Why Giving Everything Away Will Make You Rich | David Meltzer on Impact Theory

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manifesting as commanding which means working with the word work is in there you've got to take action you got to make it happen but believe that it's very important to still think about it focus in on it dream about it but without conscious action it probably won't take place everybody welcome to impact theory our goal with this showing company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams all right today's guest is the former CEO of the legendary Leigh Steinberg sports agency and the co-founder and CEO of Sports one arguably the most notable sports marketing firm in the world he started with nothing and yet became a millionaire just nine months out of law school and a multimillionaire by the time he was 32 but then he went broke but then he made it all back again and now he's an insanely successful serial entrepreneur and philanthropist who through hardship was forced to codify the rules of success since we're gaining his footing he's written two number-one best-selling books on the subject of success connected to goodness and compassionate capitalism a journey to the soul of business he also shares his principles on his top 5 iTunes business podcast the playbook one of his principles find ways to serve others to that end everything that he and his business partner Hall of Fame quarterback warren moon do have a charitable component and this rule has only accelerated their business growth through sports one they are currently involved in projects for many of the world's biggest sporting events including the Super Bowl the Pro Football Hall of Fame the Masters and countless others his passionate desire to help others pursue their potential has seen him lauded with countless awards including being honored as one of Marshall Goldsmith top 100 business coaches in the world and being named the chairman of the unstoppable foundation so please help me in welcoming the man that both Forbes and entrepreneur named one of the top keynote speakers on the planet variety magazines sports humanitarian of the Year Dave Meltzer baby daddies to be all good I'll walk around with you to be all good that was awesome dude thank you for all that you share man it's really crazy like this we're living in this really weird time where people are coming out they're taking their time for no money to really share what they've learned and empower not only the next generation but just anybody that's willing to listen and you've become an amazing voice in that it's incredible I think it has to do with faith you know we're going to talk about doing things for no money I used to see things as a trade so even giving right I give with an expectation of at least appreciation and it caused all types of difficulty but for me now I just have this real faith that if I'm of service if I do well and I do the right things that not necessarily just monetary wealth but true purpose and fulfillment and wealth come to you more accurately it reduces the resistance in my life I love that especially in your story because your story to me really is one of being able to rebuild and so few people can do it and be the ones that can and have they want to talk about it and so how do you think about failure how have you conceptualized in your mind why are you so able to talk so openly about it you know I did an interview with Ryan Leaf and we were talking about big failures and his it was even more public in mind but the number one shameful thing of losing everything and the most courageous thing was to face our mothers you know you talk about the public and here I had I said today I'd sheriffs lined up at my Rancho Santa Fe home and moving trucks to take everything out hope you know 33 homes alone in San Diego gone a golf course is Ski Mountain so beyond my community and associates and all of this and I was already working for Lee this is from past transgressions I was already on my path and journey of fulfillment but the hardest thing was to walk through my mom's house and tell oh I get choked up I had to tell her that not only did I fail her myself but I felt I felt really really tough so that failure to me was the toughest part you know and so for me all the other things were just learning experiences but I had to get over the shame of that you know here they took my mom's house my dream of getting rich was it only to buy my mom a house in a car that's you know I grew up with nothing six kids single mom so for me to make it back I was already on that journey and I felt as if I could stay in a place of giving and faith and and I mean faith in myself and faith in the universe faith and others of service that everything would come back to me and it did so I love is that something that that is that emotionally intense you've talked really eloquently about there was this weird delay right so I make all these mistakes which end up costing me everything but I'd already made the changes and so as I'm hitting rock bottom I've already found that moment of faith I know that by giving and not expecting that I can really build something so how did that interaction go with you and your wife yeah cuz that was really the rock bottom that woke me up when you let someone bottom out was my wife who I've adored since the fourth grade I've known her since I was nine who did adore me since the fourth grade but you know when she told me she wasn't happy and at that time we had everything you know what you dream of as a poor kid what you dream is probably as a rich kid and so for her just straight-out tell me that if I didn't straighten up go back and take stock in who I was that she was gonna take my three daughters and herself and to me that was rock bottom she loves me hell but I honestly did when she did that I was in shock I I was such an excuse my language a-hole then I looked at my wife when she told me that and I said look around you how can you not be happy and she said no I'm looking at you that's why I'm not happy I don't care about the Ferraris and the Porsches in the homes I'm looking at you and not tore me up yeah I can fully understand that what was it that she saw that she didn't like first she said I wasn't paying attention which I heard to take anything right I was I was someone that raised my vibration to be aware and she felt as if I was always you know first of all mo Siddhi like most successful people so I was on top of every little thing and so number one I wasn't paying attention in - I was surrounding myself with the wrong people and the wrong ideas and I was lying to myself and that's where she told me to go take stock in myself and what are some of the wrong ideas the wrong ideas were mostly about the value my values the the idea were based on two things that I had lost control of one was my ego I all of a sudden had to need to be right a need to be offended need to be separate superior a need to be inferior a need for guilt all of these different needs of the ego that as I was rising up that I was completely humbled and all of these needs of the egos turned me into a self entitled you know a-hole who you know literally was only concerned on what I could get and when I went back and took stock in myself and saw that there was these four values mostly taught by my mom that were missing that lost the radical humility that made me successful and what are the four values the first was gratitude I was so happy we went had nothing I was just like this grateful kid you know thank you so much for whatever it was and I had lost my gratitude perspective my past all of a sudden wasn't so great my present wasn't that good and my future wasn't bright anymore and I had lost grants because how you were thinking about yeah my perspective and then another one was empathy I I was a very forgiving person and all of a sudden I put myself in this ego competitive world that I was taking and I felt you know this need to be offended all the time and separate and inferior and superior so I learned empathy and forgiveness again then accountability was a big one the accountability issue I went to a level of blame shame and justification everything was everyone else I was - right how could I have make a mistake I blame shame and justification my mom from as time as a little kid taught me to don't live below the line live in accountability to questions to ask what did I do to attract it to my life what am I supposed to learn from it and I and I lost that and then finally really weird one most people get confused effective communication I I'm a great communicator I'd motivate people I can talk and unite people in one you know team captain on my football team that kind of guy but what I really lost was to effectively communicate with what inspired me I had lived an inspired life which made me not work a day made people love me rot it raised my vibration and I lost the idea to communicate and lived and inspired life I remember when I built my home in Rancho Santa Fe it's in my book I had this weird feeling that I'd lied in bed when it was done the first night and my words of my mouth were oh like I didn't know what to do like I had gone first surpassed my own imagination and fulfilment and inspiration that I didn't know really so I just started buying things didn't make me happy bought more things that make me happy about different things didn't make me happy until I went of service and the funny thing is I wish I would have done it when I had a lot to give at that time and I didn't have to build it back up but everyone goes through the lessons that they learn for a purpose and a reason now one thing you were talking about and I've never heard anybody else say you said I had a need to be offended and a need to be inferior yeah what do you mean by that well number one when you feel superior it's usually a direct projection of your insecurities and so I I was projecting my feeling that I was inferior to other people that no matter how much money that I made and the successes I had when I met other people like you that are so successful I had this energy like I wasn't good enough I lived in a word of not good enough and then I would do things too by grace or by appreciation even with my mom and almost ruined my relationship because I put a standard on her of appreciation I'd buy her house or you know buy extravagant gifts and and all she really wanted was my love and appreciation but I felt offended because people didn't do this or didn't show up to my party or I wasted so much energy so interesting because I only know you on this side of it right so it's like so hard to see but I drive me nuts when people look at me like that right in isolation not see that it's a journey in that you grow and change through all of this but it's really incredible to know that somebody can get here at this state where you're so at ease you've created so much success you've helped so many people it's really incredible and this is what I figured out through my journey that I was always great at providing a void and I'd fill it but the void that I created usually was promises that I made and I worked really hard to do it instead of work really hard upfront to provide value create that void and then what I got really good at was getting rid of the ego guilt and I learned to ask big but I learned to ask like attract someone like Tom in my life so that could sit and reach millions of people with him and inspire them to help other people and learn that when you give the universe doesn't know sighs so it knows I believe that it's just as good for somebody to put a cart back at the grocery store or pick up trash and throw it away or provide a healthy food to somebody that it is to give a million dollars the universe is not these are human things this isn't lower and so you might as well do as many good deeds as you can open as many doors smile as many people hug as many people as you can and then when you create your void of giving and service that's big that's in this human vibration this pragmatic world ask big ask for at all cuz it will come to you and that's I think something I did subconsciously when I was 25 right out of law school and it's something I do consciously subconsciously and unconsciously now I asked to empower 75,000 people I want to change the world to make people happy and who are you asking that of the universe so whatever you believe in and whatever you believe in I don't care if it's God Jesus Muhammad Joseph Smith the 12th man if you're a Seahawks fan I don't care but ask ask the universe ask who you think put it out there you know there's three ways you got what you think say and do that's one way to put it out there subconsciously there are no pathways in your mind 40,000 of the same thoughts put it out there and then finally your energy your DNA fingerprint on life that's what truly puts it out there and that system of consciousness subconscious unconscious is what allows you to truly attract rapidly and accurately what you want so interesting because I'm guessing if we flashback let's call it 20 years and I ask the same question I get an equally valid answer because it worked right like both worked hard you would have got work hard don't quit mmm you know all of those things and look I was an honest person I just had my values a little bit screwed up as they got bigger and bigger but I was you know working really hard I just felt like I was in control of everything and now I've completely surrendered doesn't mean I don't work as hard I was gonna say I watch your content and there's definitely like you said I'm in a ball park it here but like I don't go to bed I pass out and I work until my energy runs out and I thought yeah I get that and so it's so interesting to see me yeah not a conflict at all actually it's just it's such an interesting way to come at it so you've got the on the one hand it's the more traditional hard driving you know I'm gonna make this happen if I'm creating a void it's a void of what I'm looking for people to you know pour into hey I've given you something I'm expecting something back and many of many of many a person who built insanely amazing careers doing that right so I know that it works but then over here now you've done both and it's like this totally different way but yet you still really pour yourself into what you do value yeah it's super interesting so like I was watching one of your pieces of content he went to this event and it was during spring break and so there was only you know I don't know handful 30 kids there or something and you said oh these are the ones that'll make it why are they the ones that will make it you know I believe in being more interested than interesting and that providing value they define that for people I know what you mean but like I really put a point on it it you know for me we it's almost connected to the zero effect of life and I think there's a consistency that makes people successful and what happens is we lie to ourselves and I'll use health because you're an expert at it but I see this in nutrition and sighs people will tell me after one month gosh why did I get incremental results or no results at all I said because you zeroed yourself out the kids that showed up during spring break to the event that I had that the ones that were there and they had a lot of other distractions they're the ones that don't zero out they're the ones that get the exponential power of the universe meaning if I do something every day day one I get X to the first day twos to second third for third fourth fifth most people when it comes to nutrition they're always these six they zero themselves out then they start over for a second and during a month it means zero themself out three or four times at the end of the month they didn't get the exponential results if you stick to something every day this idea of being more interested really asking the extra questions going the extra mile which is completely empty in my opinion if you want no competition in your life go the extra mile 99.9% of the people are ziering themselves out there doing 28 days a month not 31 how do you help them with that cuz I'm a psycho for this the level of clarity that you have to have yeah you know I start very pragmatically I have certain things that I think can change someone's life number one student of your calendar it might sound silly but I believe focus there's a whole field of intention and that the pragmatic way that we figure out what we're doing in a day because I look for productivity and accessibility I study my calendar all the way here I was studying like things your awareness rise when you're looking at something and start thinking all right I'm gonna be with Tom what what should I ask Tom this is all being more interested in and it goes from there and then another quick philosophy is do it now I whenever I'm doing anything I have a simple question can I do it now because if I can do something now number one I saved myself a minimum of half the time it'll take me twice as much time to do something if I don't do it now and to exponentially it becomes less successful if you don't do something now you can forget it you have to go back I mean it just turns into a mess so about 85 to 88 percent of the things that I'm approached with I can do now hey you got a referral yeah hold on sometimes is a little weird and quirky during a meeting but I do it anyway someone asked me I literally make the induct introduction I cut our conversation hey you need to know this guy you and so these little tips of time and then the other side so I give time tips because I believe times a construct everybody has 24 hours a day it's how productive and accessible can you be in 24 hours and then the other construct is ego so the two ways I help them is I teach them gratitude empathy accountability and effective communication to help them get out of their own way because that ego and time will be two things that will reduce all the resistance in their lives and allow them to attract what they want and if you understand ego and you understand time you can have faith to be of service so help me understand you go how does it stop most people ego is that voice that little voice inside of you that I use cancel clear connect for that it's all these needs you know it guilt is a big one fear is a huge one anxiety so when I can teach young people to identify when they're thinking with their ego when they're in their own way there's only one thing that stands between you and what you want and when I say what you want that let me be very clear I believe that all people want is to be happy and in order to make them happy they if they get what they want health you know money a Ferrari now it won't maintain the happiness if you get what you want but the key is if you could rapidly get everything that you want learn from it keep what keeps you happy dump what doesn't and then keep moving on you're gonna live a happy existence or fulfilled its existence so the ego is the only thing that stands between you and what you want and when we can identify it which is the first step we can start working through why do we feel this way that's one of the biggest questions that I ask I still get scared you know I still fight certain things I I don't know what percentage of the time anymore but I just try to get better I tried to pursue my potential of living at the highest vibration of the truth without my ego you know still - I mean I every time I talk to my mom I fight my ego because it's such an emotional relation I fight my ego of all different things that probably carried from the time I was in the womb but energetically the more I work through it and the better I feel the more I'm able to manifest not only for myself but for others and so I've heard what you've said about your mom that she has a third degree black belt and Jewish guilt yeah so knowing that what does it mean to work through it is it finding your Center is it just having the compassion for her understanding that she only wants good things for you and this is just her best attempt what cuz I know there are so many people watching this they have the same relationship so what do they do mechanistically what do they do to work through it so what I started doing is I realized that there's only two things my mom really wanted from me one was to know that I loved her and to appreciated her that that's my mother and I and I got that by asking her questions and so what I decided to do to change our relationship was to make sure every day so I have this philosophy of doing stuff every day give it a minimum amount of minutes so I gave my mom a minimum of one minute a day to make sure that she loves and appreciates me and meaning I would call text or email her and simply sometimes say hey mom I was just thinking about you I got back from China today and I just wanted you to know that I totally love you and appreciate you I live this extraordinary life and I'm so grateful you know I'm one of six and all the things then I work through it and say to myself why do I still feel this way why why do I feel inferior to my siblings just because they all went to the high D leagues and none of them got a B why I'm 50 years old I have my own beautiful family why do I have this energy about me that I literally no it's not easy for people to to say the truth then I know enough here's the best thing about it my brothers are super they're super accelerated like humans they're amazing right Harvard summa laude amazing and what's funny is we my brother went to Harvard he was extremely light he's a rabbi now you know I said to him hey man I just I'm working on feeling good around you and he was like pale he goes that's funny because I was thinking the same thing about you you know like that in fear and I go and I hope you take it as a compliment because I just think the world of you and I wants you to think the world of me those type of effective communications can open up and allow you to work through why you feel certain ways because it transcends if you feel that with your siblings or your parents it's worse for people you just met you're trying to prove yourself well one of the energies I carry that ruined me was I had an energy that I was stupid and I projected it that I was smarter than everyone else because I carried a core energy because of my siblings and the way I was raised and my grandma telling me only stupid people get bored smart people think of things to do then I literally projected this insecurity that caused me to over sell back and sell lie manipulate and not feel good about myself no matter how much I had I still needed more and it was for myself to prove that I was smart enough that's house so incredible how did you get to the point where you could take accountability for all of that like that is I love your thoughts on accountability by the way extraordinary but what I find is the people that can take accountability often have to really overcome something like that thing they really don't want to talk about and they still have to take accountability for that how did you face that it was taking accountability for going bankrupt because to me everything in my life was about being rich it was about having that money my whole identity was that success and so to let go of that identity and to be radically humble and confident and faithful just say I am accountable I mean it was a bad time that I went bankrupt it was 2007-2008 everybody was losing money people were blaming me and there's lawsuits and in my egos in the way and the minute I said you know hey you know what I could have done this I attracted this yes my wonderful wife is correct I just wrapped myself with the wrong people and the wrong ideas I'm accountable 100% and I'm gonna tell everybody about it I'm not gonna hide you know what take that if there's a great author David Corbin he wrote a book called illuminate and I read that book and he became a friend of mine I had to search him out after I read it and he it used an example about illumination he said I was doing business and there's guy that was convicted of a white-collar crime felony and first thing of every business call that he said he said look before we get started I want to let you know I was convicted in 2001 of a white-collar crime for doing this I served six months in jail I'm completely accountable for it but I learned what I learned and I just want to tell you upfront before we do any business that this is me and if you're not comfortable doing business with a felon I get it and 90 some percent of the people trusted that person more than somebody else and then two if you know a hundred percent of the people especially because of technology and access to information today eventually you're gonna find out right and you lose 100 percent of the people when they find out after and you know for me that was a friend of mine said I love the statement David I would rather people hate me for who I am and love me for who I'm not I'm the exact opposite of you I love that when he told me that and that was part I wanted everyone to love me and kit yeah that's easier said than done that's really really interesting and doing the work of identifying it like you were talking about whether it's ego or what it is with just recognizing that is there and then being able to process through that find your Center and then move forward with intention it's really really interesting and as I think through that and I think through the steps and how meticulous you have to be why are you such a good negotiator what what is it that you do is there a process like that like what is it really I think it's part of being more interested than interesting so what I do is I explore the reasons that you want what you want I want to explore the impact that it has and the capabilities that you currently have that you want to have and that you actually need and then I align those with the reasons that I want to do the deal the impact that it has for me and the capabilities that I have want or need and when I figure that all out in negotiation I actually can make a bigger hole than other people I'm dealing hey I could give you this you could give me that and we both really win from things that I've heard you say almost just off the cuff the thing that seems like your superpower from the outside is that you go into everything with an open mind not knowing what the answer might be and looking for ways that are completely outside the realm of even what I would think to ask for and is part of what is anybody's power in a negotiation being able to make the ask yeah so there's three things one people buy on emotion for logical reasons so you have to address the emotions and so that's that open nature that you feel and see and from knowing me now the other two is not only an ask it's an attract so I believe there's four mediums that you can ask and attract on the first in person so being more interested than interesting we were gonna meet in person today I know that I strategically for the benefit of both of us have Asuna tracks right one of those simple ask was you know I I really wanted you to sign something to put into my studio right because every one I do that's just a simple one but I'm thinking about that so in person asking a track that on the phone every phone call I received not push out right I'm on the defensive in my life I'm attracting right I'm allowing things so I know that I'm gonna receive phone calls today I'm gonna have asked into tracks and be and I know that because unconditionally I ask people is anything I can do for you how can I be of service and they'll either tell me or not and invariably they're almost forced to by the laws of nature to ask me what I want I haven't asked an attract talk to me about meditation how are you leveraging that in your life meditation for me is 20 minutes every morning first thing that I do and what it does is it finds my Center that's all that's all for me it's almost like baseline testing for a concussion because what I've learned is that life life is like the big tall hill in Sanford go with a car on top that's your center when the car is up there you can hold it you know a truck you can hold with your finger when it's sitting on top of a hill the minute this thing starts rolling downhill you got to put it back up the longer goes downhill the harder it is to get back on what I used to do during the day is I'd let that truck keep flying down the hill and trying to react instead of act by going back to Center and is this emotional that's how I think of it I think of it as anxiety stress emotion those are the things I'm trying to bring back to Center correct so anything that takes you off of peace mmm oneness wholeness that feel peaceful feeling if something moves me in that direction instead of reacting talking yelling all the different things that throwing things whatever you are go back so you had this really cool story about hey my daughter at the time I think she was 16 if she said that I want a Ferrari you'd be like cool how do we go about getting it correct and I found that really interesting cuz it's so pragmatic but what I want to do now is is really collide the two things because I think you're uniquely capable like you live in the real world you've built real businesses and been very successful and there's so much tangibility to what you do like and maybe this will be a breakthrough for me I want to know like how those two coexist how do you manifest which I imagine just means essentially daydream right and then how do i reconcile that then I have to go do something for it that's the biggest conflict that I had - the people told me about manifesting I rolled my eyes because I didn't understand it manifesting as commanding which means working with the word work is in there you got to take action you got to make it happen you can't sit at home high on your mom's couch manifesting the Publishers Clearing House to come to your door you know it would drive me crazy you know this is a secret I'm on to transformational leadership council I'm like the most pragmatic sports agent weirdal on there but those are all the people that create the movie the secret and I told them to help me crazy when the guys do teaching the masses sit there and dream about your Ferrari and this was during my transformational time and I sat there it could have hit my stomach I'm like do you know how hard I had to work to buy my Ferrari like it was a dream of mine but I wasn't home hyoma mom's couch dreaming about having that thing I was out working and doing all the things that I needed that combination to me the commanding the commanding of the universe working with it and that includes working with others so I only even in my business ask me you want to go to do something you want to come to the studio today and get involved and meet you cuz there's you know I saw the posse that came that's cuz they asked it okay how are we gonna do it what value are you gonna bring to the table oh I can drive I can do this the same works with the universe you know I want to raise a hundred million dollars to give the people and I hear the universe tell me okay how are we gonna do it now it takes action takes a lineman action adjustment but it does it takes a I'd have to create a plan I'm not just gonna dream about it but I believe that it's very important to still think about it focus in on it dream about it that all these things the conscious subconscious and unconscious all work together but without conscious action it probably won't take place talk to me about planning how do you come up with a plan how have you like this is the thing when I really sit down and try to break down for people what you need to do to be successful there are certain places I stop because there's nothing Universal to give them and the plan is one of them right so I'm just ridiculously psycho about people need a goal a hyper specific goal and a plan so my thing is identified the gap between where you are and where you want to be and that gap is a gap of skillset and now you have to go and get those skills but most people can't identify what skills actually lie between where they are and where they want to go they get it like from the end result but they don't know how to plan that out yeah and I'm not I like I don't even understand other than just sort of by intuition how I'm doing it so here's what school does this is gonna throw you way back because it's completely pragmatic monetary solution to the problem that I tell young people with what they want that they need it to figure out one a direct path to that the that that's your gold what's my direct path to revenue forget the business side what if you have an idea business specifically what's my direct path to revenue and when you stay focused on the direct path of revenue you only need one more thing to stay in business every day and so if you have one objective to stay in business and then to a direct path to revenue and understand that my job is to align with as much as I can be more interested than interesting learning these skills knowledge and maintaining desire you're guaranteed success let me give you one of the coolest things that I've learned and this is about anything in life if somebody could tell you give me your dream and your twenty five knows from your dream twenty five of failures losses from your dream how excited would you be when you got the first no wait wait how about when you get your twenty-fifth one but for me this is where faith comes in I believe that I live in the favor like in the favor of the universe I believe that everything is mine everything there's enough of everything for everyone I just truly believe it and I don't know if it's twenty-five but I know it's the same philosophy so I take on the energy and perspective of mmm good news first failure I was wrong again good news and then the twenty-fifth comes I'm like oh gosh I know I'm closer than I was this is great we're like so many people cannot maintain desire and they get to the 25th time and they're this far away you know that don't quit poem that I love that poem because that explains this perfectly you're done man you're gonna get there I don't know how long my favorite book I was blessed to do a book with Jack Canfield Chicken Soup for the Soul half a billion he was rejected 200 times my publishers said it was a stupid idea 200 but if I told him that he would be rejected 200 times before he had the best-selling book of all times and a half a billion sold in a whole brand that laughs for legacy of a lifetimes of people how happy would he been when he got to 150 and so to me to teach people you need skills integration of skills knowledge and desire maintenance of desire you need a direct path to what you want but you need to stay on course every day it's every single day the only thing that stopped you from being successful in business example is you run out of money you go out of business how many businesses do we know that have evolved I'm sure your business is evolved from where you started right I know Google did Facebook did right they all were not set out to be but they all had a direct path to what they wanted to do and they stayed in business every day how do you maintain desire I've wanted to ask that from the second use of that that's super powerful it's the image literally to me it's the consistent persistent enjoyment of the pursuit of my potential when my outcomes I have goals people are getting all the time well don't you do that like but I changed my goals that are a little different they don't create boys shorts and obstacles meaning someone will tell me I want to be a millionaire by the time I'm 30 I said can I give you a piece of advice why not double the amount of money you make as fast as you can you're not playing with linear time anymore times a construct what if you've made it way before 30 you've cheated yourself what you're creating resistance so for me to stay inspired it's every day enjoying the pursuit of my potential and truly focusing in on man I love that like my real enlightenment came when I got my butt kicked and walked out of there going wow that was awesome where no ego right it's just like I just learned so much I must be so much closer to what I want because I just learned a ton and I guess I got my butt kicked and we're the old day would have been like you know he doesn't know anything no I don't know anything and I'm here to learn more yeah that that's really interesting another thing that you've said that I think is really powerful is we are made by our nose you mean by that along with the 25 nose opportunity is that we're also made by the people that we say no to and sometimes you know we were asked a lot by family friends associates community we have to be able to say no now along with my how philosophy people say well how is that income you know in not in conflict with how well because I can say no to you but I challenge myself to be of service so if I can help you who can I find to help you part of my business model an extreme channel of understanding how many requests are made of me and what I can and can't do my capabilities and being able to have resources to help other people as well so people ask to borrow money from me all the time right the instant on years ie you're a service man you're the most look more than happy to help you find out you don't need a loan from me I'm not a bank but I can show you 20 different ways that you can get to the your objective without me giving you a handout and the worst thing you can do is try to please everybody and say yes to everybody you're made by the people you say no to it's really interesting all right before I ask my last question tell these guys where they can find you online if I've been online at David Meltzer this is probably the best place Dave Meltzer it's calm really easy but at David Meltzer Instagram is probably the best place or just Google David Meltzer fortunately the other famous David Meltzer the beatnik poet died so I'm the only one alive that really there makes that easy yeah cool well my last question is what's the impact that you want to have on the world really simple you know I want to empower others to empower others to be happy if I can power others to teach others to be happy I get that exponential result if I could teach a thousand people to be teach a thousand people that's a million right right it just expands so I'm trying to get messages out there notice one difference about my content is I don't sell anything I don't think I ever will the only thing I'm selling you is methodology pragmatic spiritual methodology of how to be happy but more importantly to take complex issues try to make them simple enough so not only does it make you happy but you could tell somebody else hey man if you just say thank you before you go to bed and when you wake up your whole life will change BAM that's what I'm here for I love that thank you so much guys you are gonna be hard-pressed to find anybody that is more real more vulnerable more honest more effective at building businesses creating the kind of abundance that you want in your life and he can explain it because like he said he had to go through it all over again he rose and would not have been able to explain how he did it the first time he crashed had to codify it so that he could teach it to himself with nobody else and then that became something that he could pass on to other people and that that is when people get really profound is when they have a deep understanding not just an intuitive sense of how to do it but a deep understanding that they can articulate so his hopes of teaching a thousand people to teach a thousand people who will hopefully teach a thousand more I think is very very plausible and as you dive into his world and see the amount of stuff that he will give away to you off the cuff for free it is absolutely astonishing this is somebody who truly leads with service the first time we met literally didn't know him and he was just hey how can I help what could I do it's so disarming and so beautiful and so incredible and re-watched the beginning of this episode that is a moment that might be the most giving moment of all the things that he tried to give him the way of advice just showing the raw emotion around his mom and how hard that was for him was so moving to me that in and of itself is a gift so I promise as you dive deeper you will be rewarded with an avalanche of amazingly usable insights that will help you feel better it will help you find your Center and go and do the things that you want to do all right if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care [Applause] everybody thank you so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're gonna get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 246,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, Why Giving Everything Away Will Make You Rich, dave meltzer, dave meltzer sports agent, sports 1 dave meltzer, sports 1, leigh steinberg sports agency, the playbook david meltzer, compassionate capitalism, david meltzer, david meltzer ed mylett
Id: yT98z1iTHnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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