Travel the World Alone like a BOSS!

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hey guys this is Lia also known as travel Lia and welcome back to my channel so today I'm making a vlog for all you potential solo travels out there are already solo travelers I get a lot of questions about how you get the courage to travel by yourself and people are like oh aren't you scared etc so I'm just going to give you guys some tips today on how to make your transition into solo travel a lot easier or just to give you guys some courage so let's jump right in so I got 5 awesome tips for you guys but before I start I just wanted to let you know I still get nervous whenever I travel every time before I go to my next destination I get like butterflies in my stomach I start to get a little bit of anxiety so I just wanted to share that with you guys just to know that it's okay to be nervous you're going to different countries and you're by yourself so it's okay to be nervous I'm still always nervous but of course I don't listen to those fears I still go but it's ok it's ok we're all nervous together number one this is super important and it's research research the location that you're going to but most importantly research using like real-life people so a lot of people think that traveling is scary and especially solo travel because they're listening to the wrong outlets they're like listening to all these news channels first of all the news only tells you what they want you to know and especially in America you know that the news really like condemns other countries you know there could be like one event there that happens in that country and now it's like this huge travel advisory but you know there's no travel advisory for America and we've had like how many mass shootings ok what I'm saying is that to research with realized people so whenever I do research I research using YouTube videos using blogs going on in Ram taking information from real-life solo travelers who have had experience in those locations and I think that's so much more valuable because they were there and you can make sure to you know find somebody who was just recently there so they have up-to-date information but of course still do some background using the web make sure you can still look up you know the crime rate in that area look up you know if there has been any you know crimes against tourists definitely still do that but take the majority of your research from real-life people second tip that goes along with people is to join a travel group on Facebook I find this so helpful because it allows you to really like talk to other travelers you can meet up with them you can it's just amazing it's a great resource as well for travel tips and help you to also build your itinerary for that location so for example I'm in a couple like big just overall solo travel groups and I will link them down the full buck down below sorry in the description box and like one of the big one is like the female solo Travel Network I'm sure that there's some for men as well and then more specifically whenever I know where I'm going I'll join like a backpacker group or a solo traveler group for that location so you know I my last one was Sri Lanka so I joined like three groups for Sri Lanka because then you have access to people who are really there right then and there so you can meet up with or get ideas from but also these are like-minded people you know like it's different solo traveling versus other traveling and you want to get your information from fellow solo travelers make sure to join a travel group the third thing is to stay in a hostel so this is just advice for solo travelers who might be like shy already you might not be already extroverted hospitals kind of force you to be extroverted like you cannot stay in a dorm with eight other people without talking to them because they will talk to you whether you want to or not they'll talk to you and this is good even if you don't like to be bothered it pushes you out of your shell so then you can have people to hang out with that's like a common theme in hostels like you stay in the hostel and you all the people are like oh what are you doing tomorrow and you're like I don't know and they're like well I'm going here do you want to come with me you know so that's like a great way that if you're traveling alone and you're kind of scared to step out alone and you've just got to a country you can stay at a hostel and you'll have a travel buddy straight off the bat and if you don't like me I don't like to stay in hostels for a long period of time so hey you can just stay in a hostel for the first few nights when you travel just so you can get comfortable with the country and you can you know find some travel buddies and then you can branch off and go into an Airbnb or whatnot or a more private accommodation but it's just a great way to not be so nervous about going by yourself because you're not you won't really be alone and so you have somebody it's like a security blanket number four so this is kind of piggybacks off of researching but it is to look up the scams for each location so this goes back to like safety and stuff and it just helps you to be more confident like once you know what's going on in that country like you're not even as nervous anymore so what I do is I like research the heck out of scams so I know like I'm a pro once I get to that country like nobody can rip me off you know so and you can look up those scams with blogs you can literally just Google you know scams in Bali scams in Thailand etc and you'll get a tons of blogs YouTube videos other articles to read the solo traveler you are a number one target because they know that you by yourself nobody has your back so they're definitely going to come for you for these scams so make sure you know them by the back your hand and it'll make you feel so much more confident like you already know what tricks they have up your sleeve so number five so this just goes along with you know whenever you travel by yourself you might feel lonely or you might fear feeling lonely so my suggestion is like before you leave make like a nice list of things to do like me I don't like make itineraries anymore because I like to just go with the flow but I make a list of like things and I'll make a long list it'll have like 10 to 15 things to do in that country so then you know if I'm feeling lonely or bored I got something to do you know to keep my mind off of it so I don't have to like stress or anything like that and it also once again it goes back to that confidence because you're prepared you know what I mean and being prepared will help you so much more with that anxiety or what not to travel so make sure you have a list already ready before you go to that location so those are some awesome tips for you guys just to get started to get some courage to travel solo and step out into the world alone I hope that these help you if you have any other tips for my followers please comment down below in the description box I'd like to hear it or if you are planning a solo trip soon I also want to know where you're going so comment down below in the comment section and thank you guys so much for following and watching and I hope you like and subscribe and I'll see you the next one
Channel: TraveLeah
Views: 1,965
Rating: 4.8343196 out of 5
Keywords: travel, solo travel, travel alone, traveling alone, get the courage to travel alone, solo travel hacks, solo travel tips, traveleah, black and abroad, black solo traveler, traveling while black, afraid to travel alone, how to travel alone, solo travel women, traveling alone for the first time, travel alone as a woman, travel alone vlogs, first time solo travel tips, female solo travel tips
Id: P_EU5d8R07Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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