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why he wants to stay friends hello I'm Changi of Chinese world you are my world and I am your dating and relationship expert she teaching you ladies how to date as a high value high status high worth woman the men find irresistible offer so welcome to this channel today we're going to be talking about why he wants to stay friends okie dokie so this is on the assumption that you have been dating and he has ended the relationship or you have ended the relationship but he asks for you to stay as friends why would he do that and what can you do and is it a good idea okay so why would he do that reason being is sometimes a man if he's the one that's dumped you he doesn't want to completely lose the benefits of the relationship and sometimes as women we don't always get that that there was something that he was getting out of the relationship that he enjoys that he knows that he would miss in his life if he didn't have it and but he no longer wants to be in a commitment with you he probably wants to explore other avenues he wants to focus on other things but really what he wants to do is continue to siphon the benefits without almost the responsibility or without the commitment okay that is why he would want to stay friends because his friends there is a certain access but the he can you know sort of dip in and out when it pleases him another reason why he would want to stay friends is because he has other options that he wants to explore but he still wants to keep the door open over here with you so he doesn't want it to be oh my gosh is finished it's over another reason is he might just be saying that so that you don't have you know one of those really horrible breakups where you know you hate him and he hates you in the you were in his life and you know published all these emails out him if you had a secret of his that you were holding what he's really saying is I want to be free but I don't want to be kind of held hostage in this relationship just in case you out my secret or whatever so let's just drop things amicably okay another reason is that you know he is probably not ready to completely let go of you that there's a part of him that still wants to hold on to you and that usually happens when you are the one that ends the relationship then he doesn't want to lose he doesn't want to completely put all of that on the line and completely lose you so those are some of the reasons that he wants to stay friends but I can pretty much tell you all in all that they are selfish reasons their reasons that will serve him and and work for him staying friends with somebody who you've broken up with never really serves in you because you need a clean slate you need to think you need to you know a fresh mind and fresh options and if that man is always there then you're always gonna be remembering him and you always gonna be comparing him to every single man that you meet so by and large if you want him back at some point if you are not ready for the relationship to end and you want him back then you really have to be prepared to starve him of every part of you because that will allow him to really notice what he's lost or what he's left behind or what he took for granted when you stay friends he's still siphoning it and that friendship can become the supplement to the new relationship that he has going that doesn't give him everything that you were giving him so sometimes you know we'll use the 80/20 rule even though it's not particularly right but let's use it for the purposes of this exercise you were giving him 80% but he was missing that 20% so he decides that he needs that 20% and he's gonna go and find somebody else is going and the relationship go find something else and that somebody else might be just giving him that 20% and none of the 80% but if he gets to keep you on both and he gets his hundred-percent but if he loses you then that 80% makes him see the 20% for who she really is okay so when the time comes if you decide that you want him back then he would miss you enough and the ball will be in your court okay so I would say to you that by enlarge all in all everything said and done ladies being friends with your ex is not a good idea when I say being friends I mean talking on the phone forever going on sort of outings and letting him be involved in your life you being involved in his still sharing family or whatever it is is not a good idea that's the friendship I'm talking about but baby and a couple on a breakup is a great idea okay so sure let's not kill each other let's not poison each other's food let's not go crazy here let us just kind of leave it on a friendly tip nobody's gonna out anybody nobody's gonna share anybody's secrets that is a good idea so an amicable breakup is very different from staying friends so say no to stay in friends okie-dokie for just your peace of mind and your sanity thank you so much for watching this video in the meantime if you would like to learn the four simple steps of how to get and keep your man to build attraction and to keep your man interested download my guide in the description link below and you will be able to download the guy that I've been working on for you and it's absolutely free so take advantage of that and for those of you who are new to my channel do not forget to subscribe like share and comment if you like this video hit the thumbs up and leave a comment let me know if you've ever been asked to stay friends and when you have said and what you have done if it's worked out for you I'd love to hear from you in the meantime take care of you love you lots take a view of the line
Channel: Black Swan Relationship Academy
Views: 117,845
Rating: 4.9508247 out of 5
Keywords: Staying friends, he wants to stay friends, he wants to stay friends after breakup, he wants to be friends, he wants to break up with me, he wasn't man enough, why he wants to stay friends, what he means when he says, relationships, worldstar relationship advice, advice, relationship advice, friends with an ex, staying friends with an ex
Id: jkyhjdPhDDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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