Do I Regret Selling My John Deere 2025R And Getting The Summit TX25?

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hey guys today I'm just going to be doing a video talking about whether I regret switching from my John Deere 2025r to my Summit tx25 so let's get into the video so first off let's go ahead and let's talk about some of the pros and cons so in the some of my previous videos I did a video where I talked about buy pros and five cons and so I'm just gonna give you a rundown of what those were before I get further into this video so when I first got the tractor the pros to this tractor that I found were that first was price it was priced at nineteen thousand dollars and right now I looked and they are about 500 more right now so just as a heads up if you're looking two was all the remotes so it came with the rear remotes and it came with the front grapple and third was the weight so it's got the rim guard in the tires which made it about a thousand pounds heavier than my 2025r the tires on it were hybrid tires instead of the Industrial tires so these don't tear up grass and stuff as much as my other ones did and this one has an MSL loader so it's a self-leveling loader so as it goes up it'll stay level and as it comes down it stays level and then in one of my videos I posted that a pro of this tractor was it actually uses less diesel than my 2025r it gets up to working maximum RPMs quicker than the John Deere so it doesn't use as much and the cons that I have starting out with this tractor was the foot room so when I have my boots on it still is pretty difficult sometimes I get my foot caught and so it's usually just the right foot where the forward and reverse pedals are the joystick to me was a little bit weird because the button was on top instead of like a trigger Style for me it was a con because it was skid steer quick attach coming from John Deere they have their own style so most tractor companies are skid steer quick attach but John Deere has their own so any if you're coming from them any attachment you have that has that you'll either have to get different attachment or do what I did where I got a skid steer mounting plate and I welded it on to my artillery and grapple so I can use it with the fourth con was just parts and repairs this is was a newer tractor so I had no idea if I had any problems if it was going to be easy to get it fixed or if I needed Parts if I could get them quick or what and then another con for me was the MSL loader it was a pro and con it's an awesome feature because usually I have to pay extra for that but at the same time for me coming from the John Deere that didn't have it it was a very big learning curve trying to use it so now let's get into a few of the little cons that I found since that video working up to my 50 hour now so ever since that video where I did the pros and cons you know that was probably around 10 to 20 hours where I did that video and now I've got 50 hours on the tractor so there are a few more things that I found and so here here they are just doing the 50-hour maintenance I did the 50 hour maintenance on my John Deere and it did seem like the John Deere was a lot easier to get done the manual for the summit tractor one was a little bit lacking on where certain bolts were their pictures weren't very good but hopefully that's one thing they will get a little bit better is their manual but a lot of it was just that these tractors they come and then they put all the parts on them they paint them after the fact so all the bolts were painted on all the filters were painted on so you know when you're painting the spraying it gets into every single little crevice so those bolts I had to take a hammer and I had to tap them with the hammer to try to break that paint loose so I can get the bolts off and even the filters it had gone up into the filter crevices and just they were like glued on there in my 50 hour maintenance I showed you a picture of the oil filter and it was pretty damaged crushed in because I had to use so much force to get that to Twist Off so that was a little bit of a negative that I found was the John Deere was a lot easier to do but now that you know that those paint pieces have been broken off whenever I comes to the 250 hour maintenance it should be a lot easier to get done now that I've done it once I'll know where everything is so one of the other little things that I found is this the three-point locking nut on the 3r or three-point lift arm so my 2025r whenever you'd raise or lower with the lever three point it had a little slider thing that would slide up and down and you can lock it into place which was really nice because if you're trying to make something level you could be pulling out some dirt with your box plate when you get to the end make sure that's locked bring it up and then release all your dirt turn around and then when you get back up to it bring it back the lever back down and it'll hit that locking nut and stop that and put it in the exact same place the summit doesn't have that again that's a small little thing that the John Deere had over this one which if this is your first tractor you know you won't even notice that but I did have people comment in the reviews of that video saying that if I wanted to doing something like that is pretty easy to make buying a couple bolts and everything that I could make my own so which I will probably end up doing that myself and one of the other things was just the the John Deere had a PTO Shield so right where the PTO shaft would connect to the back of the tractor it's got a shield that goes over it it's like a u-shape and the nice thing about the John Deere is that piece could actually lift up and pivot so you could lift it back while you're putting on your PTO shaft so your fingers could just hands and everything could just get in there and be able to put that on a little bit easier if you've ever messed with the PTO shaft they don't always go on super simple so having that was really nice and the first time I had to put on the stump grinder I noticed that doesn't lift up that's that's a fixed piece which again that is just a small thing so really that wraps up mainly just some of the few other things I've noticed a little bit by little bit so let's get into some of the pros that I've seen ever since that last video so one of the pros that I've seen and really it just happened this past week was that I got onto the got onto Facebook Summit has a summit tractor Owners Group if you're not part of that and you own a summer tractor get be a part of it it's a great resource for you if you have any questions or problems you can post in there some people may be able to help you out but I was I posted a message on there basically because some of the videos I've seen they're coming out with lately I've noticed a few little differences in my tractor and the tractor that they've had in the video so I just got on there and I was just asked you know is there something going on I didn't are you guys changing stuff are you having problems with the tractor and that's why you're changing stuff or what's going on some other people posted that they've noticed some changes too and about two hours later Summit replied to the group and put out a message in there saying that you know they're a company that's they they love to keep on improving and that is an awesome Pro that I found is that they're just continuing trying to improve and improve their products so they said that they were keeping on trying to improve their product but also there's been some you know Supply changes and everything and as everybody knows with covid when all that happened there was tons of companies having to get different parts from different places it sounds like they've had a few places that they've had to reach out to and get different parts from so I just wanted to go through a couple sort of some of the updates they've done or little changes here and there that they've done that they posted back in that message to tell us what was going on so what they the first thing I noticed was the joystick and as you know that was sort of one of my cons was the joystick was the button on top they've switched that whole joystick style out and now it is a trigger style which is awesome that's what I really wanted to begin with they switched that out and if you're like me and you have the original one you're probably thinking too man I wish I could get that joystick I've already asked them the joysticks are not interchangeable and if you know much about Electronics most of the time that type of stuff you know it's not backwards compatible so it has a new joystick on it it also has the loader hydraulic valve location is different on my tractor the all the hoses that come from the loader they come in and they come underneath the tractor and there's a valve right there that they all plug into they plug in sideways just like this the new tractor way that they have it is it comes up the side of the loader and the valve is basically on the side of the loader almost and it connects up and down which to me it seems like it makes it a very easy disconnect instead of having to go underneath the tractor to do it I I would originally like to have mine like that also just because when you're moving brush or your back brush hogging or doing something like that you have a lot of stuff that's underneath your tractor so having it up out of the way seems like there would be less likely of you catching your hoses and breaking something off which I mean I haven't had any problems or anything but that is one thing that they did if they is they have moved that they've sort of reframed a little bit how that front little grapple remote works and stuff like it works the same exact way but it's got a different type of mounting plate to give it a little bit more beefiness to it and set help protect some of the hoses a little bit better also so they did that they did the so they moved the Bucket Level indicator it was on the right side of the tractor now it's on the left not a really big deal and on this so the newer tractor style the bucket is going to be two inches narrower and the lift height is going to be two inches lower than the original so if you're looking into you know this tractor and you watch my previous video on lift test and you get the new style it will be a little bit shorter than the lift height on this one so I mean that's just amazing that I found that they keep on wanting to improve their product and everything so if you go anywhere to buy one of these you might be looking to see you know if you're wanting to try to get the new style or if you have this old style a little bit they're not calling it anything different it's not like a gen one and a Gen 2 or this is 20 22 2023 model it's still the same tractor they just had to change a few things out but again one of the biggest things I wanted to make sure of is there wasn't any problems that they were having with this tractor that made them want to do these changes it sounds like from what they said the majority reason is that it came down to was they're just wanting to improve their product so that was really the biggest Pro that I've had you know lately come out from them and also in that email if you're like me I bought this probably eight months ago and it didn't have a toolbox and if you bought one it may not have had a toolbox too and so personally I just thought well maybe they nixed the toolbox that even some of the newer ones they've had coming out it has a toolbox on it so I left a message wondering about that too in the group they posted back and if you've already bought a tractor your dealer should have told you that you need to email Summit AT support Summit and they will send you the toolbox for your tractor my dealer did not tell me that so if you're like me you just need to send them an email let them know that you bought a tractor and let them know your address and everything and they'll be sending you the toolbox for free so hopefully that'll help you out like it did me so let's get down to the title of this video do I regret selling my John Deere 2025r and getting the summit tractor and the answer is no I don't regret it at all I feel like for me it was the right financial decision overall you know just I wanted all these features on my John Deere and just to add the weights to it and add the rear remotes now the front remotes everything just started adding up very quickly so for me being able to sell off my John Deere and buy this for a few hundred dollars more like that seemed like a no-brainer to me so that's what I did I bought it and you know I've had a lot of people tell me that why why would you switch when John Deere's been around for so long and Summit hasn't been around very long well you know sometimes you just got to take a risk and so far I feel like I've done the right thing Summit they keep on putting out more and more stuff and it doesn't seem like they're going anywhere anytime soon they've just put out the backhoe they should have a 37 horsepower tractor coming out soon and they just seemed like a great company so far so I don't feel like I've lost out just because this company hasn't been out for a long time a lot of people were questioning well you know you probably won't be able to get parts for this tractor well anytime I've had any problems I've called them up and yeah I get parts shipped and usually they're here in one to two days and I'm installing myself and yeah I've got a repair center 35 minutes away from me so I mean for me I used to live two minutes from a John Deere now I'm like five minutes but 35 minutes away isn't that big of a deal to me so it seems like they keep on adding more and more repair shops and parts so far have been easy to get I haven't had any problems with their customer service they've been great the repair center has been great and one of the big things that a lot of people said was you know the resale value I'm never going to be able to turn around and resell this for as much as I could a John Deere well that you know that might be true but I don't plan on upgrading my tractor all the time like I'm probably gonna have this tractor for many years to come and you know here in five ten years if some is still around and they're getting their brand out and everything people will be more and more aware of this company so you know here in five ten years they could be a company that people see more and more and the resale value would go up on it so I don't feel like I'm at a loss for that but just so far I've been super impressed with some attractor I mean they're they're a great tractor at affordable cost and that's really what I loved about them is all their options that came standard but just the Great Value that it is also so hopefully most of my videos you've just been able to see you know how this tractor I've been using this tractor and hopefully just giving you some information if you're looking at this tractor just information in general about it so hopefully this video helped you out maybe but thanks for watching and hit that like button hit that subscribe button we'll see you guys later
Channel: McClure Made Outdoors
Views: 17,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summit Tractors, Summit TX25, 2025R, JD 2025R
Id: WKfSnNa6Ync
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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