Tom Bilyeu Best Ever Motivational Speeches COMPILATION | MOST INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO EVER

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as haroon yaya noted i always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth and then i ask myself the same question as mark twain put it the secret of getting ahead is getting started and that's where people get stuck you're literally like the bird you could fly anywhere you want you can go anywhere you want to go and look i know you've got a litany of excuses and all of them are valid you've got a job you can't just leave or you don't have a job and you don't have the money your family is in one place it's the only thing that you've ever known you only speak one language you've never traveled before you don't have a passport you can't afford the gas money there are a thousand real reasons not to go but the truth is that none of them matter the truth is if you want to build something in your life then you have to remember what mark twain said you have to get started because at the end of the day that is literally the only thing that's holding you back you're not moving and once you get the simplicity of that once you understand that you could act right now you could say all the excuses you could stop making them you could stop giving in to them no matter how valid they are no matter how real they may seem you can finally decide that you're going to get up and move that you're going to create that momentum that you're going to take a step that you're going gonna make the demand that you create momentum that you get something done that you find an answer or as hannibal said that you're going to find a way or make one if you have to carve through rock do it because humans before you have done it and that's the simple truth that is the simple truth and everything else is everything else is the weak voice in your mind holding you back and making you a less version of yourself so i ask you why doesn't the bird fly wherever it wants to go because that's all it's known because that's what's safe because that's what's comfortable or because it's an animal what do you want to be if this isn't the life you want to live do something about it as albert einstein said try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value this is something that i think about a lot at the end of the day success is incredibly motivating and accomplishing your goals and your dreams is something that i wanted to do since i was a little kid that's been a driving force in my life but through all of that the times that i felt happiest the times that i felt most secure the times that my anxiety and my stress had been at zero are the times where i felt like i was being most true to myself where i was trying to really become a person of substance i wasn't looking for something extrinsic i was focused inward and trying to develop the person that i'm becoming that i had some code that i was living by that i was really deciding not just what outwardly success looks like but what does it mean to be a good person what does it mean to be an effective person what does it mean to be worthy of trust and those things at the end of the day those things are something that when you invest in finding value in that that it takes you somewhere amazing and as bruce lee said knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect and at the end of the day i really can't think of anything better than that i can't think of anything that will keep me company when i'm alone when there's nothing but silence around when all i can hear the sounds of my own thoughts the only thing that is going to bring me or you comfort is respect his self-love is knowing who you are really and knowing that you're true to that even when nobody's looking and that concept that notion of having a guiding light a principle something by which you steer by that you are always true to and then in your moments of stress chaos confusion of desire that in your moments of deepest desire that you're still true to that that all you think about is that north star of being that person that you want to be when you let that be your guiding light when you stay true to that nothing can hurt you because nothing will be able to make you feel badly about yourself because once you know who you are and you're true to it nothing else matters as walt disney said if you can dream it you can do it now what makes me laugh as i know right now some of the people listening to that they say that's they're just limits to what humans can do and i get that response i understand it i used to respond to everything like that i used to see only the difficulty i used to see only the ways in which it couldn't work out and i couldn't see i was literally blinded by fear i was blinded by some bizarre sense of pride that wanted to justify my limited existence that didn't want to have to face that i could be doing more that i couldn't be more that my life was somehow less than what it could be and so i would laugh at quotes like that and i know right now of the chills i know right now there are people that are laughing at that and all they can think about are the limits all they can think about are the things that prove him wrong and guess what he is wrong there really are limits but if you waste your time focused on that you're never going to create the momentum that you need to actually make something come true in your life you can build virtually anything but if you get hung up on the virtual part if you let that stop you if you immediately go to the things that ultimately limit you and hold you back that is where you're gonna stay forever because if you argue for your limitations guess what my friend they become yours and congratulations you now get to live in that box you get to live in that self-defined prison but if like teddy roosevelt said instead of that you keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground and you don't act like somebody who can't see that sure there are limits there are edges to this universe but you're looking not at that you're looking at how do you really execute you're dreaming big and you're remembering that your feet ultimately is that contact point it is where the rubber meets the road it is that moment of doing and so if instead of rejecting it because your feet must stay planted on the ground remember that in keeping your feet on the ground that's the moment of action that's the moment of doing something about it that's the moment of seeing the possibilities and then moving doing something making it real so right now give up on those weird mental mechanisms that make you actually want to fight for the things that aren't possible to get people to believe in it to get people to understand why you've chosen to stand still instead of that convince yourself that you should be moving and go do what you know you're destined to do [Music] here's the hard truth about getting great [Music] it takes time and dedication it takes a willingness to accept that you're not yet good enough it takes the ability to stare at the places that you know that you're weak to really look at those things and not let it affect your sense of self-esteem and not let it affect your sense of self-worth so that you can still get the momentum going but you have to understand that in the beginning we're all terrible and as henry cartier-bresson said your first 10 000 photographs are your worst and so the thing that really makes great art are the people that continue to push and the people that continue to work and face how inadequate they are and really understand that at the end of the day greatness is a craft greatness is a process greatness is a habit greatness is the little things that you do every day over time going out every day unafraid of whether or not this is one of the ten thousand terrible things that you're going to do it's being unafraid to make those mistakes is being unafraid that you're not yet great and as marianne radmaker said courage doesn't always roar sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying i will try again tomorrow and that's it if you want to be great that's what you have to do you've got to get up again tomorrow you've got to be willing to face another day you've got to be willing to accept that you've got to get through the bad ideas before you can get to the good you've got to understand that you have to start as an apprentice you have to start as a person going and getting t and you have to accept that that's the job that you should be playing that you should be working for somebody else you should be looking up to somebody else's seeing what they can teach you because what you know is that you're there to learn what you know is that you're there to get through the 10 000 bad photographs that you need to get through to ultimately achieve greatness and if you make the catastrophic error that so many make to try to tell the world that you're extraordinary today to try to get the world to follow you and look up to you and think that you're something today because the people that really win are the ones that invest today the ones that listen today the ones that spend every ounce of their energy amassing mastery getting better every day working their asses off to improve their skill set to relentlessly look at the things that they're not doing well to understand that they have to break themselves down and get rid of all of their ego before they can really find greatness those are the people that we remember so if you want to be remembered if you want to achieve real greatness you just need to have the courage to show up every day and take another swing take another photo try another task do something that scares you and do those little things over and over and over until you win greatness is the most demanding mistress you're ever going to encounter and i understand the advice that i'm about to give you is not for everyone most people should turn this off but if you're going to stick with me if you're going to listen to what i have to say it's because you want something tremendous in your life you want to stand out from everyone else you want to do something more than other people think is possible you literally want to stand outside the norm and if that's the case for you then understand that as albert einstein said only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master for this reason mastery demands all of a person if you want to get great if you really want to make a skill set your own if you want to be able to do something and at the end of the day if you want to transform the world if you want to make grand changes if you want to do all of that all the empty words that people spout all the time let me tell you the only thing that's going to separate you from all the other blowhards who are just talking words and will never do anything is to give yourself over completely to let that obsession let that thing that you love completely consume you and in that your only chance to really become great lies [Music] as friends kafka said don't bend don't water down don't try to make it logical rather follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly can you do that can you become mercilessly obsessed can you let something occupy you to where all logic and reason is gone out the window and the only thing that matters is whether or not you accomplish will you hold yourself accountable to metrics will you look at the world and see am i actually making change are you prepared to hold yourself to that standard because if you are there is nothing you can't do if you're willing to take that responsibility on to transform yourself as a human being if you give your self over to getting great if you give yourself over to that obsession if you feed it like you would feed a beast if you feed it like you would feed a fire that can wipe out an entire mountainside then you've got a chance but it's got to burn within you like that you've got to feed it like that you've got to feed its skills you've got to get better every day you've got to constantly wake up and understand exactly what it is you're building towards that and build towards it with a relentlessness that other people think is mania that other people can see only madness in what you do and if you can push yourself to that level then the world will bend to your will as naval ravicant said the only way to truly learn something is by doing it yes listen to guidance but don't wait that is such a powerful idea and i know right now you're listening to this because you want motivation you want to be inspired but my greatest fear is that you'll get motivated you'll get inspired and that'll just be a declining arc for a few minutes after you listen to this video that ends with you doing nothing and what i want what i really hope for and the reason that i give myself over to making these so completely as i know some percentage of you on the other side of this will ultimately be prepared to take that first step you will realize that the only thing that matters is action and you will take that action and it's in that action that your potential greatness waits and as martin luther king said take the first step in faith you don't have to see the whole staircase just take the first step you've just got to believe that you can learn you don't have to believe that you're already capable of doing what you want you don't have to believe that you can already build that thing that you dream you don't have to believe that you already are extraordinary you simply have to believe that if you take that first step you put yourself on a journey not of execution you put yourself on a journey of learning so that you can execute and that when you understand that difference that's when you really will be on that path to greatness and that is the thing that i want for everybody listening to this please understand the only thing you need to know is that you have to take the first step whatever the vision is that you have for your life you absolutely can make it come true and the process is very simple the process is about learning the process is about growing and getting better it's about recognizing what you're not good at it's about recognizing what you have to learn it's about taking that first step on faith faith that you can get better not on faith that you're great on faith that you can become the greatest of all time and once you have that faith once you know that simply being a human being puts you in this rare category of creature that can get better through pressure through pain through difficulty through failure those are the things that are going to be the building blocks of your success but in order to begin on that road in order to have your first glorious failure you must first take that first step so please don't waste your time being motivated or inspired spend every second of your time moving forward [Music] that's how you're going to get where you want to go as daniel ping said people fail to achieve mastery not because they aren't talented but because they aren't disciplined the wonderful news about the human condition is you can get good at anything that you set your mind to it's just not going to be easy and it's not going to be fast but the willingness to put in that work is what's going to separate you from everybody else and i'm begging you to see yourself right now today as average as no better than anyone else but i beg you with more force than i know how to convey with this language to see yourself as malleable to see yourself as capable of becoming anything you want to become to become truly extraordinary if you can find within yourself the discipline to stick with it long enough and as steve martin said perseverance is a great substitute for talent everybody wants to talk about who's talented everybody looks at the person with innate talent as if they have something magical but to me it's a gift it's a handout it's a freebie it hasn't been earned and no matter what it is it's only the beginning even somebody that has talent even if you get an early win if you let somebody outwork you if you let somebody who has more perseverance more grit than you then they are going to outperform you on a long enough timeline the only thing i can guarantee is you will be out worked by somebody unless you pour your heart and soul into getting great if you don't take days off if you put yourself into it as if your life depended on it when you act like that then you've got a chance to be great and as robert horey said pressure can bust pipes but it can also make diamonds you've got to want that pressure you've got to want things to be hard you can't seek out the easy life you can't just hope and pray that you can uncover inside of you some talent that's laid dormant that you didn't know about that's gonna let things be easy for you don't want the easy want the hard want the pressure want the thing that's going to turn you into something [Music] because when it's easy you don't work for it when it's easy you don't push when it's easy you get surpassed by the person who has to give it their all who's prepared to do blood sweat and tears in order to become that thing that they want to be so badly because they are so angry that they were never given anything and with that chip on their shoulder they're determined to become anything that they set their mind to so whether you have talent whether you don't the only thing that matters is will you persevere will you stick with it long enough to get great as thomas edison said our greatest weakness lies in giving up the most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time i know there are going to be a million times in your life where you want to give up where you absolutely ache with the desire to quit where nothing sits inside of your gut other than the certainty that you are going to fail that you are not good enough to push forward but that is to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of a failure the nature of a failure is not to tell you who you are the nature of a failure is to tell you a way that didn't work it's to inform it's to educate you it's to test you it's to be a gut check to find out if you believe in yourself enough to push forward even when the world seems to be telling you not to and as brian tracy said attempt the impossible in order to improve your work think about that for a second attempt the impossible just to get better to try the things that you know are going to fail things that the world is going to tell you simply cannot be but even if it violates the laws of physics if there's something in that attempt that you're going to learn you owe it to yourself you have a moral obligation to try because all of the people that will lie in your wake are the people that didn't try simply because they didn't believe that they could do it you have to be willing to look at the world you have to be willing to see things that you yourself think are impossible and try because in that you will stretch yourself you have to be willing to look inward at the state of your current skill set and say i'm going to play outside of that i'm not going to play word safe i'm going to play where it hurts i'm going to play where i feel clumsy i'm going to play only in the areas that make me feel stupid because in that i know that the way that the brain responds is through adaptation but i have to stress myself you can't ever lose sight of that the only way that the human animal adapts is through stress you have to be willing to break things in order to build something new so if you want to push the boundaries if you want to see just how far you can go if you want to succeed at the highest level if you want to play on a global scale you have got to be willing to try the impossible because right now the things that you need to do are impossible for you but they won't remain that way forever and as aristotle said pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work this doesn't have to be a tale of always being terrified everybody myself included screaming at you telling you that you need to go do something great the part they're leaving out is why the should you care you should care because it's the greatest joy you should only listen to this if it's leading you down a path that makes you feel more alive and that's the point the point is to get in touch with something that makes you feel great but not to let yourself starve or be stopped by a fear that you'll fail by a fear that it can't be done have fun have the guts to enjoy yourself have the guts to go out and attempt something audacious and terrifying knowing that all along if you're doing it right you're gonna have a good time so all of this going balls out trying to prove something to yourself trying to do something amazing never lose sight that it's to build a better life never lose sight of the fact that you're doing it to create the person that you want to be never lose sight of the fact that it should be fun as kurt vonnegut one of the greatest authors in modern times said when i write i feel like an armless legless man with a crayon in his mouth but he still did it and that's the kind of thing that you're going to hear from the greats you're not going to hear that it was easy you're not going to hear that they felt suave and cool even the greatest of all time have that awkwardness that clumsiness they're never quite as good as they want to be but what i want you to understand is even though kurt vonnegut said those words he wrote tons of books that changed people's lives that changed the landscape of literature because despite the fact that he felt awkward and clumsy he kept doing it and doing it and forcing himself to move forward to take one step after another even when the process was not exactly rewarding he believed in something he knew that what he was trying to do would ultimately get better he knew that if he wanted to accomplish something great that he had to push through the awkwardness and that is the very trick to getting great you just have to do it you have to go you have to take that first step you have to push you have to drive you have to strive every time to get a little bit better you have to strive not to fall prey to your own doubts and insecurities and as joe namath said if you aren't going all the way why go at all but it's doing that in face of the fear it's doing that in face of the difficulties it isn't only because someone is great that they say you should either do it all the way to play hard or go home they're not saying it because the process is in and of itself rewarding they're saying it because there is something that they're trying to accomplish that demands it that they're prepared to play on a world stage and once you know why you're doing what you're doing once something sits at the core of your being and despite how difficult painful awkward it may be to push forward you push forward no matter what the odds and as hannibal said one of the greatest military leaders of all time i will either find a way or i'll make one and he said that as he was getting elephants across the alps now when you think of the difficulties that you face in trying to do what you're trying to accomplish think about that man amassing an army and getting elephants to climb a mountain and saying not this is impossible but rather if there's not already a way present i will make one and when you can look at that when you can look at your own inadequacies when you can accept that you are not yet good enough but you know that you'll put in the work to get there you know that you'll learn the things you need to learn that you will push and you will practice and you will shape yourself into someone capable of doing it you have to literally carve your own path out of the stone granite of a mountainside you will do that because that's what your goals demand and when you're prepared to do whatever your goals demand you will accomplish whatever you set your mind to as ernest hemingway noted the world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger in the broken places but my question is why isn't everyone to me it comes down to the strategies that you use there really isn't anything objectively good or bad there isn't anything that happens to you that can't be overcome there isn't anything that could happen to you anything that when you turn inward you can't find a reason to overcome you can't find a way to put those pieces back together and that becomes your job it becomes literally up to you whether you're going to sit and wallow and woe is me because what happened happened and there's no way to take it back but how you respond what you bring to that table whether you meet fire with fire whether you meet that adversity with falling apart becoming weaker in the areas that broke or you bind them and mend them and it becomes like a well that literally makes you stronger is a choice and it's a choice only you get to make but as stephen hawking said when you complain nobody wants to help you there are many things in your life do you have every reason to complain about you have every reason to be upset by the things that have happened to you the most sinister thing about excuses is they're valid there's a million reasons why you should be able to give up there's a million reasons why you shouldn't need to try that thing that broke you you should be allowed to just sit on the ground and here's the thing that's your right you have every reason to do it and maybe people won't even think less of you but here's the truth you either become weaker or stronger in the places that broke and that's a choice of how you react moving forward the great news is the best thing that you could do to become stronger is love yourself and as kamal ravikant said loving yourself is a practice people think that it's something that's going to feel right that it's going to feel natural that you're just going to turn inward and there it is the spark of love and joy for yourself inside yourself but the truth is that's just not the human experience that's not the way that it works there's gonna be a voice inside your head and it's going to blame you it's gonna say that it's your fault and no matter how many times people on the outside tell you that that is not true that this thing happened to you that it isn't you it doesn't define you there will be a voice that's going to tell you that it does and that's where you have to fall back on process that's where you have to realize that you literally have to practice loving yourself and that it's okay that no matter what happened there is absolutely nothing that invalidates that you're worthy of your own love [Music] but you've got to practice it you've got to be willing to do it you've got to be willing to put in the reps you've got to know that it's not going to feel right but you've got to know on the other side of that is a vision of your life where you actually do love yourself because you took the time to say it you took the time to practice it you took the time to sit there and feel stupid and say that you love yourself and sometimes just putting in the work is what you need to do to get strong so put in the work
Channel: Self Motivate
Views: 3,531,643
Rating: 4.8152943 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, impact theory, self motivate, motivational video 2018, motivation, motivational speech, motivational speech for 2018, MOST INSPIRATIONAL VIDEOS EVER, Motivational Speeches, best motivational, best inspirational speeches, Tom Bilyeu Best Ever Motivational Speeches Compilation | MOST INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO EVER, tom bilyeu inspiration, inspiring video, tom bilyeu inspiring video, motivational 2020, Tom Bilyeu best speech 2020, Tom bilyeu life advice, best motivation
Id: crjXflAi8mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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