'm not too worried about it but the main thing now is you can have filters that are set up permanently on your main view so in this case I'm saying if we have a start date and it's after today I don't want to see it basically which is awesome to be able to filter out things that I don't want to see and the other cool thing is that you get columns here so you can create new custom fields and display them here so something I want to do in the future is out of field something like value or impact to the business like how much of an impact will this have on our bottom line and actually prioritize tasks based on that so I'd like to be able to see that on the main view here which will be fairly easy with clicker another thing that's really cool is because we were using this for our business already it's really easy now for me to move tasks over into a different space if I need to delegate this to somebody else so you can move tasks fairly easy just by clicking them and then this icon here so you can stick them in a different space and then assign them to someone and if you're a fan of the Kanban of you you can switch over to board view my only issue with this is that I'll never be able to replicate the same kind of view I had in Trello here because when you're in board view see I've got the folder selected here it's grouped by the open closed they're literally done or not done status so you can create different status that would add more columns here but you can't actually group by the list so I've got those different lists and that's what I would have to do to get this kind of functionality but I can live with that because the main reason I changed over is to get away from that view anyway so maybe it's not such a big big deal now just quickly obviously there are always pros and cons to different systems so just quickly I'll mention one thing that does worry me about click up now they release a lot of new features like a lot probably more than any other software product I've ever used now that may sound like a positive but to me it's actually a bit of a worry and that's because it's very clear what clique up or trying to be one app to replace them all essentially that means they're trying to be all things to everyone trying to replace all your different apps and I have always been a big fan of using apps that Excel one particular thing in connecting them with tools like zappy or other integrations so when I see apps that are trying to do everything I get a little bit worried because what tends to happen is they turn into a big complicated mess they might get slower I mean click up and doing pretty well at this at the moment and keeping everything pretty snappy but it's kind of early days and I am worried about where they're going there aren't many all-in-one tools out there that actually do a really good job of all the things they do in fact I don't think I can name a single one so there's that that's all for this video that's why I've moved from Trello to click up and so far the experience has been pretty bloody good if you'd like to learn more about productivity automation getting more stuff done in less time hit that red subscribe button below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: JimmyRose - Automation & Productivity
Views: 41,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clickup, trello, switching trello to clickup, productivity, gtd, task management, jimmyrose986, clickup review, clickup vs trello, clickup project management, trello alternative, click up, clickup 2.0, task management software
Id: a8J4cjF1-70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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