Stack Overflow is full of idiots.

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stack overflows full idiots if you follow me on twitter you follow you see my community post and you've seen me talk about this just a little bit and y'all know me i i'm not a drama guy don't care for it but sometimes if you just when you see something you just kind of got to speak up about it and this is my space and i want to talk about it last week i was doing some research on microservices trying to see if it was a good fit for my app and i came across a question where someone was just trying to get a better understanding of microservices and one person had the audacity to start off their answer with you should do more research about microservices that's what he's doing exactly as a community member said on my twitter post god forbid that he have that he integrates some human interaction into his research process he's trying to learn more about microservices if i'm studying something it'll be very nice for me to ask somebody else actually i did that this morning i wanted to learn more about the medium partner program to see if it was something beneficial for me to start doing start writing blog posts basically on a video that i make here and put them up on medium and someone who told me about it y'all may know him as a data professor he has no affiliation with my opinion i just wanted to mention him because he introduced me to the media partner program i hadn't heard about it before so i sent him a message on discord saying hey is there any info that you can send my way any any little bit helps i'm doing a research on it now but you know if you've experienced it so it'd be nice to hear from someone who's experienced it that's exactly what this person was asking on stack overflow to get a better understanding of people's experiences with microservices and a person why do you have to answer like that why do you have to say well you should research you should research microservices yourself it doesn't make any sense to me and this isn't this isn't an isolated event i see all the time someone asked a question on stack overflow just to get absolutely destroyed and downvoted into the ground and forced to remove their question and not only are they forced to remove their question this has happened to me in the past i remember asking a question trying to get an understanding of how other people went about starting their job application because i know there's some people who just kind of start a very base model mvp they have a couple variables in a single class and they just have like a function or two to do what they need other people i feel like they like to do okay i need all these variables i need all these classes i need all these functions and then that later they go back in and start assigning values to the variables and start filling out the functions and i want to get a better understanding of how people did this because i like to learn this was many years ago so obviously stack overflow hasn't changed in the past five years six years seven years these are probably seven years ago now i was down voted into the ground people said you should read you should just pick up a java book if you don't know how to start an application yourself i'm asking you how you do it why is everyone downvoting me i don't understand why people had to be such about it apolog i'm sorry i don't really cuss in my videos but it's just i say how it is i don't know how why you have to act like that when i'm just trying to learn and not only that but stack overflow encourages you to give in to those down votes to these gatekeepers pressuring you to remove your comment by rewarding you for removing your comment i don't know if it's still like that but seven years ago when i removed that comment because i was downvoted to the ground just trying to figure out how they started off their job application i got my very first stack overflow overboard how stupid is that and not only that but take a look at this i hope my people don't mind me um kind of sharing their information i mean they shared it first so i hope it's okay but juan right here like i said basically how i intro this video in a very more simplified manner it's basically what i said right here and i wanted them to send me kind of if they found any in the coming days and weeks into my way the one that i saw about microservices gone can't find it probably deleted it and rewarded for it by stack overflow but one right here it's ridiculous the amount of times i see something like that on stack overflow developers should do something about it crazy hello place for series professional development is such a toxic environment sometimes you got better luck asking in subreddits of technologies you're working on facts the velvet and i said the developers have done something about it they reward you for removing it but i already talked about that and daniel same exact experience as me the first time i posted a questionnaire i was met with the same bs i ended up deleting my question because i felt so bad luckily i was still in school so i could ask my professor for help that's my biggest pet peeve every dev is still learning something or another just be humble and help if you can if you can't keep your opinion to yourself and that's exactly right it i don't care if you are the expert in microservices or someone who doesn't know anything about microservices shows that they're doing research on their own and they're just trying to get a better understanding of it in adding human interaction into learning don't come in here and be an don't be a smart ass don't just keep scrolling don't answer anything or help them in a kind way link in the documentation and say i i just think it's very valuable if you haven't already looked at this very valuable for new developers and experienced developers to read the documentation and learn that way jack i totally relate to this and it's not just stack overflow it is not just stack overflow he said he joined discords about web development and try to surround himself with like-minded people and then he was met with the same bs the people around him acting like he was stupid for not already knowing the answer and yeah he was shocked at how even in a channel met for helping others this was still the case same thing on twitter again greg said heaven forbid he tries to introduce human connection in his learning process and rohit is the only one that has played devil's advocate and he said i'll play devil's advocate here the situation stack over those complex is not as easy to spot right and wrong sometimes people are indeed lazy and we expect them to show what they've done already only then we can help them improve it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna address that one i disagree i think it's fairly black and white or should i say binary it's very it's very binary where it's right and wrong if it's clear that the person asking has done no research of their own and is asking a question it still doesn't give you the right to be an you still can be nice and say look i recommend that point them in the right direction like i said before and don't just be mean to the individual just because you don't you feel like they haven't put in the work or just because they ask a question that you deem as stupid you are not in the right to to figure out whether or not a question is stupid and i mean there are just plenty of other cases on the matter about this i don't know what else to tell you and i must say the worst part of it all is a simple fact that when that happened to me i questioned whether or not i wanted to be a programmer i was young and spry and excited to jump into this community and become a part of this community and learn and be surrounded by like-minded people and just to be met with these i'll call them gate keepers just to be met by these gatekeepers who think that they're the end-all be-all of programming or they think that you're not good enough because you're asking stupid questions or they're just being mean to you for no reason that made me re-question it like why do i want to go into an industry that is filled with people like this that's just the worst part of it all is that i'm sure there are plenty of people that quit because they say i don't want to be a part of that community that's a bad community they're they're they don't care about anyone but themselves they're mean to up and comers and all that well for those people don't quit because of a few bad eggs and i know i'm putting throwing stack overflow under the bus because i feel like it's almost a culture at stack overflow but remember the negative people the mean people are always going to be louder than the positive people you just have to try to work on finding those positive influences in the space and people who are actually there to try to help and for all those people who are out there discouraging other people and and shaming them and gatekeeping the computer science software development coding hacking whatever industry don't it's not that hard to be nice it's really not
Channel: ForrestKnight
Views: 249,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack overflow, coding, culture, gatekeeping
Id: I_ZK0t9-llo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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