A Certain Magical Index Genesis Testament Volume 4 Review

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[Music] [Music] you what's up guys a enough horus here back with my genesis testament for review slash forts video so i'll be dropping my thoughts on the new volume up index as it has just been fully translated by jso6 so massive kudos to him just before we start the video i just want to mention that in the previous video i made about how magic works in index that i would make a similar video what to do with science and esper powers how espy powers actually work at 3 000 subscribers so if you can help me get to 3 000 subscribers that'd be a massive help from the channel so please consider supporting the channel to help us grow further if you enjoy the index and railgun series with that out of the way i want to talk about the volume itself now and this volume was decent it wasn't the best volume of all time in index but it wasn't terrible either it was somewhere in the middle but overall i really enjoyed the volume this volume definitely felt like a build up volume one that is building up to a giant climax right at the end so i'm looking forward to reading the climax of where this story is going and once that is written once we do have that climax i think it will improve my opinion of this volume looking back in retrospect so this volume had a mystery vibe kind of similar to new testament 16 where there was a massive heat wave going out through academy city but instead we have the reverse of that in los angeles with a massive cold wave with temperatures of minus 30 degrees combined with the fact that the entire population of la around 30 million people have gone completely missing so toma and style and kanzaki get sent to investigate and to attack r and c occultics hq who they believe is behind the disappearances i feel like the environmental changes in this volume were better handled than the ones in new testament 16 since i feel like that volume was just an excuse to get all the characters in swimsuits and this volume actually felt like actual tension and stakes in the story i felt like the prologue was a perfect introduction for showing us how dangerous this new environment in la can be by following an american civilian who falls victim to the mysterious disappearing magic so yeah style and gozaki make their return in this volume and it's also great to have them back as their interactions with toma are really interesting and fun uh while kanzaki does get taken out by the sand of magic early in the volume she still has a decent amount of screen time which is good enough for her character and style is definitely one of the best characters in this volume as the volume progresses and the mystery unravels itself it is revealed that a magician called sashinitas is defending the rnc occultics hq and is behind the disappearances in los angeles citrunitas takes the form of milzerbeth grocery the company executive of space engage who has gone missing in los angeles who actually made a partnership with rnc occultics a large portion of the volume is arguing if melzerbeth was actually a good person or not style arguing that she is a bad person who willingly cooperated with rnc occultics while turmer believes that she's a good person who was forced to while it is enjoyable to see styles cynical nature i must admit it was kind of obvious that tomorrow would be proven right in my opinion like i don't think any of the clues pointed to mel's beth being an actual bad person well that's just my opinion so i feel like the mystery was almost a bit too obvious at times in this volume our team of heroes also come across uh the daughter of melzebeth hellcalia and she has been taken hostage in the city as of course melzer beth was a good person and she had to cooperate with anna sprengel and rnc cultix because she had to protect her daughter and once she was no longer needed she was turned into sand by the sand magic used by trinitas from the cover you may think health callier will have a big role in this volume but to be honest she's mostly in the background and doesn't really do or say much most of her dialogue goes through termer's translator pen which translates index in like a google translate way while it was kind of amusing at first it kind of ruins most the dialogue used by some of the foreign characters in this volume since the grammar isn't the best and some of the words don't make sense but yeah hellcalia didn't really have much motivation apart from doubting whether her mum was a good or bad person that conflict was interesting at first but it didn't really last very long to be honest and she quickly just disappeared for the volume like in the last section or chapter so yeah overall hell talia wasn't the greatest character by any stretch so that part was definitely disappointing since she was seen to have been an important role but she wasn't and the main emotional drive of the volume is meant to be the relationship between hellcalia and melzerbeth you know the mother and daughter relationship but we don't really see them interact until the end when they're reunited so we can't really resonate that much emotionally with health helia how she feels about her mother since we've never seen him interact before it's just hey here's a girl who we need to help out who we feel sorry for so let's do it and put her mind at ease that her mother is not satan but why did rnc occultics need melzerbeth it's because of her technology known as the logistic hornets and i think these logistic hornets are pretty cool in design and function so they're meant to take people into space but they can also influence the environment around them which is how the cold wave starts in academy city and these environmental conditions are also necessary for citrinitas to use their magic so it's a combination of both magic and size which i find really interesting and kamachi does go into a lot of depth about how these two powers function together which i really appreciated you later find out the motivation for building the logistic hornets which was to give hellcalia the daughter who is very young a wedding in space and this was the father's idea he was deceased and mel's beth decided to turn it into a reality now i don't know if this was a wedding planned for the future i think it may have been but still it's kind of a weird motivation i couldn't really get behind i mean to be fair they are an indian family and arranged marriages and stuff like that are a thing but yeah at the same time it's like i can't really get behind that motivation at all so that's definitely another minus for the characters in this volume so yeah the main problem i had this volume is that the all the new characters that i introduced weren't likable really i mean that wasn't the case in genesis testament three since literally majority of the cast that were introduced were likable in some way or form but it's the opposite of this volume like almost none of them were anything special or likable in my opinion which is a shame but at least the old characters definitely stood out one interesting thing about this volume was that there were three like sub stories going on concurrently with the main story we had in los angeles so we had roberto catsay in washington dc then we had the worldwide commotion with the sisters the musical clones which did tie in with roberto cassie as well and also accelerate his trial in fact they all tied uh each other together and also tied into the main story at the end too which was nice to see it's nice to see these stories weren't here just for the sake of it and it all tied into what was going on in the volume so due to accelerators trial which is currently going on since he has confessed to murdering ten thousand musical clones he's now revealed to the world that these clones actually exist and are scattered across the world so the world is currently debating whether makoto clones are human or have a right to exist and then the unfortune convinces accelerator to uh allow the clones to be used in the attack on los angeles dion believes this is the best way to get the sisters to have true legitimacy and acceptance in the modern world while also threatening accelerator not to do anything bad to shiage after he was almost killed in the previous volume and really their conversation was one of the highlights of the volume for me it was really good and it was great to see dion giving accelerators some facts since accelerator is being a bit too hard on himself i know he did some terrible things in the past but the world really needs accelerator as anna sprengel is a massive threat to the world right now and honestly it'd be better for accelerate to be putting his power to be doing some good instead of taking a prison sentence or even being sentenced to death since japan still has the death sentence so in the next volume we could see accelerator on his way to the gallows obviously accelerator is not going to die and hopefully he will actually change his mind once anna sprengel's plan does come into actual motion meanwhile roberto catsey is under pressure over the operation overlord revenge which is the operation led by academy city and the anglican church to stop the rnc cultics in los angeles so he's under pressure for allowing the foreign force to be allowed into america but he had his reasons for doing so as it would be probably a bigger controversy if he asked american troops to turn on fellow americans he is debating against his political opponents and his vice president darris hewlane roberto has to discuss the legitimacy of the existence of clones stating that they have a right to exist like anyone else would have who is human regardless of race ethnicity gender etc meanwhile we do get a scene with makoto with her phone going crazy since everyone is reacting to the news of the clones existing and her panicking over what kuroko will think so i'm excited to see what the connotations are for the clones going public will be in the future volumes oh yeah and we got bitter makoto and shokodus volume not an awful lot but a tiny amount but still i don't get why i feel like komachi is just shilling them into every volume as of late like is this just to satisfy the real golden fans since i don't know makoto definitely deserved to be in this volume but shoguho i'm not quite sure and i say that as someone who loves shoko like she's my favorite girl in the series but yeah even in old testament we didn't have mikoto in every volume but now i feel like we're getting both of them in nearly every volume that's coming out nowadays i don't think they're in genesis testament three but literally every other volume as of late like the late volumes new testament and now the early volumes of genesis testament we're just getting misoka and shokoho even if the duo itself doesn't really have anything to do with the actual plot going on in the volume but i'd like to see that change and give some other characters spotlight because it's kind of getting crazy now how much kamachi is shilling this pairing it is later revealed that darris the vice president is in fact the bad guy so trinitas but he's using a double uh in washington dc while he debates with roberto casey while the real citroen itas is disguised as melzerbeth and that weird doll [ __ ] dog thing which they swap places in order to discredit and shame elizabeth darris wasn't an amazing villain by any stretch he was quite one-dimensional he was just jealous that roberto can't say like a complete idiot like a crazy ass american guy who just is pretty honest about his feelings and wasn't very educated but still became president climbed above him and he basically wanted to um use rnc equalities to bring his ideal version of america and basically assume power for himself so yeah pretty one-dimensional politician villain not much more needs to be said but again index doesn't really have many one-dimensional villains apart from some of the key horrors and a few other villains here and there a lot of them are multi-dimensional characters so it's not necessarily a bad thing but having a one-dimensional villain for a change roberto himself in his volume was more crazy than ever like jesus he had no chill whatsoever but it was honestly refreshing to see and he was a blast in every scene although i feel like the shotgun thing that was going on was a bit too crazy for even me like i was thinking really he just pulled out a shotgun like during a press conference to the world like his battling of the vice president with shotguns like that was a bit too crazy even for me but i still appreciated it like well i found it kind of weird how none of them got shot like they both were just battling these shotguns and none of them got hit even once that was a bit strange to me but yeah apart from that like roberto was completely batshit crazy he's definitely a chaotic good character in terms of his alignment but yeah he kind of reminds me of some presidents as of late who are really like american in terms of how over-the-top and audacious they are but roberto is a good person at heart so we'll forgive him sadly the end fight scene wasn't anything special it wasn't the best fight at all which is a shame but i feel like the mystery aspect of the volume was definitely the main draw rather than it being an action heavy volume and the mokoto clones did spring into action against a five over modeled off accelerator but i don't think we actually saw that fight which is disappointing since they they showed an illustration of it but we didn't really get a proper scene with them fighting it it kind of just like went away plus i missed it did i miss it you tell me the ending of this volume though was pretty god damn good i mean i didn't really care much for melzerberg and hellcalia getting that reunion okay it was satisfying just to see the conclusion of the main plot line but the juicy stuff happened after that from this volume we can definitely feel the political world of toharu changing as accelerator receives his sentence obviously we don't know what sentence he's going to get it's ever going to be many many many many many years behind bars or he's gonna be sentenced to death as i previously mentioned so yeah i'm excited to see what happens with that but man the scene you know what scene i'm gonna be fanboying about the scene with the human or demon alistair crowley okay aleister just went full no chill just complete savage in this volume and oh my god this guy or girl is completely just the goat that's just the only way to describe alistar alistair effectively storms rnc occultics hq and just murders everyone by himself and once he gets to the room of like the company executives he [ __ ] torches them to death like he sprays this water gun on them which puts this fluid on which attracts these mod genetically modified flies that basically put eggs into your body that basically eat your body from the inside by turning them into maggots and while that is going on he also makes them unable to move by passing this allergen through the air and he starts to carve away at them with a letter opener as they are completely vulnerable like how brutal can you get like that is [ __ ] zero chill aleister that is definitely probably the most gruesome and disturbing things alistair has ever done in the series because usually he's doing cruel [ __ ] behind the scenes and you know being the puppet master but this time we get to see him actually doing some cool [ __ ] himself and that was next level like he wanted to send a message to anna sprengel and i think he god damn dead and at the end of the volume we finally understand what anna sprengel's plan was by having the 30 million people disappear in los angeles it was essentially meant to act as a bait because anna sprengel wanted rnc occultics to be destroyed in order to spread unrest and riots throughout the world so the disappearances was basically forcing the world powers to intervene and force them to take out rnc cultix to get these riots to take place and it'll be interesting to see what anna sprengel will do due to this chaos and civil unrest at big corporations like rnc occultics as a result of what's happened and anna sprengel is working in tandem with other rosicrucian magicians although we don't know a lot about them one of them is called uh arcadia i think and another one is called alice but we don't know anything about them yet so we'll have to wait and see until what happens but yeah i think alistair may have predicted what anna was doing that it was just bait but rnc politics needed to be dealt with anyway even if it was bait or whatever uh a trap it still needs to be taken out by someone so yeah alistair is basically declaring war on anna spring at this moment in time he's basically said anna i'm here i'm ready to kill you let's get on to this so alistair seems to be putting his plan into motion i don't know what alistair is planning uh but we'll have to wait and see so i'm really [ __ ] hyped to see anna and alistair clash and you bet i'm team alistair alistair you better not drop to this you better [ __ ] win if you don't i'll be disappointed and yeah i think next volume might be an alistar volume but i can also probably see turmeric getting involved with accelerator next volume but um that might be later on in the story we don't know yet but that's what i'd like to see next volume anyway but yeah overall i'll give this volume a 7 out of 10. i feel like it was a good volume but there were a few flaws here and there and there are a few things about the plot that didn't really grasped me but it is a build a volume so you got to give it the benefit of the doubt because it's building up to better events i imagine but what it did do was develop the political world of torah so i can't wait to see where it goes in the future thank you for watching this video next i'll be doing a two arrow podcast discussing this volume in more detail with three or four others so stay tuned for that on the channel and yeah thanks for watching and i will see you all next time bye bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 4,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toaru, To Aru, Toaru Majutsu no Index, To Aru Majutsu no Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Reaction, Analysis, Discussion, NT, GT, New Testament, Souyaku, Anime, Light Novel, Manga, Misaka Mikoto, Kamijou Touma, Shokuhou Misaki, Accelerator, Stiyl Magnus, Kanzaki Kaori, Fight, Index IV, Season, Four, Index III, Light Novel Review, Chapter, Anime Review, Aleister Crowley, Anna Sprengal, Esper, Level 5, Magic, Spoiler, Spoilers, Railgun, Power
Id: 4cQusBBsA_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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