Blackbeard's Bloodline: The World's Greatest Threat

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H my hair is a little bit weird today I mean a little weirder than usual okay I am now going to share with you my super secret technique on dealing with a bad hair day all right you should all feel honored about this and also feel free to use this trick in your own lives maybe you have an important job interview coming up maybe you got to have a business meeting with business and there's like a presentation you got to do and you're in the bathroom 5 minutes before it and you're trying to get your hair right and you're like oh man I can't get it right all this part's sticking out oh man no one's going to take me seriously well don't worry old tching got your back all you got to do is get yourself the chicken hat and then put it on and then everybody will take you seriously it's foolproof okay honestly though if you were going into like let's say a job interview and you walked in wearing the chicken hat the person delivering that job interview would stand up and give you a standing Ovation finally we need somebody with the confidence to walk into a job interview with a chicken hat you know what not only are you hired sir or Madam but you are also promoted to senior vice president welcome aboard have you ever tried it have you ever seriously tried wearing the chicken hat no okay well then shut up go buy yourself a chicken hat and see where it goes all right what are we talking about today Blackbeard okay Blackbeard does not have a chicken hat but if he did if he did one piece would have been over already it would have ended at G Blackbeard would have captured Luffy at Gia end of story well maybe not the end of the all the manga it would just be Luffy and the straw hats would have all died and we would have just been following the Blackbeard pirates for like the last 800 chapters or whatever you know what I mean it just it's whatever it's the same deal okay so in the last chapter chapter 1,17 these chapter numbers are really getting up there now uh we got some information regarding black Blackbeard uh secondhand Blackbeard was not actually there but Katarina Devon was there as well as van auger who was looking very exhausted I think the main reason why van augur didn't really seem all that surprised by you know Saturn being there and everything was just because he was so tired so it was just like yeah I don't even care okay Katarina you got the all right cool let's get out of here right and they just left okay um now Saturn had a moment as he was kind of like throwing all the rubble off of him he was just like you know what are you Blackbeard Pirates even doing you know what's your end game what's your goal and uh or or rather more he did ask that but he also asked specifically why Katerina like submitted herself to Marshall d as like an underling because Katarina was a level six prisoner along with Fasco shot and San Juan and aala pizaro and everybody like that and so he was rather surprised that like you are some of the worst criminals all throughout history why would you listen to somebody else why would you not want to be the captain of your own crew why are you listening to Black beard and Karina simply responds because teach is special and this is a line that is the same uh for the most part in The Unofficial and official translations Katarina does say oh because teach is special and then Saturn responds with and this is where it different differentiates a little bit in the unofficial translation uh he says oh yes as is his lineage and in the official viz he says as is his bloodline so lineage bloodline you know different words but same basic idea maybe Saturn was more of a fan of Castlevania Bloodlines in the viz version maybe I don't know it really wasn't that great of a game but hey I don't judge okay so there's really taking this into account with lineage and bloodline there's two directions you can really go with this okay actually you could do maybe both at the same time as well but are we talking about Blackbeard's um blood relation as in who his parents were who his grandparents were who his distant ancestors were are we talking about it in that context or are we talking about Marshall d teach's uh like race like is he a Buccaneer or is he part Buccaneer or giant or lunarian or something of that nature okay and we can also do both because um I did a stream last week after the chapter came out and there was an idea prevalent that that what if Blackbeard is just the direct descendant of Joy boy and I really like that idea because it's like basically it goes Joy boy from 800 900 years ago during the void century and then maybe his direct blood descendant like just you know Joy boy had a son or a daughter and then that family line continued on and then eventually it reached Roxy zebec who was you know the man that was going to become king of the world and in the last chapter van auger even said directly to Saturn's question of what do you even hope to achieve he says the world and that's all he says he just says the world and then they warp out of there okay and that's it okay well that seems very very similar to Roxy zbec School of I want to be king of the world I think Rock was a tad bit insane but Blackbeard is as well so I think it I think maybe rocks might have been more insane with it Blackbeard's kind of more focused on the task at hand here okay he does things certainly in a very erratic fashion but it all ends up working out at the end of the day right in fact now that I'm actually thinking about it the whole point of the Rocks crew was that they were really really strong pirates that were all on that pirate crew but they did not get along that was the whole detriment that was honestly the thing that led to their downfall where they mutinied I think at at at God Valley where rocks was like all right men let's go Roger and GARP we're going to fight him and then the rest of the crew are just like like nope we're not dying today bye and then they left him and Rox was like oh my crew abandoned me oh well easy come easy go let's go Roger yeah and then they they fight GARP Rox fights GARP and Roger and then it's just some massive war zone and uh he ends up dying right so that was the situation with rox's crew where he had a goal but nobody got along well now you got Blackbeard's crew who also he has a specific goal in mind as van auger stated his goal is the world as well but he has a better uh chance of actually achieving it because his crew actually work well together they're in it for different reasons but they are a much better cohesive unit than uh the Rocks crew ever was and it's a great parallel to the stra crew in the same vein Luffy's a little bit off his rocker I don't know if you guys have noticed that but he kind of is Right Luffy's a little bit insane so uh the fact is though he realizes that like I can't do everything myself though I need to have my crew to help me out right absolutely that's Luffy that's our good pal you know Luffy so I love series that do this that show the main character uh having you know their own journey and stuff like that but then also having the main villain have a similar parallel going on in the side like they're increasing in power at the same time and any kind of crazy stupid power up that the main character might get the crazy stupid power up the main villain could get too uh my hero Academia does this very well I think um and so uh one piece is doing it here as well so we could just go down that line that you know rocks is Blackbeard's dad that was a pretty common thing for a while there and but if we keep following it backwards all the way to the void Century Joy boy was most likely a Buccaneer because we know he was a big guy not quite as big as a giant but pretty big dude uh to wear that hat and so I would find that fascinating like the direct lineage of Joy boy leads to Blackbeard but the will the inherited will the the flame of the will of d as it were ends in Luffy okay because it branches out all over the place there's plenty of people that have the will of D and they're all vying for freedom but freedom from different perspectives and there different viewpoints on freedom okay um it's a little bit of like a subjective thing here like garp's sense of freedom is not the same as dragons is not the same as Luffy is not the same as blackbeards okay now before we continue on let me just stop for a moment because there is one thing I wanted to bring up here I don't know if this last chapter disproves this Theory but this is a theory revolving around Blackbeard's like Powers how is he able to have two devil fruits you know that's something that's really broken you know and uh there was a theory that's been around for quite some time that's the ring Theory uh you've probably heard of this but I'll bring it up anyway so Blackbeard has these rings on his hands right and then right after he absorbs the power of the gura gura Nomi somehow you know he walks out from underneath that cloth at Marine Ford and he reveals to the world not only does he have the yamy Yami Nomi the power of Darkness but he also has the gurug gura Nomi the strongest paramia right and so you see the darkness and you also see the Quake bubble appearing around his fist okay that also is covered with rings he wears a bunch of rings so the theory was oh what if the secret what if the technique that Blackbeard utilized was he gave the gura gomi to one of his rings so he's not the one that has the devil fruit power it's the ring that has the devil fruit power but I feel like just personally For Me Maybe you really like that maybe it's like whoa that'll that that'll be crazy if that's true to me it feels like not really that big of a deal like it's clever to use the ring but like to just say it's no it doesn't have anything to do with Blackbeard's you know body or unique character or anything like that it's just he figured out how to put a paramia in an object I don't know I feel like that would be kind of a weak explanation for me or if like or if that turned out to be the case I got to move my chicken head over a little bit if that turned out to be the case it would just be like wow that's that's all it was huh the whole time was just he put it in a ring and you could just take that ring off a Blackbeard and put it on and you have the power of the gurug gur Nomi now that that seems like the idea that he has two devil fruits I've always wanted it to be something special about him whether it be the sebus theory or whether it be multiple souls or multiple personalities in the same body or something like that that would make more sense to me and more more um more of a better payoff I guess is the best way to explain that also from what we've learned in aad that pretty much debunks it as well because Vega Punk is the lead scientist when it comes to putting uh devil fruits in artificial like uh beings uh you know like well the seraphim are like organic but then there's also objects the devil fruits are inside as well and from what we learn you could basically do that with zones no problem but when it starts getting into paramas you have to synthesize green blood and you have to put it inside of like a paci fista or a seraphim or something like that and uh no I don't think it's possible to take a paramia power into just an object like a ring certainly not as quickly as Blackbeard did it he just like walked under the cloth and just like put the gurug gurun numi powers in there and once again it kind of diminishes it because all you'd have to really do is just slice off Blackbeard's finger or take the ring off of him when he's asleep or unconscious while like oh okay he doesn't sleep he doesn't sleep so I guess that is they don't have to worry about that but still it's just like all we got to do is knock off Blackbeard's fingers and then he doesn't have the power of the gurug guru Nomi anymore and then we have it I'm like ah no let's not let's not do the One Ring thing I'm not really a fan of that particular Theory and so from what we've learned at aghe head and from what we've learned in the last chapter specifically uh it's teach's body his lineage and bloodline are the thing that's really the the factor here on why he can have multiple devil fruit abilities we don't even know if two is his upper limit in fact I would not be surprised if there's ever a fight maybe Shanks fights him at some point right and Shanks is planning and preparing and they go in to fight all the redhair crew against the Blackbeard Pirates and Shanks is like okay he's got the gura gura he's got the yummy yummy I am prepared I'm ready to go and then Blackbeard's getting beaten down by Shanks it looks like Shanks is going to win he's delivering the finishing blow and then boom Blackbeard reveals he had a third devil fruit the entire time and that's like his trump card his Ace in the Hole as it were that um allows him to maybe defeat Shanks possibly even kill Shanks oh no Shanks can't die he's got red hair Shanks you got to live there's a lot of people that maybe not want Shanks to die but there's a general consensus in much of the community that's like Shanks could very well die at some point so just maybe mentally prepare yourself for that that also helps out with the chicken hat because you know if there's a chapter where a character dies and you're really upset then you can just do this emergency evacuation chicken hat and just be like no I will I cannot I cannot look but I will look but I cannot okay so um let's actually talk about Shanks because something about I wanted to address with Blackbeard actually ties back into this so um Saturn was aware of Blackbeard's lineage he brings this up to Katarina he's like oh yeah his his bloodline his lineage is is also notable and Katarina was kind of surprised that he knew that it was kind of like ah I see you you know that as well interesting okay so the idea was this was kind of kept a secret and only like Blackbeard and his crew know about it one of the goros say know about it I wonder how Saturn would have learned about teach's lineage huh well there was that meeting that Shanks had with the garos we're assuming it's Shanks because ever since uh Garling showed up and it's like all right so clearly shank's family are Celestial dragons so it's possible Garling Garling is most likely shank's dad but that's not ruling out the possibility that he has brothers or possibly a hot sister out there somewhere um but like Shanks could have a twin brother and that the there's a theory that maybe he was the one that was meeting with the garos because we don't actually see Shanks as scar during that meeting but putting that aside for right now let's assume Shanks was the one that sat down with the Goro in that meeting and was like I have to talk to you about a certain pirate okay so the way I've always viewed the shanks Blackbeard thing Shanks is taking Blackbeard extraordinarily seriously more serious than any other group in the story really is okay uh there was a question even I got uh on my live stream where somebody was asking like how come Shanks is not really doing anything with the Blackbeard problem and is just letting Blackbeard get stronger and stronger well I was like well you assume that Shanks is just resting on his Laurels or sitting on his thumbs and he's not doing anything you know Shanks is just sitting around on his PS5 playing Persona 3 reload like me right now no Shanks is he has a plan and he might be gathering power too who's to say he's like well we got to deal with Blackbeard he's a threat Okay and like he he was attacked by him he know firsthand that Blackbeard how sneaky he can be cuz he's the one that left that scar on his face he you know had this massive plan out he has like multiple plans that Blackbeard always seems to come out on top no matter what Shanks has taking this dude seriously and he sees him as probably honestly this guy might be the biggest threat in the world right now more of a threat than the world government more of a threat than the Marines more of a threat than kaido or big mom where Shanks might be taking this guy very very seriously and he needs to deal with this and so maybe Shanks is like you know what if I have to go to the [ __ ] goros and have a meeting with them and tell them you guys need to deal with this dude like I would rather deal with you guys the Goro and your you know world government with like the ten rubito and everything I would rather deal with that than Blackbeard so can we deal with this guy already please so maybe Shang sat down with the girl saying was just like you know what you guys aren't dealing with him ah he's just a pirate he's just an upand cominging pirate who cares about him yeah he might have stolen whitebeards devil fruit but we have bigger fish to fry Shanks is like no you don't understand you don't understand I know some stuff about him and I have to tell you I learned this stuff from Roger himself and I'll tell you straight up okay he is a descendant of Joy boy he's a Buccaneer he's the son of rocks this guy is going to be a problem if you just let him go he should be like like number one on every single wanted now okay this should be the main threat you should be dealing with all right and maybe the Goro say kind of we just like well okay we'll think about it bye Shanks it's like ah nobody's taking Shanks seriously so anyway uh because maybe Shanks is maybe Shanks is like all right we could fight Blackbeard but we could lose you know it's not really necessarily fear or like Shanks is like quivering in his boots or something it's just like black be is an anomaly there's so many things about him that I mean Shanks might know a little bit but not a lot and it's so it's like fighting him is is unpredictable you don't know what's going to happen Shanks could you know prepare for years and he probably has like I'm I'm going to fight him and we'll see what happens I'm the best chance that you know we have to beat him but like he could pull some stupid [ __ ] out like random [ __ ] power up and Shanks is like crap I knew I knew you would have a random [ __ ] power up boom and then Shanks is dead and then who else is going to deal with the damn problem well Luffy obviously cuz you know he's the main character he's got the power of the Sun God and all that jazz but like I'm sure Shanks doesn't want to die and I'm sure Shanks doesn't want Luffy to die so he's like I would like to deal with this you know so um the lunarian thing I don't really think that he's a lunarian uh now you could AR You could argue like well obviously he's not a lunari and he doesn't have the wings it's like yeah but you could always have a thing where Blackbeard could like take off his jacket and he has like scars on his back or something like Eno even kind of like ripped off his wings at some point right so you know that's not that big of a deal um I think the lunarians are going to their point in the story or their place in the story is going to be during the void Century flashback that's when we're going to focus on the lunarians in a really big way because we've had two races revealed to us relatively recently in one piece we had the lunarians and we had the Buccaneers okay now I don't think is going to reveal like the lunarians and Buccaneers only to have one representative from each of them you know what I mean like there are there's a tribe known as the lunarians and there's King he's the last one there's a tribe known as the Buccaneers there's Kuma he's the last one all right we're never going to reference these tribes or races ever again bye you know like no no no that's not going to work okay I think they'll I I don't know if there's any more lunarians in the world okay there might be there might not be but I think we're going to cut cut to the flashback of the Void Century where we're going to see that war where the world government originally took over the red line and we're going to see the lunarians living there okay and like the ancestors of Kings the Buccaneers I think there's going to be more than one representative rather than just Kuma okay I think um Blackbeard is probably at least part Buccaneer uh and his dad if it is rocks was also a Buccaneer and going all the way back that bloodline you get to Joy boy who was a Buccaneer okay now we don't know a lot about the buccaneer other than the fact there's there's uh aspects about them beyond their physical strength their physical strength was brought up as like they're really really strong they have a lot of endurance and all that kind of jazz um but there's more than that okay there's like a more special even Vega Punk mentioned there's a special quality beyond that in fact maybe part of the reason why well this is kind of undermining the whole like fatherly Instinct thing but it could be connected the idea that Kuma was able to resist uh the memory wipe and personality removal surgery and he's still able to like you know will protect Bonnie no matter what that kind of stuff you could look at that like um yeah that's the will of a father but you could also say maybe the Buccaneers had an unbreakable unshakable will that could not be taken away no matter what okay and that's the power of the Buccaneers that's their true power and so Blackbeard definitely has that as well like this unshakable will except he's using it to kind of like topple the world government and kind of lead things into chaos and like a pirate Paradise kind of deal right okay so that's where I think the buccaneer thing is going to go into but we just don't know a lot about them yet so we got to we got to learn a little bit more but it makes more sense for me to Oda re for Oda to reveal like okay here's Kuma he was a Buccaneer so we learned about a couple of things that he's known for and now we're going to have now we know about the Buccaneers existence and so there's going to be another character now maybe Blackbeard and rocks that had that bloodline as well and there you go like that's that's what I think that's going to happen all right you know what it could also be not thinking about it if we're going along with like multiple Souls multiple personalities kind of thing that could lead into like an unshakable will type deal did we ever see Kuma sleep because Blackbeard one of his defining characteristics is he does not sleep all right I'm trying to think if we no we saw Kuma sleeping we saw Kuma sleeping when um he was uh taking care of baby Bonnie when Bonnie had to be locked in the cage so Kuma didn't roll over and like Crush her uh cuz she was like a baby at the time so we did see Kuma asleep so we did see that right so it might be something even further than that like I I feel like Blackbeard is he's like one of a kind like even if he's part Buccaneer he doesn't have a lot of similarities with every other Buccaneer he has something very very special very very unique to him and and maybe rocks maybe it was like rocks and then Blackbeard maybe Rock's soul is inside Blackbeard or something like that but we we kind of really are going my here Academia a little bit with it if if we went down that road but I don't know um but clearly the fact Blackbeard can have two devil fruits at the same time and that's because of his body his lineage it's never really been referenced before that nobody else has had um you know two devil fruits I don't think rocks had two devil fruits if he did it was never brought up um although I will say this much about that so when Blackbeard walked out and he had the two devil fruits everybody was losing their [ __ ] and like jawdropping like that's impossible Marco Marco responded to that better than most people did he was like no it's possible for him to have two that's just how weird his body is now it could have been just because Marco had been around Blackbeard for a very long time on the Whitebeard creu so it's like he doesn't sleep he's a little off he's a little weird so maybe it's like all right I could see why he could have two devil fruits or it might be because like maybe Whitebeard told Marco some [ __ ] about rocks maybe he knows some stuff about rocks oh yeah rocks also had two deil fruits and that that was kind of lost to history or kept like secretive sort of thing but like Marco knew about it cuz Whitebeard was there and Whitebeard was the you know under rocks or something like that so so maybe maybe I'm not sure H still a lot of questions ah Oda you give us a hint and then you open up the floodgates for a million more theories ah damn it I love this manga all right well anyway that's the video hope everybody enjoyed uh this will be teeking 101 signing out go to that end screen [Music] everybody
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 100,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, luffy, blackbeard, teach, marshall, will of d, rocks, xebec, buccaneer, lunarian
Id: SIx9u51FoXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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