Linux vs Windows Round 0: A Microsoft Dev Builds the Linux Kernel

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He's a pretty interesting guy; original programmer for Task Manager (the one piece of Windows software that basically always works).

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/B_i_llt_etleyyyyyy 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Now do the reverse. Oh wait

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/RyhonPL 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

"get the best of both worlds with the windows ui and the linux kernel"

But the windows gui is quite possibly one of the worst aspects of windows!

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/SciencePhysicist 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

microsoft's commits to FOSS are kinda pretty good ngl, even though most are self serving

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/D_r_e_a_D 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
Hey, I'm Dave, Welcome to my Shop!   I'm Dave Plummer, a retired operating   systems engineer from Microsoft going  back to the first days of Windows NT,   and today you can watch me do something you never  thought you'd see an old Microsoft developer do:    First you'll get to watch as I build a custom  Linux kernel right before your eyes, in real time,   for installation atop the WSL2 subsystem on  Windows 10, and it's all with a goal towards   the ultimate desktop hybrid system: Because did  you know that with the Windows 10 Hypervisor you   can use the Windows shell as your UI but actual  Linux distros as your command line and kernel,   all at native speeds, side by side, on the  same box as the same time? I'll reveal how   you can get the best of both worlds with the new  Windows Subsystem for Linux, Version 2. [Intro]    The nice thing about the way Windows NT was  architected is that it was always intended   to support multiple simultaneous subsystems,  all running at the same time. Way back when,   there was the OS/2 subsystem, and of course the  Windows subsystem, and the little-used POSIX   subsystem. In each case these subsystems  are written to run atop the Windows NT kernel.   That means a Linux distribution like Ubuntu  actually sits atop the Windows Subsystem which   in turns sits atop the Windows Kernel. This  extra layer of abstraction is one more than   you'd normally have on a native Linux system and  as a result, the performance was not optimal,   because any Linux kernel calls are effectively  translated into Windows NT kernel calls.   That overhead of the translation layer slows  things down somewhat. To solve this as well as   some other issues, Microsoft introduced WSL2,  or Windows Subsystem for Linux Version 2.   Under WSL2 the NT kernel gets out of the way  entirely and the Linux kernel talks directly   to the virtualization hardware via the hypervisor.  Except for the presence of the hypervisor itself,   which has little to no real impact, you get  essentially the same raw bare metal performance   out of the Linux subsystem on Windows as you would  running that same distribution of Linux natively   on that hardware all by itself. The overhead  is usually quoted as less than two percent.    WSL2 runs as a Virtual Machine, but one that  is entirely managed behind the scenes for you.   It employs the full native Linux kernel and  provides 100% system call compatibility because   it IS the actual Linux kernel: it's built from  the same code. With WSL1 if you had code that   did disk IO, the Linux layer would talk to the  NT kernel and the NT filesystem and Linux IO   calls would be translated into native NT style  calls. Contrast this with WSL2 where you are   actually running the ext4 filesystem natively,  but inside a virtual hard disk. Linux talks to   the disk directly much as it would in a standalone  installation. If you've used the original WSL,   you'll notice the disk IO with WSL2 is much,  much faster. Running a Linux distribution   under WSL2 is very much like running it on the  underlying hardware without Windows in the way.    To make it more interesting, we're going to  build our custom Linux kernel under Linux on   WSL and then swap out the kernel from underneath  ourselves, without even rebooting Windows, and   then verify we're running our new custom kernel  when we're done. In other words, just as you   might compile your Windows program under Windows,  we're going to use Linux to build a custom Linux,   then run that Linux. And we're going to do it  all on a Windows 10 foundation. We're going to   rely heavily on our CPU's virtualization ability  regardless of whether its AMD or Intel, so the   first thing we need to do is reboot the machine,  go into the system BIOS, and make sure that CPU   virtualization is enabled. This settings hides  under a variety of names, such as VT-x, AMD-V,   SVM, or Vanderpool. Once you've found and enabled  it, start your machine up under Windows 10. There   are too many variations of different PC BIOSes  for me to cover them all here but suffice to say   you'll need to turn on virtualization in the BIOS  before any of this can work. You'll also need to   upgrade to at least build 1903 if you aren't  there already. For what it's worth, I'm doing   all of this on Version 20, Second Half, Build  19042). We're going to use the WSL environment   to build the WSL kernel, which means you need  WSL on your machine in the first place. If this   sounds like a chicken and egg problem, it's not.  It's just an egg problem. You need the WSL1 egg to   grow the WSL2 chicken, and you can pick it up from  Microsoft simply by running [wsl -install]    To build the Windows Subsystem for Linux,  Microsoft uses one of the latest generally   stable releases of Linux. We're going  to use a copy of Microsoft's enlistment,   but I've also done it at least once recently with  the original kernel GitHub repo right from the   fingertips of Linus himself. It's all the same but  starting with the Microsoft tree ensures we have   the same view of the world as their developers  did when they built their version. We do this in   two simple repo steps: first we grab the original  Linux source, then we grab the adjunctive source   from Microsoft that allows the Linux kernel to run  against the Windows Hypervisor. We're going to go   with version 4.19.84 of the Linux kernel, but you  can generally use any version that you know has   been successfully adapted by Microsoft. That means  they have provided a separate enlistment that will   let the Linux sources compile and build against  the Windows Hypervisor. That's not even really a   requirement, as you might get away with being the  very first person to run a particular new version   of the Kernel, but it's less work in general if  someone else has already done the heavy lifting.   I'll use Git to retrieve first the kernel itself  and then the Microsoft custom code around it.    I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but I've also tested  these instructions under Debian at least once,   so they should work somewhat broadly. The  next step is to get the essential tools you   need to compile the code. We can do that  with the Advanced Package Tool, or APT.   It makes installing a piece of software and  all of its dependencies largely trivial. It's   time to head on down to the desktop and open some  consoles. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll   begin. [Enlistment Segment] Our first step will  be to install the toolset that we require in order   to actually compile and build the Linux kernel's  source code. I'll put the text of all of these   steps in the video description so that you can  accurately copy and paste as needed rather than   trying to write stuff down from a video! How am  I typing? What, do you look at your hands?    11 Megabytes? Well, I believe I  can spare it. I'll allow it.    And the final step for tool installation is a  second list of APT packages that might actually   be optional or only required if you go the  X/Windows route down the road. I know the   build works with them, though, so I'm not going  to mess with a successful recipe at this point.    Once this is done, we can pull down the actual  source. In terms of where to get the source, you   have a couple of choices. I've done it once using  the code right from Linus's personal GitHub repo,   just for maximum authenticity. For maximum  simplicity, however, we're going to start   with a copy of Microsoft's repository primarily  because I know it works well with the WSL.    Actually, a smarter man wouldn't put all his  source code in the root folder, so let me make a   subdirectory here... Based on what I THINK I know  about git, it will first pull down the initial   version of every file in the entire project  and then every change that's ever been made   to each file. It will apply the diffs and in the  end wind up with today's version of every file.   That's the current source. How the kernel is  built and with what options it is compiled with   is heavily influenced by a config file  provided to the build process. Rather   than trying to make a config from scratch we'll  start with a copy of Microsoft's configuration,   as we'll assume it's pretty close to being  exactly what we need for our own purposes.    Now if you don't at least have a giant neck beard  you don't want to change too much in here for fear   of breaking something, but I am going to modify  the description tag so that I can see when I am   actually running my own custom version.   Then we'll save this file back out...    If hacking on configuration text  files seems like a bit much, relax,   because all you need to do is type make  menuconfig and it will create and launch   a handy GUI wherein you can make your favorite  modifications to the kernel build options.    When it launches, we can see under the version  options that our configuration is plainly marked   as DavesGarage, meaning if nothing else my changes  to the config file didn't break it in a way that   the GUI can't parse it. That's a good sign! With  our options set we can launch the build. I love it   when a build is simple, and we don't actually need  ANY options here at all, but I am going add the -j   option so that it runs a multiprocessor build, as  I have 64 cores and it's cold in the shop today.    I'm also going to drag a copy of Task Manager in  here so we can monitor the load on the old 3970X.   When there are abundant files to compile at  once, it will peg things out to 100% cpu, but   duing times of archiving and linking, which  are much more about single core performance,   we will see many cores sitting idle.   For the cynics who think I would stoop to   deplorable editing tricks like speeding up the  video to make my machine seem more powerful,   be sure to watch the uptime monitor in  Task Manager and note that it's running   at a regular rate. Wait a minute, did I just  see a warning fly by? They allow warnings to   be checked into their OS? Eww! When I was a kid I  spent a long time fixing every warning so that our   code would compile at /WX /W4, which meant highest  warning level and all warnings are errors. It kept   you honest. So did walking to school in the snow,  uphill both ways of course. OK, it's linking! If   all goes well, in the end we'll be left with a  file called bzImage that contains our freshly   baked kernel, hot from the compiler's oven.   To use our new kernel we need to copy it over to   the Windows side of the world so that it can use  it to launch WSL. To do that you'll need an admin   Command Prompt which you should use to make a  folder to hold your kernel. Call it wslkernel and   then copy the kernel in there via the C drive's  mountpoint. After we've copied it from the Linux   side we should see it in that folder, so once I've  confirmed that the bzImage file has indeed made   it to the wslkernel folder, we can shut down  WSL entirely with the wsl shutdown command.    All I need to do to hook things up is to specify  our file as the WSL kernel in the WSLconfig file,   which is stored in the user's home directory.  When you edit it, keep in mind that you have   to use C style escaping for backslashes.   bzImage is likely not the best name for a   kernel so let me rename it something more  befitting of its role, like    Once I've confirmed that wsl is in the shutdown  state, all we need to do is restart it.   As soon as we do we can run neofetch to  get the banner info for our kernel.    Aha, the Windows flag. And we can confirm  that we're running my custom version of the   kernel because it's listed as DavesGarage. You  can also see that we allocated potentially all   64 processor cores and a quarter of the  available ram to be used by WSL.    Thanks to CPU virtualization, remember that  everything running in the Windows Subsystem   for Linux, including our custom kernel, is now  effectively talking directly to the hardware   through the hypervisor and not going through  the Windows kernel to get its work done.    How can that be, though? Isn't it a bit like the  Highlander, in that there can be only one? Whereas   I've made it sound a bit like Windows and Linux  are BOTH running natively on the same hardware at   the same time, and that'd be silly... or would  it? Well, it turns out not so silly after all.   As long as the Windows Hypervisor is running as  the bottom layer, you actually CAN have multiple   different operating systems running effectively in  native mode at the same time. Both can access all   the hardware, devices, and memory that has been  assigned to their hyper visor session. They truly   are running natively side by side on the same box.  And that means we have really achieved what might   be the best of both worlds. If you look at my  desktop, you can see a weird mixture of different   environments: PowerShell, Command Prompt, and two  Linux shells, one from Ubuntu and one from Debian,   all running natively on the hypervisor  simultaneously. I have my Linux shell   configured to launch over my Windows filesystem  mountpoint so that I can use Linux and the   standard Unix-style command toolset to operate on  my Windows installation as well, since I find the   Linux tools a little more predictable for me than  the long and verbose Powershell command set.    Let me take a second to get both the Windows and  Linux environments engaged, perhaps both listing   the contents of the entire harddrive. We can get  all four rolling away at the same time, and then   drag Task Manager in to see how they are faring.  From a quick inspection, you can see a couple of   single-threaded tasks taking up the majority of  a core, and those would be our directory tasks.    Short of running X/Windows, which is also possible  but just not something I'd want to inflict   on myself, you can run pretty much anything  that requires a Linux kernel, like multiple   distributions at once as we are here. I've  even got so far as trying to boot a Mac image,   and I've got to the Clover bootloader, but not  much further. I imagine by now you can see the   potential here - you get the full Windows desktop  user experience, but the computing world is opened   to the entirety of everything that can be done  with the Linux kernel, including all of the   various flavors and distributions. You don't  need to worry about finding a distribution with   an acceptable user interface, because you can use  Windows with its excellent desktop shell as the   host for all of the others. You can also run  apps in each of the subsystems at the same time,   so you can be running Linux apps at the same time  as Photoshop or Premier on the Windows side.    If you enjoyed this whirlwind look at the Linux  kernel on Windows, I'd be honored if you took   a moment right now to subscribe to my channel.  This episode is a bit of a leap into the Linux   space for me and your subscription serves to let  me know that I'm going in the right direction.   I'd then make more like it and if you turn on the  bell icon you'd even be notified of them when I   do. It's a win-win. As always, remember I'm not  selling anything, and I don't have any Patreons,   I'm just in this for the subs and likes, so if you  did enjoy the episode, please be sure to leave me   one of each before going. YouTube apparently  really does care whether you care, and they   measure it no small part by subs and likes.   And don't forget to head on over to Dave's Garage   at the end of the month for a Livestream on  Sunday the 28th of February at 10 AM Pacific,   1PM Eastern. All questions will be answered,  all inquiries addressed, and you can help me   plan for future episodes! The more the merrier,  so bring a friend. Our first ever livestream had   a 1000 folks show up and it was a lot of fun,  so please do stop by on the 28th. Thanks for   joining me here in the shop. In  the meantime, and in between time,   I hope to see you next time, right here  in Dave's Garage.
Channel: Dave's Garage
Views: 135,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft linux kernel, microsoft linux distro, linux kernel in windows, linux kernel on windows, linux kernel (software), kernel linux windows 10, kernel linux windows, linux kernel windows 10, linux vs windows, windows vs linux, linux kernel, windows source code, task manager, linux on windows, wsl2, windows subsystem for linux, windows, kernel customization, wsl, ubuntu, debian, open source vs, windows 10, linux distro, linux 2020, windows terminal
Id: a6uR-iGVh7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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