Why Genshin Impact Won't Last (from an addicted player)

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it's becoming increasingly clear to people that get impact sucks for beginners at least well maybe you think it just sucks in general but regardless on where you lie on the spectrum of kitchen impact enjoyment i think most people agree that gentian impact has steadily been getting worse don't get me wrong there's been some massive improvements obviously but there's still plenty of parts to gentian that have and will continue to become bigger issues as time goes on and if left unaddressed these issues will make kenshin impact a much worse game when it's finished the idea of genji impact ever being a finished game seems crazy to think about currently but already it's clear if you aren't playing and keeping up with the updates as they come out you'll have a hard time catching up that's because many elements of game are showing how they're flawed in the long term for example [Music] there's lots of issues with characters so many in fact that it could be its own video but to quickly summarize the rarities of characters is an issue there are characters that are five stars but shouldn't be main characters are four stars but shouldn't be the ratio of four to five is becoming so problematic that there are more five stars in the game now than there are four stars because each update adds as many five stars or more than four stars except for one update that only added rosaria we've already come to the issue of there being so many five stars that they've had to increase the number of character banners there are at a time to cycle through the five stars enough but ultimately that just delays the greater issue of there being too many i'm number one the common idea people have is to just add more five stars to the standard banner which makes perfect sense but that too eventually will run into the issue of there being way too many especially if there's like 35 stars on the standard banner and you only really want one of them an easy way around that would be to just do what the weapon banner does where you can sort of pick one five star to go for so there's a pretty easy way to solve this character issue hoyovers just has to start taking the steps to get there but they might not want to if they start adding less five stars and they start making the current five stars easier to get then people will stop spending as much money to get the characters they want though another intentional issue with five stars that i don't think they'll fix because it makes them more money is that some five stars are just better than others i mean it makes sense for the archons to be better than any other five star except that venti has already sort of been outclassed by kazua then again you wouldn't want the very first five star to be one of the best characters by the end of the game which is probably why they've made every archon lose their gnosis for the sake of gameplay you've gotta nerf those gods so they aren't significantly better than everyone else then they came up with a clever story reason as to why they're weaker now that way you focus on a better playing experience overall rather than strictly on story or you could do the exact opposite like they did with [Music] monstat and leeway were developed together prior to genshin's public release so those two areas were made to scale well together however by the time inazuma was released a large portion of genshin's player base had already reached what is essentially the cap of level scaling adventure ring 55 where the scaling for adventure breaks has such a dramatic increase that it's very clearly supposed to be a soft limit on adventure rank with a slightly harder limit at 60 but because people loved gentian so much they had managed to get to this adventure ring already before inazuma came out they had max leveled some of their characters and farmed perfect artifacts at the time and because of this they were way stronger than they were intended to be at this point in the game and people were asking for much more difficult challenges to end well it suddenly got harder in my own experience i had started playing after inazuma had released and i played at my own pace and gradually got through the story not in a rush to reach up to new content but by the time i got to innozuma it was so much more difficult than anything before now it makes sense for inazuma to be much harder story-wise because that's the entire story of inazuma it's a hostile place you're not supposed to be there but gameplay-wise it sucked a lot there was pretty much nowhere in innozuma that was safe to be there were large portions of each island that would actively harm you just to be around it not to mention that each enemy was becoming increasingly more annoying to deal with which was its own problem with difficulty because enemies were becoming increasingly immune to animals crowd control but they could also toss you around really easily if you didn't have any good shields so they certainly did succeed in making inazuma feel like a hostile uninviting place but it also made the game feel like a hostile uninviting game to veteran players i'm sure it didn't feel that bad because it was just catching up to where they already were now of course there were ways around this you could just avoid every fight or even decrease your world level if you wanted to but that doesn't solve the fact that the difficulty spike is there that just means that there are ways for you to make the game easier yourself admittedly the main issue is that the automatic difficulty scaling that comes with world level doesn't actually address how players will be scaling in strength this is because there's two different ways to get stronger level and equipment equipment is significantly more impactful than leveling this equipment being artifacts and weapons in the case of artifacts you can't really get good artifacts until much later on when you get five-star artifacts or at least that's what everybody makes it out to be maybe this was just a personal problem of everybody around me telling me not to bother with artifacts until they were rarity five but in my experience my artifacts barely ever made a difference until much later on if i wasn't higher level than the enemy i probably couldn't beat them comfortably but later into the game 5 star artifacts are everything to the point that super low level characters can beat very high level enemies pretty well if they have great artifacts there's a similar case with weapons but it's more luck dependent where you just have to happen upon really good weapons for your characters which the longer you're playing the more chances you have to get those better weapons so at some point up in like ar 45 to 50 there's a moment where your level becomes meaningless and equipment becomes incredibly important and at that point player strength spikes incredibly high world level just isn't able to cut it at that point so they have to have a manual difficulty spike to account for it players had already reached this bike before inazuma came out now new players going back through the game will have a much harder time as soon as they get to innozuma because they haven't been playing the game for nearly a year before inazuma came out now there are plenty of other hypothetical issues with having so many players at the cap of the game scaling already but i think it's pretty obvious that they'll increase the cap at least on level eventually especially because there are enemies that are higher level than your characters can get already but i wonder maybe at that point level will become more important than equipment because artifacts are already at a five-star rarity and i can't really see them adding a six-star rarity of artifacts but there's also plenty of other issues that they're facing with trying to scale [Music] ah feature creep the mortal enemy of all card game fans if you don't know what feature brief is it's basically when card game designers have to add more complicated features and skills and such to keep things interesting and fresh so that players keep buying new cards it's an alternative to just making newer cars better than older cards although sometimes they can go hand in hand but here in kenshin feature creep has struck artifacts it makes sense that this would happen eventually it's just surprising that it's happened so soon the obvious goal with artifacts is to have every single artifact set be useful in some way and different from every other however this has very very quickly led to extremely lengthy convoluted descriptions for artifact passes and even though they are kind of trying to keep each artifact distinct they've already made artifacts that kind of fill the roles of previous ones for instance husk of opulent dreams is generally better for geo users than archaic petra was and ocean dude clam is generally better for healers than maiden beloved and emblem of severed fate is generally better for everyone in the game and i don't think it's entirely bad to have artifacts just be better versions of previous ones you wouldn't really want artifacts that players grinded in monstat to carry them all the way to shnezhnya right and currently that's kind of presented well in the way that the passives are designed for instance there's a lot of early artifacts that just sort of give you elemental damage boosts and now these later ones are doing more specific things that are better than the more general boost for a certain element like again with husk of opulent dreams it's specifically good for geo characters that scale with defense but ninguang for example doesn't scale off defense and so she still prefers archaic petra but in their goal of making each artifact set kind of unique from each other it's led to very complicated artifacts very quickly thankfully two-piece bonuses are still very simple and that's because they repeat a lot which is probably preferred however when it comes to four piece bonuses those are all completely different and i can't really present any super strong suggestions on how to fix this other than just coming up with new simpler passive ideas for artifact sets my only idea would be to do something like those four star artifacts that are like the tiaras they each have a one piece bonus to reduce the amount of time you're affected by an element make like a five star equivalent of that although not with that exact passive because that passive sucks balls and nobody uses it but artifact sets with one piece bonuses could be interesting since you could then have a four piece bonus with a one piece bonus and that would allow for a bit more variety hopefully the only other way i could see it going again is just to make new artifacts be straight upgrades from previous ones maybe eventually they'll do all the elemental bonus artifacts again but just better that's not necessarily exciting per se but at the very least it forces players to keep interacting with the artifact system ultimately the big issue with artifacts is that players just care too much about getting great artifacts but they also kind of have to care that much if they want to beat the spiral abyss but the spiral abyss got so difficult in the first place because players were too strong already so i don't know i don't really envy the person who has to come up with all these artifacts because balancing them just seems super difficult since the artifact sets are already kind of getting better as you increase your world level and unlock higher rarities but also you wouldn't want artifacts from the beginning of the game to be as good as artifacts at the end of the game within the same world level which is sort of a similar issue that difficulty had so i guess artifacts and difficulty are actually one bigger section [Music] world level is a scaling difficulty system in generation impact which increases the difficulty of the game as you get higher in adventure rank scaling difficulty systems are made to adapt to a player's skill so if you're better at the game than expected the game will get harder so you'll have the same fun challenge that anyone else does but gentian impact also has a leveling system which artificially increases players skill by just making your characters better the longer you play with them on top of that genshin's leveling system has nothing to do with actually playing them you just have to spend time and gentian impact with any character and then you can level up any of your characters using the experience books and unfortunately as the game gets harder as you increase your world level it means you now have higher level enemies to grind and higher level resources to get so you can power up your characters more most of the strength in your character's kit is tied to getting five star artifacts or higher tier weapons and level of materials and you get all of these by having a higher world level now on paper this sounds like this should work but in practice this means that you can grind to max level without ever leaving the starting area because the area gets harder as you level up of course this could take a while but people could do it now you might think what's the point in worrying about something that is possible if it's gonna take so long that nobody would bother to do it well people have done that a lot of people have it just so happens that the starting area of genji impact was monstat and leeway prior to inazuma's release people loved playing genchin impact and genji impact allowed you to keep leveling up more and more but it didn't have enough content for you to go through so people just kept grinding in monsted and leeway while they waited for innozuma to come out and yes each region is made harder than the previous region but that just means that the automatic difficulty scaling is only creating problems if the automatic scaling isn't actually the reason that new regions are harder than previous ones for players then all it's doing is just making older regions as hard as newer ones but there's not much that can be done to fix this because kitchen impact has live updates and anything you could do to make it so that at the end of the game it's better would make it incredibly unfun up until then you could set the cap lower but then people would just reach the cap way sooner and stop playing immediately you could remove automatic scaling altogether but then people would just be getting stronger and the content around them would be so much easier that not having enough challenge in the game would be an even bigger issue than it already seems to be there's another game that lives off of constant updates minecraft however unlike gentian minecraft has a lot of intrinsic rewards in it when minecraft releases an update people have fun with the new content for like a month and then they go back to what they've always been doing which is just having fun exploring building playing with mods or on servers and gentry impact doesn't have any of this all genji has is extrinsic rewards to keep players going get higher level higher adventure rank better artifacts better characters a new character and the exploration really only works when there's new content added there's nothing that's really replayable about genji and impact the only reason you ever come back to kenshin impact is whenever there's something new to do whether that be a brand new update with a new area or something as simple as just four new daily commissions and the few things you can repeat like domains use resin which is a time locked currency and they're not that fun to do anyway the only reason you do them is because otherwise you're essentially wasting resin by not spending it in time tension impact is not infinitely replayable there is a very clear end goal to gention it just doesn't exist yet so in that sense it might just be best to play genshin later when all the content is out except that you'd miss out on all the okay so this issue is intentional the timed events are specifically designed to force you to play the game now rather than later but that doesn't mean i won't complain about how stupid they are well some of them are events like wintrace and theater magnus are perfectly fine to be temporary however many events are just important story events and it's insane that they're only here for a limited time unreconciled stars which not only introduced scaramouche prior to inazuma but also showed him discovering the secret of the entire universe all the way back in version 1.1 both of albedo's events which contained incredibly important backstory for him as a character the iridory wind bloom and lantern right festivals had stories that while not important per se me mahouya we're still very charming enjoyable stories featuring a ton of characters some of those characters don't even appear outside of events now for the festival specifically you could argue that the side events like the flowers in the iridori festival and the fireworks for lantern rite can continue to be timed exclusives but at least the story part should still be around and unlike the mini game style timed events these story ones never repeat the lantern right came back but it had a completely different story than the first time there are timed events that are coming out that build on the story of previous timed events you may have missed and the content is already all there the only thing i could possibly see that's stopping them from just slapping in these timed events as quests for everybody else is possible continuity issues i mean again the first time we met scaramouche was in a timed event and i can't imagine it'd make much sense to go back and do that after already seeing him in inazuma but ultimately they can just slap in one extra voice line being like ah yes we've met before cause i mean that's what they did when scaramouche sees you in innozuma and if they really wanted to these could be mandatory quests because the fact that scaramouche discovered the truth of the universe in that one-timed event doesn't matter because they can't treat it as if every player knows that so when you meet him in inazuma he doesn't talk about that at all okay so there's also some other small things that'll be bad for genjin in the long run resin it's a timed currency so people who started playing earlier will literally just have more of it total than newer players who haven't been playing as long enemies i touched on this in the difficulty section but rather than just making enemies more challenging in a fun way they're becoming more challenging in an annoying way i noticed this issue mostly with inazuman enemies but unfortunately i have now become the one percent so everything is easy for me and i can't really judge if the new chasm enemies keep up that pattern men there's not enough hot men dendro this one is more of a hypothetical issue it could be prevented but there's nothing for dendro early on you know those artifact domains that give you the bonus elemental damage artifact sets the dendro equivalent will probably end up in sumeru the fourth region of the game and this goes for any artifact passive to do with dandruff so until you get to sumeria your dendro characters won't have anything menus the menus will be too long the crafting and furniture menus are already unreasonably long they recently changed it so you can select each region on the map separately but now each region is also getting an important sub region that's taking up space and if they keep this up eventually you'll just end up having to scroll to get to the bottom options which kind of defeats the purpose of having this at all i guess they could also make each region like a drop down menu with their sub-regions inside i don't know it just seems like it'll become inconvenient eventually every artifact related list is only going to get worse the enemies list in the handbook is already terrible even with the selectable categories i don't know why it's a single line of icons with no scroll bar but they're gonna have to change that eventually if they plan on adding any more enemies to this game about killing enemies i think the character menus may be fine actually but the rest of them will definitely need some restructuring at some point the point is where all these issues may only be starting now we still have at least four more regions to go so these problems will only become worse as time goes on i feel like lots of these issues are being overshadowed by problems facing the long-term players of genjin which is fair in its own right but i would argue that the problems for brand new players are a lot more important because otherwise it will become impossible to start playing gentian at all though to be fair it's already kind of impossible to stop playing genjin but even though i've accepted that i'm stuck in this relationship i at least want to try my best to make it less toxic thank you to all my generous patrons i don't have a patreon i also don't have any subscribers yet so subscribe if you want before it's no longer your choice
Channel: KazooCat
Views: 865,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, genshin impact update, genshin impact getting worse, genshin impact bad, game design, genshin bad, genshin timed events, genshin impact difficulty, gemshin, genshin artifacts, genshin impact artifacts
Id: QJPpvl5JXwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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