Why Genesis Testament 7 was INCREDIBLE

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I have finally completed the latest volume of a Certain Magical Index gt7 and today I'm going to tell you why this volume was so great by covering it from start to finish also huge credit to js06 the goat of fan translations as without him we wouldn't be able to read this goddamn thing yet of course this video is going to have spoilers so if you haven't read it all yet you have been warned unless you want to know the juiciest spoilers fresh out of Japan then be my guest with the prologue we have a musica sister on guard at the wall of Academy city as accelerator has given each of the Clones jobs around the city with a lot being involved in security after the events of Genesis Testament 3 where the numbers of anti-skill Academy cities police force have been severely depleted Tomah and Company arrive along with the captured Aradia who was defeated in the previous volume and has her hands and feet sealed with duct tape which stops her from using her magic which involves creating this ointment with the sweat from her feet yep if you didn't know kamachi was an absolute degenerate you do now so effectively Aradia is powerless since she's unable to boost her stats by her magic as she did in a previous volume ofteness exchanges some amusing banter with a clone which I enjoyed but other than getting a bit of exposition regarding the clones and accelerator not much happened in the prologue it definitely sets up the Clones having more purpose in both the plot and world of index after they were revealed publicly to the entire world in Genesis Testament 4 which I feel is what a lot of fans myself included were waiting for and that's not the only thing that was finally addressed and developed upon in this volume as I'll get into now a chapter one this was mostly Slice of Life but we did get some really fun character interactions and the plot still developed in a meaningful way while at it after taking a Radia ofteness and index to his dorm Tomer realizes he needs to get some food so the group set off despite eradia being quite uncomfortable she's being forced to do what Thomas says and being reduced to a normal person without access to her magic as it is New Year's Day in the story they decide to head to a shrine where we explored a new location in Academy City that being a skyscraper in district 12 devoted to the scientific research of different mythologies and religions across the world in which ashinto Shrine is located I honestly find this concept really interesting as we all know Academy City to be a place where religion doesn't really have much standing but here they do acknowledge it but solely for the students who decide to pursue it in further education rather than functioning as places of worship under this Academy City framework this place has no connection to the magic side as they are all just replicas although it does make me wonder if Idol theory is possible or not using what's there but from the text it's implied that it's not the Clones are also at The Shrine along with misaka shokoho and kuruko and we get a cool interaction with kurokomising to close for the first time which I did make a video about misaka also acknowledges that accelerator's remorse is genuine after sending himself to jail for crimes against humanity because of the sisters project where he murdered 10 000 clones of her but misaka wishes that she found a way herself to integrate the sisters into society in a way they are accepted rather than accelerator fixing what she deems to be her responsibility it's only a short moment but I did like this aspect of musica's character we also could to accelerator in prison where he is visited by last order where they share a very Bittersweet moment as last order wishes him a happy New Year and gives him food very wholesome meanwhile alistair's gang is on the move as he questions Anna sprengel where we finally find out the purpose of her plan from the previous volumes RNC occultics was Anna's method to understand how the bridge Builders cabal operates which gave her valuable information before she infiltrated it this definitely adds more method to Anna's Madness as her approach in the story so far seemed very chaotic and directionless at times due to how she was written as a mysterious antagonist which some fans seem to criticize because we weren't spoon-fed answers right from the start it's almost as if kamachi likes to write mystery based stories back at The Shrine Toma notes that the wishes of the students seem quite negative which ofteness refers to as kotasu syndrome likely as a consequence of the recent events of GT or maybe because of the Transcendence since they have the power to influence Collective groups Alice however suddenly appears before Tomah as chapter 1 ends we also get an anecdote in the between the line sections at the end of each chapter telling the story of a young girl who becomes a Transcendent whose identity was a mystery until the epilogue where we learn it was in fact Anna sprengel we cut back to accelerator in Chapter 2 who has informed the bridge Builders cabal have formed a consulate in Academy City for those of you who don't know what that is it's basically like an embassy but lacks the authority to Stage negotiations between them and the host country meaning Transcendence can walk around free and come and go as they please in Academy City with no repercussions or limits with their own base located in the city this was all done without accelerator's knowledge as the consulate was approved in the Japanese government although it is kind of weird how Japan's government is approving laws and [ __ ] for Academy City when they are technically independent from one another but I guess Academy City would have representation in a Japanese diet and no not the food diet Archbishop of the Anglican Church the unfortune then calls accelerator and warns him not to deport or take action against the consulate as the retaliation from the United Nations and other countries in the world will likely Doom Academy City however Dion states she would actually want Academy City out of the picture but not the Transcendence to do it as she knows the bridge Builders cabal would be at the top of the food chain in a magic dominated World which would be detrimental to not only the Anglican church but the other established churches in Europe I think it's quite easy to forget that Dion and the magic side as a whole don't like Academy City's existence as they have always been the polar opposite of them and in a world of new leadership and after a World War Dion is prioritizing the interests of the Anglican church and the magic side as a whole but Dion still has her personal attachments to her mazara and takitsubo due to what happened in the quranzan arc but hamasara has always been sort of a rebel in Academy City and it remains true in GT where he was hunted down by anti-skill meaning he doesn't represent Academy city as an entity therefore Dion being prohomasara but anti-academy city is still consistent to her character meanwhile turmer goes back to his dorm but Alice appears once again and convinces him and the Gang to come to her new headquarters also located in district 12 which is modeled after the queen of hearts's Palace in the story of Alice in Wonderland and I honestly thought Tomo was going to get isakai to Wonderland in this volume thank God I'm wrong because every light novel doesn't need to be an isakai nowadays Soma is introduced to two more members of the bridge Builders cabal HT trismegistus who acts as Alice's Butler and personal Sim unmute Thebes the supposed punishment specialist of the Transcendence Alice also freaks out after Tomah blurted out that the cabal was split in two of those who believed Tomah was a threat and must be killed and knows who wants him alive The Killers and The Rescuers her ominous reaction also acts as foreshadowing for the events later on the bridge Builders cabal has also been developing spiritual items known as shrink drinks basically giant syringes that have been designed specifically to kill Transcendence but why did the bridge Builders cabal want to kill their own kind because they have come to Academy City to hunt down Anna sprangle who do you want to kill for being a traitor while also having no idea she was defeated and turned into a film can by Aleister and Anna Kingsford we also caught yamikawa interrogating tesso who is also in jail because of when she went crazy in Genesis Testament 5. and tesso believes kamakawa Seria wasn't planning to go to the miyashita arc herself in the previous volume but she may have been leading someone there in order to obtain something valuable this pretty much implies that kamakawa and the director of Academy City is linked with kaizumi sugutoshi are likely in contact with Alistair and guided him there to find the wandering treasure Keepers and Anna kingsford's body or at least that's what I think they were implying if true it's interesting that kamakawa is still loyal to Alistair rather than accelerator and I'd like to see if kamakawa will join up with Alistair or get interrogated as a spy it is also revealed that most of the transcendents appear to have a link with Alistair but he's still trying to figure out the mystery behind them with chapter 3 Tema goes around the bridge Builders cabal headquarters I meet sort of double on your Soccer Boss who seems to have made a full recovery from her injuries in the previous volume as she's now happy playing video games in her room this is where Tomah learns the Transcendence each have a set of conditions they abide by in which if you meet those conditions they will save you or be on your side if not then they won't care what happens to you tremegistus also explains Lanes they are not like the magic gods they have no desire to be worshiped and don't want anyone to know who or what they are which also explains why the Transcendence have been unknown up until this point in the story The fact they wanted to remain secret was put into Jeopardy by Anna sprengel meanwhile Toma learns that all the transcendents pretty much want her dead which in typical term of fashion goes against what he believes but it is also noted that Toma already defeated Anna sprengel and was unable to break her Illusions prompting her to change meaning that Anna would likely continue on and on if turmer kept stopping her as no matter how many times she's brought into jail she'll just Escape anyway Tomah doesn't even have a reason to save her because you know she's been a dick not just to him but the entire world but at the same time he's utterly convinced that killing her isn't the answer to the situation but if she does keep escaping and doesn't learn her lesson she's just gonna cause more chaos in the world and make everyone's lives a misery as she has done up until this point this moral dilemma to let Anna sprengel die or to save her is the most interesting theme of the entire volume due to the beliefs of Thomas in contrast to the Transcendence Alice herself has the logic of a child and acts on a whim in most situations the fact that functioning adults with individual moral codes are all afraid of her judgment just shows you how desperate they are in order to achieve their dreams Toma notes they might be trying to influence Alice or want to influence her to try and get rid of those they don't like and Toma believes that this is wrong as he doesn't want Alice to be influenced in this way that a childlike person like herself is going to kill someone just for the hell of it but on the flip side a lot of the Transcendence think Toma is the one who is influencing Alice which has caused a lot of problems for them and the cabal and I find his power Dynamic really engaging as Alice is so powerful that she can do whatever she wants and yet she's limited by her childlike brain meaning the people around her are so afraid of her and yet are doing their very best to influence her to do what they want office also meets with a Radia and convinces her that Tomah does meet her conditions for saving him by basically calling her into thinking Tomah is in fact a witch often this was really big brained in this moment and definitely her highlight of the volume a radius seemed to be the one who is most conflicted about killing Anna but Baxter offerness and turmer she decides the side of the point of view saying that killing her would change the fundamental nature of the cabal and the creation of the shrink drink has been too hasty and a huge risk as they built the tools engineered for their own destruction tremeister seems to operate under the conditions of what he believes is common sense and thinks that Aradia is acting on a whim to help a trait her making her an enemy and keeping a Aradia in the cabal runs the risk of her losing again and that she may be planning to use Alice for herself along with Tomah tremegistus then strikes Aradia down in front of Tomah and he believes that Tomah should be eliminated as well since he is the one who can control Alice by himself tremegistus believes he is doing the world a favor by killing turmer who is also influencing the other members of the cabal in his eyes I like that no one in a bridge Builders cabal is truly evil each how complex moral codes in the form of their conditions where they believe what they are doing is the right thing they then fight but Tomah is mostly just running away because he feels completely overpowered against tremegistus with him using a sword attack which is very hard to predict although it seems that Tomah invoked a supposed lost memory which helped him Dodge it possibly referencing his fight with kanzaki it's interesting to see if any more lost memories might surface in the future Soma does later Dodge a strike from tremendous using his own willpower despite it moving faster than he can react as even time is distorted with each strike tremegistus is also able to adjust his own parameters by changing his name to use the magic of different gods as he channels his full power off the bat to beat Tomah andyep Thoma dies once more but he is revived by good old Mary whose conditions compel her to protect Tomah from tremegistus as good old Mary basically wants to give miracles to those less fortunate making turmer the perfect candidate for her condition due to his notorious bad luck Mary then fights true magisters who she refers to as random letters basically mocking his name as she displays her other magical abilities with also the apparent tools able to create a universe the fight however is put to a halt as Alice punishes random letters for killing Tomah and Mary for failing to protect him as she one shots both at once because Alice is that strong but I have a feeling that they are still alive Turman then stands up to Alice so she summons a griffin which beats the [ __ ] out of turmer carrying him in its beak and smacking him all over the place the musica sisters are on standby as accelerator orders Academy City to intervene as the sisters fire and anti-aircraft gun at the Griffin which causes it to drop Tomah accelerator had actually paid off the Japanese government to move the consulate to a different District which gave him the opportunity to intervene at this moment with Toma at the mercy of Alice Thomas is pushed to the limits with his injuries and he doesn't want to get others involved as the Griffin bites his arm but the power within expands and kills the Griffin from the inside now that's metal does this mean Tomah is gaining more control over the powers within after the events of the end of New Testament Turman and shouts at Alice and tells her to fight him but the childlike insecurity makes Alice stop fighting as she feels concerned by turmer and Academy City proving indeed Tomah is the one with the power to influence Alice in the epilogue alistair's group arrives as eradia spies on them unnoticed and then Alistair believes the Transcendence all seem to be linked to the power of The Secret Chiefs or holy Guardian Angels Aradia is discovered but Tomah appears out of nowhere and takes the film can of Anna sprendell turning her back to normal with imagine breaker as him eradia and Alice successfully Escape Turman then forms a new alliance with Anna sprengel who is confused why turmer is helping her but he also frees a Radia of the duct tape meaning she can use magic once more surrounded by enemies on every Side by his actions Anna sprendell believes more Transcendence will come to Academy City and prepares to use her trump card I was never did I expect that Tomah would be on the same side as Anna and I was but here we are the hype is real but how did Alistair or Kingsford not even react to Tomah when they could have easily stopped him well Alistair reveals that he just wanted to save Tomah by intervening at several points in Genesis Testament so he was simply Frozen and confused when Thomas showed up and basically undone all of alistair's efforts to seal Anna sprinkle away so that he could at least protect Thoma from her this is a really heartfelt moment as alistair's feelings towards turmer have definitely changed a lot since the start of the story he's no longer just a value toy to him anymore he genuinely cares about him but the fact Alistair can't become a hero like he wanted to makes him cry it hearkens back to Iowa's speech to him in Old Testament 19 saying that the three Heroes Have qualities Ali still wishes he had Alistair is ultimately doomed to a life of failure and that likely will never change Anna Kingsford then Embraces Alistair as one of her children as Genesis Testament 7 ends the ending of gt7 truly was a highlight as we saw Alistair develop further as a character it's honestly refreshing to see Alistair in the Forefront so often from what we've been used to in the past and I honestly can't wait to see what direction he will go but aeon he's not a villain anymore like you said he's not gonna destroy magic anymore well we'll have to wait and see but ultimately I think Alistair will never be a hero like Toma and I think that's the entire point of the ending so I can see Alistair may be trying to get rid of the curse whether that involves destroying the phases we will have to wait and see but no doubt we can expect a free faction war between the Transcendence alistair's group and Thomas group and I cannot wait to see it while this volume wasn't the most actually impact volume of index by any stretch it did have some really exciting moments in the Final Chapter but that wasn't the point of this volume it presented interesting moral dynamics that we learned more about the function of the the bridge Builders cabal and their contrast with Tomah regarding the Dilemma of Anna sprengel is it morally right to kill Anna is Tomah completely naive for saving her without a reason for it convincing himself that he will find one later on I can seriously see this decision backfiring on turmer super hard as Anna sprengel isn't the most trustworthy character in the world by any stretch so this decision could cause some interesting character development for Toma and some serious repercussions in the foreseeable future I love the world building and law this volume presented and I wasn't bored at all while reading it despite having a decent amount of exposition komachi integrates it well in a story with the dialogue of the characters while a lot of answers regarding the plot have been revealed there's still plenty of mysteries revolving Alice and Anna sprangle that definitely keeps me curious it just goes to show that index is a series where there is a lot of build up where you gotta be patient despite having a [ __ ] ton of build up volume in the past I honestly find it bizarre that some critics of the early GT volumes were quick to bandwagon on it thinking GT was gonna suck if anything it looks more promising than ever I haven't been this excited for the next index volume since like New Testament 18 or new testament 22 or 21. the future looks truly bright I'm going to be doing a live full discussion of the volume with Malcolm on the channel so check that out if you want to hear our thoughts and Analysis anyway I'm gonna rate Genesis Testament seven and nine out of 10 and I'll see you all next time bye-bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 17,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toaru Majutsu no Index, Index IV, Season 4, LN, NT, New Testament, Anime, Manga, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Misaka Mikoto, Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Toaru, To Aru, News, Discussion, Review, esper, Level 5, Magic, Thoughts, Analysis, Theory, Index III, Anna Sprengal, Aiwass, Aleister Crowley, Kamachi Kazuma, JC Staff, A Certain Magical Index, Battle, Versus, Fight, Dragon, spoilers, Academy City, Powers, Abilities, Aradia, Bologna Succubus, VS, GT7, Alice, Reaction
Id: MruXAznfn5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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