Why This Weapon Will BAN Your Minecraft Account...

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this is the ban Hammer with one single hit a player gets banned instantly forever so the question is who will be the one to steal the hammer okay I'm so close it should be in the chest down this Corridor but there's people going for it everywhere no this guy's going to make it just these last jumps come on no I missed it he died that's insane I need to get there before the others like this okay I think I need to jump on that ladder what arrows this guy has to make it across there oh yeah this going to be easy let's go what no that guy died too I can't believe it everyone is dying I need to get there right now this looks like a pretty difficult jump let me give it a shot come on like this yes this is insanity this one looks even more difficult like this yes I did it and now we jump onto the V come on come on yes okay let me get that chest what you're not going to get the hammer legie oh my gosh everyone's here I'm going to get there before them I'm going to be the one to get the hammer what I landed in the cobwebs where am I what you guys are all here too guys up there up where what is that the girls look at these absolute clowns it's perfect let's go get this hammer no no no there's no way they're stealing the bad Hammer from me from you no I was going to get it whatever bro it doesn't matter now the point is they've got it look up legie oh no she's got the ban Hammer guys it's not looking good no please don't ban us why would we waste such useful potential you guys are going to be working for us now listen whatever it is you guys are about to do you really don't have to do it we can talk about this please oh my gosh guys there's husks and they're everywhere we need to work together and kill them please how is there so many of them but I'm getting sworn so am I it's not good I better not die to some stupid zombies okay we got them girls you got to stop there what have they gone I don't know about you guys but I'm not going to let these stupid girls tell me what to do what you're just going to build out of there even though you know they could be outside they can try but they've got nothing on the tral what was that buddy wait what you can say goodbye to this Ser guys the ban hammer it just banned Emerald no no no no this isn't good I think we can all agree we have to work as a team here and get out of this place before they ban us too yeah I agree let's take those girls down the only only way we're going to do that is by getting out of this place let's pick up these bone blocks wait what I don't think these are bone blocks that's a mushroom stem I'm pretty sure you can pick it up that's so frustrating but that's fine I already have two bone blocks but why do you even need the bone blocks in the first place because I have this drip leaf and this dirt so now if I place it down a bone Mill look I'm going up wait what driply falls down you're not going to be able to stand on it for very long I'm going to have to be extra quick with it but I think it's still possible let me give it a shot okay place it down and go up come on and spam the bone meal okay it's working every time I bone meal it seems be resetting let's go what I don't have anym oh my goodness I don't like the vibe I'm getting from this prison there's probably going to be more mobs coming from these doors constantly we have to figure out a way to block them off well there's lava right here maybe if someone has a bucket we can block off the doors let me see do I have a bucket no I have two iron and seven nuggets you're literally holding an iron sword and you're wearing chain mail leggings just smelt them smelt them wait I didn't think about that you're so right place the furnace down I can f it with carpets which is perfect and now we just wait for it to smelt did I just hit Pistons a it's it's after me stone take the sword and save me it's in the cobwebs good job we got it hey bro you can have your sword back but that's exactly what I'm talking about I need to smelt these leggings quick please tell me someone has a crafting table sure do and it's smelted we do this right here and we make the bucket now we fill this lava up and we place it right there yes that looks good let's do this on each side let's go guys every exit seems to be blocked off no more mobs but what else can we do guys let's think about this well I have this bed we can use it to glitch up the walls you're so right let's try it out all right get in the bed oh I get it you're building around me and hopefully I glitch out come on what no I thought it worked it's right though we can surely try some other Corner let's give this corner shot fifth get in the bed come on I'm ready all right let's give it a shot what oh no it deeping me back in that's so unfortunate I don't think that bed glitch is going to work well at least it's not going to be any more mobs coming speaking of mobs I hear Pistons but it's fine guys we have nothing to worry about there's no way they're getting through this lava what wait is that what I think it is no way are you joking me even lava can't stop this and I don't have a sword there's so many and the baby ones are deadly be careful guys I'm at one heart and a half no no no no no one more hit and I'm dead guys please help me I'm coming to help you legie I don't have time to heal this is so intense okay I managed to eat the steak but that was my last one okay good job guys that was all of them how are we going to leave this place guys wait what is that do you guys see something up there let me zoom in it looks like an ey avender an obsidian how the hell are we going to get that well there cowboys right here let's make a fishing rod here you go that is such a good idea JC hopefully I can reach it from here like this no I have to St more back let me line myself up like there yes I think I got it and pull yes let's go guys I have an I ofender now let me see if I can get that obsidian do you guys know what I'm thinking if there's enough obsidian up there we can make an Ender Chest okay I think I got it and pull yes perfect let's craft one up right now I really hope we have some useful stuff in here everyone have a look oh you guys are going to love to hear this I have chorus fruits let's go we can use them to get out yep I'm going to see if there's any rooms near here let's give it a shot what no that one teleported me back in the prison that is so unfort unfortunate come on come on come on huh what oh my gosh I teleported in a room with zombies no no no no no this is not safe I need to eat it again come on okay I'm out guys that was terrifying what did you find there legie just a bunch of zombies it was horrific but guys I did get these logs out of my ender chest and with that we can make a boat and you guys see how many corners there are here we're going to have so many possibilities of leaving this place let's give this one a shot no that one didn't work hold up I have more planks craft yourself a boat and try some more corners come on come on bro surely one of these Corners has to get us out come on there's no way none of them do it oh guys this one right here on my way legie okay we're through perfect we're out of that prison play shift they're right there who oh my gosh it's the girls are they coming oh my gosh they are wait there's jump persons right here guys let's go through those Vines they're coming quickly oh my gosh I don't think they saw us I can't believe we're right above them right now let's go check if the boys are still in the prison what they're going to go check oh no that isn't good guys I see some chests over there we need to get some loot fast is there anything in these chests okay there's loads of food in here but that's not very useful wait there they're coming wait fif where oh my gosh I see them I don't think they saw me but they're coming let's go through these banners like they did okay I'm pretty sure they can't see us make sure you stay shifted guys they're in the room guys hopefully they don't see us I think we're good oh my gosh that was so close I think we're in the clear I can't see them in the obsidian room I say we go and have a look what's behind those banners surely there's something useful in there I'm going to have a look through these chests hopefully there's something good all right bro stay safe though we have no clue how long it's going to be until they come back bro all right JY let's have a look what's Behind These banners there's a bunch of paintings and wait these are storage rooms okay it's perfect you go in that one and I'm going to check out this one all right sounds good bro okay let's have a look what's in this chest some bricks some iron got a pickaxe right here there's nothing too useful though a shield some red stone okay nothing too good but I can craft myself some armor now what do you think you're doing fif what oh my goodness that does not sound good I think they found fif oh you're not going to use this thing are you where are your buddies at what buddies who are you talking about you know exactly who we're talking about well I came here alone I don't know what you're talking about sure buddy what no they banned fifth this is terrible he was was my best buddy wait Dex did you break that banner I think we just found where his buddies are located oh my gosh they're going to catch JC they're going to get all of us one by one it's so over whilst I still can let me graft myself some boots I can't even make a sword but that's fine I'll kill them with my pickaxe is that JC regie I found a stuff for the ultimate trap he we could use it to get the banhammer off of them didn't you just get caught by the girls they all came in your room what I don't even know you're talking about follow me legie I'm pretty sure I saw them find you bro that makes no sense but if you say so the exit's this way come on what how do you know where the exit is uh I I saw here earlier okay what we go up this Sho follow me this way I have a perfect location for this trap sure thing bro it sounds like you've got it all planned out right here should be good start mining out these blocks now we place in these Pistons oh my gosh I think I'm starting to get it okay I'm connecting the Redstone up yep that works perfectly and now let's mine these blocks right here and create a trap underneath this is perfect JC we're so lucky you had this much obsidian all right now let's dig this area out okay that should be good we'll put the slabs in just like this and I finished the exit perfect all right I think we're ready you stay on the lever and I'm going to go and baak them just for some backup can you drop me some chorus fruits well I I I have some but I think I'm going to need them no no no no no you have to drop me at least one bro h fine thank you bro jeez bro why you being so hard about it all right anyway let's go trap these guys and get the band Hammer well I'm at the water shoot but I don't see any name tags I wonder wait oh my gosh they're right here no no no no no we can talk about this please ah no no no I only have four Hearts please don't hit me come on come on come on JC pull it wait come on let's go get in wait what nice JC quickly let's get down here yes it's perfect look they can't even see us and we can quit them out let's kill him JC go we won't need to kill you if you just drop us that hammer I know you guys have it we don't have it it's not on us what are you on about I know it is no we gave it to JC no you didn't J is my teammate howy be so sure legie what oh my gosh I blocked it oh I need to get out I'm out oh my goodness that's insane J's working with the girls I can't believe it I knew those guys made some type of deal in that room I can't believe this this guy is pure evil what how did he block my hammer how did you miss him JC he was literally right there to be honest missing one of my targets is no big deal because I plan to get rid of everyone well too bad what no T banned and gone forever oh my gosh he just banned them both I can't believe it I think J's coming up the ladders I don't think he'll be able to see me here though where's legie I need to find him and kill him oh my goodness he's right there okay I think he's gone for now I'm going to sweep back in and see if I can take their loot surely they have some useful stuff let's have a look yes okay let's see what all of this is okay I guess that's cool I have diamond armor but that's not going to save me from the ban Hammer man that thing one Taps me I need to figure out a way to get it off of him hold up a minute one of the girls had six thin ender eyes I think I just thought of a way to get this trident off of JC I need to find a stronghold as soon as possible what oh my goodness JC is right here I did not expect him to be at the surface he's sneaking around hopefully he doesn't see me oh my goodness all right let's have a look which direction the stronghold is in this way okay let's go quickly I've been running for so long I only have eight left let's hope it's close yes the ender pearl went underground which means I'm right above it okay let's Dig Down come on come on come on yes okay we found it there's enough is render in the portal but we're not going in the end instead we're just going to build a massive Tunnel right above the portal and it's going to go right up to surface okay perfect now let's hit this mogg right here perfect just like that and we need to mine these two blocks here and now let's go back to surface bro this plan is so genius I hope this works okay he's still at the Trap oh my goodness he has full netherite though I did not expect him to be this stacked if he hits me once with the hammer I'm dead I got to make sure I dodge every single attempt what legy oh he sees me I need to run run run he's trying to shoot me I need to block it yes run run run run run I'm pretty sure I'm close to the Trap I've been running for so long he's still chasing me yes it's right here onto this ladder no I have nowhere to go JC don't hit me with the hammer oh you're so screwed come on yes I dodged it it's gone in the portal come on I need to get down here like this and go through yes I'm in and here's the ban Hammer I finally got it it looks so epic give me back my hammer hey buddy let's go JC is banned I can't believe it the server is mine
Channel: Minecraft Curios
Views: 468,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft revenge, minecraft friends revenge, minecraft gameplay, minecraft revenge gameplay, minecraft hardcore revenge, minecraft curios, minecraft royale, minecraft 100 players, minecraft curios animations, hermitcraft, quiff, quiff revenge, prison escape, minecraft prison, minecraft trapped, minecraft curious
Id: ap4jyF9HzfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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