Why I chose Unreal Engine 5 + M1 Max Instead of Unity

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in this video i'm going to talk about why i decided to go with unreal engine instead of using unity let's get into it [Music] in my previous video i was comparing the unreal engine to unity and i came up with a lot of reasons why i believe that the unreal engine is a better choice for m1 max users so i want to give you my personal reasons why i decided to use unreal engine 5. so the one thing that i really like about unreal is the versioning system the way that they handle all of their updates it makes it very easy to upgrade my project what i found in a previous video actually showed it in unity because you have to essentially attach all these different packages to extend functions functionality i've found that some of those packages may or may not be compatible with the upgraded version that you're using in unity and this can create a problem when we're talking about a completely different chipset because now i we need to make sure that all of those packages are up to date this problem becomes even worse if i have to use third party plugins or packages so for me i didn't want to have to deal with that hassle another thing is that you know i have seen some reports that unity um seems a little bit unstable some people have had input issues i haven't experienced any of those issues with the specific version that i'm using and that's the key again with the versioning system i'm using a very specific version that seems to work very well on my computer unity it just doesn't feel that stable to me whereas unreal so far both four and five five i've had some issues with but it's pre-production so with four i really haven't had any issues once i decided to move over to using writer or even vs code that also worked very well i love the fact that all of the tools they're in one place i tend to not want to have to search and go through different tools and figure out this and figure out that i like that everything is in one place and they're all designed to work well together that to me is a very big key now the fps i know that i'm going to have slightly worse performance but it's not going to be impacting the types of games that i want to make so i'm really not worried and to be honest if i'm hitting 180 frames per second that's good enough for me i love blueprints and the fact that i can combine blueprints with c plus plus now i know some people are a little intimidated by c plus plus but to be honest the way that unreal has implemented it it becomes easier to understand once you start getting the hang of it i love the fact that unreal teaches me how to structure my projects this means that i can start small and if i need to scale i can scale very easily as well as if i have to let's say you know some of these projects end up going very well and i need to expand the team i'm able to easily bring onboard other individuals and they should be able to follow the general structure of this project i find that i get better results faster and you know i really think that's a lot to do with blueprints i can easily uh prototype something in blueprints then if i need i can bring down some of that code into c plus plus and out of the box i i just love the general lighting system everything just seems like it looks it just looks really really good out of the box is what i found and the last thing and it's a part of my biases i've actually i've used unity in the past i've never finished a game i was working on a game with it was a team there's myself and then three other individuals so i have some familiarity with it it just seems to make a lot more sense uh to myself so you know i could have decided to go and really learn unity which i did start doing some tutorials on unity to make sure i understand it and i get the con the general concepts it is pretty easy to pick up unity but because i've used unreal in the past the key is i know exactly what questions i need to ask i don't know how to do everything i'm by far i'm nowhere near knowing how to do everything but i've gotten to a place where i believe i know what questions to ask and i can go to the community to different forms i can google search i can watch youtube videos or i can even take a few courses in order to upskill as needed so these are the reasons why i decided to go with unreal engine so going forward you're going to see a lot more of me using unreal engine specifically on the m1 max and my goal is ultimately to see if we can answer one of the biggest questions that's out there right now is is the m1 max can we use this m1 max for game development i think we can but i'm actually going to go out there and try and prove it if you like this video and you want to see more content like this please don't forget to subscribe if you have any feedback any questions or you have a comment please leave it below thank you again for all your time and i'll see you next time
Channel: Enovair Studios
Views: 4,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, game development, ue4, ue5, m1 max, m1 unreal engine 5, m1 pro unreal, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 4
Id: cAO95x8R-IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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