Why I Code on Linux Instead of Windows

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why do i code on linux i keep getting asked this question when i'm asking y'all should i stay with my dual boot should i vm should i wsl2 my archlinux distro even in my coding videos why do i code on linux i actually have two main reasons why i code on linux instead of windows and i also want to talk about the plenty of reasons why linux is better than windows which are not why i code on linux and use linux but they're nice to have they're icing on the cake if you will let's start off with the nice to haves privacy if you don't know windows by default has every single piece of data collection enabled meaning unless you go in and change that they're gathering all of your data and also they have a built-in keylogger did you know that they have now implemented the ability to go in and disable the keylogger as well but even with disabling all this do you really know that it's actually disabling all of this i don't know with linux i actually have privacy there are some distros that may want to collect some of your data but you can really go in and actually disable these and if you don't believe it you can actually go into the code considering the fact that linux is open source there's no proprietary software or anything hidden in there that you can't access and disable or remove so with linux i actually have privacy and with today's sponsor of this video privacy.com you can too that was the linus tech tips level segue you got to give me some credit for that this is actually kind of a life hack that i discovered using privacy.com and i want to share it with y'all i just want to walk you through an example so if i were to come over to youtube premium i try it free but when you try it for free for any type of free trial it asks you for a credit card so what you can do instead of trying to put on your credit card and then cancel it if you don't cancel it you get charged you come over to privacy.com you make a new card you create the card i'm gonna name this youtube free trial how about that i'm gonna set a limit of one dollar single use we're going to set the one dollar spend limit and we should be good so one dollar spend limit youtube free trial if i come over i click on privacy it'll open this up and this is my unused youtube free trial i can use this card it is a single use and i can start my one month free trial but i don't have to worry about going in and canceling my youtube premium i don't have to worry about canceling anything i don't have to worry about getting charged on anything because this will come in and close itself because it's a single use and that was the single use i could also come in here and close it myself if i wanted to so if you think that life hack is beneficial for you i recommend checking out privacy.com or if you care about security or if you just want a free five dollars because if you sign up you're able to spend five dollars on whatever you want with your very first card that you create so you spend 15 at amazon well guess what you only need to spend 10. it's not like some gimmicky thing it's actually five dollars in your pocket that you can spend on whatever you want use the link privacy.com forrest i'd greatly appreciate it i know they would too plus you get five dollars linux is much more reliable sure it has its quirks but i've never had it crash my entire computer and waste a whole day of work reinstalling windows oh and speaking of windows if you're wondering why i have windows on my computer right now i don't want to be a fake and be like i only use links no i also use windows but i only use windows still because adobe cc i've tried every way you could imagine trying to get a wcc on linux and it just doesn't work how i need it to and gaming that's really the only reason but reliability why do you think the biggest tech companies in the world use linux and in particular linux web servers facebook is run on linux google is run on linux amazon uses linux even most super computers run on linux why linux is just much more reliable plain and simple linux is more secure than windows and there are two main reasons for this one because there are fewer amount of linux users hackers don't typically target linux and i'm sure it also helps that linux users are typically more tech savvy than windows users two linux is open source now you may be saying okay well that could mean hackers have an easier end because the more you know about a system the easier it is to hack it right right this is true but because it's open source you also have more eyes on the code monitoring for issues so what are the odds that a hacker is going to find a backdoor vulnerability and exploit it before someone can catch the vulnerability and patch it themselves linux users don't have to wait for microsoft to investigate a vulnerability and fix it they can fix it themselves linux has lower hardware requirements so if you're running on an old laptop or an old pc with not too good specs install linux it'll run a whole lot better than windows ever will it's free so if you're building a new pc or something you don't have to shell out a hundred dollars for windows i know there you can get like windows keys for cheaper but i've always been a bit wary about those actual pro tip if you do have an old computer a laptop that you are no longer using crack it open there's going to be a windows key somewhere inside there that you can actually use when you're installing windows 10 or whatever new windows there is but the cost it's not too important to me because i don't mind spending money on a product that will help me out save me time or make my life easier that is actually incredibly applicable to this thing right here not a sponsor or product placement or anything i have no affiliate affiliation with otterbox i feel like that always needs to be said but we had this screen protector on my wife's phone she dropped it it cracked the screen cracked and we were she was very upset she brought it to me i'm like there's no like color distortion or anything like that so i peeled this off turns out this cracked and the screen is perfectly fine so i bought another one because again i don't mind spending money on something that'll make my life easier or save me money because now i don't have to get a new phone or replace a screen myself which also saves me time now this isn't one of my main points as to why i use linux but i do really like that there is a like a tight linux community don't get me wrong it can get get kind of stacked overflowy y'all told me that's some of y'all's experience with linux but it's not i've never had that bad of an experience with the linux communities as i would with plenty of coding or especially stack overflow communities and forums like that if you don't know what i'm talking about check my last video or two videos ago and you'll see what i'm talking about finally my two favorite things about linux and really the main reasons as to why i use it it is incredibly customizable that's what i like it's open source it's customizable and i can i can make it look and do and feel any way i want if i want it to make it just like mac os i can do that now there are different distros where you don't have to do so much work and making it customizable but you can still customize those i use arch linux by the way i probably already mentioned that in this video and people have already joked me in the comments but it's an incredibly customizable linux distro and that's why i like to use it i'm kind of in limbo right now if you saw my last video where i haven't done much customization because i deleted my old one for some weird reason but it's very customizable and i plan to rebuild my arch linux system in like three weeks so that probably means four or five weeks software software development time kind of how it works and two the terminal like i know there's wsl2 i know there's the new windows command line but i the the linux terminal is just vastly superior than windows command line or anything that windows has to offer and i'm also going to bunch in with like the terminal the package manager the package manager i can install delete anything i want all of it without having to worry about all this random stuff that windows wants to install or how it wants me to uninstall it and if i uninstall it it'll still have all these other files that won't get deleted it's very easy to use a lynx terminal to manipulate your files your apps and everything that you have exactly how you want it so if you want to remove everything you can remove everything if you want to install something you just type in a simple command working with the code working with git all of that it's just it doesn't feel right to me on windows and trust me i've tried again and again and again the linux terminal is just better i bash putty i don't care it's it's not the same um i hope you all enjoyed this video please be sure to leave it a like for the youtube algorithm leave a comment for the youtube algorithm plus making some progress on the youtube leaderboards so some of these comments in these videos may apply to something on an annual basis maybe we'll see if you don't know what the youtube leaderboard is watch my last video we do some coding and i kind of give you an overview of the youtube leaderboard or project engagement it's a really fun coding project that i'm really enjoying working on and meet creating and i think that's all i have to say on the matter [Music]
Channel: ForrestKnight
Views: 348,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, windows, coding, linux vs windows, linux or windows, why i code on linux, why linux is better for programming, programming, best linux distro for programming, best os for programming, best linux distro 2020, linux for beginners, linux for programmers, linux distro for programmers, best linux distro for developers, best linux distro for web developers, linux for beginners ubuntu, why programmers use linux, why programmers use ubuntu, why programmers should use linux
Id: HrYtwz0Xe2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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