Why I Stole the Most Powerful GIRLS-ONLY Item...

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imagine a boys versus girls server however there is a Champions banner and both sides have agreed that whichever team can bring the banner back to their base and place it on their Podium is crowned the Kings or queens and well me and the boys just found the banner let's go boys we found the banner Temple we got here way before the girls let's go speaking of them we should probably check where they are listen buddy go and find them guys check it out myle has revealed their location they're pretty far away but not too far are you guys thinking what I'm thinking me and my team were right in front of the banner Temple however we had no gear and no weapons and the girls team was stacked so we set up a trap right at the entrance all right guys the Trap is set up we can see the ender crystal it's perfect look they're right here we need to hide go go go let's go girls I can see the temple they're coming guys let's hope this works come on come on come on no wait what's going on they found the end Crystal oh look there's a Shiny Rock On The Ground yes they fell in a you guys thought you were going to get the banner well too bad cuz we're the best team in the world and there's nothing you guys can do to stop what no I'm sorry I didn't mean him to get a PO JC no this is not good listen up legie if you don't let us out of this place we'll kill your buddy JC no please don't do it I don't want to die keep him distracted I'm going to go and save him where you going F I'll just go with it guys listen listen to my amazing proposition you see this magical potion right here you guys know what this does I bet you have no clue legie that looks like a normal water bottle to me come on I have to get there quick Jason is going to die soon it's not just water this is a potion of strength 1,000 you don't even want don't know how much damage this does JY take this why you activate the Trap go go go yes he's out flick it come on girls use your corus for quick okay we escaped we should head back to a castle collect more gear and then come back wait I see them fif I think your eagle spotted them they seem to be leaving let's go and get this batter guys we're here we're finally here I can't believe I'm finally seeing the temples I in person and Legend has it that the banner is right behind it yep all we need to do is hit this level what what wait where are we what is this oh no guys this isn't good wait where are you fif fif didn't fall in it's perfect drop us some stuff fif so we can get out of this place I've got nothing bro and I have bad news this is one of the temple traps these can be very deadly legie what do these dispensers do what I don't know bro they don't look safe though that is what they do oh my goodness we need to jump over them ji this is very very deadly bro I had no idea it would be this bad what do I do I need to help them wait is that a room behind this Vines Redstone Room this could help hold on legie I'm going to try to deactivate these traps bro I'm trying my best but one more fireb I'm dead you have to do this quickly I see your name tag fif but you better be mining those blocks fast I'm at 2 Hp come on come on come on break these stupid iron bars this has to be what's powering it if I break this it should stop oh they stopped yes let's go fif you saved us wait wait I heard Pistons FY turn around man what's going on what where did these skeletons come from oh my goodness how are we going to deal with these guys fif bro help us out I can't get to those skeletons you're going to have to figure this out by yourselves oh my goodness that is not good JC what are we going to do I have a bow bamboo and Feathers but I don't have any Flint to craft any arrows and I can't pick these ones up I have 18 Flint in a fishing rod wait drop me both of those items quickly quickly I have 75 arrows in my face hurry up okay let me craft these arrows wait what I don't have a crafting table oh no wait legie look there's wood over there bro wait you're so right the Fire chargers must have burnt his logs let me grab it like that come on yes and go to the edge of the platform and do this yes perfect quickly now turn this into a crafting table come on come on quickly quickly quickly put this here this here this here perfect and now we have arrows come on then suckers let's see what you've got now oh wait hold up I'm really low JC you're my shield stand in front of me one more left and they're all dead let's go do you have any food JC please tell me you do I have six bread men are you going to need to turn around what why oh my goodness flying zombies that is not good what are we going to do how are we going to stop this one they seem to be coming constantly fif bro where are you man you need to save us yes let's go f wait guys look up what what is he talking about oh my goodness J almost fell off and I'm a one heart and a half reie you can them with your boat hold on for a second I'm going to try and stop the mechanism are you kidding me I have to shoot them as they come like this bro this is so difficult if one hits we're dead I hope you've been both practicing legie we can't die man we're so close to the B why don't you try hold this boat F oh my gosh I hit it that was way too close come on come on come on and stop it perfect oh wait there's Chets here this could be useful I really hope f is stopping this trap right now there's another one coming come on oh wait there he is what up boys are you guys ready to get this Banner yeah but first we have to get out of this place how are we going to do that man I have this TNT we can launch out of this place wait that's perfect hopefully we don't die though this is a risky plan fisy this is your TNT so you do the orders please don't kill us bro please don't kill us let's go let's go let's go oh my goodness I have a bad feeling about this come on yes I cannot believe we almost just just died in this Temple trap let's go get this banner before the girls get here and we flick this level like this there it is the Champions Banner it looks exactly how I imagined it I can't believe our team is going to be crowned the winners what oh no guys look how stacked they are bye-bye boys what do you mean bye-bye we're not going anywhere what what is this it's another trap but this time built by the girls legi the platform you are standing on is slowly going to be heading towards the lava you're kidding me you guys want to burn us to death yep and we're also going to take this Banner no they've got the banner we can't let them place it on the podium wait where is my cat no meow don't go in there my cat just fell in this hole it doesn't matter we have to get this Banner back to the base you can get yourself a new cat let's go I can't just leave it here guys guys did you just see this cat fall in here what is that cat even doing there what oh my goodness the platform just got closer to the lava this is going to happen constantly we must think of a way to get out of this place now the first thing I'm noticing guys is These Chains what if we use them to parkour our way out of this prison just like this and then over to this one and then and over to this one and to this one this seems to be a dead end you can try to break these stone blocks next to you wait that's a good idea maybe there's some Stone behind them no that's just obsidian how about this one here bro that's so unlucky really all of them they really have made sure they lock this place up well let's think of something different oh my goodness I think we only have around six levels of platform left I have one single Vine but maybe just maybe it will grow in time let me have a look if we place it like this okay it already but whilst they're doing that we should probably think of something else to do what was that a slime just came in here guys need to kill these guys before they push us off okay that was easier than I thought wait a minute legie did I just see you hold a water bottle yep I have a water bottle and this slime now drop me both of those I have such a great idea what are you getting at hey bro take these what's for plan JC bro tell us wasn't it obvious I'm going to make a fire resistance potion oh that is so smart I have blaze powder I can use this in the slime ball to make magma cream that is so genius JC and hopefully there's something under this lava that will help us Escape maybe some exit or just unbreakable blocks but we only have one potion guys who's going to be brave enough to go down you really you know what fine I've got this I'm not afraid of some stupid lava here goes nothing I'm searching for some chests but I can't see to find anything I'm going under boys no this lava seems to be really deep I'm not finding anything come on bro there has to be something there but guys I have 10 seconds left I need to get out of this lava now that is so frustrating that I didn't find anything why did I fall back in okay oh wait no I'm taking damage my fire resistance is finished I really hope I don't die okay I'm good but now I don't have fire resistance if I fall in now I'm 100% going to die but it's fine because I'm the best at parkour I've got this under this one and this one okay and to this one I'm so close to the platform over to here but wait how am I supposed to get up now wait legie you can jump perfect the platform descended we're so close to the lava I'm pretty sure we're dead no my cat's going to burn to death wait what do you guys hear that voice yeah there's a person up there and I think that cat might belong to them it belongs to one of the girls I say we kill it guys right here I have a clean shot on it just give me the orders wait what what are you doing that poor cat it did nothing wrong I don't know bro it belongs to the girls team it might be spying on us guys please don't kill my cat C guys we have to save this cat I'm not too sure bro I don't feel too good about it it doesn't matter bro I'm going to save it anyways I can't believe you're doing this fif come here littley guy thank you guys so much for not killing my cat oh she just end p in I knew it guys you guys are way nicer than my previous teammates that left me here oh wait wait what she's helping us let's go that is perfect quickly fif drop us those end pearls and let's get out of this place here we go guys it looks like our team just grew by one person drop it just like this and we are out of this place team perfect we're out of the prison but what are we going to do now the other teams have got the banner it's over not necessarily what have you got some type of plan well I got this key right here and without this they can't get inside the castle that is perfect that means they can't reach the podium room and they can't place down their Banner we still have a CH wait did you guys hear that growling sound what is going on what is that oh my goodness we need to go that thing does not look safe whatsoever go go go we need to get away from this thing now what oh no it's the others oh you're working with the boys now quickly guys I have this invis potion Splash it go okay we're safe that won't save you let's find them oh no guys they're swinging they are swinging it's perfect all I have to do is touch the banner and then I can steal it from them all I need to do is sneak up somehow okay she's distracted come on quickly like this yes I got it run run run run run wait he took my banner what he took your banner we have to go get him right now no this isn't good the banner is making me obvious but it's worth it we need to get this thing back to our castle and not die what are we going to do guys let's go up this hill I have a plan I can't see you f but I see your cobwebs I'm following you what's the plan bro you have to tell us guys you not miss this jump let's go what is he doing I've got this I've got this it's easy just land in the cobwebs yes let's go all right guys I've got this yeah you could do it let's go come on oh my gosh sh is dead oh no run run run run run go go go guys we ran out of invisibility they can see us at all times we need to figure our way to lose them come back here legie give us back back our Banner quick guys follow me go go go inside this cave go fif M it m it quickly quickly oh my gosh here they come let's hope they don't see us guys they're literally right outside but I think it worked they're passing us let's get back to the castle and place this battle on the podium and then win let's go we're here and there's no girls inside Victory is right around the corner wait guys do you see name tags all right T let's place down this Shield Cy why is my screen shaking and what is that sound what what is this this looks like some type of Shield we can't get through and we can't break it the hell did they find our Castle guys we have to think we need to get through this right now how does this keep happening I have a boat let's glitch through surely this is going to work no are you kidding me let's have a look if we can do it here come on come on come on please like this are you kidding me I have Ender PS I have Ender PS guys you know what that means we place some blocks like this and then we do this come on no no no one more try please are you kidding me bro none of this is working I have this TNT but I have no way of exploding here what are we going to do I have gravel how much three all right bro here take this iron the flint and steel and let's explode this stupid barrier everyone stand back what you can't blow it up with TNT what are we going to do we need to get this B the girls are there do you guys see them dexi go and kill these clowns all righty I'm on it legie they're coming quickly let's go hide behind these trees I might have a plan they're going to come and kill us what are we going to do guys ly drop your banner over there what why just do it f i got this fake Banner hopefully they chase me what that is so smart come and get me girls oh my goodness let's hope it works I see the banner let's go get it let's go it's working oh my goodness ja is such a genius let's hope he doesn't die though that would be tragic let's make our way to the top of these trees and maybe we can find an entrance on top wait you're right there might just be an entrance up here okay okay okay we can go up this is looking good wait that's my Eagle what where where is it outside no poor buddy is trapped inside oh my goodness it's perfect what are you talking about did you not hear what they said they placed out a shield core in there just tell your Eagle to go and break it uh listen buddy I really need you to go down there and break that core Shield it's going inside I really hope it manages to find its way in what was that sound I heard something what oh The Shield it removed itself it managed to break it let's go and now we can go in and place this batter down good job buddy let's go place this oh my goodness that was 60 charge creepers there's so many of them we're going to need the backup armor let's go and get it I can't believe those girls place that many creepers in there what are those name tags oh no what are we going to do where are we going to go they figured it out they know you had the real ban no we need to hide quickly into this room go go go all right they're not coming in here right now what are you guys doing why don't you just go place a banner in the room oh my God yep they've riged it with charge creepers we need to somehow make it to our armor room but I don't know how we're going to do that let's see if we can sneak there right now we need to make it to that slime but someone's coming up the ladders up the ladders go go go oh my goodness that was way too close did I hear something was it in this room guys it's clear quickly let's make our way to the armor room everyone get on this slide quick quickly quickly quickly press the button F nice perfect and now in we go and this right here is what we need the blast protection armor let's pick it up yep wait did you guys hear piston uh wagie what oh no no you guys are dead get down here ZXI will know what to do with you guys oh okay fine stop hitting us oh my goodness I can't believe we got caught by you guys we're so dead there's nothing we can do Dei come out we got visitors oh my God T save me what are you terrified about it can't be that bad oh my gosh the jungle monster is here oh my God I'm dying I really don't want to die T please save me oh no that's terrifying she just left us what she's dead quickly let's run away from this mob come in this room F put on the blast protection armor wish me luck boys you got this send him in and go go go you've got this fifth come on only a few more bro only a few more good job fifth you killed them all all right team are we ready to win all we need to do is place it on this gold here we go like this let's go the boys are the B Champions get away from me
Channel: Minecraft Curios
Views: 652,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft revenge, minecraft friends revenge, minecraft gameplay, minecraft revenge gameplay, minecraft hardcore revenge, minecraft curios, minecraft royale, minecraft 100 players, minecraft curios animations, hermitcraft, quiff, quiff revenge, prison escape, minecraft prison, minecraft trapped, minecraft curious
Id: vtB3VnhRymI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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