Why I Regret Not Using Vaseline With Resin and Sooner

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today I want to try something a little bit different using stencils and resin and some Vaseline I'm hoping that these will create a relief now I've got my Vaseline and it's fairly warm so it's soft because I think that's going to be important and I've got my stencil and these are just normal stencils here I need to put something under this no I'll try it like this so what I'm going to do is put the B vine on here like that and what I'm hoping will happen is that this will create a leaf once the resin is cured because I should be able to then wash out but we will see also it will give it a thicker finish don't know if anyone's tried this before if you have and you've done it a different way then let me know in the comments below I'd really love to know I love experiments with resin as you know a lot more people and YouTubers now started to do experiments with resin which all always a great thing as long as we're safe all the time then having more people do it is always a good thing because then we learn more right I'm hoping that has come out neat but we won't know until we lift off this so let's have a look perfect but it doesn't need to be neat oh yeah that's come out quite neat look I think that's come out quite neat so what I'm going to do is do the same for this one and then what I'm going to do before anything else is I'm going to pop these into the fridge to allow that Vaseline to firm up a little bit more than it is because I think once it's firmed up it is more likely bit like pastry I suppose to keep it shape when the resin goes on it now I'm not going to put this in a resin curing machine or anything like that because I don't want the heat of that to cause this Vaseline to go really soft and not maintain its shape that was quite easy this one to do cuz once you got some Vaseline on it it kind of stick sticks to the mold anyway and if you wet your mold a little bit first then that'll help it to stick so you can move it around I want to make sure I've got again little bit texture everywhere and I've not taken it too thin in any places oh I hope this works I think you can make you're going to be able to make some really pretty things with this stencils are so cheap to buy but also if you've got a cricket or something similar you can make your own really easily big thank you to all my members whose names are coming up now if you'd like to benefit from all the extra members video videos advice from me on all sorts of crafting and youtubing and business and benefit from all the other experts that are in that group there is a lot believe me then the link to join is in the description below and a quick thank you to everyone that got me a coffee last month as well thank you without you people it would be so much more difficult to keep this business going and making these videos oh look how pretty that is oh I like that so I'm going to pop that in the fridge both of them for about an hour to firm that up I'm going to mix up my resin while that's still in the fridge and I'm using here today the te expert crystal clear and the reason I'm using that it's a great resin and you can get it at a great price especially if you're buying a gallon and I'm using my large bowl here silicon bowl that comes with my resin kit and so much more comes with it as well so it's well worth checking out and I've listed it in the description below you also get this map that says T expert and Steve McDonald on it so I'm going to give that a mix and then add my color to it I'm going to use some mic powder and some of the Le resin pigment I am yet to find a company whose pigments are as good as the let resin on they're alcoholics I love their translucent pigment and also their opaque pigment as well as all their other stuff it's Second To None honestly so I've got my resin mixed up now and I've taken these out of the fridge and that is definitely help make those go a little bit more solid now all I'm going to do is pour this in as slowly and gently as possible and let that make its way over that quite firm now Vaseline now I'm not going to do any squidy widgy in on this because I don't want to disrupt the seal that that Vaseline has got on there so all I'm going to do is go around and tap these edges and hopefully if there's any trap bubbles but that should allow them to come up so a little bit of tappy wappy going all the way around rather than giving it some squidy wiy I'll burn the bubbles off with a long neck lighter remember never a torch and we will leave this to cure up now and see if that's worked and if it's work then we can put some relief in there I hope it's worked well these are all nice and cured now I left them over overnight so I'm a bit nervous about taking these out now I did get some bubbles in here but I'm not too worried about that because if this works then next time I will give it a really big squidy widgy so it's all about whether it's going to work or not oh it it definitely has I don't know if you can see that but it's definitely worked now I quite like it like that see if it's worked on this one and it has given some great indentations as well has worked on that one as well so it is definitely going to work I have got no doubt about that so next time I can be a little bit more rougher with this now I do need to clean out that petroleum jelly or Vaseline cuz it's is exactly the same thing so I'm going to break that down with some dish soap so I don't to put too much on there just a little dop on there like that and rub that in and I'm sure that is going to break that down lovely leave that on there for a few minutes and then go over it with a baby wipe or rinse it under the tap I won't rinse it under hot water because I don't want to soften the resin at this stage cuz it's only been cured for 24 hours definitely see that that has started to come out you could use a little brush on it I suppose but I don't have one so now all I'm going to use is a baby wipe to get rid of that make sure it's fully cleaned out because I don't want that left in there so I'm just going to put a little bit of fresh clean water on there now as well like that leave that a few minutes and then wipe them nice and dry well I definitely think they come out really well and it was without a doubt the right thing to do put them in the fridge so that the Vaseline firmed up before using it I like that relief in there without anything in it it is I think it's just beautiful and it gives a lovely texture this one what I'm going to do is see if I can fill it with uie resin and see how that looks that in itself is still quite pretty but I think we could get it to really show I'm going to use my colored UV resins for this now these not nozzles might be a little bit large for what I want to do but I'm going to try let's have a look so obviously we want the petals around the outside to be yellow and these are the UV colored resins by J diction I absolutely love them put a little bit in there going all the way around and let it find its own level some of these are a little bit deeper than others actually that's okay and then I'm taking the tip of a micro brush I will link them in the description below so get hold of them they're really really cheap as you know I use them all the time for so many different things I'm just pushing that around it hits all those edges I really like that and then I think I'm going to do the edge of the flower green this might be a bit too thick so I may put that in using the micro brush I put a bit here like that on my M get my micro brush and do that you imagine how pretty this is would look if I'd done a clear cast I think I'm going to put Blue in the middle bit I don't know if this is a real color of a flower but I don't really care cuz I lik it so that was all in there all I need to do is cure that up for 3 minutes I've got my nice big lamp on there and I'm going to cure that up for 3 minutes now I would like to leave that like that and if I was going to sell it I probably would leave it like that but I'm not going to sell this one cuz it's got two holes in I probably use it myself so I'm going to try something different with that in a second so with this one I've got a bit of green acrylic paint and a bit of white and all I'm doing is filling these in and I will knen these up a little bit once they've dried off and it's so easy to do to get a nice neat finish on these I mean I preferred it without anything in it at all but I think it's nice to practice and it's nice to try something different and see how it comes out and this acrylic paint will stay in here nicely because it's indented and we've got the texture from the Vaseline as well that gave it so it has given it a really nice texture well I've added me paint in and I've given it a little clean up around some of the edges just using my micro brush and tied it up but I've not done a massive tidy up on it because I want to get this project done and see if it works now I'm going to be using the low viscosity out of my res UV resin Trio so it comes with a low medium and high viscosity for different projects and I'm going to pop that in there in all of the leaves and move it around in exactly the same way as I did for the previous one and then cure that up and then I'll show you what they both look like I am in absolute love with this technique I think there's a lot more you could do with this as well I think you could make some nice Cameo looking things and look make it look like it's been etched can't wait to play around with it more well that's those two really finished now and I love how they've come out I I think this looks really pretty I liked it before before I put the ink as well but I wanted to put the ink and the paint in the one with the color juvie resin has come out beautiful too let me know what you think I'd love to know what you think I'm going to be playing around with this a lot more boop that like button hit that subscribe button and make sure you check out the video that's coming up next is another experiment that I think you'll love if you're a crafter take care enjoy your resin bye
Channel: Steve McDonald Arts and Crafts
Views: 90,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy resin, resin for beginners, steve mcdonald, How to use epoxy resin for beginners, resin art for beginners step by step, resin for beginners tutorial, epoxy resin tutorial for beginners, Steve McDonald Resin, Steve McDonald Arts and Crafts, Steve McDonald Crafting, Why I Regret Not Using Vaseline With Resin and Sooner, epoxy resin projects for beginners, epoxy resin crafts, epoxy resin jewelry, hand made, how to use resin, resin art tutorial, Vaseline in resin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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