Why I Can Never Live in America๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

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hey YouTube welcome back to my channel you're new to my channel welcome my name is Leah and I'm an American currently living in Switzerland and today I am talking to you guys about why I cannot move back to America my subscribers you guys know that recently I let you guys know that I am leaving Switzerland alright now has 72 days until I leave Switzerland and I have not disclosed where I am moving to next and so yeah I guess I'm kind of dropping hints I'm kind of teasing you guys and building up the suspense so now at least you guys know I'm not going back to America a lot of you guys actually think I'm going back to America back to when I say that I was unhappy in Switzerland everyone was like oh when you go coming home oh that's so cool you're coming home even to now to this day everybody's like oh are you going back to America then no I am NOT going back to America before I jump into this video I just wanted to announce that I do have a patron site if you guys can check it out that would really mean a lot to me if you don't know what patron is patron is a space where you can support creators and support their content and really help them out you get exclusive access to videos and pictures that I don't upload on social media also you get a postcards and other stuff set to in the mail from me from my travel destination and also one of the rewards is that you get to have a 15-minute video phone call with me while I'm traveling at one of my destinations so if you guys check that out please that would be really helpful I really want to produce more content for you guys but YouTube does not pay at all but thank you guys so much for your support as always and yeah keep watching why can't I move back to America one thing is that I have grown so much of the person and I feel like I cannot even relate to the American lifestyle anymore I used to be a big part of that lifestyle I had a brand-new car house that was too big for me and I liked nice things I I didn't live paycheck to paycheck my entire life but I mean that's part of being American right and you know I was into materialism and I just am not that person anymore and I don't feel like I fit in the country right now also I feel like it's hard for me to relate to people like some of my old friends it's kind of hard to relate to because where I'm at in my life is so different I'm in a completely different direction than other people and I feel like everyone is kind of not everyone I feel like a good amount of people are stabbing it and I'm not so it's really hard to go back to a place where a lot of people are just kind of stagnant the news from America is exhausting and it's crazy how just moving thousand miles away across the ocean you really just don't hear about the news in America as much anymore it's like you have to search for it and since I'm not searching for it I don't hear about it in America it was like five times a day I would hear about you know police brutality like crimes against black people shootings at schools child abuse like murder everything and it's exhausting and it really gets to you emotionally but here I haven't heard about anything from America it's like I'm just like blocked off I was like this wall and I love it it feels so nice the peace is amazing there's only been one time I've heard about anything from America from Switzerland and a co-worker asked me about the mass shooting in Texas and they asked like hey how does this keep happening in America and that was fun because it was nice to give some feedback as an American and to to give my insight on that it was a really nice discussion so I actually liked that but other than that hey I don't hear about it and it feels great that kind of negativity really pulls you down so actually the cost of living in America I mean it's not high but it's just that you need all these things to live in America that you don't need in Europe for example transportation in America I had a car which means I had a car note I had car insurance I had to pay for gas everything oil changes and it was just it's a huge amount of money every month taken out of my bank account just to have a car because I needed it to get around public transportation in America is crap okay the only place that it's good is in like New York or San Francisco places that have like a subway Metro situation or a good bus system but if you don't live in those areas you're you're it's so hard so I mean here in Europe there's public transportation it's amazing in Switzerland I do not miss having a car at all I'm so happy not to have a car here I pay 80 francs a month to use the buses and trams unlimited and it's just carefree it's just one prize and it feels really nice also in America there's just like this pressure to settle like to settle down get married have kids like super early like right now in America being 27 and not having a partner being engaged or having kids is like what's going on with you why aren't you settling down here I don't have that pressure at all there's many people my age who actually are still living at home and but who are just not there yet they don't have kids they're just living life like I am they're still learning and experiencing things so it feels nice not to have that pressure and I don't feel like going back there and having to deal with that pressure right now this of course is a big big big deal for me travel in America is hard okay first of all it's expensive second of all everything is far and third of all they don't really have paid time off so why would I go back there when I travel this life so yeah I cannot do that here in Europe literally everything is so cheap so cheap it's ridiculous you can hop on a plane and go to the next country for like 100 francs 100 Oh 150 sometimes 200 francs roundtrip you can get really lucky I got a fight to London for like 30 bucks okay round trip travelling here is so easy and since that's what I love to do I couldn't get that up not just the price of travel it's also the paid time off in America it's so hard to get paid time off a lot of jobs maybe offer like a week pay time off but then you have to be there for a certain amount of time in the Europe and other parts of the world you get like a set block of time off play in Switzerland you get four to six weeks mandatory paid time off a year you just get it as soon as you start you can use it as soon as you start and it is amazing it's great and I could not go back to America where I'm not able to travel like that so yeah guys that's why I really cannot go back to America right now also I'm just learning so much about the world about life about myself like I feel like a new person I really really do and I don't want to stop this growth and I just feel myself going up and up and up and going back to America is not good for me at this time thank you guys for watching again I really appreciate all of your guys's support I have a lot of new things going on I have a website you can check that out I also have a page on Facebook dedicated to my travels and I also have a patient account once again a patron is a great application where you guys can actually support creators like myself who would love to make more content but youtube is just not paying us anything so if you would love to become one of my patrons please check it out for $10 a month you could really make a huge difference and my ability to make videos more often and you could have full access to videos ahead of time and also exclusive pictures and videos that don't disclose on my social media thank you guys so much and if you like this video give me a thumbs up subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: TraveLeah
Views: 9,187
Rating: 4.6558142 out of 5
Keywords: travel, living in america, expat in europe, black and abroad, black in europe, black in switzerland, american living abroad, american expat, digital nomad, nomad, female nomad
Id: ApdWXSZ_rL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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