The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Logseq - Getting Started

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hello folks welcome to today's video we will be  doing a beginner's guide to log seek now this is a   pretty new application and one that i haven't yet  covered and that's because i haven't taken a look   at it in full detail but i tell you who  has and who will be running today's video   is dario da silva who runs one stuttering mind and  he's going to be diving into how he uses log seek   and a beginner's tour it's quite a lengthy video  but it is really insightful if you're a beginner   looking at logseek and want to go further so  i am very grateful for dario for coming on   he has a brand new course about seek if you're  looking to take your skills a lot further you will   find the link in the description below but i'm  very excited to pass over to dario and i will let   him explain through logseek about his course and  how he uses the application so i'll pass over to   you dario thank you very much for coming on hello  key productive viewers my name is dario and i run   a little channel called one stature in mind and  that's also my online persona and francesco has   kindly given me the privilege of introducing  logsy to you now it's a privilege but it's also   quite a daunting task because logseek is a rather  powerful program and there's a lot that it can do   but i'm going to start with the basics and then  show how i use it towards the end of the video   a lot of people have told me that when they  first start using log seek it feels like a   very intimidating environment it looks like  a code editor they don't know where to work   they don't know how it's storing their files so  i'm going to try and break all of that down to you   now i also think that it's good to start with  a general high-level principle of note-taking   when i started introducing people to logseek i  always used to refer to it as a note-taking app   and i've progressed that to think of it more as an  information management app there's a lot of talk   in the online productivity space of having a  digital second brain and i think logseek is the   perfect example of that it can really do a lot all  in one app from task management to your personal   knowledge management to just your personal writing  workflows or journaling i do that all in log seek   and a lot more as i say to the man with the hammer  every object is a nail and i've really adopted   that and i'll show you a little bit later what  that looks like in my personal database now before   we get into log seek i also want to talk a little  bit about the philosophy of note-taking and why   it can be such a challenge i think a lot of  our systems are one-way systems where it's   like information is going into this black hole and  then when you need to go and find that information   you have to expend a lot of effort in order to  retrieve the information that you're looking for   and if you have good search that's all good and  well but if you're even mildly disorganized it   can often be quite a frictionful process to go and  find that information now i believe that effective   note-taking slash information management is a  non-linear process where you can input information   retrieve information organize the information  all at one time basically and logseek provides   an all-in-one user interface that allows us to do  this so that is my point of departure and now i'm   gonna get into log seek and show you what it looks  like so i've gone to the log c website allergy seq   and the reason that it's log seek and not log  sec is that logseek is a sequence of logs i'm   gonna get into a little bit more but what it  allows me to do is both download a desktop app   or open a local folder on my computer so the  browser is then going to be interacting with   a folder on my computer so i'm going to start  with that approach and then i'm going to get   into the desktop app a little bit later so  i'm just going to go open a local folder and log seek is loading up and you can see here that  this is a demograph changes will not be saved   until you open a folder a lot of people have lost  information by starting to work yet you first need   to create your own folder to store information in  there's a lot of instructional material over here   but i'm not going to get into that right now what  i'm going to look at is opening a folder so in the   top right here you'll see a little button which  says open now i've opened my pc folder and i've   gone to desktop just for this demonstration  and i'm going to create a new folder here   for this demo so it's going to be called keep  productive keep productive so i literally just   select that folder and logseq has now  created a database now this is going to   edit the files in that folder for me so logseek is  fundamentally a text editor so this little pop-up   that you see here says will be able  to view files and keep productive until you close   all tabs for the site so what this is saying is  that log seek is going to be creating and editing   text files in that folder and it's doing that  in markdown format i'm not going to get into   too much detail there but i'm going to allow  permission to do both that and to edit the files   great and the first thing that i'm going to  see here is this blank page with today's date   so when you first open logs you're going to be met  by this blank space which is today's journal page   everyone will refer to it as the journal page  and that is just a date-based calendar page now   the way that i like to think about this is as an  a5 calendar page you know an old a5 book that you   used to have where you used to just jot down your  thoughts that is a mental model for thinking about   your your daily journal page and you can just drop  anything in there and we're going to get into like   how you might organize a little bit later but it's  really just creating a text file for today's date   that is going to include all the information that  you're putting into log seek so i'm going to go   back to log signal so log seek is a block based  program so if you're familiar with rom research or   notion this will be very familiar to you but  if you're coming from another paradigm such as   evernote or onenote or you know something  else maybe even obsidian sometimes it is   a little bit of a mindset shift so a page creates  a file in my logsy database but a block is like   a paragraph or a bullet point so i'm gonna start  writing here let me actually zoom in a little bit   and i'm gonna start writing some things  that i need to do today things to do today   and that is my first block and i'm gonna  go to the file just now but i now want   to write about things that i want to do  today so i can continue writing in the   next line but really this belongs to the block  underneath it and this is an important thing   in log seek which is indenting so if i say  tab it indents underneath that first block   and that is basically like creating a folder  so all the things that i want to do today   then i list the things so i can say book a hair  appointment because my hair is messy oopsie go grocery shopping and record keep productive video video again  great now i can enter and carry on writing there   or i can enter again and it will take me back to  the highest level of the page because it's not   related to that first level block now what i want  to do is carry on writing about something else so   maybe i've been thinking a lot about collaboration  which i have so i've been thinking a lot   about collaboration and again enter and  then i want to carry on that thought so   i'm going to indent it underneath there and  i'm going to say how can logseek help teams and then enter again still underneath that point  on collaboration how can logseek help researchers so those are two questions that i've been  thinking about and then if i say enter   i can enter again or i can shift  tab to go back to that highest level   and then i want to say i started reading  an article reading an article about business process improvement business process   improvement and then enter and then tab to indent  underneath it and this is a very important point   of using an outliner you need to  nest the information underneath it   that's what is meant by nesting so tab  and then i can say it was interesting how they focused on not automating upfront up  front okay and enter again and now i can say i   had a meeting today so i had a meeting with  let's say francesco shout out to francesco   about logistics optimization projects i'm going  to enter that in capitals optimization projects   and again tabbing need to confirm confirm the confirm dates for site visit and  do some research on the best interventions   in rail logistics okay so i've been answering a  lot of information in log seek now how is this   represented in my files now this is an important  part about logic like you actually own your files   you are able to edit them in other programs  so you can edit these files in obsidian you   can edit them in vs code there's no server that's  storing your files and this means that it's a very   long living solution you don't have to pay a fixed  amount every month to be able to access your files   you own them on your computer so i'm going to  go to my desktop i'm going to move this key   productive folder over here it's a bit small i'm  sorry and you'll see here that logseq has created   a bunch of folders in that key production folders  so the first folder here is my journal so that as   i said is my daily journal pages so it's creating  a file for every date the second folder over here   is where logsy stores some of the the files for  the program and then the third folder here is   pages which we're going to get into in a minute  but if i go to my journals pages and i open   today's file it's going to open it with my  standard text editing program on my computer which   is vs code so i've opened this file in vs code and  you can see here that it's just creating a dash   and things to do today and then where it's another  block that's in dance underneath it you can just   see us creating another level over there so  that's the file structure and how it's editing my   markdown files and i think it's just an important  thing to become aware of that logseek is a text   editor primarily and then an outliner secondary so  if you're using obsidian you'll say but i can do   this in obsidian obsidian is not a native outliner  in the sense that you need to add a plug-in and   change the settings in order to be able to get  the functionality that you get in log seek so   if i go back to logseq outliners have this concept  of text on rails where if i move the parent level   block so this would be the parent level block and  then these ones would be the children underneath   it if i move the parent level block it's going to  move all the blocks underneath it so if i do that   it's moving all that text and i can also use  shortcuts it's a very robust shortcut program   so if i say alt shift up and alt shift down  that's moving it there i can also indent this so   tab there but now that's not the correct hierarchy  in the sense that things to do today been thinking   of a lot about collaboration don't really fit  together so i'm just going to shift that out and   now we're going to get into bi-directional linking  this is just plain text all good and well but it's   still not very easy to retrieve and eventually  this is going to be a massive information and how   am i going to structure it now logseq works on a  graph database and that means that you can create   nodes that allow you to easily retrieve  information later on and the way that you   create nodes is by bidirectional linking so a lot  of people would have seen the square brackets so   double square brackets in different programs or  hashtags which indicates that you are creating a   node in your database and that node allows me to  retrieve that information at a later point so i'm   going to move this example down here just so that  it's at the bottom so that was just alt shift down   and i'm going to add some nodes in my database so  the first one that i want to do is collaboration   so i'm going to say square bracket square brackets  i'll highlight the word and then square bracket   square brackets and then it gives me the option  to say new page collaboration and this is what is   meant by a page a page just creates another node  in my database now i'm going to show how this   bi-directional linking works just now but i'm  quickly going to just add a few more tags here   then i'm going to say how can log seek  help teams so i'm going to say this is   in a professional context so i'm going to use  a hashtag and then professional professional   and this is also creating a page this is  an important difference between something   like obsidian and log seek log seek hashtags  and square brackets do the exact same thing   so it's an important thing just to state and say  hashtag professional and then how can logseek help   researchers and here i'm going to say hashtag and  now i want to use two words i want to say research   workflows because that's the that's the context  that i want to be able to find that information   in again but because it's a split word i'd have  to say hashtag and square brackets research   workflows okay great you could make it one word  and that's up to personal preference i like to   have everything you know appearing in the same way  so quick recap on what i've done i've just created   three different nodes here collaboration  professional and research workflows and   again to emphasize hashtag and square brackets  do the exact same thing and in order to get my   double words or double-barrelled words to appear  as a hashtag i have to use the square brackets so   those are some important things that show up on  the logsy forum quite a lot now why would i want   to use the different hashtags and square brackets  it really is a matter of personal preference but   the way that i like to do it is when i'm using  the word inline in the sense that i'm using it   in the sentence i will use square brackets and  when i'm referring to a topic or concept that   i want to refer back to i use hashtag it's just  personal preference you can do it in any way you   want you don't even have to have a hashtag over  there so you could theoretically do that okay   so it's the same thing i'm going to carry on here  quickly and i'm gonna say cool i wanted to i had a   meeting with francesco so here i'm just creating  these nodes and these nodes are the way that i'm   able to retrieve information easily down the line  so i've got meeting with francesco and a logistic   optimization project i need to confirm dates for  site visits and i need to do some research on the   best interventions in rail logistics so maybe i  want to have rail logistics here just in script   in square brackets so square bracket square  brackets and then maybe interventions it doesn't   hurt to tag a lot up front it really it's adding  no cost to the program it's just helpful to be   able to retrieve that information later down the  line now this thing over here this point is a task   that i need to complete so i need to confirm  dates for a site visit and lockseek has got   built-in task management functionality and i can  go to my settings which is here in my top right   and i can click on that button and i can  change my task management workflow so if i go   to my editor over here i can choose my preferred  workflow and i want to put it as to do doing so   i change that there and i exit and what that  means is that when i use the shortcut for   a task it will say to do and the shortcut is ctrl  enter so control enter and that creates this task   now that's basically also creating another type  of bi-directional link so all of these over here   are now pages in my database and those pages are  nodes that i can find information through again   to do does the exact same thing and the way  that i can see that is i can actually navigate   to a to-do page now the way i can find information  is in the search bar up here so if i go there   i can search for to do and you'll see that there's  a page now if i go to that page you'll see that   task over there so a quick pause to the video here  a lot of people will have the question what do i   create a page for well a page can be created  for any note of information that you want to   return back to so it could be an event a meeting  the status of something like the to-do or draft   it could be a person that you want to be able to  reference or project it could be a concept like   love or decision making all of those are like  nodes of information that you can return back to   there's a lot of nuance in how you might want  to create different nodes but that's basically   a good point of departure one of the things which  is very useful is to be able to open information   in different places in log seek and i'm going to  use that to explain the bi-directional linking   so logsy gives you two panels to work in so  if i shift click this it opens up that page   on the right sidebar and if i click on that  little home button there it takes me back to   the journal and you can see there's giving me all  the shortcuts that you can turn that setting off   but now i'm able to work in multiple different  places at one time and the principle of   bi-directional linking is that when i link out to  a to-do from any page if i go to the to do page   on the right just so this is now the to do page  which has been opened up in the right hand panel   it's showing me that information or that block  of information and where it's coming from so   it's saying it's coming from the 15th of july 2022  and it's saying that this task that i have to do   comes from the meeting that i had with  francesco about logistics optimization project   and that's very useful later down the line  and i'll show you in my personal database   now i'm going to carry on here and i'm going to  say a couple of things this is a head appointment   so to do go grocery shopping to do and then record  keep productive video i'm going to highlight that   with square brackets create a new page and then  to do great this last one here i'm going to use   for another example because that's very useful so  now you can see if i go to my to-do page it shows   me all the things that i have to do there and  that is a useful collection points to be able   to retrieve that information later down the line  i don't have to go and search for it i don't have   to look across different applications so as i  say i'm doing absolutely everything in log seek   now this right sidebar is quite useful we also  have a left sidebar so if i open up the left   sidebar here i can navigate to a bunch of  different menus i'm not going to get into   all of them but one of the cool things that i can  do is create a favorites page so hypothetically i   want to navigate to this logistics optimization  project so i'm going to go there click on that   page and it's going to open it in my main panel  over here so it's getting a little bit convoluted   you can close these things with shortcuts it's  very very easy but for now i'm just going to   leave it here i'm actually just going to rename  this to be a logistics optimization project   so very simple to rename pages and then i'm going  to add this page to favorites so again going to   the three button menu over there add to favorites  and that means that i can very quickly come back   to this project at any point in time so this  has been starting with the web app and before we   quickly navigate to the desktop app i just want  to show you the graph view and the graph view   is showing nothing at the moment because  the graph view shows where different pages   are linked so if i link one page to another  page it creates a link but i have chosen to   have my journal pages off so now my dates pages  are not showing so if i go to my journals page   if i turn my journals on and i reset my graph  it will show that on the 15th of july 2022   i spoke about all these different content or  addressed all these different nodes in my database   so important thing to remember here  we'll get back to this a little bit later   i'm going to navigate back to my desktop just to  show you what's happening in the folder because   if i go back to keep productive and i go back to  my pages you'll see here that i've only got one   page there which is a contents page now i don't  remember creating a contents page that's because   i didn't this is a log seek built-in page and i've  created all these nodes why aren't they showing up   here it's because i haven't put any information in  those pages so when i create a page as a reference   node i.e i'm not putting information in that  node i'm just pointing information to the node   it doesn't create a page so if i go back to logseq  and i go back to my logistics optimization project   i can then put a little bit of information in  that page now so i'm not in this page logistics   optimization project i could go to july the 15th  page and enter information there but i'm just   going to enter it here because it feels like it  belongs here so project scope project scope and important people i can say i can link here to francesco francesco   and project scope improve rail  efficiency something like that if you're familiar with markdown headings  you can also use markdown headings which is   using a pound or hashtag sign so this is  not creating a link now so this will be   i'm going to say markdown heading 2 and  that's hashtag hashtag space and this will be   markdown heading 2 as well hashtag and you can  use markdown levels and actually going to indent   francesco underneath those important people so  enter and then indent and the project scope i'm   just going to indent something underneath there  so if i now go back to that page all the pages you   can see there that my logistics optimization page  has been created so i can navigate in there and voila you can see the information that i've  entered okay so this has been the web application   and i want to get into the desktop application  so the web application is a perfectly good place   to start but the desktop application gives you a  little bit more functionality it's a little bit   quicker and you can also use it completely offline  so i'd highly recommend switching over there's as   quickly as possible and you can see here that  i've got no information in here so again i need   to first add my graph so adding that folder or  that database of information that i've already   started creating with the web application so if  i go up here to the right hand side my screen   i say add graph and this is a little menu which  says choose a folder and there we go i go there   and i go to my desktop and i can just  choose that folder that i created and it will bring in all those files that's  exactly the same thing that i was seeing   in the web application now if i go to the  graph view you'll see there that there are   a couple of nodes but i'm going to turn the  journals off so if i just click over here and i   say turn journals off you'll see there's only two  things connected which is francesco connecting to   that logistics optimization project so if i just  go home up here so over there i can also use gh   i now go back to this page over here and  the thing that i wanted to show is this   article that i started getting on business process  improvement now there's actually a pdf and this is   one of log seeks big ones that you can upload and  annotate pdfs inline it's very very powerful so   the way i do that is i say forward slash  and that opens up this command menu   and then i can start typing upload or i can  scroll through there and you can see some   of my plugins which i've hidden but i'll get  there just now and i'm going to upload an asset   now i've got a few assets that i'm going to show  you but the first one i want to show is this pdf   so it's bringing in my pdf into logseq and i  can click on that which is now a button a link   and it takes me to this pdf now this is a little  bit buggy there's some work still going on   but if i go to this highlight page by clicking  on this button over here it will allow me to   highlight information and it will store  the text in log seek so if i choose the   highlighter button up there or i just select  the text and then highlight it after the fact and then i choose a color it's now  grabbing that text and referencing it there   what i'm going to do here is i'm going to add some  links just that i'm able to find this information   again i'm not going to do it with the properties  which is another advanced feature but i'm going   to say this is business process improvement so let  me just create a page link here business process improvement typing is not going well great so i'm able to find  this information again because sometimes with pdfs   it's a little bit tricky and you might lose them  okay but i know that if i've created this page   link i'm just gonna close this here now if i i'm  trying to remember pdf i can go to this business   process improvement or actually let me just also  create a pdf tag here so maybe i can use a hashtag   as i said it's doing the exact same thing and  there we go so i've now got multiple different   ways of retrieving this information which is  super important it's not location dependent it's   all about the sparks in my brain that are firing  off that say how do i find this information again   so i also might want to say harvard business  review because that's who made it so   harvard business review so i'm not able to  retrieve this information three different ways   and if i open up this pdf page so i'm going to  shift click that on the right and it shows me   my linked references here so that's  automatically creating this backlink   which is referring back to that article so if  i go to harvard business review you'll also see   that article linked up there so i can open shift  clicking that also opens up in the right so this   pdf and the notes that i'm making on it are now  retrievable in multiple different ways as i said   the cool thing here is that i can also go back  to this text very very easily so hypothetically i   i'm going back to my daily journal so i'm going  to close this on the right sidebar and let me   start using shortcuts now so tr and i'm going  to close this on the left sidebar as well so   tl and i'm going to go home so gh that  goes back to my page and here i realized   that i didn't actually link that so let  me link this business process improvement   great i'm gonna just link it there and because  there was already a page there it didn't have to   create a page okay great so now i can i want to  go and read this article again but i don't want   to go have to navigate to the pdf first i want to  see what i've got in my database about business   process improvements so i go there and i see  that on july the 15th i started talking about it   you know this article but i've also got this  highlight over here so if i go there and i see   all my highlights i can think hmm what are the  cool things i saw now hypothetically i want to go   back to that block or that piece of information  all i need to do is click here and it takes me   back to that exact point in the pdf and that's a  very very nifty feature i also spoke about how you   can add other assets to log seek so if i close  here and i go back to my home page so gh that   takes me go home that's how i think about it i can  now enter enter and i can add a picture and an mp3   i'm going to my desktop now just to show you the  files so i'm going to copy this african fish eagle   here and i'm going to go back to log seek and i'm  going to paste it over here and you can see there   that it brings in a picture now going back to my  desktop grabbing the audio file copy and paste   and oopsie just find the right place paste and  then i have this we will see each other mp3   now you can see that it's not opening that file in  logsy because it doesn't have the exclamation mark   so if i take away that exclamation mark from the  african fish eagle it won't open that file in log   seek it will just give me a link to open that file  so what i need to do is add an exclamation mark in   front of the mp3 and then add the exclamation mark  back in front of the phish eagle it's just one of   the quirks of audio versus pictures and there  we go i can now open my audio file in logseek   and i have my text file over there so this  is quite important for different applications   down the line great so i'm going to step  it up again now and i'm going to start   organizing this information just so that it's  not haphazard and like this huge mass of text   and what i'm going to do there is create higher  level blocks so here we go i'm just going to   create one which is my scratch pad so my thinking  place hashtag hashtag creates the markdown heaven   header and then i say scratchpad scratchpad and  then this here is that belongs my scratchpad i've   been thinking a lot about collaboration and then  enter enter enter goes back to my first level and   then i have another one which is meetings and  conversations i'm just going to say meetings   and then i'm going to indent this over here  to be underneath there so the meeting that   i had with francesco is underneath this meetings  headline the next one here that i usually use is   content so hashtag content and then i'll indent  this underneath there so i read that content   there and i've also got this these random pieces  of content and i'm going to put them at the same   level as that block over there and then i put that  fish eagle there so i'm just dragging and dropping   and that is great okay now the last thing here  is reminders i like to i just like to grip it   underneath the reminders and i typically do this  at the end of the day when i'm like cleaning up   my information so it's not like any friction of  entering information so i go in and just clean   up my database at the end of the day which is a  nice like activity to make sure that i've done   everything so i've just zoomed in again because  i realized it's zoomed out and the cool thing   about the outlines is that it basically acts  as folders so i can literally close this folder   here collapse that folder i can collapse that  folder too i can collapse that folder and i can   use shortcuts as well so control up control down  control down opens that control app opens that   now the other thing about outline is i can zoom  into just the level of information that i want   to see now i can do that in the main panel and  i can do that in the side panel so what i can   do here is i want to say i want to shift click  on my reminders so shift click over there and it   opens up just my reminders block and over here i  want to click just on my meetings block so i just   click over there and it enables me to zoom in on  that little piece of information i can also clear   the right sidebar here by saying control c control  c and that clears everything there or if i want to   bring it up tr so very nice shortcuts enabling me  to really access my different spaces very quickly   another important thing to call out on outlines  is that there is an inheritance of links so i'm   going to look at this more in my personal example  when i get into a more detailed database but the   important thing here is that this block over here  this how can logsy help teams hashtag professional   and this how can logsy help researchers hashtag  workflows or workflows is also inheriting or they   both are inheriting this link of collaboration  because they inherit all the links in their parent   block as i said i'll get into that in my personal  example so i'm back on my daily journal page   there's a lot of information here i don't know  exactly what i need to find quickly let me just   think i need to find my to-do's so i say ctrl  k to open up my to-do page or my search page   and i can also click on that little icon up there  and i can just say to do and then navigate there   and it shows me all the things that i need to  do okay so i've already gone grocery shopping   so i can click on that little block over there  and that moves it to a done page and i'm doing   this so i can so ctrl enter cycles it through  the different task phases so ctrl enter that's   now doing here appointment i've booked oopsy  i have just entered enter there now it's done   and i need to confirm dates for site visit store  so that's still something that's on my to-do list   so that's how i cycle through my my tasks and if i  want to return to those pages that all those items   that i've done those blocks i can just say control  k and i can say done and then i can go to my done   page and then there are those items that i've done  now on the task management side there's so many   different ways to do things and log seek allows  you a lot of flexibility so hypothetically you   want to have your high level tasks your projects  even being a to do and then break it down into   check boxes below that what you can do here is  use shift enter to enter a soft line break so   that's not creating a new block so i go here  shift enter and i want to add a check box i   use the asterisks and then i use square brackets  and a space and then i can say this first thing   and then enters the next line automatically for  me this second thing etc and then enter enter   and i close it and now i get these little check  boxes underneath there that i can tick off   tick off tick off and then i can move that to  done so so many different ways to do things   and this is where i feel like the burden of  explaining log seek becomes quite large because   it really is a flexible system the logsy community  manager i saw him post something other day about   how excel is for numbers logseq is for text and  you can really customize your own systems as i   said i'm using logseq for everything so i'm now  going to jump into my database show you a bunch   of different applications that i'm using log seek  for and show you a little bit around what more you   can do with the tool just the disclaimer  here i've started using my own custom css   i've only started using this custom css recently  so you can see my file on github which has my   custom css if you want to mimic it if you know  how to change the css but it just helps me to   you know create a nicer interface for me to  work on change the way different things appear   draw my eye to things so that it's all helping  with this retrieval organization input and whilst   i'm at it i might as well show how you can add  different databases because you are able to add   different databases to log  seeks so if i click up here   and i click on my current database i just say  add a new graph so graph database folder all   of the same thing so add new graph here and  quickly my first database okay so that's now   going to load those files into logsy because i  wanted to have a clean environment for this demo i'll take a couple of seconds great so logseek  is loaded up and what i can see here is my daily   journal page but a sequence of daily journal  pages so that's my sequence of logs and this   is basically like an infinite scrolling editor  through my previous log so if i just scroll here   you can see all the different things that i've  been editing and playing on in this demo database   and there are so many different directions that  one could go in here so i'm going to try and keep   it very very structured the first thing i'd like  to show is just this graph view the graph view   has been said by some to just be beautiful but not  very functional that's now changing with a bunch   of plugins that are now taking the graph view to  have the same sort of powerful functionality that   you get in obsidian i haven't actually played  around too much with them i've been focusing on   other things but the graph view is becoming a much  more useful feature in that regard another thing   that i wanted to look at in my personal database  was the inheritance of links in parents and child   level blocks so if i go to my page decision  making decision making i'm going to show you   the search functionality which is not working a  hundred percent in this regard because it only   looks at things from a top-down approach so if i  look at decision making here and i filter it for   um let's say organization redesign i should only  be seeing one block over here so there's a little   bit of inconsistency sometimes the most reliable  way to get your information is to use queries i   think it's also important to acknowledge the  software is still on beta so you know not   everything is working like 100 seamlessly but it's  pretty pretty close so getting into queries now   i'm going to create an example query page so let's  go here and say control k i'm going to say query   example and that's now going to create a  query page for me and what i'm going to do is   say forward slash and then query which brings  up the query command and that enables me to then   enter the parameters that i'm searching  for so the para and i can now also use   boolean logic so we are wanting to combine  different search terms so what i was trying   to combine there was organization redesign and  the decision making so i'm going to say and   and then decision making decision making and  organization redesign great so i'm going to get   that one block that comes up there and that is  exactly what i was looking for so it enables me   to like really refine my searches so queries and  boolean logic in your queries are very very useful   now i'm not going to get into that in much more  detail because there's so much to cover so i'm   quickly going to take out this organization  redesign to show you what is happening   in my returned information so and let me close my  left sidebar here and i can now convert this to a   table view and there we go i have a nice table  view let me make this wide so tw just made the   screen wide there and that's showing me all the  different blocks that reference decision making   now it's important to note that i've got some css  that is wrapping the text because sometimes when   you have a long block of text it's not wrapping  everything in your query table so yours might   not look like this the second thing to note is  that there's all these different headings over   here now what are those headings those headings  come from me defining block properties and that's   what i want to get into next block properties are  a consistent way so i'm going to say tw to make   it narrow again block properties are consistent  way to enter information repeatedly in log seek   so if i want to enter an article for instance let  me just go find an article that i've been reading   so this is a brief history of decision making so  if i copy this and i go and i paste it in logseq   and then i can get the link here as well so  copying that link and pasting it in the same   block so shift enter and what i the way i do  properties is i specify a key which is link   in this case and then it's colon colon and then  i will paste the url there and i'll shift enter   again and i can say this is a type and then colon  colon and then it's type article so i'm entering   square brackets there to create that node of  information and then shift enter again producer   and then colon colon this is harvard  business review harvard business review   and then shift enter and i think that's  everything i need there yeah i'll also just use   the markdown header there just to  make it nice and pretty and then this was a great article whatever this was  a great article so that's how i'm getting my   data into log c consistently just giving me a  couple of different points to be able to find   that information again i actually have another  one which i use which is tags so that's the   consistency there so tags this is decision  making great that's a very important one this   would be a little bit tedious to do every time  so you can also create templates in log seek   now the way that you create a template is to  do this same thing here but make it empty and   then let me just quickly do that too so if  i go here and i say delete that delete that and then just we'll see shift enter  there take away the producer then remove the tags this is not going so well there we go i now have an empty block that can  i can use again and again then what i would do   is i'd right click here and say make templates  now i already have a template called articles   because i tried to make one but i'm going to  say article example and what this will do then   is every time that i want to use a template i can  just use the forward slash command which brings up   this menu here to say template and then i can  say template and then say article example there   great and then that will allow me to very quickly  input information i've reduced that a lot by using   text expanders so i just have jj ia because i  actually use input article and then i use output   article for articles that i'm writing so yeah so  many different ways of doing things it's important   to just develop consistency so that you are not  trying different things and you know you're able   to retrieve information repeatedly there really is  so much to say about log seek you know i've spoken   a little bit how there's a graph plugin that's  coming and the plug-in environment is growing   very very quickly there's a few plugins which make  things really really nice for me i think so i'm   just quickly going to look at those plugins and  yeah let's see how far we can get before i run out   of steam so i'm quickly going to go to this page  over here july the 6th and one of the plugins let   me actually just turn my plugins on here i'm going  to turn in this tags plugin this calendar one and   plugin agenda and one of my plugins might be  off actually no okay and the plugin that i want   to look at is mark map and mark map is a plugin  which creates a mind map of your outline so yes   mark map creates mind maps and if i click on  this little button here that will now create   a view of the branching of my outline so on  this day july 6th i had two meetings i would   typically indent those underneath the meetings  block and then the two meetings that i had were   review of mining co-operations and pd chats  and then i can zoom into different levels so   if i zoom to level one these are the two meetings  that i had if i zoom into level two i can zoom in   there and then i can also further click in on  just the ones that i want to look at so i can   close that one and then open that one over  there and then see what i need to improve on   in my problem solving or something and yeah  there's some information about you know that's   following this tree of information and now this  piece of information will inherit all the links   that are above it so it will inherit if i just  go back out of the outline so if i escape there   this piece here that was the one i was looking at  will inherit that link over there it will inherit   improvement opportunities over here it  will inherit the person's name it will   inherit the project name it'll inherit all  of those things so that's a super useful   way of thinking about your information so it  happens naturally in the outliner but the mind map   helps you see that a little bit better the second  plugin which is really useful is this calendar   plugin over here and the calendar plugin just  enables me to select different dates either in the   past or in the future and navigate to different  times in my database and you can see here that   i get this little orange circle underneath all  the dates that have information underneath them   the third plugin is the agenda plugin  the agenda plugin is a very powerful   plugin which is basically allowing you to  transform your your outlines into different views   you get gan views you get your calendar  view which is the one that i see here   i've also integrated my google calendar into  here so it blocks out different times this is   just my personal calendar not my work calendar  this is why it's so empty i'm so busy um no   i'm gonna leave that in yeah this is a very very  nice plugin lots of work has gone into this one   definitely recommend checking this one  out then for those of you who are coming   from obsidian and like the tags plugin this  tags view over here also enables you to see   all the different tags that you've used and how  many times you've used them you can sort it a to z   or how many num the number of times you used it  there is this plugin which you can't really see   because it's not a button that i clicked but it's  called bullet threading and that shows me here   this line of inheritance which will show me that  this block over here will inherit all of these   links so that's the importance of nodes those  nodes really translate throughout your information   throughout your outlines the final plugin that  i think is really cool is one called log tools   and i'm going to go to this project page over  here which is logistics optimization i haven't   even looked at the the namespaces namespaces  allow you to add hierarchy in your page links   so if you add a forward slash in your page  name it creates this branching down below   of your different projects i'm going to come  back to this project here but i'm going to   go to the high level project or whatever  page you specify and i can also actually   query my namespaces so this is a namespace  query so i don't actually have to go   right to the bottom but i can always  just quickly close these link references   now this is my own custom css you will see  there that wins and improvement opportunities   all have their own custom css as i say just  to draw the eye help me navigate help me like   create buttons that i want to push and go and  find but if i go back to logistics optimization   one of the plugins which i found very useful just  to help from a project management perspective is   the kanban plugin and this is also a custom css  application i just close my left sidebar there and   it's functional for me there's better ways of  doing it and i'm going to get there eventually   but what i'm doing here is i'm saying query  the tasks that have later and this project name   query the tasks that have to do and this project  name and then doing in this project name and then   waiting in this project name so that's my personal  approach for using tasks i don't actually use to   do doing done i use the different ones where you  have later to do doing and waiting is for whenever   there's something else that i'm waiting for from  someone else the problem with that is that logsy   cheats later and to do as the same thing  because they you know it's later now and to do   doing so there is some complexity there but we'll  see how that evolves as the database evolves   so this is provided by the log tools plugin  which enables you to add css very easily by just   adding the hashtag dot v kanban wide again super  simple plugin really nice to use though so i've   looked a lot of the functionality i haven't  actually looked a lot at my own database so   a little bit of project management over here i've  also got a couple of things that i am doing on the   left here so tl to open the left sidebar research  um busy structuring research workflows and   building out project pages or building  out ways of how you can use log seek for   research this will be a video coming out very  soon hopefully and to be put in the course   i am writing in five different areas so these  are my different scratch pads so scratch pad   and organizations applied thoughts personal social  transcendence all of those are collection points   of my writing so literally everything that  i've ever written now is basically in log seek   i can do habit tracking using page properties  and unfortunately it's not in this database   but i'll quickly navigate to my personal  database and then i've also started to build a   looking back function and this will query  any this is using a database query looking at   the node daily picture so i create the node or  page daily picture and then i indent underneath   it i don't do it every day but you know when i  remember it's quite nice to do it and this query   is showing me from a year ago and you  know two years ago three years ago etc   all the times that i've entered a picture  in my database so saying daily picture and   it's also entering a journal so journal is  one of those high level things and i use   um journal the the link journal in my daily  journal so it might be a little bit confusing   but you could say you know personal writing and  it's just returning different things to me so   let me just zoom in here a little bit zoom in so  this is a picture from a regatta last year july   and i had a good day that regatta decided to  throw a caution to the wind and have an ice cream   yeah i don't know why i said that um and then  here this is another picture from two years ago   and this is when i found artifact droppings when  i was in bayala game reserve and yeah the journal   is had a great walk with muskie today obviously  had a number of points nested underneath there   i could click in there i could use shortcuts  control down it's not working it works so yeah   there's some of the experiences i had so it's  nice to be able to go and do this sort of stuff   and the final application that i wanted to show  which is in my personal database now because i   haven't moved it over to the example database  is just this habit tracker and what this is   doing is just adding a set of properties on  each page which have you know did i meditate   what time did i go to bed what time did i wake  up and then this other property here which is   three words so that i can just track over  time how things are changing what i'm doing   and i'm not very disciplined i don't do it  every day but it's nice to be able to go   and look back and see the different trends in  your behavior what might have been triggering   for you what was good what was bad how often did  you meditate not keeping a scorecard but just to   help build awareness of different things in your  life so i tried to get through a lot in that video   going from you know the real basics of how  you can start using log seek to what it might   look like at the end and we didn't even look at  all the different applications as i say i have   started using log seek for absolutely everything  building like a travel log dialogue book project   management all my knowledge management all my  writing workflows journaling task management   everything is in in log seek the beauty about  logseek is that it really is a flexible tool like   it's just a text editor at its core and in the  outlines and bi-directional links meaning that   you can structure your workflows any which way  that you want log seek has been transformative in   the way that i work and i feel like i can finally  manage everything in one place digitally and you   know remove that friction between inputs output  organization retrieval all those different stages   has become amalgamated into the single environment  which has been incredible for me if you're looking   for more information on log logseek have a look at  my channel i've made a lot of tutorials on logseek   but i've taken it a step further and i've also  built out a course called log seek mastery   and that really has a lot of well structured i  think lessons and it's over seven hours of content   in the first section which is tutorials which is  just looking at all the features available to you   in logseek and the second section is workflows  and systems which is a work in progress as i   develop my own systems and improve things but the  combination of those two is really powerful for   me and has helped me really refine my own work and  take it to the next level so thank you so much for   watching i really hope you enjoyed that and would  love to see you around on the interwaves cheers you
Channel: Keep Productive → Tool Finder
Views: 118,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion,, notion, logseq, loges app, logseq app,, obsidian alternative, productivity apps, Note-taking app, notes, notes app, obsidian alt, roam alternative,, best productivity tools, best productivity apps, best productivity tool reviews
Id: asEesjv0kTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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