Why Hibari is Akainu's Daughter

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okay hey everybody teeking and Barry back again and in today's video we are going to be tackling everybody's favorite subject matter I know it's mine that's right head Cannon stuff that has yet to happen in one piece but key word being yet and definitely will happen in the future of the manga now how do I know this as a humble fan of one piece I don't personally know Oda I don't know what he has planned for the future of this story and yet H you know I just feel like what's going to happen is going to happen you know how it is it's it's hard to explain it's like you add a two and then you carry the seven and you divide by a dress Rosa Arc and you add an enoo in there somewhere and you just understand you know it's like you're on the grand line you're you're sailing on the grand line and the Magnetic charge is pulling you to the next Island and you get on a current and you just yeah this is the way the story is going I I Feel The Vibes here and you just you just go right you read a story long enough you could predict the future I don't make the rules that's just how it works uh but that's not all we're talking about today not just head Cannon well I guess the other thing is sort of ancillary to head Cannon it's related to head Cannon we're also going to have a light dusting of fan shipping involved in this video right so it's the best video ever right okay so um today's video we're going to be talking about hiari everybody knows hiari right yes she's a commander in the Marines she's a member of Sword she's a expert sniper I wonder what hibari's kill count is like you know she is a buzz saw with that sniper rifle right and I know at Egghead she was using the gunpowder rounds to turn all the gunpowder into harmless like you know flowers like Vega Punk's invention but remember that was because like they were vastly outnumbered and you know they were trying to let you know get Kobe out of there so to disable all the other Pirates you know guns so that Kobe can run away but under normal C circumstances on a normal Mission hiari has probably killed a lot of pirates with that damn sniper rifle like boom head shot boom head shot right okay hiari uh is relatively new to one piece she's only been around for I think a little over a year or so actually no it's longer than that because I think we're getting close to a year since the raid on haosu happened and that that blows my mind right now granted Oda has taken a lot of breaks since then but like yeah I think when uh like we first saw hiari with her rifle like shooting the gunpowder you know uh dissolving rounds and stuff like that that was back in like April of 2023 it doesn't sound right it sounds like way longer than that but I think it was I think it was around a year ago so yeah it was maybe two years ago hiari has shown up right also very important to mention she's a commander she outranks helppo so when it comes to sword as far as we know I guess we don't know every single person that's a member of Sword but from the ones that we do know about uh helppo is the lowest ranked cuz he's a lieutenant commander he bares a Commander Kobe's a captain and then Prince Gru and U kujaku are both rear Admirals okay so she at least outranks helppo all right so hiari I mean honestly Oda has given us a lot of information about her uh in sbs's there was a whole backstory that he gave for that little bear that was hanging on her uh backpack her design is pretty cool you know she has all the little heart patches and she has a backpack with little teddy bear and she has like like half of her leg is camo she has like these leggings like one is camo one is like a little Cloud pattern um you know so she has an interesting design and like Kobe uh and her have like a history apparently like there was a mission where her bear was left on the battlefield and she was really upset like oh no my bear and then Kobe went back against his higher-ups orders in order to get the bear and he came back all covered in Ash and everything from searching this bombed out battlefield for a teddy bear and then gave it back to hiari and hiari was like oh my God thank you so much Kobe Senpai you are my Senpai forever Oda also mentions in the SPs uh and I don't even know if this is fans shipping at this point because it's it's been heavily implied that hiari has a huge crush on Kobe but Oda kind of was like a little bit of a cop out with it he was like does she have feelings for him ah I'm not great at these things cuz we don't really focus on romance that much in one piece the closest thing we get to romance in this story is typically Luffy with a big piece of mutton uh perhaps beef or or of some such you know what I mean um but yeah in the case with hiari and Kobe at least from my perspective yeah she's clearly head over heels in love with Kobe okay especially after that moment where he brought back her bear now can Kobe is Kobe picking up on this because Kobe can be a little oblivious you know that that that that's what makes it adorable right unfortunately it seems like the Kobe Rebecca thing is not going to happen but Kobe hiari very adorable all right now if that was just all there was I wouldn't be making a video about this that's kidding I'm I totally would if this was just the whole video about like hey guys you want to you want to gossip out Kobe and habari you think they're going to get together I could totally do that for the remainder of this video the next 20 minutes I could easily do that but no there's another aspect of this which makes it great okay and this is something I've brought this up many times before a lot of people have okay hiari there is a nonzero chance that hiari is ayu's daughter sakazuki daughter the current Fleet admiral of the Marines Mr magma himself the guy that burned a Marine in the streets of marine Ford just because he didn't want to be part of a war Aku took time out of his day as Whitebeard was attacking Marine Ford to stop this one lowlevel marine and be like you're not going anywhere son uh please I have a family he's like well your family would they would just cry with disappointment as seeing you run away from your duties and then the he burns them alive like right there in the streets in the middle of a war so yeah you don't mess with Ayu right anyway he's probably hibari's uh dad now why is this okay well there's a couple of reasons for this the number one is it would be hilarious cuz like look literally this is a story you got to keep in mind there's themes and elements and everything going along here okay Kobe and ainu are at odds in a of different ways like philosophically and morally and everything like that Kobe is a marine that really cares about others you know at Marine Fort he began to awaken his observation hockey and began to weep at the deaths of everybody all around him he began to get overwhelmed and so at the war you have a moment where the Marines are honestly kind of winning they're pushing back the Pirates and then at that moment Kobe's like I I can't take this anymore this is not what the Marines are supposed to do I I have to stop this and he just throws himself in front of Ayu and a who's like you pitiful Marine how dare you join our ranks he's about to magma fist him until Shanks shows up and Shanks even gives him some accolades Shanks is even like well said young Marine well said and then Kobe passes the hell out it was a pretty intense day for Kobe right so Kobe and akanu are like Polar Opposites when it comes to uh like the Justice idea right okay uh Aku is very much absolute Justice thorough Justice is his specific you know uh uh calling in life and he really carries that through whereas yeah Kobe is definitely more on the morality or honest side of Justice absolutely okay so if you throw that uh equation into the whole idea of hiari has a crush on Kobe and Kobe and hiari might start going out the idea that Akainu is her dad is just the comedy writs itself right there I mean it's there okay but that's not the only reason that's a good that's a funny reason but that's not the only reason okay so uh the one that most people cite uh and this is even on the wiki as it's just like an interesting little uh little thing that Oda threw in here uh to the point where it's so specific I'm thinking like this was this was definitely done on purpose at least my perspective on it is it was done on purpose okay so Akainu speaks in a very specific Japanese dialect he speaks in the hirosima dialect okay and the only other person in the entire enire one piece story that does this I thought there was some characters in wano that spoke in it but I'm pretty sure it's just sakazuki and hiari hiari also uses this Hiroshima dialect now I am not from Japan I know a little bit about Japanese but not a lot about different dialects and everything like that so I wanted to get a little bit more information on exactly what that meant like Hiroshima dialect like what is that exactly so I reached out to ur over at the library of Ohara because he's fluent in Japanese and I'm like yeah can you just give me some information on this Hiroshima dialect thing like what what exactly is it you know specifically and the best way he described it to me is was like it's just different pronunciation different vowel sounds in certain words in Japanese you would you would use the word uh like ATA okay ATA well in the hirosima dialect it would sound more like acha okay and then there's Des or Desu and then they would add a c at the end of it so Desa you know like that's the that's the best way it was described to me and uh you know that's kind of the way Akainu speaks and there's like some examples that Ur sent to me of how it like lines up with the way that hibari speaks and the way that Akainu speaks okay I was also trying to find a parallel to use in like English you know like in the United States where I'm from and I'm not really sure if this is a onet to one but like the closest thing I could come up with is like yeah there's certain dialects there's different words and phrases that you would use in one part of the United States that doesn't really show up in other parts of the United States it's all English it's just different versions of English or pronunciations and stuff like that so like here living in the Northeast specifically I'm in West Central Pennsylvania uh you'll hear the word Yin every now and then and in the South you'll probably hear y'all where it just goes it's you all like you all over there or everyone over there it's like y'all or Yin all right I personally have never used Yin by the way I think it's honestly more of like an older thing like a generational thing because you know most of my friends you know were all here born and raised in Pennsylvania and uh I don't really know a lot of people my age that use Yin uh it's mostly just like you know uh some older people that use it right but I have family in the South that lives in Georgia and they'll occasionally I'll hear them say a y'all or something like that so yeah may maybe it's something like that not sure if it's a one to one but that's the basic idea and Akainu and hiari are the only characters in one piece to use that so it's like this and they're both Marines too they're both in the Marines okay so we all know how Oda puts things into his manga I refuse to believe that Oda is like I'm going to give a very specific dialect to a kuu and I'm going to have that dialect exist only with a K character it's not like all the other Marines use it it's not like all other you know like some other characters like really badass strong characters use it or anything like that and then out of nowhere new characters introduced and Oda also has to consciously decide I'm also going to give her the same damn dialect the same exact way that Akainu speaks hiari speaks too like that is that is a conscious decision that Oda had to have been aware of I don't think it's something like oh I gave habari a Hiroshima dialect I I completely forgot that Akainu has that oh well weird no connection whatsoever nah that was a conscious decision and that's where the head Cannon comes from so it doesn't seem like hiari is in particularly like inspired by sakazuki or something like you couldn't argue like well maybe a character like like for example if greenbull spoke with the Hiroshima dialect he doesn't but if he did that would make sense to me like because he looks up to Aku so maybe he speaks in the same way as ainu does okay because he basically is an ainu Fanboy okay but that's not the case there and hiari doesn't seem to be like on the same level of like absolute thorough justice as um as akyu is so if it's not something like oh I look up to this person so I'm going to adopt their manner of speech you know no it's like it would make more sense if just sakazuki is hibari's Dad all right and then we don't know the whole situation with their family or anything like that also along with that uh when I was asking artor about the Hiroshima dialect he also specifically sent me this panel from the manga and that it's it's that scene I mentioned earlier when ainu attacked that Marine that was running away from the battlefield right so let me just read this scene really quick because aror also he even mentioned like I'm a fan of this Theory too I really think that sakazuki is going to turn out to be A's dad um so he's like Admiral ainu what's he doing here someone who cares about their family would never disgrace them with such cowardice so the way that me and artor kind of interpreted that is like some personal experience has to be involved there like the idea that he's saying like you care about your family you turn around and you fight in this damn War soldier if you keep running this way well there's about to be a volcanic eruption you know that kind of stuff right so the idea is like he has a family and he has his own views on that family like you know oh my family would never look at me the same way or I would have to be a coward I would never be able to show myself to my family again if I turned coward that seems to imply he at least has a wife or did have a wife maybe she passed away at some point uh we don't know how old hiari is I'm going to assume she's around the same age as Kobe Kobe's 18 so maybe she's around 18 19 years old something like that right so uh which I don't think she was around when Ohara happened so Ohara would have been 22 years ago I don't think she would have been born yet but definitely could have been born in the intermediate time period and it's very interesting because you have a character like Akainu who's this very rough very very thorough Justice kind of guy I'm not saying he needs to be humanized I'm not saying you need to look at Ayu and like let's see the softer side of sakazuki I'm not saying we need that in the story it's okay for him to be like a no [ __ ] like you know no half measures got to go 100% with anything even if you got to murder civilians that's his character that's his character you don't need to make him like a nice guy or anything like that you don't even need to attempt to do that but this isn't really doing that this isn't really humanizing ainu it's just like yeah he's a real hard ass well there's really big hard asses in life that can have children and then their children grow up and sometimes they turn out to be the same as their parents sometimes they're the exact opposite of their parents sometimes they try to like Hey Dad come on that's not cool you you didn't have to murder that guy just because he didn't want to fight in a war you have to fight in the war hiari that's the way it works dad quit burning people come on now he just like I'm sorry hiari it's just I get so mad I literally have the power of a volcano inside of myself it's just so hard sometimes yeah I don't think that happens um I could by the way totally see this if we are going along with this logic that akainu's wife and habari mother uh would be dead uh for one thing it's just typical shownin dead mom disorder but also the idea that like maybe at one point like like honestly okay how about this you know Akainu is that very like non-nonsense kind of guy and maybe what we're going to find out about his back story maybe when he was a little kid maybe his town was attacked by Pirates maybe his parents were killed by Pirates something like that right right so he grows up he becomes a marine Ohara happens he orders the uh destruction of the evacuation ship and even like Kon and other people and the Marines are like wow this guy's kind of insane right what if it's a thing where shortly after O'Hara what if he met somebody and was able to maybe like you know soften him up a little bit as it were you know what I mean just like maybe take the rough edges off of ainu a bit and they fall in love and they get married and they have hiari and maybe it's looking like a k is going to be like a different person or he's on his way to becoming a different person and then boom his wife dies maybe getting killed by a pirate or maybe something happens right she dies and then now here's Ayu as a single parent uh of a daughter and he has no idea what he's doing and that also just you know he goes back to being the kind of person he was you know maybe even worse maybe he dials it up because of that right so um yeah and and also because of the the differences of opinion and morality and everything that ainu and Co have I mean the comedy is golden if Kobe and habari started dating and then at some point hiari has to introduce him to her dad I like first of all does Kobe know does Kobe know that hibari's Dad is a kindu because I feel like it's not something that she would advertise okay she doesn't seem the kind of type of person to be like yeah my dad's the fleet Admiral so you know I don't think she's that kind of person so maybe Kobe doesn't even know and then it's the idea that like okay maybe they start dating and then he Bar's like okay well I got to introduce you to my dad he's just a little bit he's a little bit tough and a little bit rough around the edges but he's going to be okay he's fine and then Kobe's like oh okay I guess I'll meet your dad and then they walk into their house and then ainu is there reading the paper and you don't see his face right away it's like Dad I brought a boy home and then just and it's a kindu is like well hello there young man oh God no not you you're the one from Marine Ford and just like he starts seeing red and he starts turning into magma and hear just starts crying and runs up the stairs like you never let me have anybody home and she runs upstairs and then Kobe's just ah I'm sorry sir I didn't do anything with your da I mean I please there's a piece of artwork uh it was done by Runo uh over on Twitter at Jal oart uh probably didn't pronounce that right by Runo go go check their uh their Twitter page out but this this right here this is perfect perfect this is ideal where hiari is just like oh my god dad I met a boy and he's really cool and he could punch things really hard and and we saved him from an island and just like all that kind of stuff Kobe and ainu have to like have a dinner together like picture the dinner together picture they're like just sitting there and just it's no one's talking everybody's quiet as hell and then just Kobe's trying to break the ice of just like how do you break the ice with a kind knew he's made out of magma for God's sakes what would you do if you're there having dinner okay like I don't know like so um How's being the fleet Admiral H it sucks so much goddamn paperwork right um so um how' you eat the magma fruit actually that would be my question honestly if I met of the characters in one piece I would ask them like what's the story behind how you ate your devil fruit just give me cuz everybody would have a story right like even somebody horrible like Caesar you know if I was hanging out with Caesar I'd be like I don't know how'd you eat the gas gas fruit how how did that go down he's like ah well you see you know it's like it'll tell me the story like whatever I guess that's a nice Icebreaker question if nothing else um your daughter is a buzzsaw with that sniper rifle sir I swear to God she just boom just head shot like so many different Pirates and maybe a kind of would be like yeah just like I taught her you know just like yeah or maybe her maybe uh hibari's mom was the sniper in the family who who knows whatever right uh oh there there is one other there's like actually two there's actually two other reasons that give it some idea that maybe as sakazuki is in fact uh hibari's dad so there is a spin-off manga of One Piece all right it it lasted about a year it lasted from 2018 till the end of 2019 and it is called One Piece Kobe Yama who looks like Kobe two piece in a pod two piece in a pod like one piece two-piece there you go if you ever wanted a manga after the sequel of one piece is going to be called two-piece it it there it is so it's like uh it's it's like a comedy parody manga and uh I haven't really read it but um there is the whole premise of the manga is there's a kid in our world that's like a uh like like a junior high school student that looks like Kobe and the idea is there is a girl that has a crush on him because she reads one piece and she knows that Kobe is eventually going to have like one of the biggest glow-ups in in the whole story so the premise is is that is just there's this kid in in junior high that looks like Kobe and there's this girl that's like oh one day he's going to be you know the other Co Post Time skip Kobe so yeah all right now the girl doesn't really look like hiari I mean kind of just looks like generic anime girl but like the thing is that uh in this manga let me actually just pulled up here manually in this manga there is a character who is the dad of the girl that has a crush on Kobe and her dad is modeled after Akainu okay the girl's name is Akashi and akashi's dad is a Kyu so the girl that has a crush on Kobe whose dad is based off of Ayu is like okay just a parody manga but still still there's this data kuu if you ever wanted to see it there you go um and there's one other there's other and there's one other one that's this is a little bit more subtle this is definitely more head Cannon this is 100% head Cannon but if it turns out to be like a kindu is her dad this this is going to work perfectly okay so when all of Sword was doing the attack on aosu and their initial wave was actually managing to suppress the Pirates pretty well you know Prince Gru was there using his Golems kujaku was whipping things into shape uh and then you had hiari there laying down covering fire as Kobe is running through with his his steel iron ball you know running through the uh the town trying to get to the shore and so everything seems to be going pretty okay and then GARP shows up with the Galaxy impact everything seems to be going good the Pirates are suppressed and then as hiari and Kobe are running towards GARP ship okay hiari is saying something like oh we need to get that iron shackle off of Kobe you know something like that and and keep in mind here hiari is right next to Kobe and GARP is also there and some other members of the Marines and sword are also kind of all gathered in that general area then kuon shows up kuon makes his and which character does who's on decide to freeze he could choose to Kobe's right there and Kobe's the one that was their prisoner that's escaping you think he would instantly go to freeze Kobe or prince gruer kujaku who are both rear Admirals who have devil fruit powers that are way stronger or GARP is right there try to freeze GARP because he's the main threat no no out of all of the people kind of clustered together that kuon chooses to put in the ice box it's hiari hiari gets flash frozen and everyone's like oh no hiari and then Kuan shows up and just like can't let you leave guys it's like can't let you leave why didn't you freeze Kobe he was right there it's like you specifically chose to freeze hibari and if if he bar is sakazuki daughter then it would make total sense because Kuan faku and he lost the leg and he's feeling maybe a little bit spiteful about that a little little bit of Revenge would be necessary here and Frieza is his daughter Frieza is ayu's daughter there was a comment I remember I mentioned this before and somebody left a comment that was like hey uh doesn't that feel kind of petty though like for Kon like let's say hibari is sakazuki daughter wouldn't that be kind of petty for him to freeze hiari you know hibari is not the one that took his leg and and so someone responded to that comment with like yeah I beat Petty too [ __ ] took my leg you know like yeah yeah that's fair that's fair if someone lose hey your dad took my leg no offense but I'm freezing you just because he took my damn leg I'm not getting this back all right I could freeze it I can make a prosthetic but that's not the same thing he took my damn leg all right so yeah I'm going to freeze his daughter and knock her out for a little while you know put her in an ice time capsule yeah that's only fair right okay so hiari is fine they managed to get her back to the ship and she's okay she's not going to die or anything like that um but yeah yeah yeah so those explanations once you throw them all together once you throw together the dialect and the fact that hiari has a crush on Kobe and the fact of Kobe and akainu's uh you know at odds with one another they're they're Polar Opposites in a lot of ways and the idea that there's a parody manga with a girl that has a crush on Kobe and her dad is Ayu and the fact that Kuan froze hiari out of all all the other characters he could have Frozen he picks hiari who's like not I mean like she's a threat like I said she's like a Deadshot with a sniper rifle and everything but like you got actual devil fruit users here you have the prisoner that's escaping that you want to stop escaping you think freezing hi would be the smart thing to do garp's there who's the major threat you think you try to freeze him I mean it probably wouldn't work he would break out of whatever ice you try to freeze him with but you think it would like buy a couple of seconds at least no out of everybody like like aside from like hel maybe kuon chooses to freeze like one of the more least worrisome or least powerful members of Sword you know comparatively here you know she's really strong you know with that with that gun and everything but she doesn't really she doesn't have a devil fruit maybe she knows a little bit of hockey but nothing crazy maybe some observation hockey to help with the sniper but like that's it but yeah that's the video and uh hope you guys enjoyed this little walk through my uh teking 101 head Cannon and uh some fan shipping and whatnot uh let me know down below how you feel about all this how you think this is going to go in the story uh if hiari and Kobe are going to get together if aaku is going to walk hiari down the aisle and the entire time he's just glaring at Kobe like you know uh I'm going to be making another video coming up about the future Admirals of One Piece because obviously Kobe's going to become an admiral at some point so we'll be talking about like the future of the Admirals future of the Marines and we'll bring up some stuff there uh thank you to artor Big shout out to artor for helping me out with some of the uh Japanese dialect stuff uh thank you to Runo over on Twitter this is an awesome piece of uh of artwork here so make sure to go check them out I'll leave links down below to everything uh this will be teeking signing out later everyone go to that end [Music] screen
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 83,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, hibari, akainu, sakazuki, koby, admiral, kuzan, sword
Id: y90VHMr3Mpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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