Why I Broke Into MOST POWERFUL Minecraft Prison....

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this is the most powerful prison filled with tons of deadly traps and guarded by the most stacked players on the server will I be able to get my Ally out of this mess or will I die whil trying well let's take it back to the star I know that she's in this Castle she has to be hold on a second I see name tags looks like some of the girls are leaving this is perfect okay this is my chance let me get my speed potion go go go go go I just got to hope these guys don't see me okay let's go I think I'm in I can't believe I dodged those guys so hard what what is this hold up is that the G wait I'm going to die okay I saved myself with this totem of undying hold on a second I S I just saw the girl I need to get to her instantly and it's perfect because of this totem I have 20 seconds of fire resistance so if I just jump in this lava and start swimming over here I should be able to get to her pretty quick and what do you think you're doing exactly wait what no don't do that I'm going to die this poor kid he must be new around here get back on that platform now I'm a to Hearts stop shooting me girls I said we let him starve to death you have to be kidding me I need to get off this place and find that girl now but my fire resistance has ran out let me put my crafting table right there see what I can craft hold up with my bone meal I can make a bunch of bone blocks just like this so for now I have six blocks in total but I don't think that's going to be enough to build over there and I don't have a pickaxe to pick up any of these blocks but I tell you what I do have this TNT let me see if I have something to light it with hold on a second I can make a redstone torch let me pick up my crafting table I don't want it to blow up if I put the torch right there and stand back come on here we go okay please tell me that gave me enough blocks what how did I only get two out of that that is so unlucky but I tell you what it could still be enough if I start building like this come on come on come on with the crafting table and the two red Nether Bricks you have to be joking me I need like another three blocks hold on a second there's a Strider here and I have this saddle come on buddy just get a bit closer no no no no no where's he going you got to be kidding me it was so close wait I have a crimson fungus I'm pretty sure they like these if only there was a way I could get him closer to me hold up what's going on with the Strider what how is it going so fast that has to be the weirdest Strider I've ever seen I have no idea how that Strider kick off so fast wait what there's a blaze right here but hold up this is actually kind of perfect I need to kill this guy and pick up his Blaze Rod come on buddy you got to make your way to the platform okay this should be good come on just please drop me a blaze rod I really need this yes that's perfect I'm so Lu that that Blaze just came let me put down this brewing stand put the blaze powder in here now I can make a fire resistance potion let's go that is actually perfect get down there now what did I just hear someone hold up that's the girl we're sick of you it's time for you to be executed what no I didn't even do anything what you have to be kidding me that was the girl and they're about to execute her that is nuts I have to stop this from happening now and the fire resistance potion is ready which is perfect come on come on let me drink this if I don't get there end time she's going to die come on come on come on we're almost there what oh my gosh what is that and it does damage as well get me away from it oh my goodness it's terrifying oh and it's so quick as well you got to be kidding me I've never seen a Strider like this before hold on a second maybe I can still put my saddle on it let's have a look ah never mind this thing is not friendly whatsoever okay I think it's leaving me but man you have to be kidding me I don't have fire resistance anymore you have to be executed dexi there's no way I can survive this chamber what is this you have to be kidding me now jump ah what is this where did this guy come from BS are literally spawning from nowhere but wait dropped me two string hold on hold on hold on this plan might be pretty hard to pull off but I'm pretty sure I I just thought of the most genius Escape ever if I make a fishing rod like this and then break my crafting table and put it right there and now if I line myself up and fishing rod right about there no we need to go a little bit higher let's see is that going to work yes it worked now we stand back come on okay there's no way I think this is actually going to work take a look at that I just need to somehow pick this block up with this fishing rod come on there we go and now pull perfect I can now place this down and grow this Crimson fungus I can't believe it bro I'm actually a genius if we bone meal it just like that and now we have absolutely loads of blocks let me start bridging over this way I just hope that girl hasn't been executed yet man that would be terrible just these last blocks like this hold up I see all their name tags right there there's like four or five of them I need to get in there quick you got to be kidding me there's pressure plates everywhere if I step on one of these then this whole room is going to explode but I also can't take too long because then they're going to kill dexi I have to jump over this one and this one over to here well if you ain't jumping I'll just do this hold on what oh no they just shot dexi down she'll be dead soon guys let's start heading back they put dexi in the chamber and they're coming this way what do I do where can I run wait I have an invis arrow I need to shoot myself come on okay oh my goodness they're right here they're so close but I don't think they're going to see me okay let's go okay let me pick up this piston real quick this is bad though what if dexi is already dead quickly I need to make a button put a block right there and then we just activate this piston okay we're through but this is bad I can't see her name tag oh no I think she's already dead I couldn't get her in time no I'm not I'm down here what you think they kill me that easily no way you're still alive that's insane dexi but we need to get you out of here right now wait where's legie he's not on the island anymore all right Dex let's think about this how are we going to get you out this place I only have two blocks so that's not very useful but I do have this fishing rod we just got to hope it works however if it doesn't then it's not going to be looking too good Dex okay let me just hook you on like that I'll try building up a few blocks here we go dexi and pull no I'm good but that was a close one I can't believe it I thought you 100% fell down wait legie they're coming back hold up oh no that's a lot of name tags they must have noticed I'm not on the island anymore Dex this is bad we need to think fast I have this ender pearl but I'm a half a heart if I throw it at something I'll instantly die wait that's kind of Perfect dexi all you need to do is heal up a little bit and then you can throw it okay I have this steak you have to try and catch it ready yep sure thing okay here we go right around there what oh no fell into the prison hold on dexi I'm going to try and pull it up let's have a look yes okay hold up now I run as much as I can this way and pull wait did it work oh my God legi that was such a genius move now I can use this ender pearl let's go just like that let's go dexi thanks for saving me legie I was waiting for you for so long you welcome dead dexi they're coming right now and I don't think there's much we can do here Dex I got you look up wait what where you got to get Lei as well this is not good they're going to kill me pull me now please okay oh my goodness thanks so much DAV you wasn't part of the plan I was here to save dexi you can leave us alone now huh what I don't know who you think you are buddy but I saved her first you got a pro little bro dexi who even is this clown guys this isn't the time they're right there wait guys that hole wasn't there before let's go check it out they're coming this is bad we're dead what do you mean bad this is perfect I have a death trap we can put an end to these guys permanently wait for real well now will be a good time to take us there oh follow me this way this should work it's exactly how I planned it I sure do hope so bro because there is five of them on our tail right now that on the other side of the gravel guys okay okay okay come on come on see you later come on let's hope this works wait what guys land in the cobwebs let us out now let's go guys we've got them well guess what I've got you too what oh my goodness no no no no no I landed in the cobwebs you traitor come on dexi let's get out of here forget about these losers but wait I can't let you die down there you're forgetting one thing you don't really have a choice I hate that guy so much oh guys the lava is rising it's all right guys leg's here he'll be able to think of something what you don't think I have the Epic escaping tactics watch and learn guys wait a second brosi it's going to be better if we'll work as a team I don't need your help buddy you're the last guy that I'm going to team with I respect the enthusiasm bro but I don't know if you've got enough TNT I've got this don't worry about it wait that might actually work hold up hold up oh no he died nice we got to go the lava's raising quick that lava is pretty close we need to get you guys off that platform but I can't fishing rod you from here wait guys we have chus fruits let's eat them and get away from this lava that's a good idea and maybe they'll teleport you up here oh my goodness that did not work whatsoever come on Le you got to think of something for us well this guy did drop a bunch of stuff wait a minute he dropped an Ender Chest would you look at this I have tons of stuff let me take it all out right now the first thing I'm noticing is that I have this elytra wait that's perfect I have this rocket you have a rocket no way let me just fly over here here you go take this good job bro it's only one hopefully it's enough and then with this pickaxe I'll mine some blocks from up there and I'll get you guys out of this place we just got to Hope one rocket is enough come on what no I bumped my head you got to be kidding me that is an absolute joke I was so close hold on a second am I the only one hearing this sound this is bad the LA was in the last layer this is not looking so positive guys this lava is rising quick wait hold on a second I'm getting a pretty good idea if I break this Ender Chest it should give me Obsidian let's go I have eight and how are those eight random blocks going to help us that's the thing they're not random blocks check it out these platforms are made out of obsidian which means we eight obsidian I should have enough to make a portal would you look at this come on please tell me I have a flint and steel or something no I don't wait let right here you got a flint and steal no way that's perfect okay bro drop it on the floor and let's see if I can hook it from here it's too risky Let's test it with an item first wait good thinking if the flint and steel goes in the lava that would be terrible come on I just need to hook it now I should be getting close there we go let's see if this works jumping pull what where did it go it's a good thing we didn't use the flint and steel this is bad we have no way of getting you guys or the flint and steel over here I just realized I have these things in my inventory wait that's perfect I think I'll be able to pull all three of you over this way I'll Stand Back for this let's give it a shot press that button like this let's go oh God okay it worked Goan you're next come on guys we need to do this quick I have a feeling that lava is going to rise any second okay there we go I've got you now go all the way back okay I'm ready 3 2 1 go and pull yes let's go all right bro you're next come on let's get you over here and light this portal there we go what oh no the lava this is bad I'm going to die oh no guys we lost another one we got to kill that guy that put us here I know exactly what you're saying we've lost way too many lives already wait guys I think I'm on to something hold on I think I see what you're talking about what even is that wait wait check it out there's a chest there's got to be something useful in that for sure but I don't have any blocks in my inventory so how are we going to get there wait a second I just noticed I have 24 turtle eggs how is that going to help us I bet you didn't know this but you can actually Bridge with these things but you have to stay shifted or else they have a chance of breaking check it out it literally looks like I'm floating right now make sure you're shifting on them guys if they break then we'll instantly fall in the lava I just really hope that this is enough to get us over there four more please 2 1 okay we made it let's just hope that whatever's in here is worth the effort come on come on let's have a look wait what guys get out the room oh no guys this is bad oh no it was a trap and canila is dead shly this is bad this prison is killing each and every one of us wait canilla dropped the mine cart wait legie we can try mine cart glitching out of this room hold up you're right let's have a look if we put a rail right there and the mine cart there come on come on come on and then we shift okay it didn't work there but there's loads of places we can try let's have a look maybe over here come on come on come on no that didn't work either you're pretty bad at this legie let me try well I don't know if there's much skill involved in this but you can give it a shot just like this let's see if this Quicks come on come on come on press shift no it didn't work but what are we going to do now wait check it out there's an Enderman hold on a second let me put on this armor that I got let me get this boy angry okay now we just wait for him to teleport in here where'd he go wait oh my goodness here he is come on let's hope this guy drops us a p yes there we go let's go jly we got this Ender pear let's head back over to the platform but stay shifted if one of these turtle eggs breaks on us we're so dead okay last ones come on you got this nice but hold on a second I didn't know it was that high up I don't think this Ender Pear's going to make it I've been working out recently so I should be able to throw it high enough I'm not too sure shly I honestly don't think that that P will land trust me legie let me try all right well you can give it a shot but I really don't think this is a good idea come on I got this and I hope this works oh no legie I think I messed up oh no J this is bad this is really bad oh no she's dead I can't believe it I'm all alone again this is really bad I've just lost all of my teammates and I don't know how much longer I'm going to survive here think legy think wait how did I not see this I've just tried it with Riptide and I might not have a water bucket but I do have this cauldron and three water bottles so if I just fill up the cauldron like this there we go and now we get inside and I can use my Trident come on bro why can't I fit in The Cauldron okay there we go I'm in and now we just shoot ourselves out wait what what it's not working you got to be kidding me how does that not work what do I do oh no the lava there's only one more layer left until I turn into spaghetti Boles there has to be something I'm missing legie up here wait what dexi what did you seriously think I was not going to come and save you you are such a legend honestly I thought I was dead one stack of Oak planks should be enough oh my goodness Dex I hly did think I was completely dead that's not the case I'm getting out of this place I'm finally safe safe isn't exactly the right word legie safe is on his way right now and if he gets to us leie things might get pretty messy wait what hold on a second here Dex take this armor good job leie we'll need this his weapons are so overpowered he'll kill us in three hits well it's a good thing we have this armor then we need to think though dexi what's our plan I don't know maybe we can build some type of trap wait oh no that's his name tag hold on a second what do we do legie he's right there quickly you got to do something okay quickly follow me dexi we have to mine out this place oh my goodness he's right behind us I see how it is dexi fine I'll just kill you both oh my goodness he's right there we got to go we got to go legi what are we going to do I don't have any weapons I don't have much either I just have a trident but that doesn't do much damage hold on I Min to a cave this is perfect quick Dex we can use this to get away go go go as long as we don't run into a dead end we're going to play like that huh let's see who's faster now oh no he has speed that is not good and this is not what I wanted the cave is going deeper but I wanted to head to surface we got to keep going though dexi we can't die now he's catching up to us legie I know I don't know what to do or where to go oh no this isn't looking too good either it's a dead end and he's right here this isn't good dexi he's getting closer wait I have an idea if I hook you like this then use my rip TI Trident and hook you up come on yes good job leie let's get out of here come on come on come on I can't believe that worked and that should buy us some time as well legie you have a boat right yeah I do indeed but how is that going to help us look at all the dripstone I have an idea follow me the drip Stone I don't think I get it he's coming right now dexi whatever it is you're going to do do it quick I really hope this works legie when the time is right shoot the mine cart hopefully it kills him wait through the fire that is so smart hold on here he comes okay let's hope this works come on oh my goodness only a few broke it did not work whatsoever what a pathetic attempt you guys are completely done for we got to keep moving deck but we need to find some way to get this guy off our tail it's a good thing he doesn't have Ender pears otherwise we'd be dead by now this is not good dexi we haven't got any running grounds and I don't have the stuff to make a boat that's right get in this one wait good job let me get in okay perfect what you guys think you're you're escaping oh no that's not good though whatever you do dexi don't stop this boat wait I can shoot him with this bow and arrow Dex you need to hit a drift and I'll shoot him sideways go take a hard left wait that's right no what are you doing keep on going we messed that up so badly okay hard right in 1 2 3 go come on come on come on like this no I missed wait we can give it another shot hard left in three 2 1 go line it up like this and shoot okay go go go go go what where did my bow go wait there's Dolphins ah this is too fast all right I think we lost him I think so too good job dexi what's the game plan now we need to find a way to kill this guy well his base is pretty nearby we can steal his stuff that's a good idea wait he's right there we can't get a break from this guy how did he catch up so fast run run run what are we going to do dexi wait leie get in this bed hold on I see what you're talking about come on let's hope this works you have to be kidding me where did these guys go they better not be stealing my stuff I can't believe it dexi that worked he's going to his base this is perfect let's follow him take his stuff and then kill him I know exactly where he keeps his overpowered loot we just got to make sure he does not see us he is right there if he turns around it's bad news wait what is you following me huh never mind oh my goodness dexi thank goodness you had shears these cve pumpkins just saved Our Lives we're in the clear this is our chance it's time to get stacked follow me I'll take up exactly the fifth blue wait what oh no you're dying it's okay legi I have a totem wait that's good and now you have some fire resistance oh my goodness we need to get you out of this place here here quickly this is insane and this I didn't know there was a trap there it's okay what's important is that you're safe did you miss me guys what oh my goodness F here run that sword does so much damage your're bir's so dead he's on our tail dexi but I need to eat this steak I'm literally at one heart just keep running wait there's a ravine here hold up let me get some blocks out come on over here over here go for it dexi here comes break this yes he fell straight down but a bro really thought he did something you're dead pig I'm coming for you did you hear that TNT dexi you got to be kidding me did he really just TNT launch himself with that Ravine this is the most intense Chase ever it is indeed but we have to put an end to this dexi hold on a second you have an elytra I think I'm getting a really good idea yeah but I only have one that's fine because I got one as well wait follow me down here quickly I'm coming legie but so is fif that's good that's exactly what we want I'm sick and tired of these games legie why don't you find me like a real man sure thing I will just build over here Buddy X you have a flinton steel right yep right here good job this is our final attempt at killing him this has to work I place a TNT light it hook it and rip tied up come on does he die what how'd you do that yes I can't believe it what I just witnessed that was epic
Channel: Minecraft Curios
Views: 141,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft revenge, minecraft friends revenge, minecraft gameplay, minecraft revenge gameplay, minecraft hardcore revenge, minecraft curios, minecraft royale, minecraft 100 players, minecraft curios animations, hermitcraft, quiff, quiff revenge, prison escape, minecraft prison, minecraft trapped, minecraft curious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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